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// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
/// @file AP_Common.h
/// @brief Common definitions and utility routines for the ArduPilot
/// libraries.
#ifndef __AP_COMMON_H__
#define __AP_COMMON_H__
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wall"
#pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wextra"
#pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wlogical-op"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wredundant-decls"
// used to pack structures
#define PACKED __attribute__((__packed__))
// used to mark a function that may be unused in some builds
#define UNUSED_FUNCTION __attribute__((unused))
// this can be used to optimize individual functions
#define OPTIMIZE(level) __attribute__((optimize(level)))
// sometimes we need to prevent inlining to prevent large stack usage
#define NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline))
#define FORMAT(a,b) __attribute__((format(printf, a, b)))
#define FMT_SCANF(a,b) __attribute__((format(scanf, a, b)))
// Make some dire warnings into errors
// Some warnings indicate questionable code; rather than let
// these slide, we force them to become errors so that the
// developer has to find a safer alternative.
//#pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wfloat-equal"
// The following is strictly for type-checking arguments to printf calls
// in conjunction with a suitably modified Arduino IDE; never define for
// production as it generates bad code.
# define float double // silence spurious format warnings for %f
#define ToRad(x) radians(x) // *pi/180
#define ToDeg(x) degrees(x) // *180/pi
#define LOCATION_ALT_MAX_M 83000 // maximum altitude (in meters) that can be fit into Location structure's alt field
check if bit bitnumber is set in value, returned as a
bool. Bitnumber starts at 0 for the first bit
#define BIT_IS_SET(value, bitnumber) (((value) & (1U<<(bitnumber))) != 0)
// get high or low bytes from 2 byte integer
#define LOWBYTE(i) ((uint8_t)(i))
#define HIGHBYTE(i) ((uint8_t)(((uint16_t)(i))>>8))
template <typename T, size_t N>
char (&_ARRAY_SIZE_HELPER(T (&_arr)[N]))[N];
template <typename T>
char (&_ARRAY_SIZE_HELPER(T (&_arr)[0]))[0];
#define ARRAY_SIZE(_arr) sizeof(_ARRAY_SIZE_HELPER(_arr))
// @}
/// @name Types
/// Data structures and types used throughout the libraries and applications. 0 = default
/// bit 0: Altitude is stored 0: Absolute, 1: Relative
/// bit 1: Chnage Alt between WP 0: Gradually, 1: ASAP
/// bit 2: Direction of loiter command 0: Clockwise 1: Counter-Clockwise
/// bit 3: hit WP.alt to continue 0: No, 1: Yes
/// bit 4: Relative to Home 0: No, 1: Yes
/// bit 5:
/// bit 6:
/// bit 7: Move to next Command 0: YES, 1: Loiter until commanded
struct PACKED Location_Option_Flags {
uint8_t relative_alt : 1; // 1 if altitude is relateive to home
uint8_t unused1 : 1; // unused flag (defined so that loiter_ccw uses the correct bit)
uint8_t loiter_ccw : 1; // 0 if clockwise, 1 if counter clockwise
uint8_t terrain_alt : 1; // this altitude is above terrain
struct PACKED Location {
union {
Location_Option_Flags flags; ///< options bitmask (1<<0 = relative altitude)
uint8_t options; /// allows writing all flags to eeprom as one byte
// by making alt 24 bit we can make p1 in a command 16 bit,
// allowing an accurate angle in centi-degrees. This keeps the
// storage cost per mission item at 15 bytes, and allows mission
// altitudes of up to +/- 83km
int32_t alt:24; ///< param 2 - Altitude in centimeters (meters * 100)
int32_t lat; ///< param 3 - Lattitude * 10**7
int32_t lng; ///< param 4 - Longitude * 10**7
home states. Used to record if user has overridden home position.
enum HomeState {
HOME_UNSET, // home is unset, no GPS positions yet received
HOME_SET_NOT_LOCKED, // home is set to EKF origin or armed location (can be moved)
HOME_SET_AND_LOCKED // home has been set by user, cannot be moved except by user initiated do-set-home command
/// @name Conversions
/// Conversion macros and factors.
/* Product IDs for all supported products follow */
#define AP_PRODUCT_ID_NONE 0x00 // Hardware in the loop
#define AP_PRODUCT_ID_SITL 0x03 // Software in the loop
#define AP_PRODUCT_ID_PX4 0x04 // PX4 on NuttX
#define AP_PRODUCT_ID_PX4_V2 0x05 // PX4 FMU2 on NuttX
#define AP_PRODUCT_ID_FLYMAPLE 0x100 // Flymaple with ITG3205, ADXL345, HMC5883, BMP085
#define AP_PRODUCT_ID_L3G4200D 0x101 // Linux with L3G4200D and ADXL345
#define AP_PRODUCT_ID_PIXHAWK_FIRE_CAPE 0x102 // Linux with the PixHawk Fire Cape
#define AP_PRODUCT_ID_MPU9250 0x103 // MPU9250
#define AP_PRODUCT_ID_VRBRAIN 0x150 // VRBRAIN on NuttX
Return true if value is between lower and upper bound inclusive.
False otherwise.
bool is_bounded_int32(int32_t value, int32_t lower_bound, int32_t upper_bound);
#endif // _AP_COMMON_H