
93 lines
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#include "AP_Airspeed.h"
#include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h>
#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_GPS/AP_GPS.h>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>
void AP_Airspeed::check_sensor_failures()
for (uint8_t i=0; i<AIRSPEED_MAX_SENSORS; i++) {
void AP_Airspeed::check_sensor_ahrs_wind_max_failures(uint8_t i)
const uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
if ((now_ms - state[i].failures.last_check_ms) <= 200) {
// slow the checking rate
const float aspeed = get_airspeed();
const float wind_max = AP::ahrs().get_max_wind();
if (aspeed <= 0 || wind_max <= 0) {
// invalid estimates
state[i].failures.last_check_ms = now_ms;
// update state[i].failures.health_probability via LowPassFilter
float speed_accuracy;
const AP_GPS &gps = AP::gps();
if (gps.speed_accuracy(speed_accuracy)) {
const float gnd_speed = gps.ground_speed();
if (aspeed > (gnd_speed + wind_max) || aspeed < (gnd_speed - wind_max)) {
// bad, decay fast
const float probability_coeff = 0.90f;
//state[i].failures.health_probability = probability_coeff*state[i].failures.health_probability + (1.0f-probability_coeff)*0.0f;
state[i].failures.health_probability = probability_coeff*state[i].failures.health_probability; // equivalent
} else if (aspeed < (gnd_speed + wind_max) && aspeed > (gnd_speed - wind_max)) {
// good, grow slow
const float probability_coeff = 0.98f;
state[i].failures.health_probability = probability_coeff*state[i].failures.health_probability + (1.0f-probability_coeff)*1.0f;
// Now check if we need to disable or enable the sensor
// here are some probability thresholds
static const float DISABLE_PROB_THRESH_CRIT = 0.1f;
static const float DISABLE_PROB_THRESH_WARN = 0.5f;
static const float RE_ENABLE_PROB_THRESH_OK = 0.95f;
// if "disable" option is allowed and sensor is enabled
if (param[i].use > 0 && (AP_Airspeed::OptionsMask::ON_FAILURE_AHRS_WIND_MAX_DO_DISABLE & _options)) {
// and is probably not healthy
if (state[i].failures.health_probability < DISABLE_PROB_THRESH_CRIT) {
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Airspeed sensor %d failure. Disabling", i+1);
state[i].failures.param_use_backup = param[i].use;
state[i].healthy = false;
// and is probably getting close to not healthy
} else if ((state[i].failures.health_probability < DISABLE_PROB_THRESH_WARN) && !state[i].failures.has_warned) {
state[i].failures.has_warned = true;
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "Airspeed sensor %d warning", i+1);
} else if (state[i].failures.health_probability > RE_ENABLE_PROB_THRESH_OK) {
state[i].failures.has_warned = false;
// if Re-Enable options is allowed, and sensor is disabled but was previously enabled, and is probably healthy
} else if (param[i].use == 0 &&
(AP_Airspeed::OptionsMask::ON_FAILURE_AHRS_WIND_MAX_RECOVERY_DO_REENABLE & _options) &&
state[i].failures.param_use_backup > 0 &&
state[i].failures.health_probability > RE_ENABLE_PROB_THRESH_OK) {
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE, "Airspeed sensor %d now OK. Re-enabled", i+1);
param[i].use.set_and_notify(state[i].failures.param_use_backup); // resume
state[i].failures.param_use_backup = -1; // set to invalid so we don't use it
state[i].failures.has_warned = false;