mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 04:53:58 -03:00
add popouts in config/setup add more text to hud heading nw,ne,sw,se add 5 m filter to antenna tracker add refresh param buttons remove the word old, as people still want it. modify telem playback interface with slider bars add posible fix to bad grid spacing move mavlink code.
275 lines
9.8 KiB
275 lines
9.8 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using ZedGraph;
using AGaugeApp;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Threading;
namespace ArdupilotMega
public partial class RAW_Sensor : Form
// for graph
RollingPointPairList list1 = new RollingPointPairList(10 * 50);
RollingPointPairList list2 = new RollingPointPairList(10 * 50);
RollingPointPairList list3 = new RollingPointPairList(10 * 50);
RollingPointPairList list4 = new RollingPointPairList(10 * 50);
RollingPointPairList list5 = new RollingPointPairList(10 * 50);
RollingPointPairList list6 = new RollingPointPairList(10 * 50);
object thisLock = new object();
int tickStart = 0;
public RAW_Sensor()
CreateChart(zg1, "Raw Sensors", "Time", "Raw Data");
public struct plot
public string Name;
public RollingPointPairList PointList;
public Color color;
public void CreateChart(ZedGraphControl zgc,string Title, string XAxis, string YAxis)
GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;
// Set the titles and axis labels
myPane.Title.Text = Title;
myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = XAxis;
myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = YAxis;
LineItem myCurve;
myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Accel X", list1, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);
myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Accel Y", list2, Color.Green, SymbolType.None);
myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Accel Z", list3, Color.SandyBrown, SymbolType.None);
myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Gyro X", list4, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);
myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Gyro Y", list5, Color.Black, SymbolType.None);
myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Gyro Z", list6, Color.Violet, SymbolType.None);
// Show the x axis grid
myPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true;
myPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = 0;
myPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = 5;
// Make the Y axis scale red
myPane.YAxis.Scale.FontSpec.FontColor = Color.Red;
myPane.YAxis.Title.FontSpec.FontColor = Color.Red;
// turn off the opposite tics so the Y tics don't show up on the Y2 axis
myPane.YAxis.MajorTic.IsOpposite = false;
myPane.YAxis.MinorTic.IsOpposite = false;
// Don't display the Y zero line
myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsZeroLine = true;
// Align the Y axis labels so they are flush to the axis
myPane.YAxis.Scale.Align = AlignP.Inside;
// Manually set the axis range
//myPane.YAxis.Scale.Min = -1;
//myPane.YAxis.Scale.Max = 1;
// Fill the axis background with a gradient
myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.LightGray, 45.0f);
// Sample at 20ms intervals
timer1.Interval = 100;
timer1.Enabled = true;
// Calculate the Axis Scale Ranges
tickStart = Environment.TickCount;
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
double time = (Environment.TickCount - tickStart) / 1000.0;
// Make sure that the curvelist has at least one curve
if (zg1.GraphPane == null || zg1.GraphPane.CurveList.Count <= 0)
// Get the first CurveItem in the graph
LineItem curve = zg1.GraphPane.CurveList[0] as LineItem;
if (curve == null)
// Get the PointPairList
IPointListEdit list = curve.Points as IPointListEdit;
// If this is null, it means the reference at curve.Points does not
// support IPointListEdit, so we won't be able to modify it
if (list == null)
// Time is measured in seconds
//double time = (Environment.TickCount - tickStart) / 1000.0;
// Keep the X scale at a rolling 30 second interval, with one
// major step between the max X value and the end of the axis
Scale xScale = zg1.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale;
if (time > xScale.Max - xScale.MajorStep)
xScale.Max = time + xScale.MajorStep;
xScale.Min = xScale.Max - 10.0;
// Make sure the Y axis is rescaled to accommodate actual data
catch { }
// Force a redraw
private void timer2serial_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.IsOpen && !MainV2.comPort.logreadmode)
//Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.Millisecond + " timer2 serial");
catch { }
if (sw != null && sw.BaseStream.CanWrite)
sw.WriteLine(string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}",DateTime.Now.ToString(), MainV2.cs.ax, MainV2.cs.ay, MainV2.cs.az, MainV2.cs.gx,MainV2.cs.gy, MainV2.cs.gz));
double time = (Environment.TickCount - tickStart) / 1000.0;
if (chkax.Checked)
list1.Add(time, ArdupilotMega.MainV2.cs.ax);
else { list1.Clear(); }
if (chkay.Checked)
list2.Add(time, ArdupilotMega.MainV2.cs.ay);
else { list2.Clear(); }
if (chkaz.Checked)
list3.Add(time, ArdupilotMega.MainV2.cs.az);
else { list3.Clear(); }
if (chkgx.Checked)
list4.Add(time, ArdupilotMega.MainV2.cs.gx);
else { list4.Clear(); }
if (chkgy.Checked)
list5.Add(time, ArdupilotMega.MainV2.cs.gy);
else { list5.Clear(); }
if (chkgz.Checked)
list6.Add(time, ArdupilotMega.MainV2.cs.gz);
else { list6.Clear(); }
private void ACM_Setup_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
timer2serial.Interval = 10;
timer2serial.Enabled = true;
tabControl.SelectedTab = tabRadio;
tabControl.SelectedTab = tabRawSensor;
//tabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e);
private void ACM_Setup_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
if (MainV2.comPort != null && MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.IsOpen)
if (sw != null)
catch { }
private void tabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.IsOpen && !MainV2.comPort.logreadmode)
CustomMessageBox.Show("Please connect first");
//comPort.DtrEnable = true;
//comPort.stopall(true); // ensure off
//comPort.requestDatastream((byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink09.MAV_DATA_STREAM.EXTENDED_STATUS, 0); // mode gps raw
//comPort.requestDatastream((byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink09.MAV_DATA_STREAM.POSITION, 3); // request location
//comPort.requestDatastream((byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink09.MAV_DATA_STREAM.EXTRA1, 3); // request attitude
//comPort.requestDatastream((byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink09.MAV_DATA_STREAM.EXTRA2, 3); // request vfr
MainV2.comPort.requestDatastream((byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_DATA_STREAM.RAW_SENSORS, MainV2.cs.ratesensors); // request raw sensor
//comPort.requestDatastream((byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink09.MAV_DATA_STREAM.RC_CHANNELS, 3); // request rc info
CustomMessageBox.Show("Comport open failed");
private void CMB_rawupdaterate_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
MainV2.cs.ratesensors = (byte)int.Parse(CMB_rawupdaterate.Text);
MainV2.comPort.requestDatastream((byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_DATA_STREAM.RAW_SENSORS, (byte)int.Parse(CMB_rawupdaterate.Text)); // request raw sensor
System.IO.StreamWriter sw = null;
private void BUT_savecsv_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SaveFileDialog ofd = new SaveFileDialog();
ofd.AddExtension = true;
ofd.DefaultExt = ".csv";
if (ofd.FileName != "")
sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(ofd.OpenFile());