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Script to control LED strips based on the roll of the aircraft. This is an example to demonstrate
the LED interface for WS2812 LEDs
for this demo we will use a single strip with 30 LEDs
local num_leds = 30
use SERVOn_FUNCTION 94 for LED. We can control up to 16 separate strips of LEDs
by putting them on different channels
local chan = SRV_Channels:find_channel(94)
if not chan then
gcs:send_text(6, "LEDs: channel not set")
-- find_channel returns 0 to 15, convert to 1 to 16
chan = chan + 1
gcs:send_text(6, "LEDs: chan=" .. tostring(chan))
-- initialisation code
serialLED:set_num_LEDs(chan, num_leds)
-- constrain a value between limits
function constrain(v, vmin, vmax)
if v < vmin then
v = vmin
if v > vmax then
v = vmax
return v
Table of colors on a rainbow, red first
local rainbow = {
{ 255, 0, 0 },
{ 255, 127, 0 },
{ 255, 255, 0 },
{ 0, 255, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 255 },
{ 75, 0, 130 },
{ 143, 0, 255 },
Function to set a LED to a color on a classic rainbow spectrum, with v=0 giving red
function set_Rainbow(chan, led, v)
local num_rows = #rainbow
local row = math.floor(constrain(v * (num_rows-1)+1, 1, num_rows-1))
local v0 = (row-1) / (num_rows-1)
local v1 = row / (num_rows-1)
local p = (v - v0) / (v1 - v0)
r = math.floor(rainbow[row][1] + p * (rainbow[row+1][1] - rainbow[row][1]))
g = math.floor(rainbow[row][2] + p * (rainbow[row+1][2] - rainbow[row][2]))
b = math.floor(rainbow[row][3] + p * (rainbow[row+1][3] - rainbow[row][3]))
serialLED:set_RGB(chan, uint32_t(1 << led), r, g, b)
We will set the colour of the LEDs based on roll of the aircraft
function update_LEDs()
local roll = constrain(ahrs:get_roll(), math.rad(-60), math.rad(60))
for led = 0, num_leds-1 do
local v = constrain(0.5 + 0.5 * math.sin(roll * (led - num_leds/2) / (num_leds/2)), 0, 1)
set_Rainbow(chan, led, v)
return update_LEDs, 20 -- run at 50Hz
return update_LEDs, 1000