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drtrigon 3a0ed5446a AP_Scripting: select auto or manual gimbal/camera control mode
I have a camera that has picture and video trigger on the same channel. As ArduPilot is not able to handle that currently I wrote a script that allows to switch between auto and manual gimbal and camera control modes. Switching to manual camera control allows to enable picture as well as video trigger.
2021-10-27 18:40:42 +11:00

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Gimbal_Camera_Mode Lua Script

This script is a useful tool when using gimbal and camera. You can use it to switch between manual and auto control for mission mode. It is meant for use with a transmitter that has a free switch available (3-pos).

How it works

The camera is setup for picture trigger during auto but can do other things e.g. video during manual mode also. The script changes parameters but does not store them. It changes the SERVO<X>_FUNCTIONs and switches between RCIN<X> (pass-through) and mount_tilt, mount_roll and camera_trigger. In order to see the stored parameter values, disable the script (SCR_USER1) and reboot the FC.


The control modes set by the 3-pos switch are as follows:

  • Gimbal-Cam mode manual: Gimbal and Camera in manual control mode (pass-through)

  • Gimbal-Cam mode auto/manual: Gimbal auto and Camera in manual control mode

  • Gimbal-Cam mode auto: Gimbal and Camera in auto control mode (controlled by ArduPilot and mission)

Setup and Use

  • If you have not done so already, follow the instructions on ArduPilot's wiki page to enable auto camera and gimbal control.

  • Also configure channels for manual control.

  • For example I then have (to convert the values use https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/parameters.html):

    • SERVO8_FUNCTION = 7 (mount_tilt) leads to MNT_RC_IN_TILT = 9 (RC9) and to RCIN9 (59)

    • SERVO9_FUNCTION = 8 (mount_roll) leads to MNT_RC_IN_ROLL = 10 (RC10) and to RCIN10 (60)

    • SERVOn_FUNCTION = ? (mount_pan) is not used in this example

    • SERVO10_FUNCTION = 10 (camera_trigger) leads to RC12_OPTION = 9 (Camera Trigger) and to RCIN12 (62)

  • Now fill these into the script Gimbal_Camera_Mode.lua:

 -- low: set gimbal and cam to manual mode (RCIN9, RCIN10, RCIN12)

 -- middle: set gimbal to auto and cam to manual mode (mount_tilt, mount_roll, RCIN12)

 -- high: set gimbal and cam to auto mode (mount_tilt, mount_roll, camera_trigger)

(these settings in 'update()' could be automatically derived if Gimbal and Camera are fully setup, but that would cause a bigger memory footprint of the script and increase the chance of faulty behaviour also)

  • To get appropriate feedback from the script it is advised to set SCR_DEBUG_LVL to 3 during setup.

  • Load the modified Gimbal_Camera_Mode.lua to the 'scripts' folder on your flight controller.

  • Reboot your flight controller.

  • Set RC<X>_OPTION to 300 for the RC input channel that corresponds to the switch that you would like to control the mode.

  • Set SCR_USER1 to 1 in order to enable the script and allow it to run.

  • Test the script by moving the switch and checking the log messages output.

Output Messages

"LUA: Gimbal-Cam mode started"

The script has been started and runs now.

This message is usually immediately followed by "LUA: Gimbal-Cam mode < X >". If NOT, it might be disabled, check SCR_USER1. The script should run as soon as setting SCR_USER1 to 1 (if not, there is a major error with lua scripting in general as the parameter SCR_USER1 cannot be read).

"LUA: RC channels not set"

The RC channel is not set to the scripting channel (300). Set it!

"LUA: Gimbal-Cam mode < X >"

Mode chosen, confer 'Modes' above.

"LUA: param set failed"

Failed to set parameter. Script will persist to try and set parameters without exiting. If this message continues to show, consider landing and investigating the underlying issue.

Known Issues

Manual and auto modes do not have same travel as SERVOn_ settings are ignored for "pass-through" RCINn channels - a scaled and bounded variant must be introduced and used here.