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193 lines
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Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
fit coefficients for battery percentate from resting voltage
See AP_Scripting/applets/BattEstimate.lua
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument("--no-graph", action='store_true', default=False, help='disable graph display')
parser.add_argument("--num-cells", type=int, default=0, help='cell count, zero for auto-detection')
parser.add_argument("--batidx", type=int, default=1, help='battery index')
parser.add_argument("--condition", default=None, help='match condition')
parser.add_argument("--final-pct", type=float, default=100.0, help='set final percentage in log')
parser.add_argument("--comparison", type=str, default=None, help='comparison coefficients')
parser.add_argument("log", metavar="LOG")
args = parser.parse_args()
import sys
import math
from pymavlink import mavutil
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
def constrain(value, minv, maxv):
"""Constrain a value to a range."""
return max(min(value,maxv),minv)
def SOC_model(cell_volt, c):
'''simple model of state of charge versus resting voltage.
With thanks to Roho for the form of the equation
p0 = 80.0
p1 = c[2]
return constrain(c[0]*(1.0-1.0/math.pow(1+math.pow(cell_volt/c[1],p0),p1)),0,100)
def fit_batt(data):
'''fit a set of battery data to the SOC model'''
from scipy import optimize
def fit_error(p):
p = list(p)
ret = 0
for (voltR,pct) in data:
error = pct - SOC_model(voltR, p)
ret += abs(error)
ret /= len(data)
return ret
p = [123.0, 3.7, 0.165]
bounds = [(100.0, 10000.0), (3.0,3.9), (0.001, 0.4)]
(p,err,iterations,imode,smode) = optimize.fmin_slsqp(fit_error, p, bounds=bounds, iter=10000, full_output=True)
if imode != 0:
print("Fit failed: %s" % smode)
return p
def ExtractDataLog(logfile):
'''find battery fit parameters from a log file'''
print("Processing log %s" % logfile)
mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(logfile)
Wh_total = 0.0
last_t = None
data = []
last_voltR = None
while True:
msg = mlog.recv_match(type=['BAT'], condition=args.condition)
if msg is None:
if msg.get_type() == 'BAT' and msg.Instance == args.batidx-1 and msg.VoltR > 1:
current = msg.Curr
voltR = msg.VoltR
if last_voltR is not None and voltR > last_voltR:
last_voltR = voltR
power = current*voltR
t = msg.TimeUS*1.0e-6
if last_t is None:
last_t = t
dt = t - last_t
if dt < 0.5:
# 2Hz data is plenty
last_t = t
Wh_total += (power*dt)/3600.0
if len(data) == 0:
print("No data found")
# calculate total pack capacity based on final percentage
Wh_max = data[-1][1]/(args.final_pct*0.01)
fit_data = []
for i in range(len(data)):
(voltR,Wh) = data[i]
SOC = 100-100*Wh/Wh_max
fit_data.append((voltR, SOC))
print("Loaded %u samples" % len(data))
return fit_data
def ExtractDataCSV(logfile):
'''find battery fit parameters from a CSV file'''
print("Processing CSV %s" % logfile)
lines = open(logfile,'r').readlines()
fit_data = []
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("#"):
v = line.split(',')
if len(v) != 2:
if not v[0][0].isnumeric() or not v[1][0].isnumeric():
return fit_data
def BattFit(fit_data, num_cells):
fit_data = [ (v/num_cells,p) for (v,p) in fit_data ]
c = fit_batt(fit_data)
print("Coefficients C1=%.4f C2=%.4f C3=%.4f" % (c[0], c[1], c[2]))
if args.no_graph:
fig, axs = pyplot.subplots()
np_volt = np.array([v for (v,p) in fit_data])
np_pct = np.array([p for (v,p) in fit_data])
axs.plot(np_volt, np_pct, label='SOC')
np_rem = np.zeros(0,dtype=float)
# pad down to 3.2V to make it easier to visualise for logs that don't go to a low voltage
low_volt = np_volt[-1]
while low_volt > 3.2:
low_volt -= 0.1
np_volt = np.append(np_volt, low_volt)
for i in range(np_volt.size):
voltR = np_volt[i]
np_rem = np.append(np_rem, SOC_model(voltR, c))
axs.plot(np_volt, np_rem, label='SOC Fit')
if args.comparison:
c2 = args.comparison.split(',')
c2 = [ float(x) for x in c2 ]
np_rem2 = np.zeros(0,dtype=float)
for i in range(np_volt.size):
voltR = np_volt[i]
np_rem2 = np.append(np_rem2, SOC_model(voltR, c2))
axs.plot(np_volt, np_rem2, label='SOC Fit2')
axs.legend(loc='upper left')
axs.set_title('Battery Fit')
def get_cell_count(data):
if args.num_cells != 0:
return args.num_cells
volts = [ v[0] for v in data ]
volts = sorted(volts)
num_cells = round(volts[-1]/4.2)
print("Max voltags %.1f num_cells %u" % (volts[-1], num_cells))
return num_cells
if args.log.upper().endswith(".CSV"):
fit_data = ExtractDataCSV(args.log)
fit_data = ExtractDataLog(args.log)
num_cells = get_cell_count(fit_data)
BattFit(fit_data, num_cells)