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synced 2025-03-10 08:34:17 -03:00
AP_Arming tacks on the sub-system bit. Remove PiccoloCAN's silly nullptr check Require the library to supply the failure message (no default message) Remove default cases so authors know to think about places they should add things.
627 lines
18 KiB
627 lines
18 KiB
* This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Author: Oliver Walters
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h>
#include "AP_PiccoloCAN.h"
#include <uavcan/uavcan.hpp>
#include <uavcan/driver/can.hpp>
#include <AP_BoardConfig/AP_BoardConfig.h>
#include <AP_BoardConfig/AP_BoardConfig_CAN.h>
#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_Scheduler/AP_Scheduler.h>
#include <AP_HAL/utility/sparse-endian.h>
#include <SRV_Channel/SRV_Channel.h>
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>
#include <AP_Logger/AP_Logger.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <AP_PiccoloCAN/piccolo_protocol/ESCVelocityProtocol.h>
#include <AP_PiccoloCAN/piccolo_protocol/ESCPackets.h>
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
static const uint8_t CAN_IFACE_INDEX = 0;
#define debug_can(level_debug, fmt, args...) do { if ((level_debug) <= AP::can().get_debug_level_driver(_driver_index)) { printf(fmt, ##args); }} while (0)
debug_can(2, "PiccoloCAN: constructed\n\r");
AP_PiccoloCAN *AP_PiccoloCAN::get_pcan(uint8_t driver_index)
if (driver_index >= AP::can().get_num_drivers() ||
AP::can().get_protocol_type(driver_index) != AP_BoardConfig_CAN::Protocol_Type_PiccoloCAN) {
return nullptr;
return static_cast<AP_PiccoloCAN*>(AP::can().get_driver(driver_index));
// initialize PiccoloCAN bus
void AP_PiccoloCAN::init(uint8_t driver_index, bool enable_filters)
_driver_index = driver_index;
debug_can(2, "PiccoloCAN: starting init\n\r");
if (_initialized) {
debug_can(1, "PiccoloCAN: already initialized\n\r");
AP_HAL::CANManager* can_mgr = hal.can_mgr[driver_index];
if (can_mgr == nullptr) {
debug_can(1, "PiccoloCAN: no mgr for this driver\n\r");
if (!can_mgr->is_initialized()) {
debug_can(1, "PiccoloCAN: mgr not initialized\n\r");
_can_driver = can_mgr->get_driver();
if (_can_driver == nullptr) {
debug_can(1, "PiccoloCAN: no CAN driver\n\r");
// start calls to loop in separate thread
if (!hal.scheduler->thread_create(FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_PiccoloCAN::loop, void), _thread_name, 4096, AP_HAL::Scheduler::PRIORITY_MAIN, 1)) {
debug_can(1, "PiccoloCAN: couldn't create thread\n\r");
_initialized = true;
snprintf(_thread_name, sizeof(_thread_name), "PiccoloCAN_%u", driver_index);
debug_can(2, "PiccoloCAN: init done\n\r");
// loop to send output to CAN devices in background thread
void AP_PiccoloCAN::loop()
uavcan::CanFrame txFrame;
uavcan::CanFrame rxFrame;
// How often to transmit CAN messages (milliseconds)
#define CMD_TX_PERIOD 10
uint16_t txCounter = 0;
// CAN Frame ID components
uint8_t frame_id_group; // Piccolo message group
uint16_t frame_id_device; // Device identifier
uavcan::MonotonicTime timeout;
while (true) {
if (!_initialized) {
debug_can(2, "PiccoloCAN: not initialized\n\r");
timeout = uavcan::MonotonicTime::fromUSec(AP_HAL::micros64() + 250);
// 1ms loop delay
hal.scheduler->delay_microseconds(1 * 1000);
// Transmit CAN commands at regular intervals
if (txCounter++ > CMD_TX_PERIOD) {
txCounter = 0;
// Transmit ESC commands
// Look for any message responses on the CAN bus
while (read_frame(rxFrame, timeout)) {
frame_id_group = (rxFrame.id >> 24) & 0x1F;
frame_id_device = (rxFrame.id >> 8) & 0xFF;
// Only accept extended messages
if ((rxFrame.id & uavcan::CanFrame::FlagEFF) == 0) {
switch (MessageGroup(frame_id_group)) {
// ESC messages exist in the ACTUATOR group
case MessageGroup::ACTUATOR:
switch (ActuatorType(frame_id_device)) {
case ActuatorType::ESC:
if (handle_esc_message(rxFrame)) {
// Returns true if the message was successfully decoded
// Unknown actuator type
// write frame on CAN bus, returns true on success
bool AP_PiccoloCAN::write_frame(uavcan::CanFrame &out_frame, uavcan::MonotonicTime timeout)
if (!_initialized) {
debug_can(1, "PiccoloCAN: Driver not initialized for write_frame\n\r");
return false;
// wait for space in buffer to send command
uavcan::CanSelectMasks inout_mask;
do {
inout_mask.read = 0;
inout_mask.write = (1 << CAN_IFACE_INDEX);
_select_frames[CAN_IFACE_INDEX] = &out_frame;
_can_driver->select(inout_mask, _select_frames, timeout);
if (!inout_mask.write) {
} while (!inout_mask.write);
return (_can_driver->getIface(CAN_IFACE_INDEX)->send(out_frame, timeout, uavcan::CanIOFlagAbortOnError) == 1);
// read frame on CAN bus, returns true on succses
bool AP_PiccoloCAN::read_frame(uavcan::CanFrame &recv_frame, uavcan::MonotonicTime timeout)
if (!_initialized) {
debug_can(1, "PiccoloCAN: Driver not initialized for read_frame\n\r");
return false;
uavcan::CanSelectMasks inout_mask;
inout_mask.read = 1 << CAN_IFACE_INDEX;
inout_mask.write = 0;
_select_frames[CAN_IFACE_INDEX] = &recv_frame;
_can_driver->select(inout_mask, _select_frames, timeout);
if (!inout_mask.read) {
// No frame available
return false;
uavcan::MonotonicTime time;
uavcan::UtcTime utc_time;
uavcan::CanIOFlags flags {};
return (_can_driver->getIface(CAN_IFACE_INDEX)->receive(recv_frame, time, utc_time, flags) == 1);
// called from SRV_Channels
void AP_PiccoloCAN::update()
uint64_t timestamp = AP_HAL::micros64();
/* Read out the ESC commands from the channel mixer */
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < PICCOLO_CAN_MAX_NUM_ESC; i++) {
// Check each channel to determine if a motor function is assigned
SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t motor_function = SRV_Channels::get_motor_function(i);
if (SRV_Channels::function_assigned(motor_function)) {
uint16_t output = 0;
if (SRV_Channels::get_output_pwm(motor_function, output)) {
_esc_info[i].command = output;
_esc_info[i].newCommand = true;
AP_Logger *logger = AP_Logger::get_singleton();
// Push received telemtry data into the logging system
if (logger && logger->logging_enabled()) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < PICCOLO_CAN_MAX_NUM_ESC; i++) {
PiccoloESC_Info_t &esc = _esc_info[i];
if (esc.newTelemetry) {
logger->Write_ESC(i, timestamp,
(int32_t) esc.statusA.rpm * 100,
(int16_t) esc.statusB.escTemperature,
0, // TODO - Accumulated current
(int16_t) esc.statusB.motorTemperature);
esc.newTelemetry = false;
// send ESC telemetry messages over MAVLink
void AP_PiccoloCAN::send_esc_telemetry_mavlink(uint8_t mav_chan)
// Arrays to store ESC telemetry data
uint8_t temperature[4] {};
uint16_t voltage[4] {};
uint16_t rpm[4] {};
uint16_t count[4] {};
uint16_t current[4] {};
uint16_t totalcurrent[4] {};
bool dataAvailable = false;
uint8_t idx = 0;
for (uint8_t ii = 0; ii < PICCOLO_CAN_MAX_NUM_ESC; ii++) {
// Calculate index within storage array
idx = (ii % 4);
PiccoloESC_Info_t &esc = _esc_info[idx];
// Has the ESC been heard from recently?
if (is_esc_present(ii)) {
dataAvailable = true;
temperature[idx] = esc.statusB.escTemperature;
voltage[idx] = esc.statusB.voltage;
current[idx] = esc.statusB.current;
totalcurrent[idx] = 0;
rpm[idx] = esc.statusA.rpm;
count[idx] = 0;
} else {
temperature[idx] = 0;
voltage[idx] = 0;
current[idx] = 0;
totalcurrent[idx] = 0;
rpm[idx] = 0;
count[idx] = 0;
// Send ESC telemetry in groups of 4
if ((ii % 4) == 3) {
if (dataAvailable) {
if (!HAVE_PAYLOAD_SPACE((mavlink_channel_t) mav_chan, ESC_TELEMETRY_1_TO_4)) {
switch (ii) {
case 3:
mavlink_msg_esc_telemetry_1_to_4_send((mavlink_channel_t) mav_chan, temperature, voltage, current, totalcurrent, rpm, count);
case 7:
mavlink_msg_esc_telemetry_5_to_8_send((mavlink_channel_t) mav_chan, temperature, voltage, current, totalcurrent, rpm, count);
case 11:
mavlink_msg_esc_telemetry_9_to_12_send((mavlink_channel_t) mav_chan, temperature, voltage, current, totalcurrent, rpm, count);
dataAvailable = false;
// send ESC messages over CAN
void AP_PiccoloCAN::send_esc_messages(void)
uavcan::CanFrame txFrame;
uavcan::MonotonicTime timeout = uavcan::MonotonicTime::fromUSec(AP_HAL::micros64() + 250);
// TODO - How to buffer CAN messages properly?
// Sending more than 2 messages at each loop instance means that sometimes messages are dropped
if (hal.util->get_soft_armed()) {
bool send_cmd = false;
int16_t cmd[4] {};
uint8_t idx;
// Transmit bulk command packets to 4x ESC simultaneously
for (uint8_t ii = 0; ii < PICCOLO_CAN_MAX_GROUP_ESC; ii++) {
send_cmd = false;
for (uint8_t jj = 0; jj < 4; jj++) {
idx = (ii * 4) + jj;
/* Check if the ESC is software-inhibited.
* If so, send a message to enable it.
if (is_esc_present(idx) && !is_esc_enabled(idx)) {
txFrame.id |= (idx + 1);
write_frame(txFrame, timeout);
else if (_esc_info[idx].newCommand) {
send_cmd = true;
cmd[jj] = _esc_info[idx].command;
_esc_info[idx].newCommand = false;
} else {
// A command of 0xFFFF is 'out of range' and will be ignored by the corresponding ESC
cmd[jj] = 0xFFFF;
if (send_cmd) {
// Broadcast the command to all ESCs
txFrame.id |= 0xFF;
write_frame(txFrame, timeout);
} else {
// System is NOT armed - send a "disable" message to all ESCs on the bus
// Command all ESC into software disable mode
// Set the ESC address to the broadcast ID (0xFF)
txFrame.id |= 0xFF;
write_frame(txFrame, timeout);
// interpret an ESC message received over CAN
bool AP_PiccoloCAN::handle_esc_message(uavcan::CanFrame &frame)
uint64_t timestamp = AP_HAL::micros64();
// The ESC address is the lower byte of the address
uint8_t addr = frame.id & 0xFF;
// Ignore any ESC with node ID of zero
if (addr == 0x00) {
return false;
// Subtract to get the address in memory
addr -= 1;
// Maximum number of ESCs allowed
if (addr >= PICCOLO_CAN_MAX_NUM_ESC) {
return false;
PiccoloESC_Info_t &esc = _esc_info[addr];
bool result = true;
// Throw the packet against each decoding routine
if (decodeESC_StatusAPacketStructure(&frame, &esc.statusA)) {
esc.newTelemetry = true;
} else if (decodeESC_StatusBPacketStructure(&frame, &esc.statusB)) {
esc.newTelemetry = true;
} else if (decodeESC_FirmwarePacketStructure(&frame, &esc.firmware)) {
} else if (decodeESC_AddressPacketStructure(&frame, &esc.address)) {
} else if (decodeESC_EEPROMSettingsPacketStructure(&frame, &esc.eeprom)) {
} else {
result = false;
if (result) {
// Reset the Rx timestamp
esc.last_rx_msg_timestamp = timestamp;
return result;
bool AP_PiccoloCAN::is_esc_present(uint8_t chan, uint64_t timeout_ms)
if (chan >= PICCOLO_CAN_MAX_NUM_ESC) {
return false;
PiccoloESC_Info_t &esc = _esc_info[chan];
// No messages received from this ESC
if (esc.last_rx_msg_timestamp == 0) {
return false;
uint64_t now = AP_HAL::micros64();
uint64_t timeout_us = timeout_ms * 1000;
if (now > (esc.last_rx_msg_timestamp + timeout_us)) {
return false;
return true;
bool AP_PiccoloCAN::is_esc_enabled(uint8_t chan)
if (chan >= PICCOLO_CAN_MAX_NUM_ESC) {
return false;
// If the ESC is not present, we cannot determine if it is enabled or not
if (!is_esc_present(chan)) {
return false;
PiccoloESC_Info_t &esc = _esc_info[chan];
if (esc.statusA.status.hwInhibit || esc.statusA.status.swInhibit) {
return false;
// ESC is present, and enabled
return true;
bool AP_PiccoloCAN::pre_arm_check(char* reason, uint8_t reason_len)
// Check that each required ESC is present on the bus
for (uint8_t ii = 0; ii < PICCOLO_CAN_MAX_NUM_ESC; ii++) {
SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t motor_function = SRV_Channels::get_motor_function(ii);
// There is a motor function assigned to this channel
if (SRV_Channels::function_assigned(motor_function)) {
if (!is_esc_present(ii)) {
snprintf(reason, reason_len, "ESC %u not detected", ii + 1);
return false;
PiccoloESC_Info_t &esc = _esc_info[ii];
if (esc.statusA.status.hwInhibit) {
snprintf(reason, reason_len, "ESC %u is hardware inhibited", (ii + 1));
return false;
return true;
/* Piccolo Glue Logic
* The following functions are required by the auto-generated protogen code.
//! \return the packet data pointer from the packet
uint8_t* getESCVelocityPacketData(void* pkt)
uavcan::CanFrame* frame = (uavcan::CanFrame*) pkt;
return (uint8_t*) frame->data;
//! \return the packet data pointer from the packet, const
const uint8_t* getESCVelocityPacketDataConst(const void* pkt)
uavcan::CanFrame* frame = (uavcan::CanFrame*) pkt;
return (const uint8_t*) frame->data;
//! Complete a packet after the data have been encoded
void finishESCVelocityPacket(void* pkt, int size, uint32_t packetID)
uavcan::CanFrame* frame = (uavcan::CanFrame*) pkt;
if (size > uavcan::CanFrame::MaxDataLen) {
size = uavcan::CanFrame::MaxDataLen;
frame->dlc = size;
/* Encode the CAN ID
* 0x07mm20dd
* - 07 = ACTUATOR group ID
* - mm = Message ID
* - 20 = ESC actuator type
* - dd = Device ID
* Note: The Device ID (lower 8 bits of the frame ID) will have to be inserted later
uint32_t id = (((uint8_t) AP_PiccoloCAN::MessageGroup::ACTUATOR) << 24) | // CAN Group ID
((packetID & 0xFF) << 16) | // Message ID
(((uint8_t) AP_PiccoloCAN::ActuatorType::ESC) << 8); // Actuator type
// Extended frame format
id |= uavcan::CanFrame::FlagEFF;
frame->id = id;
//! \return the size of a packet from the packet header
int getESCVelocityPacketSize(const void* pkt)
uavcan::CanFrame* frame = (uavcan::CanFrame*) pkt;
return (int) frame->dlc;
//! \return the ID of a packet from the packet header
uint32_t getESCVelocityPacketID(const void* pkt)
uavcan::CanFrame* frame = (uavcan::CanFrame*) pkt;
// Extract the message ID field from the 29-bit ID
return (uint32_t) ((frame->id >> 16) & 0xFF);