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synced 2025-03-12 09:33:59 -03:00
* remove unnecessary nullptr check, these are always called from an initialized AP_DroneCAN so if it's nullptr something has gone horrifically wrong * pass in driver index instead of repeatedly calling function to get it * simplify error handling; knowing exactly which allocation failed is not super helpful and one failing likely means subsequent ones will too, as it can only fail due to being out of memory
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289 lines
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DroneCAN gimbal driver
Implements gimbal control and attitude feedback using the DroneCAN / DSDL / com / xacti messages
see https://github.com/dronecan/DSDL/tree/master/com/xacti
#pragma once
#include "AP_Mount_config.h"
#include "AP_Mount_Backend.h"
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_DroneCAN/AP_DroneCAN.h>
#include <AP_HAL/utility/RingBuffer.h>
#include "AP_Mount.h"
class AP_Mount_Xacti : public AP_Mount_Backend
// Constructor
AP_Mount_Xacti(class AP_Mount &frontend, class AP_Mount_Params ¶ms, uint8_t instance);
/* Do not allow copies */
// init - performs any required initialisation for this instance
void init() override;
// update mount position - should be called periodically
void update() override;
// return true if healthy
bool healthy() const override;
// has_pan_control - returns true if this mount can control its pan (required for multicopters)
bool has_pan_control() const override { return yaw_range_valid(); };
// camera controls
// take a picture. returns true on success
bool take_picture() override;
// start or stop video recording
// set start_recording = true to start record, false to stop recording
bool record_video(bool start_recording) override;
// set zoom specified as a rate or percentage
bool set_zoom(ZoomType zoom_type, float zoom_value) override;
// set focus specified as rate, percentage or auto
// focus in = -1, focus hold = 0, focus out = 1
SetFocusResult set_focus(FocusType focus_type, float focus_value) override;
// set camera lens as a value from 0 to 5
bool set_lens(uint8_t lens) override;
// set_camera_source is functionally the same as set_lens except primary and secondary lenses are specified by type
// primary and secondary sources use the AP_Camera::CameraSource enum cast to uint8_t
bool set_camera_source(uint8_t primary_source, uint8_t secondary_source) override;
// send camera information message to GCS
void send_camera_information(mavlink_channel_t chan) const override;
// send camera settings message to GCS
void send_camera_settings(mavlink_channel_t chan) const override;
// subscribe to Xacti DroneCAN messages
static bool subscribe_msgs(AP_DroneCAN* ap_dronecan);
// xacti specific message handlers
static void handle_gimbal_attitude_status(AP_DroneCAN* ap_dronecan, const CanardRxTransfer& transfer, const com_xacti_GimbalAttitudeStatus &msg);
static void handle_gnss_status_req(AP_DroneCAN* ap_dronecan, const CanardRxTransfer& transfer, const com_xacti_GnssStatusReq &msg);
// get attitude as a quaternion. returns true on success
bool get_attitude_quaternion(Quaternion& att_quat) override;
// send text prefix string to reduce flash cost
static const char* send_text_prefix;
// Sensor mode enumeration (aka lens)
enum class SensorsMode : uint8_t {
RGB = 0, // RGB (aka "visible)")
IR = 1, // Infrared, aka thermal
PIP = 2, // RGB with IR PIP
NDVI = 3, // NDVI (vegetation greenness)
// array of sensor mode enumeration strings for display to user
// if enum above is updated, also update sensor_mode_str definition in cpp
static const char* sensor_mode_str[];
// send target pitch and yaw rates to gimbal
// yaw_is_ef should be true if yaw_rads target is an earth frame rate, false if body_frame
void send_target_rates(float pitch_rads, float yaw_rads, bool yaw_is_ef);
// send target pitch and yaw angles to gimbal
// yaw_is_ef should be true if yaw_rad target is an earth frame angle, false if body_frame
void send_target_angles(float pitch_rad, float yaw_rad, bool yaw_is_ef);
// register backend in detected modules array used to map DroneCAN port and node id to backend
void register_backend();
// find backend associated with the given dronecan port and node_id. also associates backends with zero node ids
// returns pointer to backend on success, nullptr on failure
static AP_Mount_Xacti* get_dronecan_backend(AP_DroneCAN* ap_dronecan, uint8_t node_id);
// DroneCAN parameter handling methods
FUNCTOR_DECLARE(param_int_cb, bool, AP_DroneCAN*, const uint8_t, const char*, int32_t &);
FUNCTOR_DECLARE(param_string_cb, bool, AP_DroneCAN*, const uint8_t, const char*, AP_DroneCAN::string &);
FUNCTOR_DECLARE(param_save_cb, void, AP_DroneCAN*, const uint8_t, bool);
bool handle_param_get_set_response_int(AP_DroneCAN* ap_dronecan, const uint8_t node_id, const char* name, int32_t &value);
bool handle_param_get_set_response_string(AP_DroneCAN* ap_dronecan, const uint8_t node_id, const char* name, AP_DroneCAN::string &value);
void handle_param_save_response(AP_DroneCAN* ap_dronecan, const uint8_t node_id, bool success);
// param enum. If enum is updated also update _param_names definition in cpp
enum class Param : uint8_t {
SingleShot = 0,
LAST = OpticalZoomMagnification, // this should be equal to the final parameter enum
static const char* _param_names[]; // array of Xacti parameter strings
// get parameter name for a particular param enum value
// returns an empty string if not found (which should never happen)
const char* get_param_name_str(Param param) const;
// helper function to get and set parameters
bool set_param_int32(Param param, int32_t param_value);
bool set_param_string(Param param, const AP_DroneCAN::string& param_value);
bool get_param_string(Param param);
// process queue of set parameter items. returns true if set-parameter message was sent
bool process_set_param_int32_queue();
// send gimbal control message via DroneCAN
// mode is 2:angle control or 3:rate control
// pitch_cd is pitch angle in centi-degrees or pitch rate in cds
// yaw_cd is angle in centi-degrees or yaw rate in cds
void send_gimbal_control(uint8_t mode, int16_t pitch_cd, int16_t yaw_cd);
// send vehicle attitude to gimbal via DroneCAN. now_ms is current system time
// returns true if sent so that we avoid immediately trying to also send other messages
bool send_copter_att_status(uint32_t now_ms);
// update zoom rate controller. now_ms is current system time
// returns true if sent so that we avoid immediately trying to also send other messages
bool update_zoom_rate_control(uint32_t now_ms);
// request firmware version. now_ms is current system time
// returns true if sent so that we avoid immediately trying to also send other messages
bool request_firmware_version(uint32_t now_ms);
// request parameters used to determine camera capabilities. now_ms is current system time
// returns true if a param get/set was sent so that we avoid sending other messages
bool request_capabilities(uint32_t now_ms);
// set date and time. now_ms is current system time
bool set_datetime(uint32_t now_ms);
// request status. now_ms is current system time
// returns true if sent so that we avoid immediately trying to also send other messages
bool request_status(uint32_t now_ms);
// check if safe to send message (if messages sent too often camera will not respond)
// now_ms is current system time
bool is_safe_to_send(uint32_t now_ms) const;
// internal variables
bool _initialised; // true once the driver has been initialised
// attitude received from gimbal
Quaternion _current_attitude_quat; // current attitude as a quaternion
uint32_t _last_current_attitude_quat_ms; // system time _current_angle_rad was updated
bool _recording_video; // true if recording video
uint16_t _last_digital_zoom_param_value = 100; // last digital zoom parameter value sent to camera. 100 ~ 1000 (interval 100)
uint16_t _last_optical_zoom_param_value = 100; // last optical zoom parameter value sent to camera. 100 ~ 250 (interval 10)
struct {
bool enabled; // true if zoom rate control is enabled
int8_t dir; // zoom direction (-1 to zoom out, +1 to zoom in)
uint32_t last_update_ms; // system time that zoom rate control last updated zoom
} _zoom_rate_control;
// firmware version received from gimbal
struct {
uint32_t last_request_ms; // system time of last request for firmware version
bool received; // true once firmware version has been received
char str[12] {}; // firmware version string (11 bytes + 1 null byte)
uint32_t mav_ver; // version formatted for reporting to GCS via CAMERA_INFORMATION message
} _firmware_version;
// date and time handling
struct {
uint32_t last_request_ms; // system time that date/time was last requested
bool set; // true once date/time has been set
} _datetime;
// capability handling
enum class Capability : uint8_t {
False = 0,
True = 1,
Unknown = 2,
struct {
bool received; // true if we have determined cameras capabilities
uint32_t first_request_ms; // system time of first request for capabilities (used to timeout)
uint32_t last_request_ms; // system time of last capability related parameter check
Capability optical_zoom; // Yes if camera has optical zoom
} capabilities = {false, 0, 0, Capability::Unknown};
// gimbal status handling
enum class ErrorStatus : uint32_t {
TAKING_PICTURE = 0x04, // currently taking a picture
RECORDING_VIDEO = 0x08, // currently recording video
TIME_NOT_SET = 0x10000,
MEDIA_ERROR = 0x20000,
LENS_ERROR = 0x40000,
MOTOR_INIT_ERROR = 0x100000,
TEMP_WARNING = 0x1000000
struct {
uint32_t error_status; // see ErrorStatus enum
uint32_t video_remain_time; // max seconds of video that may be recorded before SD card is full
uint32_t photo_remain_count; // max number of pics before SD card is full
uint32_t sd_card_size_mb; // SD card size in MB
uint32_t sd_card_free_mb; // SD card remaining size in MB
uint16_t body; // body type
uint16_t cmos; // cmos type
uint16_t gimbal_pitch; // gimbal pitch angle
uint16_t gimbal_roll; // gimbal roll angle
uint16_t gimbal_yaw; // gimbal yaw angle
uint16_t reserved1;
uint8_t date_time[7]; // camera's date and time
uint8_t reserved2;
uint32_t exposure_time_us; // camera's exposure time in us
uint16_t apeture; // cameras' aperture * 100
uint16_t iso_sensitivity; // camera's iso sensitivity
} _status; // latest status received
static_assert(sizeof(_status) == 48, "status must be 48 bytes"); // status should be 48 bytes
struct {
uint32_t last_request_ms; // system time that status was last requested
uint32_t last_error_status; // last error status reported to user
} _status_report;
bool _motor_error; // true if status reports motor or control error (used for health reporting)
bool _camera_error; // true if status reports camera error
// DroneCAN related variables
static struct DetectedModules {
AP_Mount_Xacti *driver; // pointer to Xacti backends
AP_DroneCAN* ap_dronecan; // DroneCAN interface used by this backend
uint8_t node_id; // DroneCAN node id associated by this backend
} _detected_modules[AP_MOUNT_MAX_INSTANCES];
static HAL_Semaphore _sem_registry; // semaphore protecting access to _detected_modules table
uint32_t last_send_gimbal_control_ms; // system time that send_gimbal_control was last called (used to slow down sends to 5hz)
uint32_t last_send_copter_att_status_ms; // system time that send_copter_att_status was last called (used to slow down sends to 10hz)
uint32_t last_send_getset_param_ms; // system time that a get or set parameter message was sent
// queue of set parameter int32 items. set-parameter requests to camera are throttled to improve reliability
struct SetParamQueueItem {
Param param; // parameter (name)
int32_t value; // parameter value
ObjectArray<SetParamQueueItem> *_set_param_int32_queue; // queue of set-parameter items