mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 22:53:57 -04:00
594 lines
19 KiB
594 lines
19 KiB
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h>
#include <AP_Compass/AP_Compass.h>
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
#include <AP_Param/AP_Param.h>
#include <AP_RSSI/AP_RSSI.h>
#include "AP_Logger.h"
#include "AP_Logger_File.h"
#include "AP_Logger_MAVLink.h"
#include "LoggerMessageWriter.h"
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
write a structure format to the log - should be in frontend
void AP_Logger_Backend::Fill_Format(const struct LogStructure *s, struct log_Format &pkt)
memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt));
pkt.head1 = HEAD_BYTE1;
pkt.head2 = HEAD_BYTE2;
pkt.msgid = LOG_FORMAT_MSG;
pkt.type = s->msg_type;
pkt.length = s->msg_len;
strncpy_noterm(pkt.name, s->name, sizeof(pkt.name));
strncpy_noterm(pkt.format, s->format, sizeof(pkt.format));
strncpy_noterm(pkt.labels, s->labels, sizeof(pkt.labels));
Pack a LogStructure packet into a structure suitable to go to the logfile:
void AP_Logger_Backend::Fill_Format_Units(const struct LogStructure *s, struct log_Format_Units &pkt)
memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt));
pkt.head1 = HEAD_BYTE1;
pkt.head2 = HEAD_BYTE2;
pkt.time_us = AP_HAL::micros64();
pkt.format_type = s->msg_type;
strncpy_noterm(pkt.units, s->units, sizeof(pkt.units));
strncpy_noterm(pkt.multipliers, s->multipliers, sizeof(pkt.multipliers));
write a structure format to the log
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Format(const struct LogStructure *s)
struct log_Format pkt;
Fill_Format(s, pkt);
return WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
write a unit definition
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Unit(const struct UnitStructure *s)
struct log_Unit pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
type : s->ID,
unit : { }
strncpy_noterm(pkt.unit, s->unit, sizeof(pkt.unit));
return WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
write a unit-multiplier definition
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Multiplier(const struct MultiplierStructure *s)
const struct log_Format_Multiplier pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
type : s->ID,
multiplier : s->multiplier,
return WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
write the units for a format to the log
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Format_Units(const struct LogStructure *s)
struct log_Format_Units pkt;
Fill_Format_Units(s, pkt);
return WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
write a parameter to the log
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Parameter(const char *name, float value)
struct log_Parameter pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
name : {},
value : value
strncpy_noterm(pkt.name, name, sizeof(pkt.name));
return WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
write a parameter to the log
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Parameter(const AP_Param *ap,
const AP_Param::ParamToken &token,
enum ap_var_type type)
char name[16];
ap->copy_name_token(token, &name[0], sizeof(name), true);
return Write_Parameter(name, ap->cast_to_float(type));
// Write an RCIN packet
void AP_Logger::Write_RCIN(void)
uint16_t values[16] = {};
rc().get_radio_in(values, ARRAY_SIZE(values));
const struct log_RCIN pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
chan1 : values[0],
chan2 : values[1],
chan3 : values[2],
chan4 : values[3],
chan5 : values[4],
chan6 : values[5],
chan7 : values[6],
chan8 : values[7],
chan9 : values[8],
chan10 : values[9],
chan11 : values[10],
chan12 : values[11],
chan13 : values[12],
chan14 : values[13]
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
const uint16_t override_mask = rc().get_override_mask();
// don't waste logging bandwidth if we haven't seen non-zero
// channels 15/16:
if (!should_log_rcin2) {
if (values[14] || values[15]) {
should_log_rcin2 = true;
} else if (override_mask != 0) {
should_log_rcin2 = true;
if (!should_log_rcin2) {
const struct log_RCIN2 pkt2{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
chan15 : values[14],
chan16 : values[15],
override_mask : override_mask,
WriteBlock(&pkt2, sizeof(pkt2));
// Write an SERVO packet
void AP_Logger::Write_RCOUT(void)
const struct log_RCOUT pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
chan1 : hal.rcout->read(0),
chan2 : hal.rcout->read(1),
chan3 : hal.rcout->read(2),
chan4 : hal.rcout->read(3),
chan5 : hal.rcout->read(4),
chan6 : hal.rcout->read(5),
chan7 : hal.rcout->read(6),
chan8 : hal.rcout->read(7),
chan9 : hal.rcout->read(8),
chan10 : hal.rcout->read(9),
chan11 : hal.rcout->read(10),
chan12 : hal.rcout->read(11),
chan13 : hal.rcout->read(12),
chan14 : hal.rcout->read(13)
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write an RSSI packet
void AP_Logger::Write_RSSI()
AP_RSSI *rssi = AP::rssi();
if (rssi == nullptr) {
const struct log_RSSI pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
RXRSSI : rssi->read_receiver_rssi()
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void AP_Logger::Write_Command(const mavlink_command_int_t &packet,
const MAV_RESULT result,
bool was_command_long)
const struct log_MAVLink_Command pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
target_system : packet.target_system,
target_component: packet.target_component,
frame : packet.frame,
command : packet.command,
current : packet.current,
autocontinue : packet.autocontinue,
param1 : packet.param1,
param2 : packet.param2,
param3 : packet.param3,
param4 : packet.param4,
x : packet.x,
y : packet.y,
z : packet.z,
result : (uint8_t)result,
return WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Mission_Cmd(const AP_Mission &mission,
const AP_Mission::Mission_Command &cmd)
mavlink_mission_item_int_t mav_cmd = {};
const struct log_Cmd pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
command_total : mission.num_commands(),
sequence : mav_cmd.seq,
command : mav_cmd.command,
param1 : mav_cmd.param1,
param2 : mav_cmd.param2,
param3 : mav_cmd.param3,
param4 : mav_cmd.param4,
latitude : mav_cmd.x,
longitude : mav_cmd.y,
altitude : mav_cmd.z,
frame : mav_cmd.frame
return WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_EntireMission()
// kick off asynchronous write:
return _startup_messagewriter->writeentiremission();
// Write a text message to the log
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Message(const char *message)
struct log_Message pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
msg : {}
strncpy_noterm(pkt.msg, message, sizeof(pkt.msg));
return WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void AP_Logger::Write_Power(void)
uint8_t safety_and_armed = uint8_t(hal.util->safety_switch_state());
if (hal.util->get_soft_armed()) {
// encode armed state in bit 3
safety_and_armed |= 1U<<2;
const struct log_POWR pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
Vcc : hal.analogin->board_voltage(),
Vservo : hal.analogin->servorail_voltage(),
flags : hal.analogin->power_status_flags(),
accumulated_flags : hal.analogin->accumulated_power_status_flags(),
safety_and_arm : safety_and_armed
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void AP_Logger::Write_Radio(const mavlink_radio_t &packet)
const struct log_Radio pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
rssi : packet.rssi,
remrssi : packet.remrssi,
txbuf : packet.txbuf,
noise : packet.noise,
remnoise : packet.remnoise,
rxerrors : packet.rxerrors,
fixed : packet.fixed
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void AP_Logger::Write_Compass_instance(const uint64_t time_us, const uint8_t mag_instance)
const Compass &compass = AP::compass();
const Vector3f &mag_field = compass.get_field(mag_instance);
const Vector3f &mag_offsets = compass.get_offsets(mag_instance);
const Vector3f &mag_motor_offsets = compass.get_motor_offsets(mag_instance);
const struct log_MAG pkt{
time_us : time_us,
instance : mag_instance,
mag_x : (int16_t)mag_field.x,
mag_y : (int16_t)mag_field.y,
mag_z : (int16_t)mag_field.z,
offset_x : (int16_t)mag_offsets.x,
offset_y : (int16_t)mag_offsets.y,
offset_z : (int16_t)mag_offsets.z,
motor_offset_x : (int16_t)mag_motor_offsets.x,
motor_offset_y : (int16_t)mag_motor_offsets.y,
motor_offset_z : (int16_t)mag_motor_offsets.z,
health : (uint8_t)compass.healthy(mag_instance),
SUS : compass.last_update_usec(mag_instance)
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write a Compass packet
void AP_Logger::Write_Compass()
const uint64_t time_us = AP_HAL::micros64();
const Compass &compass = AP::compass();
for (uint8_t i=0; i<compass.get_count(); i++) {
Write_Compass_instance(time_us, i);
// Write a mode packet.
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Mode(uint8_t mode, const ModeReason reason)
static_assert(sizeof(ModeReason) <= sizeof(uint8_t), "Logging expects the ModeReason to fit in 8 bits");
const struct log_Mode pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
mode : mode,
mode_num : mode,
mode_reason : static_cast<uint8_t>(reason)
return WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
write servo status from CAN servo
void AP_Logger::Write_ServoStatus(uint64_t time_us, uint8_t id, float position, float force, float speed, uint8_t power_pct)
const struct log_CSRV pkt {
time_us : time_us,
id : id,
position : position,
force : force,
speed : speed,
power_pct : power_pct
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write a Yaw PID packet
void AP_Logger::Write_PID(uint8_t msg_type, const PID_Info &info)
const struct log_PID pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
target : info.target,
actual : info.actual,
error : info.error,
P : info.P,
I : info.I,
D : info.D,
FF : info.FF,
Dmod : info.Dmod,
slew_rate : info.slew_rate,
limit : info.limit
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void AP_Logger::Write_RPM(const AP_RPM &rpm_sensor)
float rpm1 = -1, rpm2 = -1;
rpm_sensor.get_rpm(0, rpm1);
rpm_sensor.get_rpm(1, rpm2);
const struct log_RPM pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
rpm1 : rpm1,
rpm2 : rpm2
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write beacon sensor (position) data
void AP_Logger::Write_Beacon(AP_Beacon &beacon)
if (!beacon.enabled()) {
// position
Vector3f pos;
float accuracy = 0.0f;
beacon.get_vehicle_position_ned(pos, accuracy);
const struct log_Beacon pkt_beacon{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
health : (uint8_t)beacon.healthy(),
count : (uint8_t)beacon.count(),
dist0 : beacon.beacon_distance(0),
dist1 : beacon.beacon_distance(1),
dist2 : beacon.beacon_distance(2),
dist3 : beacon.beacon_distance(3),
posx : pos.x,
posy : pos.y,
posz : pos.z
WriteBlock(&pkt_beacon, sizeof(pkt_beacon));
// Write proximity sensor distances
void AP_Logger::Write_Proximity(AP_Proximity &proximity)
// exit immediately if not enabled
if (proximity.get_status() == AP_Proximity::Status::NotConnected) {
AP_Proximity::Proximity_Distance_Array dist_array{}; // raw distances stored here
AP_Proximity::Proximity_Distance_Array filt_dist_array{}; //filtered distances stored here
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < proximity.get_num_layers(); i++) {
const bool active = proximity.get_active_layer_distances(i, dist_array, filt_dist_array);
if (!active) {
// nothing on this layer
float dist_up;
if (!proximity.get_upward_distance(dist_up)) {
dist_up = 0.0f;
float closest_ang = 0.0f;
float closest_dist = 0.0f;
proximity.get_closest_object(closest_ang, closest_dist);
const struct log_Proximity pkt_proximity{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
instance : i,
health : (uint8_t)proximity.get_status(),
dist0 : filt_dist_array.distance[0],
dist45 : filt_dist_array.distance[1],
dist90 : filt_dist_array.distance[2],
dist135 : filt_dist_array.distance[3],
dist180 : filt_dist_array.distance[4],
dist225 : filt_dist_array.distance[5],
dist270 : filt_dist_array.distance[6],
dist315 : filt_dist_array.distance[7],
distup : dist_up,
closest_angle : closest_ang,
closest_dist : closest_dist
WriteBlock(&pkt_proximity, sizeof(pkt_proximity));
if (proximity.get_raw_log_enable()) {
const struct log_Proximity_raw pkt_proximity_raw{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
instance : i,
raw_dist0 : dist_array.distance[0],
raw_dist45 : dist_array.distance[1],
raw_dist90 : dist_array.distance[2],
raw_dist135 : dist_array.distance[3],
raw_dist180 : dist_array.distance[4],
raw_dist225 : dist_array.distance[5],
raw_dist270 : dist_array.distance[6],
raw_dist315 : dist_array.distance[7],
WriteBlock(&pkt_proximity_raw, sizeof(pkt_proximity_raw));
void AP_Logger::Write_SRTL(bool active, uint16_t num_points, uint16_t max_points, uint8_t action, const Vector3f& breadcrumb)
const struct log_SRTL pkt_srtl{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
active : active,
num_points : num_points,
max_points : max_points,
action : action,
N : breadcrumb.x,
E : breadcrumb.y,
D : breadcrumb.z
WriteBlock(&pkt_srtl, sizeof(pkt_srtl));
void AP_Logger::Write_Winch(bool healthy, bool thread_end, bool moving, bool clutch, uint8_t mode, float desired_length, float length, float desired_rate, uint16_t tension, float voltage, int8_t temp)
struct log_Winch pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
healthy : healthy,
thread_end : thread_end,
moving : moving,
clutch : clutch,
mode : mode,
desired_length : desired_length,
length : length,
desired_rate : desired_rate,
tension : tension,
voltage : voltage,
temp : temp
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void AP_Logger::Write_PSC(const Vector3f &pos_target, const Vector3f &position, const Vector3f &vel_target, const Vector3f &velocity, const Vector3f &accel_target, const float &accel_x, const float &accel_y)
struct log_PSC pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
pos_target_x : pos_target.x * 0.01f,
pos_target_Y : pos_target.y * 0.01f,
position_x : position.x * 0.01f,
position_y : position.y * 0.01f,
vel_target_x : vel_target.x * 0.01f,
vel_target_y : vel_target.y * 0.01f,
velocity_x : velocity.x * 0.01f,
velocity_y : velocity.y * 0.01f,
accel_target_x : accel_target.x * 0.01f,
accel_target_y : accel_target.y * 0.01f,
accel_x : accel_x * 0.01f,
accel_y : accel_y * 0.01f
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void AP_Logger::Write_PSCZ(float pos_target_z, float pos_z, float vel_desired_z, float vel_target_z, float vel_z, float accel_desired_z, float accel_target_z, float accel_z, float throttle_out)
const struct log_PSCZ pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
pos_target_z : pos_target_z * 0.01f,
pos_z : pos_z * 0.01f,
vel_desired_z : vel_desired_z * 0.01f,
vel_target_z : vel_target_z * 0.01f,
vel_z : vel_z * 0.01f,
accel_desired_z : accel_desired_z * 0.01f,
accel_target_z : accel_target_z * 0.01f,
accel_z : accel_z * 0.01f,
throttle_out : throttle_out
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));