mirror of https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot synced 2025-03-05 05:03:57 -04:00
Shiv Tyagi c1dafae84a Copter: separate logging for position and attitude targets in guided mode
We now log position and attitude targets in guided mode separately. Earlier we were using same messages for both which was causing some confusion in field names
2022-01-26 21:36:48 +09:00

608 lines
21 KiB

#include "Copter.h"
// Code to Write and Read packets from AP_Logger log memory
// Code to interact with the user to dump or erase logs
struct PACKED log_Control_Tuning {
uint64_t time_us;
float throttle_in;
float angle_boost;
float throttle_out;
float throttle_hover;
float desired_alt;
float inav_alt;
int32_t baro_alt;
float desired_rangefinder_alt;
float rangefinder_alt;
float terr_alt;
int16_t target_climb_rate;
int16_t climb_rate;
// Write a control tuning packet
void Copter::Log_Write_Control_Tuning()
// get terrain altitude
float terr_alt = 0.0f;
if (!terrain.height_above_terrain(terr_alt, true)) {
terr_alt = logger.quiet_nan();
float des_alt_m = 0.0f;
int16_t target_climb_rate_cms = 0;
if (!flightmode->has_manual_throttle()) {
des_alt_m = pos_control->get_pos_target_z_cm() / 100.0f;
target_climb_rate_cms = pos_control->get_vel_target_z_cms();
// get surface tracking alts
float desired_rangefinder_alt;
if (!surface_tracking.get_target_dist_for_logging(desired_rangefinder_alt)) {
desired_rangefinder_alt = AP::logger().quiet_nan();
struct log_Control_Tuning pkt = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
throttle_in : attitude_control->get_throttle_in(),
angle_boost : attitude_control->angle_boost(),
throttle_out : motors->get_throttle(),
throttle_hover : motors->get_throttle_hover(),
desired_alt : des_alt_m,
inav_alt : inertial_nav.get_position_z_up_cm() * 0.01f,
baro_alt : baro_alt,
desired_rangefinder_alt : desired_rangefinder_alt,
rangefinder_alt : surface_tracking.get_dist_for_logging(),
terr_alt : terr_alt,
target_climb_rate : target_climb_rate_cms,
climb_rate : int16_t(inertial_nav.get_velocity_z_up_cms()) // float -> int16_t
logger.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write an attitude packet
void Copter::Log_Write_Attitude()
Vector3f targets = attitude_control->get_att_target_euler_cd();
targets.z = wrap_360_cd(targets.z);
ahrs_view->Write_Rate(*motors, *attitude_control, *pos_control);
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_PID)) {
logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDR_MSG, attitude_control->get_rate_roll_pid().get_pid_info());
logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDP_MSG, attitude_control->get_rate_pitch_pid().get_pid_info());
logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDY_MSG, attitude_control->get_rate_yaw_pid().get_pid_info());
logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDA_MSG, pos_control->get_accel_z_pid().get_pid_info() );
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_NTUN) && (flightmode->requires_GPS() || landing_with_GPS())) {
logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDN_MSG, pos_control->get_vel_xy_pid().get_pid_info_x());
logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDE_MSG, pos_control->get_vel_xy_pid().get_pid_info_y());
// Write an EKF and POS packet
void Copter::Log_Write_EKF_POS()
struct PACKED log_Data_Int16t {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t id;
int16_t data_value;
// Write an int16_t data packet
void Copter::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, int16_t value)
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_ANY)) {
struct log_Data_Int16t pkt = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
id : (uint8_t)id,
data_value : value
logger.WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
struct PACKED log_Data_UInt16t {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t id;
uint16_t data_value;
// Write an uint16_t data packet
void Copter::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, uint16_t value)
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_ANY)) {
struct log_Data_UInt16t pkt = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
id : (uint8_t)id,
data_value : value
logger.WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
struct PACKED log_Data_Int32t {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t id;
int32_t data_value;
// Write an int32_t data packet
void Copter::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, int32_t value)
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_ANY)) {
struct log_Data_Int32t pkt = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
id : (uint8_t)id,
data_value : value
logger.WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
struct PACKED log_Data_UInt32t {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t id;
uint32_t data_value;
// Write a uint32_t data packet
void Copter::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, uint32_t value)
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_ANY)) {
struct log_Data_UInt32t pkt = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
id : (uint8_t)id,
data_value : value
logger.WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
struct PACKED log_Data_Float {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t id;
float data_value;
// Write a float data packet
void Copter::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, float value)
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_ANY)) {
struct log_Data_Float pkt = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
id : (uint8_t)id,
data_value : value
logger.WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
struct PACKED log_ParameterTuning {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t parameter; // parameter we are tuning, e.g. 39 is CH6_CIRCLE_RATE
float tuning_value; // normalized value used inside tuning() function
float tuning_min; // tuning minimum value
float tuning_max; // tuning maximum value
void Copter::Log_Write_Parameter_Tuning(uint8_t param, float tuning_val, float tune_min, float tune_max)
struct log_ParameterTuning pkt_tune = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
parameter : param,
tuning_value : tuning_val,
tuning_min : tune_min,
tuning_max : tune_max
logger.WriteBlock(&pkt_tune, sizeof(pkt_tune));
// logs when baro or compass becomes unhealthy
void Copter::Log_Sensor_Health()
// check baro
if (sensor_health.baro != barometer.healthy()) {
sensor_health.baro = barometer.healthy();
(sensor_health.baro ? LogErrorCode::ERROR_RESOLVED : LogErrorCode::UNHEALTHY));
// check compass
if (sensor_health.compass != compass.healthy()) {
sensor_health.compass = compass.healthy();
AP::logger().Write_Error(LogErrorSubsystem::COMPASS, (sensor_health.compass ? LogErrorCode::ERROR_RESOLVED : LogErrorCode::UNHEALTHY));
struct PACKED log_SysIdD {
uint64_t time_us;
float waveform_time;
float waveform_sample;
float waveform_freq;
float angle_x;
float angle_y;
float angle_z;
float accel_x;
float accel_y;
float accel_z;
// Write an rate packet
void Copter::Log_Write_SysID_Data(float waveform_time, float waveform_sample, float waveform_freq, float angle_x, float angle_y, float angle_z, float accel_x, float accel_y, float accel_z)
struct log_SysIdD pkt_sidd = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
waveform_time : waveform_time,
waveform_sample : waveform_sample,
waveform_freq : waveform_freq,
angle_x : angle_x,
angle_y : angle_y,
angle_z : angle_z,
accel_x : accel_x,
accel_y : accel_y,
accel_z : accel_z
logger.WriteBlock(&pkt_sidd, sizeof(pkt_sidd));
struct PACKED log_SysIdS {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t systemID_axis;
float waveform_magnitude;
float frequency_start;
float frequency_stop;
float time_fade_in;
float time_const_freq;
float time_record;
float time_fade_out;
// Write an rate packet
void Copter::Log_Write_SysID_Setup(uint8_t systemID_axis, float waveform_magnitude, float frequency_start, float frequency_stop, float time_fade_in, float time_const_freq, float time_record, float time_fade_out)
struct log_SysIdS pkt_sids = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
systemID_axis : systemID_axis,
waveform_magnitude : waveform_magnitude,
frequency_start : frequency_start,
frequency_stop : frequency_stop,
time_fade_in : time_fade_in,
time_const_freq : time_const_freq,
time_record : time_record,
time_fade_out : time_fade_out
logger.WriteBlock(&pkt_sids, sizeof(pkt_sids));
struct PACKED log_Heli {
uint64_t time_us;
float desired_rotor_speed;
float main_rotor_speed;
float governor_output;
float control_output;
// Write an helicopter packet
void Copter::Log_Write_Heli()
struct log_Heli pkt_heli = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
desired_rotor_speed : motors->get_desired_rotor_speed(),
main_rotor_speed : motors->get_main_rotor_speed(),
governor_output : motors->get_governor_output(),
control_output : motors->get_control_output(),
logger.WriteBlock(&pkt_heli, sizeof(pkt_heli));
// guided position target logging
struct PACKED log_Guided_Position_Target {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t type;
float pos_target_x;
float pos_target_y;
float pos_target_z;
uint8_t terrain;
float vel_target_x;
float vel_target_y;
float vel_target_z;
float accel_target_x;
float accel_target_y;
float accel_target_z;
// guided attitude target logging
struct PACKED log_Guided_Attitude_Target {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t type;
float roll;
float pitch;
float yaw;
float roll_rate;
float pitch_rate;
float yaw_rate;
float thrust;
float climb_rate;
// Write a Guided mode position target
// pos_target is lat, lon, alt OR offset from ekf origin in cm
// terrain should be 0 if pos_target.z is alt-above-ekf-origin, 1 if alt-above-terrain
// vel_target is cm/s
void Copter::Log_Write_Guided_Position_Target(ModeGuided::SubMode target_type, const Vector3f& pos_target, bool terrain_alt, const Vector3f& vel_target, const Vector3f& accel_target)
const log_Guided_Position_Target pkt {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
type : (uint8_t)target_type,
pos_target_x : pos_target.x,
pos_target_y : pos_target.y,
pos_target_z : pos_target.z,
terrain : terrain_alt,
vel_target_x : vel_target.x,
vel_target_y : vel_target.y,
vel_target_z : vel_target.z,
accel_target_x : accel_target.x,
accel_target_y : accel_target.y,
accel_target_z : accel_target.z
logger.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write a Guided mode attitude target
// roll, pitch and yaw are in radians
// ang_vel: angular velocity, [roll rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate] in radians/sec
// thrust is between 0 to 1
// climb_rate is in (m/s)
void Copter::Log_Write_Guided_Attitude_Target(ModeGuided::SubMode target_type, float roll, float pitch, float yaw, const Vector3f &ang_vel, float thrust, float climb_rate)
const log_Guided_Attitude_Target pkt {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
type : (uint8_t)target_type,
roll : degrees(roll), // rad to deg
pitch : degrees(pitch), // rad to deg
yaw : degrees(yaw), // rad to deg
roll_rate : degrees(ang_vel.x), // rad/s to deg/s
pitch_rate : degrees(ang_vel.y), // rad/s to deg/s
yaw_rate : degrees(ang_vel.z), // rad/s to deg/s
thrust : thrust,
climb_rate : climb_rate
logger.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// type and unit information can be found in
// libraries/AP_Logger/Logstructure.h; search for "log_Units" for
// units and "Format characters" for field type information
const struct LogStructure Copter::log_structure[] = {
// @LoggerMessage: PTUN
// @Description: Parameter Tuning information
// @URL: https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/tuning.html#in-flight-tuning
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Param: Parameter being tuned
// @Field: TunVal: Normalized value used inside tuning() function
// @Field: TunMin: Tuning minimum limit
// @Field: TunMax: Tuning maximum limit
{ LOG_PARAMTUNE_MSG, sizeof(log_ParameterTuning),
"PTUN", "QBfff", "TimeUS,Param,TunVal,TunMin,TunMax", "s----", "F----" },
// @LoggerMessage: CTUN
// @Description: Control Tuning information
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: ThI: throttle input
// @Field: ABst: angle boost
// @Field: ThO: throttle output
// @Field: ThH: calculated hover throttle
// @Field: DAlt: desired altitude
// @Field: Alt: achieved altitude
// @Field: BAlt: barometric altitude
// @Field: DSAlt: desired rangefinder altitude
// @Field: SAlt: achieved rangefinder altitude
// @Field: TAlt: terrain altitude
// @Field: DCRt: desired climb rate
// @Field: CRt: climb rate
// @LoggerMessage: D16
// @Description: Generic 16-bit-signed-integer storage
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Id: Data type identifier
// @Field: Value: Value
// @LoggerMessage: DU16
// @Description: Generic 16-bit-unsigned-integer storage
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Id: Data type identifier
// @Field: Value: Value
// @LoggerMessage: D32
// @Description: Generic 32-bit-signed-integer storage
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Id: Data type identifier
// @Field: Value: Value
// @LoggerMessage: DFLT
// @Description: Generic float storage
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Id: Data type identifier
// @Field: Value: Value
// @LoggerMessage: DU32
// @Description: Generic 32-bit-unsigned-integer storage
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Id: Data type identifier
// @Field: Value: Value
{ LOG_CONTROL_TUNING_MSG, sizeof(log_Control_Tuning),
"CTUN", "Qffffffefffhh", "TimeUS,ThI,ABst,ThO,ThH,DAlt,Alt,BAlt,DSAlt,SAlt,TAlt,DCRt,CRt", "s----mmmmmmnn", "F----00B000BB" , true },
{ LOG_DATA_INT16_MSG, sizeof(log_Data_Int16t),
"D16", "QBh", "TimeUS,Id,Value", "s--", "F--" },
{ LOG_DATA_UINT16_MSG, sizeof(log_Data_UInt16t),
"DU16", "QBH", "TimeUS,Id,Value", "s--", "F--" },
{ LOG_DATA_INT32_MSG, sizeof(log_Data_Int32t),
"D32", "QBi", "TimeUS,Id,Value", "s--", "F--" },
{ LOG_DATA_UINT32_MSG, sizeof(log_Data_UInt32t),
"DU32", "QBI", "TimeUS,Id,Value", "s--", "F--" },
{ LOG_DATA_FLOAT_MSG, sizeof(log_Data_Float),
"DFLT", "QBf", "TimeUS,Id,Value", "s--", "F--" },
// @LoggerMessage: HELI
// @Description: Helicopter related messages
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: DRRPM: Desired rotor speed
// @Field: ERRPM: Estimated rotor speed
// @Field: Gov: Governor Output
// @Field: Throt: Throttle output
{ LOG_HELI_MSG, sizeof(log_Heli),
"HELI", "Qffff", "TimeUS,DRRPM,ERRPM,Gov,Throt", "s----", "F----" , true },
// @LoggerMessage: SIDD
// @Description: System ID data
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Time: Time reference for waveform
// @Field: Targ: Current waveform sample
// @Field: F: Instantaneous waveform frequency
// @Field: Gx: Delta angle, X-Axis
// @Field: Gy: Delta angle, Y-Axis
// @Field: Gz: Delta angle, Z-Axis
// @Field: Ax: Delta velocity, X-Axis
// @Field: Ay: Delta velocity, Y-Axis
// @Field: Az: Delta velocity, Z-Axis
{ LOG_SYSIDD_MSG, sizeof(log_SysIdD),
"SIDD", "Qfffffffff", "TimeUS,Time,Targ,F,Gx,Gy,Gz,Ax,Ay,Az", "ss-zkkkooo", "F---------" , true },
// @LoggerMessage: SIDS
// @Description: System ID settings
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Ax: The axis which is being excited
// @Field: Mag: Magnitude of the chirp waveform
// @Field: FSt: Frequency at the start of chirp
// @Field: FSp: Frequency at the end of chirp
// @Field: TFin: Time to reach maximum amplitude of chirp
// @Field: TC: Time at constant frequency before chirp starts
// @Field: TR: Time taken to complete chirp waveform
// @Field: TFout: Time to reach zero amplitude after chirp finishes
{ LOG_SYSIDS_MSG, sizeof(log_SysIdS),
"SIDS", "QBfffffff", "TimeUS,Ax,Mag,FSt,FSp,TFin,TC,TR,TFout", "s--ssssss", "F--------" , true },
// @LoggerMessage: GUIP
// @Description: Guided mode position target information
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Type: Type of guided mode
// @Field: pX: Target position, X-Axis
// @Field: pY: Target position, Y-Axis
// @Field: pZ: Target position, Z-Axis
// @Field: Terrain: Target position, Z-Axis is alt above terrain
// @Field: vX: Target velocity, X-Axis
// @Field: vY: Target velocity, Y-Axis
// @Field: vZ: Target velocity, Z-Axis
// @Field: aX: Target acceleration, X-Axis
// @Field: aY: Target acceleration, Y-Axis
// @Field: aZ: Target acceleration, Z-Axis
{ LOG_GUIDED_POSITION_TARGET_MSG, sizeof(log_Guided_Position_Target),
"GUIP", "QBfffbffffff", "TimeUS,Type,pX,pY,pZ,Terrain,vX,vY,vZ,aX,aY,aZ", "s-mmm-nnnooo", "F-BBB-BBBBBB" , true },
// @LoggerMessage: GUIA
// @Description: Guided mode attitude target information
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Type: Type of guided mode
// @Field: Roll: Target attitude, Roll
// @Field: Pitch: Target attitude, Pitch
// @Field: Yaw: Target attitude, Yaw
// @Field: RollRt: Roll rate
// @Field: PitchRt: Pitch rate
// @Field: YawRt: Yaw rate
// @Field: Thrust: Thrust
// @Field: ClimbRt: Climb rate
{ LOG_GUIDED_ATTITUDE_TARGET_MSG, sizeof(log_Guided_Attitude_Target),
"GUIA", "QBffffffff", "TimeUS,Type,Roll,Pitch,Yaw,RollRt,PitchRt,YawRt,Thrust,ClimbRt", "s-dddkkk-n", "F-000000-0" , true },
void Copter::Log_Write_Vehicle_Startup_Messages()
// only 200(?) bytes are guaranteed by AP_Logger
char frame_and_type_string[30];
copter.motors->get_frame_and_type_string(frame_and_type_string, ARRAY_SIZE(frame_and_type_string));
logger.Write_MessageF("%s", frame_and_type_string);
logger.Write_Mode((uint8_t)flightmode->mode_number(), control_mode_reason);
void Copter::log_init(void)
logger.Init(log_structure, ARRAY_SIZE(log_structure));
void Copter::Log_Write_Control_Tuning() {}
void Copter::Log_Write_Attitude(void) {}
void Copter::Log_Write_EKF_POS() {}
void Copter::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, int32_t value) {}
void Copter::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, uint32_t value) {}
void Copter::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, int16_t value) {}
void Copter::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, uint16_t value) {}
void Copter::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, float value) {}
void Copter::Log_Write_Parameter_Tuning(uint8_t param, float tuning_val, float tune_min, float tune_max) {}
void Copter::Log_Sensor_Health() {}
void Copter::Log_Write_Guided_Position_Target(ModeGuided::SubMode target_type, const Vector3f& pos_target, bool terrain_alt, const Vector3f& vel_target, const Vector3f& accel_target) {}
void Copter::Log_Write_Guided_Attitude_Target(ModeGuided::SubMode target_type, float roll, float pitch, float yaw, const Vector3f &ang_vel, float thrust, float climb_rate) {}
void Copter::Log_Write_SysID_Setup(uint8_t systemID_axis, float waveform_magnitude, float frequency_start, float frequency_stop, float time_fade_in, float time_const_freq, float time_record, float time_fade_out) {}
void Copter::Log_Write_SysID_Data(float waveform_time, float waveform_sample, float waveform_freq, float angle_x, float angle_y, float angle_z, float accel_x, float accel_y, float accel_z) {}
void Copter::Log_Write_Vehicle_Startup_Messages() {}
void Copter::Log_Write_Heli() {}
void Copter::log_init(void) {}