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synced 2025-03-05 13:14:03 -04:00
Most of AP_Progmem is already gone so we can stop including it in most of the places. The only places that need it are the ones using pgm_read_*() APIs. In some cases the header needed to be added in the .cpp since it was removed from the .h to reduce scope. In those cases the headers were also reordered.
164 lines
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164 lines
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// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
#ifndef __AP_MOTORS_CLASS_H__
#define __AP_MOTORS_CLASS_H__
#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h> // ArduPilot Mega Vector/Matrix math Library
#include <AP_Notify/AP_Notify.h> // Notify library
#include <RC_Channel/RC_Channel.h> // RC Channel Library
#include <Filter/Filter.h> // filter library
// offsets for motors in motor_out and _motor_filtered arrays
#define AP_MOTORS_MOT_1 0U
#define AP_MOTORS_MOT_2 1U
#define AP_MOTORS_MOT_3 2U
#define AP_MOTORS_MOT_4 3U
#define AP_MOTORS_MOT_5 4U
#define AP_MOTORS_MOT_6 5U
#define AP_MOTORS_MOT_7 6U
#define AP_MOTORS_MOT_8 7U
// frame definitions
#define AP_MOTORS_H_FRAME 3 // same as X frame but motors spin in opposite direction
#define AP_MOTORS_VTAIL_FRAME 4 // Lynxmotion Hunter VTail 400/500
#define AP_MOTORS_ATAIL_FRAME 5 // A-Shaped VTail Quads
#define AP_MOTORS_NEW_PLUS_FRAME 10 // NEW frames are same as original 4 but with motor orders changed to be clockwise from the front
#define AP_MOTORS_NEW_H_FRAME 13 // same as X frame but motors spin in opposite direction
// motor update rate
#define AP_MOTORS_SPEED_DEFAULT 490 // default output rate to the motors
/// @class AP_Motors
class AP_Motors {
// Constructor
AP_Motors(uint16_t loop_rate, uint16_t speed_hz = AP_MOTORS_SPEED_DEFAULT);
// set update rate to motors - a value in hertz
virtual void set_update_rate( uint16_t speed_hz ) { _speed_hz = speed_hz; };
// set frame orientation (normally + or X)
virtual void set_frame_orientation( uint8_t new_orientation ) { _flags.frame_orientation = new_orientation; };
// arm, disarm or check status status of motors
bool armed() const { return _flags.armed; };
void armed(bool arm);
// set motor interlock status
void set_interlock(bool set) { _flags.interlock = set;}
// get motor interlock status. true means motors run, false motors don't run
bool get_interlock() const { return _flags.interlock; };
// set_roll, set_pitch, set_yaw, set_throttle
void set_roll(int16_t roll_in) { _roll_control_input = roll_in; }; // range -4500 ~ 4500
void set_pitch(int16_t pitch_in) { _pitch_control_input = pitch_in; }; // range -4500 ~ 4500
void set_yaw(int16_t yaw_in) { _yaw_control_input = yaw_in; }; // range -4500 ~ 4500
void set_throttle(float throttle_in) { _throttle_in = constrain_float(throttle_in,-100.0f,1100.0f); }; // range 0 ~ 1000
void set_stabilizing(bool stabilizing) { _flags.stabilizing = stabilizing; }
// accessors for roll, pitch, yaw and throttle inputs to motors
float get_roll() const { return _roll_control_input; }
float get_pitch() const { return _pitch_control_input; }
float get_yaw() const { return _yaw_control_input; }
float get_throttle() const { return _throttle_control_input; }
void set_throttle_filter_cutoff(float filt_hz) { _throttle_filter.set_cutoff_frequency(filt_hz); }
// voltage, current and air pressure compensation or limiting features - multicopters only
// set_voltage - set voltage to be used for output scaling
void set_voltage(float volts){ _batt_voltage = volts; }
// set_current - set current to be used for output scaling
void set_current(float current){ _batt_current = current; }
// set_density_ratio - sets air density as a proportion of sea level density
void set_air_density_ratio(float ratio) { _air_density_ratio = ratio; }
// structure for holding motor limit flags
struct AP_Motors_limit {
uint8_t roll_pitch : 1; // we have reached roll or pitch limit
uint8_t yaw : 1; // we have reached yaw limit
uint8_t throttle_lower : 1; // we have reached throttle's lower limit
uint8_t throttle_upper : 1; // we have reached throttle's upper limit
} limit;
// virtual functions that should be implemented by child classes
// init
virtual void Init() = 0;
// enable - starts allowing signals to be sent to motors
virtual void enable() = 0;
// output - sends commands to the motors
virtual void output() = 0;
// output_min - sends minimum values out to the motors
virtual void output_min() = 0;
// output_test - spin a motor at the pwm value specified
// motor_seq is the motor's sequence number from 1 to the number of motors on the frame
// pwm value is an actual pwm value that will be output, normally in the range of 1000 ~ 2000
virtual void output_test(uint8_t motor_seq, int16_t pwm) = 0;
// slow_start - set to true to slew motors from current speed to maximum
// Note: this must be set immediately before a step up in throttle
virtual void slow_start(bool true_false) = 0;
// get_motor_mask - returns a bitmask of which outputs are being used for motors (1 means being used)
// this can be used to ensure other pwm outputs (i.e. for servos) do not conflict
virtual uint16_t get_motor_mask() = 0;
// output functions that should be overloaded by child classes
virtual void output_armed_stabilizing()=0;
virtual void output_armed_not_stabilizing()=0;
virtual void output_armed_zero_throttle() { output_min(); }
virtual void output_disarmed()=0;
// update the throttle input filter
virtual void update_throttle_filter() = 0;
// flag bitmask
struct AP_Motors_flags {
uint8_t armed : 1; // 0 if disarmed, 1 if armed
uint8_t stabilizing : 1; // 0 if not controlling attitude, 1 if controlling attitude
uint8_t frame_orientation : 4; // PLUS_FRAME 0, X_FRAME 1, V_FRAME 2, H_FRAME 3, NEW_PLUS_FRAME 10, NEW_X_FRAME, NEW_V_FRAME, NEW_H_FRAME
uint8_t interlock : 1; // 1 if the motor interlock is enabled (i.e. motors run), 0 if disabled (motors don't run)
} _flags;
// internal variables
float _roll_control_input; // desired roll control from attitude controllers, +/- 4500
float _pitch_control_input; // desired pitch control from attitude controller, +/- 4500
float _throttle_control_input; // desired throttle (thrust) control from attitude controller, 0-1000
float _yaw_control_input; // desired yaw control from attitude controller, +/- 4500
float _throttle_pwm_scalar; // scalar used to convert throttle channel pwm range into 0-1000 range, ~0.8 - 1.0
float _rpy_pwm_scalar; // scaler used to convert roll, pitch, yaw inputs to pwm range
uint16_t _loop_rate; // rate at which output() function is called (normally 400hz)
uint16_t _speed_hz; // speed in hz to send updates to motors
int16_t _throttle_radio_min; // minimum radio channel pwm
int16_t _throttle_radio_max; // maximum radio channel pwm
float _throttle_in; // last throttle input from set_throttle caller
LowPassFilterFloat _throttle_filter; // throttle input filter
// battery voltage, current and air pressure compensation variables
float _batt_voltage; // latest battery voltage reading
float _batt_current; // latest battery current reading
float _air_density_ratio; // air density / sea level density - decreases in altitude
#endif // __AP_MOTORS_CLASS_H__