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synced 2025-03-09 08:04:14 -03:00
This makes us look like Rover and Plane in terms of namespacing for the Mode classes, and removes a wart where we #include mode.h in the middle of the Mode class. This was done mechanically for the most part. I've had to remove the convenience reference for ap as part of this.
495 lines
17 KiB
495 lines
17 KiB
#include "Copter.h"
#include <utility>
implement FLOWHOLD mode, for position hold using optical flow
without rangefinder
const AP_Param::GroupInfo ModeFlowHold::var_info[] = {
// @Param: _XY_P
// @DisplayName: FlowHold P gain
// @Description: FlowHold (horizontal) P gain.
// @Range: 0.1 6.0
// @Increment: 0.1
// @User: Advanced
// @Param: _XY_I
// @DisplayName: FlowHold I gain
// @Description: FlowHold (horizontal) I gain
// @Range: 0.02 1.00
// @Increment: 0.01
// @User: Advanced
// @Param: _XY_IMAX
// @DisplayName: FlowHold Integrator Max
// @Description: FlowHold (horizontal) integrator maximum
// @Range: 0 4500
// @Increment: 10
// @Units: cdeg
// @User: Advanced
// @Param: _XY_FILT_HZ
// @DisplayName: FlowHold filter on input to control
// @Description: FlowHold (horizontal) filter on input to control
// @Range: 0 100
// @Units: Hz
// @User: Advanced
AP_SUBGROUPINFO(flow_pi_xy, "_XY_", 1, ModeFlowHold, AC_PI_2D),
// @Param: _FLOW_MAX
// @DisplayName: FlowHold Flow Rate Max
// @Description: Controls maximum apparent flow rate in flowhold
// @Range: 0.1 2.5
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO("_FLOW_MAX", 2, ModeFlowHold, flow_max, 0.6),
// @Param: _FILT_HZ
// @DisplayName: FlowHold Filter Frequency
// @Description: Filter frequency for flow data
// @Range: 1 100
// @Units: Hz
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO("_FILT_HZ", 3, ModeFlowHold, flow_filter_hz, 5),
// @Param: _QUAL_MIN
// @DisplayName: FlowHold Flow quality minimum
// @Description: Minimum flow quality to use flow position hold
// @Range: 0 255
// @User: Standard
AP_GROUPINFO("_QUAL_MIN", 4, ModeFlowHold, flow_min_quality, 10),
// 5 was FLOW_SPEED
// @Param: _BRAKE_RATE
// @DisplayName: FlowHold Braking rate
// @Description: Controls deceleration rate on stick release
// @Range: 1 30
// @User: Standard
// @Units: deg/s
AP_GROUPINFO("_BRAKE_RATE", 6, ModeFlowHold, brake_rate_dps, 8),
ModeFlowHold::ModeFlowHold(void) : Mode()
AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info);
// flowhold_init - initialise flowhold controller
bool ModeFlowHold::init(bool ignore_checks)
if (!copter.optflow.enabled() || !copter.optflow.healthy()) {
return false;
// initialize vertical speeds and leash lengths
copter.pos_control->set_max_speed_z(-get_pilot_speed_dn(), copter.g.pilot_speed_up);
// initialise position and desired velocity
if (!copter.pos_control->is_active_z()) {
flow_filter.set_cutoff_frequency(copter.scheduler.get_loop_rate_hz(), flow_filter_hz.get());
quality_filtered = 0;
limited = false;
// start with INS height
last_ins_height = copter.inertial_nav.get_altitude() * 0.01;
height_offset = 0;
return true;
calculate desired attitude from flow sensor. Called when flow sensor is healthy
void ModeFlowHold::flowhold_flow_to_angle(Vector2f &bf_angles, bool stick_input)
uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
// get corrected raw flow rate
Vector2f raw_flow = copter.optflow.flowRate() - copter.optflow.bodyRate();
// limit sensor flow, this prevents oscillation at low altitudes
raw_flow.x = constrain_float(raw_flow.x, -flow_max, flow_max);
raw_flow.y = constrain_float(raw_flow.y, -flow_max, flow_max);
// filter the flow rate
Vector2f sensor_flow = flow_filter.apply(raw_flow);
// scale by height estimate, limiting it to height_min to height_max
float ins_height = copter.inertial_nav.get_altitude() * 0.01;
float height_estimate = ins_height + height_offset;
// compensate for height, this converts to (approx) m/s
sensor_flow *= constrain_float(height_estimate, height_min, height_max);
// rotate controller input to earth frame
Vector2f input_ef = copter.ahrs.rotate_body_to_earth2D(sensor_flow);
// run PI controller
// get earth frame controller attitude in centi-degrees
Vector2f ef_output;
// get P term
ef_output = flow_pi_xy.get_p();
if (stick_input) {
last_stick_input_ms = now;
braking = true;
if (!stick_input && braking) {
// stop braking if either 3s has passed, or we have slowed below 0.3m/s
if (now - last_stick_input_ms > 3000 || sensor_flow.length() < 0.3) {
braking = false;
#if 0
printf("braking done at %u vel=%f\n", now - last_stick_input_ms,
if (!stick_input && !braking) {
// get I term
if (limited) {
// only allow I term to shrink in length
xy_I = flow_pi_xy.get_i_shrink();
} else {
// normal I term operation
xy_I = flow_pi_xy.get_pi();
if (!stick_input && braking) {
// calculate brake angle for each axis separately
for (uint8_t i=0; i<2; i++) {
float &velocity = sensor_flow[i];
float abs_vel_cms = fabsf(velocity)*100;
const float brake_gain = (15.0f * brake_rate_dps.get() + 95.0f) / 100.0f;
float lean_angle_cd = brake_gain * abs_vel_cms * (1.0f+500.0f/(abs_vel_cms+60.0f));
if (velocity < 0) {
lean_angle_cd = -lean_angle_cd;
bf_angles[i] = lean_angle_cd;
ef_output += xy_I;
ef_output *= copter.aparm.angle_max;
// convert to body frame
bf_angles += copter.ahrs.rotate_earth_to_body2D(ef_output);
// set limited flag to prevent integrator windup
limited = fabsf(bf_angles.x) > copter.aparm.angle_max || fabsf(bf_angles.y) > copter.aparm.angle_max;
// constrain to angle limit
bf_angles.x = constrain_float(bf_angles.x, -copter.aparm.angle_max, copter.aparm.angle_max);
bf_angles.y = constrain_float(bf_angles.y, -copter.aparm.angle_max, copter.aparm.angle_max);
if (log_counter++ % 20 == 0) {
AP::logger().Write("FHLD", "TimeUS,SFx,SFy,Ax,Ay,Qual,Ix,Iy", "Qfffffff",
(double)sensor_flow.x, (double)sensor_flow.y,
(double)bf_angles.x, (double)bf_angles.y,
(double)xy_I.x, (double)xy_I.y);
// flowhold_run - runs the flowhold controller
// should be called at 100hz or more
void ModeFlowHold::run()
float takeoff_climb_rate = 0.0f;
// initialize vertical speeds and acceleration
copter.pos_control->set_max_speed_z(-get_pilot_speed_dn(), copter.g.pilot_speed_up);
// apply SIMPLE mode transform to pilot inputs
// check for filter change
if (!is_equal(flow_filter.get_cutoff_freq(), flow_filter_hz.get())) {
// get pilot desired climb rate
float target_climb_rate = copter.get_pilot_desired_climb_rate(copter.channel_throttle->get_control_in());
target_climb_rate = constrain_float(target_climb_rate, -get_pilot_speed_dn(), copter.g.pilot_speed_up);
// get pilot's desired yaw rate
float target_yaw_rate = copter.get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate(copter.channel_yaw->get_control_in());
// Flow Hold State Machine Determination
AltHoldModeState flowhold_state = get_alt_hold_state(target_climb_rate);
if (copter.optflow.healthy()) {
const float filter_constant = 0.95;
quality_filtered = filter_constant * quality_filtered + (1-filter_constant) * copter.optflow.quality();
} else {
quality_filtered = 0;
// Flow Hold State Machine
switch (flowhold_state) {
case AltHold_MotorStopped:
copter.pos_control->relax_alt_hold_controllers(0.0f); // forces throttle output to go to zero
case AltHold_Takeoff:
// set motors to full range
// initiate take-off
if (!takeoff.running()) {
// get take-off adjusted pilot and takeoff climb rates
takeoff.get_climb_rates(target_climb_rate, takeoff_climb_rate);
// get avoidance adjusted climb rate
target_climb_rate = copter.get_avoidance_adjusted_climbrate(target_climb_rate);
// call position controller
copter.pos_control->set_alt_target_from_climb_rate_ff(target_climb_rate, copter.G_Dt, false);
copter.pos_control->add_takeoff_climb_rate(takeoff_climb_rate, copter.G_Dt);
case AltHold_Landed_Ground_Idle:
case AltHold_Landed_Pre_Takeoff:
pos_control->relax_alt_hold_controllers(0.0f); // forces throttle output to go to zero
case AltHold_Flying:
// adjust climb rate using rangefinder
target_climb_rate = copter.get_surface_tracking_climb_rate(target_climb_rate);
// get avoidance adjusted climb rate
target_climb_rate = copter.get_avoidance_adjusted_climbrate(target_climb_rate);
copter.pos_control->set_alt_target_from_climb_rate_ff(target_climb_rate, G_Dt, false);
// flowhold attitude target calculations
Vector2f bf_angles;
// calculate alt-hold angles
int16_t roll_in = copter.channel_roll->get_control_in();
int16_t pitch_in = copter.channel_pitch->get_control_in();
float angle_max = copter.attitude_control->get_althold_lean_angle_max();
get_pilot_desired_lean_angles(bf_angles.x, bf_angles.y, angle_max, attitude_control->get_althold_lean_angle_max());
if (quality_filtered >= flow_min_quality &&
AP_HAL::millis() - copter.arm_time_ms > 3000) {
// don't use for first 3s when we are just taking off
Vector2f flow_angles;
flowhold_flow_to_angle(flow_angles, (roll_in != 0) || (pitch_in != 0));
flow_angles.x = constrain_float(flow_angles.x, -angle_max/2, angle_max/2);
flow_angles.y = constrain_float(flow_angles.y, -angle_max/2, angle_max/2);
bf_angles += flow_angles;
bf_angles.x = constrain_float(bf_angles.x, -angle_max, angle_max);
bf_angles.y = constrain_float(bf_angles.y, -angle_max, angle_max);
// apply avoidance
copter.avoid.adjust_roll_pitch(bf_angles.x, bf_angles.y, copter.aparm.angle_max);
// call attitude controller
copter.attitude_control->input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(bf_angles.x, bf_angles.y, target_yaw_rate);
// call z-axis position controller
update height estimate using integrated accelerometer ratio with optical flow
void ModeFlowHold::update_height_estimate(void)
float ins_height = copter.inertial_nav.get_altitude() * 0.01;
#if 1
// assume on ground when disarmed, or if we have only just started spooling the motors up
if (!hal.util->get_soft_armed() ||
copter.motors->get_desired_spool_state() != AP_Motors::DesiredSpoolState::THROTTLE_UNLIMITED ||
AP_HAL::millis() - copter.arm_time_ms < 1500) {
height_offset = -ins_height;
last_ins_height = ins_height;
// get delta velocity in body frame
Vector3f delta_vel;
if (!copter.ins.get_delta_velocity(delta_vel)) {
// integrate delta velocity in earth frame
const Matrix3f &rotMat = copter.ahrs.get_rotation_body_to_ned();
delta_vel = rotMat * delta_vel;
delta_velocity_ne.x += delta_vel.x;
delta_velocity_ne.y += delta_vel.y;
if (!copter.optflow.healthy()) {
// can't update height model with no flow sensor
last_flow_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
if (last_flow_ms == 0) {
// just starting up
last_flow_ms = copter.optflow.last_update();
height_offset = 0;
if (copter.optflow.last_update() == last_flow_ms) {
// no new flow data
// convert delta velocity back to body frame to match the flow sensor
Vector2f delta_vel_bf = copter.ahrs.rotate_earth_to_body2D(delta_velocity_ne);
// and convert to an rate equivalent, to be comparable to flow
Vector2f delta_vel_rate(-delta_vel_bf.y, delta_vel_bf.x);
// get body flow rate in radians per second
Vector2f flow_rate_rps = copter.optflow.flowRate() - copter.optflow.bodyRate();
uint32_t dt_ms = copter.optflow.last_update() - last_flow_ms;
if (dt_ms > 500) {
// too long between updates, ignore
last_flow_ms = copter.optflow.last_update();
last_flow_rate_rps = flow_rate_rps;
last_ins_height = ins_height;
height_offset = 0;
basic equation is:
height_m = delta_velocity_mps / delta_flowrate_rps;
// get delta_flowrate_rps
Vector2f delta_flowrate = flow_rate_rps - last_flow_rate_rps;
last_flow_rate_rps = flow_rate_rps;
last_flow_ms = copter.optflow.last_update();
update height estimate
const float min_velocity_change = 0.04;
const float min_flow_change = 0.04;
const float height_delta_max = 0.25;
for each axis update the height estimate
float delta_height = 0;
uint8_t total_weight = 0;
float height_estimate = ins_height + height_offset;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<2; i++) {
// only use height estimates when we have significant delta-velocity and significant delta-flow
float abs_flow = fabsf(delta_flowrate[i]);
if (abs_flow < min_flow_change ||
fabsf(delta_vel_rate[i]) < min_velocity_change) {
// get instantaneous height estimate
float height = delta_vel_rate[i] / delta_flowrate[i];
if (height <= 0) {
// discard negative heights
delta_height += (height - height_estimate) * abs_flow;
total_weight += abs_flow;
if (total_weight > 0) {
delta_height /= total_weight;
if (delta_height < 0) {
// bias towards lower heights, as we'd rather have too low
// gain than have oscillation. This also compensates a bit for
// the discard of negative heights above
delta_height *= 2;
// don't update height by more than height_delta_max, this is a simple way of rejecting noise
float new_offset = height_offset + constrain_float(delta_height, -height_delta_max, height_delta_max);
// apply a simple filter
height_offset = 0.8 * height_offset + 0.2 * new_offset;
if (ins_height + height_offset < height_min) {
// height estimate is never allowed below the minimum
height_offset = height_min - ins_height;
// new height estimate for logging
height_estimate = ins_height + height_offset;
AP::logger().Write("FHXY", "TimeUS,DFx,DFy,DVx,DVy,Hest,DH,Hofs,InsH,LastInsH,DTms", "QfffffffffI",
gcs().send_named_float("HEST", height_estimate);
last_ins_height = ins_height;
#endif // OPTFLOW == ENABLED