Dr.-Ing. Amilcar Do Carmo Lucas 5c07a44a6d Tools: Fix a race condition on the regression tests on Windows
Added \r\n to the expect() string as recomended at:
this should work on both windows and linux systems

pexpect says it will always do a minimal (non greedy) matching and docs explicitly say that a .+ expression will always return only one character. These lines in autotest are looking for \S+, which, believing the documentation, would only return one character of the log file path.
Now we know that's not true, neither for Linux or for Windows (given the logs from @karthikdesai), so I can only assume that it does a greedy match but only for the characters it has received at the time expect is called.
Apparently, in the machines we are using autotest, it isn't a problem since MAVProxy is likely fast to give its output to pexpect before the expect method is called. On @karthikdesai's machine that wasn't happening since his machine was more or less loaded.
Concluding, this looks like a correct fix in the sense that it extends the regex pattern to wait for the end of line (and probably other places could benefit from it too).
2017-11-22 17:01:05 +09:00

201 lines
5.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Dive ArduSub in SITL
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import shutil
import pexpect
from pymavlink import mavutil
from common import *
from pysim import util
# get location of scripts
testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
HOME = mavutil.location(33.810313, -118.393867, 0, 185)
homeloc = None
def arm_sub(mavproxy, mav):
for i in range(8):
mavproxy.send('rc %d 1500\n' % (i+1))
mavproxy.send('arm throttle\n')
progress("SUB ARMED")
return True
def dive_manual(mavproxy, mav):
mavproxy.send('rc 3 1600\n')
mavproxy.send('rc 5 1600\n')
mavproxy.send('rc 6 1550\n')
if not wait_distance(mav, 50, accuracy=7, timeout=200):
return False
mavproxy.send('rc 4 1550\n')
if not wait_heading(mav, 0):
return False
mavproxy.send('rc 4 1500\n')
if not wait_distance(mav, 50, accuracy=7, timeout=100):
return False
mavproxy.send('rc 4 1550\n')
if not wait_heading(mav, 0):
return False
mavproxy.send('rc 4 1500\n')
mavproxy.send('rc 5 1500\n')
mavproxy.send('rc 6 1100\n')
if not wait_distance(mav, 75, accuracy=7, timeout=100):
return False
mavproxy.send('rc all 1500\n')
# wait for disarm
progress("Manual dive OK")
return True
def dive_mission(mavproxy, mav, filename):
progress("Executing mission %s" % filename)
mavproxy.send('wp load %s\n' % filename)
mavproxy.expect('Flight plan received')
mavproxy.send('wp list\n')
mavproxy.expect('Saved [0-9]+ waypoints')
if not arm_sub(mavproxy, mav):
progress("Failed to ARM")
return False
mavproxy.send('mode auto\n')
wait_mode(mav, 'AUTO')
if not wait_waypoint(mav, 1, 5, max_dist=5):
return False
# wait for disarm
progress("Mission OK")
return True
def dive_ArduSub(binary, viewerip=None, use_map=False, valgrind=False, gdb=False, gdbserver=False, speedup=10):
"""Dive ArduSub in SITL.
you can pass viewerip as an IP address to optionally send fg and
mavproxy packets too for local viewing of the mission in real time
options = '--sitl= --out= --streamrate=10'
if viewerip:
options += " --out=%s:14550" % viewerip
if use_map:
options += ' --map'
home = "%f,%f,%u,%u" % (, HOME.lng, HOME.alt, HOME.heading)
sitl = util.start_SITL(binary, model='vectored', wipe=True, home=home, speedup=speedup)
mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SITL('ArduSub', options=options)
mavproxy.expect('Received [0-9]+ parameters')
# setup test parameters
mavproxy.send("param load %s/default_params/sub.parm\n" % testdir)
mavproxy.expect('Loaded [0-9]+ parameters')
mavproxy.send('param set FS_GCS_ENABLE 0\n')
mavproxy.send("param set LOG_REPLAY 1\n")
mavproxy.send("param set LOG_DISARMED 1\n")
# reboot with new parameters
sitl = util.start_SITL(binary, model='vectored', home=home, speedup=speedup, valgrind=valgrind, gdb=gdb, gdbserver=gdbserver)
mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SITL('ArduSub', options=options)
mavproxy.expect('Telemetry log: (\S+)\r\n')
logfile =
progress("LOGFILE %s" % logfile)
buildlog = util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/ArduSub-test.tlog")
progress("buildlog=%s" % buildlog)
if os.path.exists(buildlog):
try:, buildlog)
except Exception:
mavproxy.expect('Received [0-9]+ parameters')
util.expect_setup_callback(mavproxy, expect_callback)
expect_list_extend([sitl, mavproxy])
progress("Started simulator")
# get a mavlink connection going
mav = mavutil.mavlink_connection('', robust_parsing=True)
except Exception as msg:
progress("Failed to start mavlink connection on" % msg)
failed = False
e = 'None'
progress("Waiting for a heartbeat with mavlink protocol %s" % mav.WIRE_PROTOCOL_VERSION)
progress("Waiting for GPS fix")
# wait for EKF and GPS checks to pass
mavproxy.expect('IMU0 is using GPS')
homeloc = mav.location()
progress("Home location: %s" % homeloc)
if not arm_sub(mavproxy, mav):
progress("Failed to ARM")
failed = True
if not dive_manual(mavproxy, mav):
progress("Failed manual dive")
failed = True
if not dive_mission(mavproxy, mav, os.path.join(testdir, "sub_mission.txt")):
progress("Failed auto mission")
failed = True
if not log_download(mavproxy, mav, util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/ArduSub-log.bin")):
progress("Failed log download")
failed = True
except pexpect.TIMEOUT as e:
progress("Failed with timeout")
failed = True
valgrind_log = util.valgrind_log_filepath(binary=binary, model='sub')
if os.path.exists(valgrind_log):
os.chmod(valgrind_log, 0o644)
shutil.copy(valgrind_log, util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/APMrover2-valgrind.log"))
if failed:
progress("FAILED: %s" % e)
return False
return True