
250 lines
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#pragma once
#include "AC_PrecLand_config.h"
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS_MAVLink.h>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "PosVelEKF.h"
#include <AP_HAL/utility/RingBuffer.h>
#include <AC_PrecLand/AC_PrecLand_StateMachine.h>
// declare backend classes
class AC_PrecLand_Backend;
class AC_PrecLand_Companion;
class AC_PrecLand_IRLock;
class AC_PrecLand_SITL_Gazebo;
class AC_PrecLand_SITL;
class AC_PrecLand
// declare backends as friends
friend class AC_PrecLand_Backend;
friend class AC_PrecLand_Companion;
friend class AC_PrecLand_IRLock;
friend class AC_PrecLand_SITL_Gazebo;
friend class AC_PrecLand_SITL;
/* Do not allow copies */
// return singleton
static AC_PrecLand *get_singleton() {
return _singleton;
// perform any required initialisation of landing controllers
// update_rate_hz should be the rate at which the update method will be called in hz
void init(uint16_t update_rate_hz);
// returns true if precision landing is healthy
bool healthy() const { return _backend_state.healthy; }
// returns true if precision landing is enabled (used only for logging)
bool enabled() const { return _enabled.get(); }
// returns time of last update
uint32_t last_update_ms() const { return _last_update_ms; }
// returns time of last time target was seen
uint32_t last_backend_los_meas_ms() const { return _last_backend_los_meas_ms; }
// vehicle has to be closer than this many cm's to the target before descending towards target
float get_max_xy_error_before_descending_cm() const { return _xy_max_dist_desc * 100.0f; }
// returns orientation of sensor
Rotation get_orient() const { return _orient; }
// returns ekf outlier count
uint32_t ekf_outlier_count() const { return _outlier_reject_count; }
// give chance to driver to get updates from sensor, should be called at 400hz
void update(float rangefinder_alt_cm, bool rangefinder_alt_valid);
// returns target position relative to the EKF origin
bool get_target_position_cm(Vector2f& ret);
// returns target relative position as 3D vector
void get_target_position_measurement_cm(Vector3f& ret);
// returns target position relative to vehicle
bool get_target_position_relative_cm(Vector2f& ret);
// returns target velocity relative to vehicle
bool get_target_velocity_relative_cms(Vector2f& ret);
// get the absolute velocity of the vehicle
void get_target_velocity_cms(const Vector2f& vehicle_velocity_cms, Vector2f& target_vel_cms);
// returns true when the landing target has been detected
bool target_acquired();
// process a LANDING_TARGET mavlink message
void handle_msg(const mavlink_landing_target_t &packet, uint32_t timestamp_ms);
// State of the Landing Target Location
enum class TargetState: uint8_t {
// return the last time PrecLand library had a output of the landing target position
uint32_t get_last_valid_target_ms() const { return _last_valid_target_ms; }
// return the current state of the location of the target
TargetState get_target_state() const { return _current_target_state; }
// return the last known landing position in Earth Frame NED meters.
void get_last_detected_landing_pos(Vector3f &pos) const { pos = _last_target_pos_rel_origin_NED; }
// return the last known postion of the vehicle when the target was detected in Earth Frame NED meters.
void get_last_vehicle_pos_when_target_detected(Vector3f &pos) const { pos = _last_vehicle_pos_NED; }
// Parameter getters
AC_PrecLand_StateMachine::RetryStrictness get_retry_strictness() const { return static_cast<AC_PrecLand_StateMachine::RetryStrictness>(_strict.get()); }
uint8_t get_max_retry_allowed() const { return _retry_max; }
float get_min_retry_time_sec() const { return _retry_timeout_sec; }
AC_PrecLand_StateMachine::RetryAction get_retry_behaviour() const { return static_cast<AC_PrecLand_StateMachine::RetryAction>(_retry_behave.get()); }
bool allow_precland_after_reposition() const { return _options & PLND_OPTION_PRECLAND_AFTER_REPOSITION; }
bool do_fast_descend() const { return _options & PLND_OPTION_FAST_DESCEND; }
// parameter var table
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
enum class EstimatorType : uint8_t {
// types of precision landing (used for PRECLAND_TYPE parameter)
enum class Type : uint8_t {
NONE = 0,
SITL = 4,
enum PLndOptions {
// check the status of the target
void check_target_status(float rangefinder_alt_m, bool rangefinder_alt_valid);
// Check if the landing target is supposed to be in sight based on the height of the vehicle from the ground
// This needs a valid rangefinder to work, if the min/max parameters are non zero
bool check_if_sensor_in_range(float rangefinder_alt_m, bool rangefinder_alt_valid) const;
// check if EKF got the time to initialize when the landing target was first detected
// Expects sensor to update within EKF_INIT_SENSOR_MIN_UPDATE_MS milliseconds till EKF_INIT_TIME_MS milliseconds have passed
// after this period landing target estimates can be used by vehicle
void check_ekf_init_timeout();
// run target position estimator
void run_estimator(float rangefinder_alt_m, bool rangefinder_alt_valid);
// If a new measurement was retrieved, sets _target_pos_rel_meas_NED and returns true
bool construct_pos_meas_using_rangefinder(float rangefinder_alt_m, bool rangefinder_alt_valid);
// get vehicle body frame 3D vector from vehicle to target. returns true on success, false on failure
bool retrieve_los_meas(Vector3f& target_vec_unit_body);
// calculate target's position and velocity relative to the vehicle (used as input to position controller)
// results are stored in_target_pos_rel_out_NE, _target_vel_rel_out_NE
void run_output_prediction();
// parameters
AP_Int8 _enabled; // enabled/disabled
AP_Enum<Type> _type; // precision landing sensor type
AP_Int8 _bus; // which sensor bus
AP_Enum<EstimatorType> _estimator_type; // precision landing estimator type
AP_Float _lag; // sensor lag in seconds
AP_Float _yaw_align; // Yaw angle from body x-axis to sensor x-axis.
AP_Float _land_ofs_cm_x; // Desired landing position of the camera forward of the target in vehicle body frame
AP_Float _land_ofs_cm_y; // Desired landing position of the camera right of the target in vehicle body frame
AP_Float _accel_noise; // accelerometer process noise
AP_Vector3f _cam_offset; // Position of the camera relative to the CG
AP_Float _xy_max_dist_desc; // Vehicle doing prec land will only descent vertically when horizontal error (in m) is below this limit
AP_Int8 _strict; // PrecLand strictness
AP_Int8 _retry_max; // PrecLand Maximum number of retires to a failed landing
AP_Float _retry_timeout_sec; // Time for which vehicle continues descend even if target is lost. After this time period, vehicle will attemp a landing retry depending on PLND_STRICT param.
AP_Int8 _retry_behave; // Action to do when trying a landing retry
AP_Float _sensor_min_alt; // PrecLand minimum height required for detecting target
AP_Float _sensor_max_alt; // PrecLand maximum height the sensor can detect target
AP_Int16 _options; // Bitmask for extra options
AP_Enum<Rotation> _orient; // Orientation of camera/sensor
uint32_t _last_update_ms; // system time in millisecond when update was last called
bool _target_acquired; // true if target has been seen recently after estimator is initialized
bool _estimator_initialized; // true if estimator has been initialized after few seconds of the target being detected by sensor
uint32_t _estimator_init_ms; // system time in millisecond when EKF was init
uint32_t _last_backend_los_meas_ms; // system time target was last seen
uint32_t _last_valid_target_ms; // last time PrecLand library had a output of the landing target position
PosVelEKF _ekf_x, _ekf_y; // Kalman Filter for x and y axis
uint32_t _outlier_reject_count; // mini-EKF's outlier counter (3 consecutive outliers lead to EKF accepting updates)
Vector3f _target_pos_rel_meas_NED; // target's relative position as 3D vector
Vector3f _approach_vector_body; // unit vector in landing approach direction (in body frame)
Vector3f _last_target_pos_rel_origin_NED; // stores the last known location of the target horizontally, and the height of the vehicle where it detected this target in meters NED
Vector3f _last_vehicle_pos_NED; // stores the position of the vehicle when landing target was last detected in m and NED
Vector2f _target_pos_rel_est_NE; // target's position relative to the IMU, not compensated for lag
Vector2f _target_vel_rel_est_NE; // target's velocity relative to the IMU, not compensated for lag
Vector2f _target_pos_rel_out_NE; // target's position relative to the camera, fed into position controller
Vector2f _target_vel_rel_out_NE; // target's velocity relative to the CG, fed into position controller
TargetState _current_target_state; // Current status of the landing target
// structure and buffer to hold a history of vehicle velocity
struct inertial_data_frame_s {
Matrix3f Tbn; // dcm rotation matrix to rotate body frame to north
Vector3f correctedVehicleDeltaVelocityNED;
Vector3f inertialNavVelocity;
bool inertialNavVelocityValid;
float dt;
uint64_t time_usec;
ObjectArray<inertial_data_frame_s> *_inertial_history;
// backend state
struct precland_state {
bool healthy;
} _backend_state;
AC_PrecLand_Backend *_backend; // pointers to backend precision landing driver
// write out PREC message to log:
void Write_Precland();
uint32_t last_log_ms; // last time we logged
static AC_PrecLand *_singleton; //singleton
namespace AP {
AC_PrecLand *ac_precland();