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/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
#ifndef AC_WPNAV_H
#define AC_WPNAV_H
#include <AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_Param.h>
#include <AP_Math.h>
#include <AC_PID.h> // PID library
#include <APM_PI.h> // PID library
#include <AP_InertialNav.h> // Inertial Navigation library
#include <AC_PosControl.h> // Position control library
// loiter maximum velocities and accelerations
#define WPNAV_ACCELERATION 100.0f // defines the default velocity vs distant curve. maximum acceleration in cm/s/s that position controller asks for from acceleration controller
#define WPNAV_ACCELERATION_MIN 50.0f // minimum acceleration in cm/s/s - used for sanity checking _wp_accel parameter
#define WPNAV_ACCEL_MAX 980.0f // max acceleration in cm/s/s that the loiter velocity controller will ask from the lower accel controller.
// should be 1.5 times larger than WPNAV_ACCELERATION.
// max acceleration = max lean angle * 980 * pi / 180. i.e. 23deg * 980 * 3.141 / 180 = 393 cm/s/s
#define WPNAV_LOITER_SPEED 500.0f // maximum default loiter speed in cm/s
#define WPNAV_LOITER_ACCEL_MAX 250.0f // maximum acceleration in loiter mode
#define WPNAV_LOITER_ACCEL_MIN 25.0f // minimum acceleration in loiter mode
#define WPNAV_LOITER_SPEED_MAX_TO_CORRECT_ERROR 200.0f // maximum speed used to correct position error (i.e. not including feed forward)
#define MAX_LEAN_ANGLE 4500 // default maximum lean angle
#define WPNAV_WP_SPEED 500.0f // default horizontal speed betwen waypoints in cm/s
#define WPNAV_WP_RADIUS 200.0f // default waypoint radius in cm
#define WPNAV_WP_SPEED_UP 250.0f // default maximum climb velocity
#define WPNAV_WP_SPEED_DOWN 150.0f // default maximum descent velocity
#define WPNAV_ALT_HOLD_P 1.0f // default throttle controller's altitude hold's P gain.
#define WPNAV_ALT_HOLD_ACCEL_MAX 250.0f // hard coded copy of throttle controller's maximum acceleration in cm/s. To-Do: remove duplication with throttle controller definition
#define WPNAV_MIN_LEASH_LENGTH 100.0f // minimum leash lengths in cm
class AC_WPNav
/// Constructor
AC_WPNav(const AP_InertialNav* inav, const AP_AHRS* ahrs, AC_PosControl& pos_control);
/// loiter controller
/// set_loiter_target in cm from home
void set_loiter_target(const Vector3f& position);
/// init_loiter_target - initialize's loiter position and feed-forward velocity from current pos and velocity
void init_loiter_target();
/// set_loiter_velocity - allows main code to pass the maximum velocity for loiter
void set_loiter_velocity(float velocity_cms) { _loiter_speed_cms = velocity_cms; };
/// calculate_loiter_leash_length - calculates the maximum distance in cm that the target position may be from the current location
void calculate_loiter_leash_length();
/// set_pilot_desired_acceleration - sets pilot desired acceleration from roll and pitch stick input
void set_pilot_desired_acceleration(float control_roll, float control_pitch);
/// get_stopping_point - returns vector to stopping point based on a horizontal position and velocity
void get_loiter_stopping_point_xy(Vector3f& stopping_point) const;
/// get_loiter_distance_to_target - get horizontal distance to loiter target in cm
float get_loiter_distance_to_target() const { return _pos_control.get_distance_to_target(); }
/// get_loiter_bearing_to_target - get bearing to loiter target in centi-degrees
int32_t get_loiter_bearing_to_target() const;
/// update_loiter - run the loiter controller - should be called at 10hz
void update_loiter();
/// waypoint controller
/// set_horizontal_velocity - allows main code to pass target horizontal velocity for wp navigation
void set_horizontal_velocity(float velocity_cms) { _wp_speed_cms = velocity_cms; };
/// get_horizontal_velocity - allows main code to retrieve target horizontal velocity for wp navigation
float get_horizontal_velocity() { return _wp_speed_cms; };
/// get_climb_velocity - returns target climb speed in cm/s during missions
float get_climb_velocity() const { return _wp_speed_up_cms; };
/// get_descent_velocity - returns target descent speed in cm/s during missions. Note: always positive
float get_descent_velocity() const { return _wp_speed_down_cms; };
/// get_wp_radius - access for waypoint radius in cm
float get_wp_radius() const { return _wp_radius_cm; }
/// get_wp_acceleration - returns acceleration in cm/s/s during missions
float get_wp_acceleration() const { return _wp_accel_cms.get(); }
/// get_wp_destination waypoint using position vector (distance from home in cm)
const Vector3f &get_wp_destination() const { return _destination; }
/// set_wp_destination waypoint using position vector (distance from home in cm)
void set_wp_destination(const Vector3f& destination);
/// set_wp_origin_and_destination - set origin and destination waypoints using position vectors (distance from home in cm)
void set_wp_origin_and_destination(const Vector3f& origin, const Vector3f& destination);
/// get_wp_stopping_point_xy - calculates stopping point based on current position, velocity, waypoint acceleration
/// results placed in stopping_position vector
void get_wp_stopping_point_xy(Vector3f& stopping_point) const;
/// get_wp_distance_to_destination - get horizontal distance to destination in cm
float get_wp_distance_to_destination();
/// get_bearing_to_destination - get bearing to next waypoint in centi-degrees
int32_t get_wp_bearing_to_destination();
/// reached_destination - true when we have come within RADIUS cm of the waypoint
bool reached_wp_destination() const { return _flags.reached_destination; }
/// set_fast_waypoint - set to true to ignore the waypoint radius and consider the waypoint 'reached' the moment the intermediate point reaches it
void set_fast_waypoint(bool fast) { _flags.fast_waypoint = fast; }
/// update_wp - update waypoint controller
void update_wpnav();
/// calculate_wp_leash_length - calculates track speed, acceleration and leash lengths for waypoint controller
void calculate_wp_leash_length();
/// shared methods
/// get desired roll, pitch which should be fed into stabilize controllers
int32_t get_roll() const { return _pos_control.get_roll(); };
int32_t get_pitch() const { return _pos_control.get_pitch(); };
/// get_desired_alt - get desired altitude (in cm above home) from loiter or wp controller which should be fed into throttle controller
float get_desired_alt() const { return _pos_control.get_alt_target(); }
/// set_desired_alt - set desired altitude (in cm above home)
void set_desired_alt(float desired_alt) { _pos_control.set_alt_target(desired_alt); }
/// advance_wp_target_along_track - move target location along track from origin to destination
void advance_wp_target_along_track(float dt);
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
// flags structure
struct wpnav_flags {
uint8_t reached_destination : 1; // true if we have reached the destination
uint8_t fast_waypoint : 1; // true if we should ignore the waypoint radius and consider the waypoint complete once the intermediate target has reached the waypoint
} _flags;
/// calc_loiter_desired_velocity - updates desired velocity (i.e. feed forward) with pilot requested acceleration and fake wind resistance
/// updated velocity sent directly to position controller
void calc_loiter_desired_velocity(float nav_dt);
/// get_bearing_cd - return bearing in centi-degrees between two positions
float get_bearing_cd(const Vector3f &origin, const Vector3f &destination) const;
// references to inertial nav and ahrs libraries
const AP_InertialNav* const _inav;
const AP_AHRS* const _ahrs;
AC_PosControl& _pos_control;
// parameters
AP_Float _loiter_speed_cms; // maximum horizontal speed in cm/s while in loiter
AP_Float _wp_speed_cms; // maximum horizontal speed in cm/s during missions
AP_Float _wp_speed_up_cms; // climb speed target in cm/s
AP_Float _wp_speed_down_cms; // descent speed target in cm/s
AP_Float _wp_radius_cm; // distance from a waypoint in cm that, when crossed, indicates the wp has been reached
AP_Float _wp_accel_cms; // acceleration in cm/s/s during missions
// loiter controller internal variables
uint32_t _loiter_last_update; // time of last update_loiter call
uint8_t _loiter_step; // used to decide which portion of loiter controller to run during this iteration
int16_t _pilot_accel_fwd_cms; // pilot's desired acceleration forward (body-frame)
int16_t _pilot_accel_rgt_cms; // pilot's desired acceleration right (body-frame)
float _loiter_accel_cms; // loiter's acceleration in cm/s/s
// waypoint controller internal variables
uint32_t _wp_last_update; // time of last update_wpnav call
uint8_t _wp_step; // used to decide which portion of wpnav controller to run during this iteration
Vector3f _origin; // starting point of trip to next waypoint in cm from home (equivalent to next_WP)
Vector3f _destination; // target destination in cm from home (equivalent to next_WP)
Vector3f _pos_delta_unit; // each axis's percentage of the total track from origin to destination
float _track_length; // distance in cm between origin and destination
float _track_desired; // our desired distance along the track in cm
float _limited_speed_xy_cms; // horizontal speed in cm/s used to advance the intermediate target towards the destination. used to limit extreme acceleration after passing a waypoint
float _track_accel; // acceleration along track
float _track_speed; // speed in cm/s along track
float _track_leash_length; // leash length along track
#endif // AC_WPNAV_H