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Driver for NoopLoop TOFSense-M CAN Version. Can be used as a 1-D RangeFidner or 3-D proximity sensor. Upto 3 CAN devices supported in this script although its easy to extend.
local update_rate_ms = 10 -- update rate (in ms) of the driver. 10ms was found to be appropriate
-- Global variables (DO NOT CHANGE)
local param_num_lua_driver_backend = 36 -- parameter number for lua rangefinder
local param_num_lua_prx_backend = 15 -- parameter number for lua proximity
local sensor_setup_done = false
-- Table contains the following info for 3 sensors. If more sensors are needed, this table will need to be increased
-- approportate scritping backend from rngfnd/prx library, true if backend exists, index parsed last from sensor, minimum distance found since index was 0, Param to decide which rngfnd/prx backednd will match to this sensor, param to decide CAN ID of this sensor
local backend_driver = {
{lua_driver_backend = nil, sensor_driver_found = false, last_index = 0, min_distance = 0, INSTANCE, CAN_ID},
{lua_driver_backend = nil, sensor_driver_found = false, last_index = 0, min_distance = 0, INSTANCE, CAN_ID},
{lua_driver_backend = nil, sensor_driver_found = false, last_index = 0, min_distance = 0, INSTANCE, CAN_ID}
local PARAM_TABLE_KEY = 104
-- bind a parameter to a variable
function bind_param(name)
local p = Parameter()
assert(p:init(name), string.format('could not find %s parameter', name))
return p
-- add a parameter and bind it to a variable
function bind_add_param(name, idx, default_value)
assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, idx, name, default_value), string.format('could not add param %s', name))
return bind_param(PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX .. name)
-- setup parameters
assert(param:add_table(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX, 15), 'could not add param table')
// @DisplayName: TOFSENSE-M to be used as Proximity sensor
// @Description: Set 0 if sensor is to be used as a 1-D rangefinder (minimum of all distances will be sent, typically used for height detection). Set 1 if it should be used as a 3-D proximity device (Eg. Obstacle Avoidance)
// @Values: 0:Set as Rangefinder, 1:Set as Proximity sensor
// @User: Standard
SET_PRX = bind_add_param('PRX', 1, 0)
// @Param: TOFSENSE_NO
// @DisplayName: TOFSENSE-M Connected
// @Description: Number of TOFSENSE-M CAN sensors connected
// @Range: 1 3
// @User: Standard
MAX_SENSORS = bind_add_param('NO', 2, 1)
// @DisplayName: TOFSENSE-M mode to be used
// @Description: TOFSENSE-M mode to be used. 0 for 8x8 mode. 1 for 4x4 mode
// @Values: 0: 8x8 mode, 1: 4x4 mode
// @User: Standard
MODE = bind_add_param('MODE', 3, 0)
-- first sensor
// @DisplayName: TOFSENSE-M First Instance
// @Description: First TOFSENSE-M sensors backend Instance. Setting this to 1 will pick the first backend from PRX_ or RNG_ Parameters (Depending on TOFSENSE_PRX)
// @Range: 1 3
// @User: Standard
backend_driver[1].INSTANCE = bind_add_param('INST1', 4, 1)
// @Param: TOFSENSE_ID1
// @DisplayName: TOFSENSE-M First ID
// @Description: First TOFSENSE-M sensor ID. Leave this at 0 to accept all IDs and if only one sensor is present. You can change ID of sensor from NAssistant Software
// @Range: 1 255
// @User: Standard
backend_driver[1].CAN_ID = bind_add_param('ID1', 5, 0)
-- second sensor
// @DisplayName: TOFSENSE-M Second Instance
// @Description: Second TOFSENSE-M sensors backend Instance. Setting this to 2 will pick the second backend from PRX_ or RNG_ Parameters (Depending on TOFSENSE_PRX)
// @Range: 1 3
// @User: Standard
backend_driver[2].INSTANCE = bind_add_param('INST2', 6, 2)
// @Param: TOFSENSE_ID2
// @DisplayName: TOFSENSE-M Second ID
// @Description: Second TOFSENSE-M sensor ID. This cannot be 0. You can change ID of sensor from NAssistant Software
// @Range: 1 255
// @User: Standard
backend_driver[2].CAN_ID = bind_add_param('ID2', 7, 2)
--third sensor
// @DisplayName: TOFSENSE-M Third Instance
// @Description: Third TOFSENSE-M sensors backend Instance. Setting this to 3 will pick the second backend from PRX_ or RNG_ Parameters (Depending on TOFSENSE_PRX)
// @Range: 1 3
// @User: Standard
backend_driver[2].INSTANCE = bind_add_param('INST3', 8, 2)
// @Param: TOFSENSE_ID3
// @DisplayName: TOFSENSE-M Thir ID
// @Description: Third TOFSENSE-M sensor ID. This cannot be 0. You can change ID of sensor from NAssistant Software
// @Range: 1 255
// @User: Standard
backend_driver[2].CAN_ID = bind_add_param('ID3', 9, 3)
-- check both CAN device for scripting backend. CAN Buffer length set to fixed 5
local driver = CAN:get_device(5)
if not driver then
driver = CAN:get_device2(5)
if not driver then
error("No scripting CAN interfaces found")
function setup_sensor(sensor, param_num)
local sensor_count = sensor:num_sensors() -- number of sensors connected
if MAX_SENSORS:get() > 3 then
error("TOFSENSE: Only 3 devices supported")
for i = 1, MAX_SENSORS:get() do
local backends_found = 0
local sensor_driver_found = false
local lua_driver_backend
for j = 0, sensor_count -1 do
local device = sensor:get_backend(j)
if ((not sensor_driver_found) and device and (device:type() == param_num)) then
-- this is a lua driver
backends_found = backends_found + 1
if backends_found == backend_driver[i].INSTANCE:get() then
-- get the correct instance as we may have multile scripting backends doing different things
sensor_driver_found = true
lua_driver_backend = device
if not sensor_driver_found then
-- We can't use this script if user hasn't setup a lua backend
error(string.format("TOFSENSE: Could not find SCR Backend ".. tostring(i)))
backend_driver[i].sensor_driver_found = true
backend_driver[i].lua_driver_backend = lua_driver_backend
-- get yaw and pitch of the pixel based message index.
function convert_to_angle(index)
-- The distances are sent in either a 4x4 or 8x8 grid. The horizontal and vertical FOV are 45 degrees so we can work out the angles
local index_row_max = 8
if (MODE:get() ~= 0) then
index_row_max = 4
local angle_division = 45/index_row_max
local horizontal_index = (index) % index_row_max
local vertical_index = math.floor(index / index_row_max)
local yaw = -22.5 + (horizontal_index*angle_division)
local pitch = -22.5 + (vertical_index*angle_division)
return yaw, pitch
-- send the message down to proximity library. This needs to be a 3D vector
function sent_prx_message(prx_backend, dist, yaw_deg, pitch_deg, push_to_boundary)
if (dist > 0) then
prx_backend:handle_script_distance_msg(dist, yaw_deg, pitch_deg, push_to_boundary)
-- send the message down to proximity library. This needs to be a single distance
function send_rfnd_message(rfnd_backend, dist)
if dist > 0 and (SET_PRX:get() == 0) then
local sent_successfully = rfnd_backend:handle_script_msg(dist)
if not sent_successfully then
-- This should never happen as we already checked for a valid configured lua backend above
gcs:send_text(0, string.format("RFND Lua Script Error"))
-- get the correct instance from parameters according to the CAN ID received
function get_instance_from_CAN_ID(frame)
for i = 1, MAX_SENSORS:get() do
if ((uint32_t(frame:id() - 0x200)) == uint32_t(backend_driver[i].CAN_ID:get())) then
return i
return 0
-- this is the loop which periodically runs
function update()
-- setup the sensor according to user preference of using proximity library or rangefinder
if not sensor_setup_done then
if SET_PRX:get() == 0 then
setup_sensor(rangefinder, param_num_lua_driver_backend)
setup_sensor(proximity, param_num_lua_prx_backend)
sensor_setup_done = true
-- read frame if available
local frame = driver:read_frame()
if not frame then
local instance
if ((backend_driver[1].CAN_ID:get() ~= 0)) then
instance = get_instance_from_CAN_ID(frame)
if (instance == 0) then
-- wrong ID
-- Simply accept any ID
instance = 1
-- Correct ID, so parse the data
local distance = ((frame:data(0)<<8 | frame:data(1)<<16 | frame:data(2)<<24)/256) / 1000
local status = frame:data(3)
local index = frame:data(6)
local update_rfnd = false
if (index < backend_driver[instance].last_index) then
-- One cycle of data has come. Lets update all backends involved
if SET_PRX:get() == 1 then
update_rfnd = true
backend_driver[instance].last_index = index
if status < 255 then
-- Status is healthy
if (SET_PRX:get() == 1) then
-- Send 3D data to Proximity Library
local yaw, pitch = convert_to_angle(index)
sent_prx_message(backend_driver[instance].lua_driver_backend, distance, yaw, pitch, false)
if (backend_driver[instance].min_distance == 0 or distance < backend_driver[instance].min_distance) then
-- store min data incase user wants to use it as a 1-D RangeFinder
backend_driver[instance].min_distance = distance
if (update_rfnd) then
send_rfnd_message(backend_driver[instance].lua_driver_backend, backend_driver[instance].min_distance)
-- reset
backend_driver[instance].min_distance = 0
-- wrapper around update(). This calls update() and if update faults
-- then an error is displayed, but the script is not stopped
function protected_wrapper()
local success, err = pcall(update)
if not success then
gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Internal Error: " .. err)
-- when we fault we run the update function again after 1s, slowing it
-- down a bit so we don't flood the console with errors
return protected_wrapper, 1000
return protected_wrapper, update_rate_ms
-- start running update loop
return protected_wrapper()