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synced 2025-03-03 12:14:10 -04:00
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(c) 2017 night_ghost@ykoctpa.ru
based on: ST appnote
* SerialDriver.cpp --- AP_HAL_F4Light SoftSerial driver.
#pragma GCC optimize ("O2")
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include "UART_SoftDriver.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <gpio_hal.h>
using namespace F4Light;
// hardware RX and software TX
void SerialDriver::begin(uint32_t baud) {
gpio_write_bit(tx_pp.gpio_device, tx_pp.gpio_bit, _inverse?LOW:HIGH);
gpio_set_mode(tx_pp.gpio_device, tx_pp.gpio_bit, GPIO_OUTPUT_PP);
gpio_set_mode(rx_pp.gpio_device, rx_pp.gpio_bit, GPIO_INPUT_PU);
uint32_t prescaler;
if (baud > 2400) {
bitPeriod = (uint16_t)((uint32_t)(CYCLES_PER_MICROSECOND * 1000000) / baud);
} else {
bitPeriod = (uint16_t)(((uint32_t)(CYCLES_PER_MICROSECOND * 1000000) / 16) / baud);
timer_set_prescaler(timer, prescaler-1);
timer_set_reload(timer, bitPeriod/2); // for TX needs
transmitBufferRead = transmitBufferWrite = 0;
txBitCount = 8; // 1st interrupt will generate STOP
// Set rx State machine start state, attach the bit interrupt and mask it until start bit is received
receiveBufferRead = receiveBufferWrite = 0;
rxBitCount = 9;
rxSetCapture(); // wait for start bit
timer_attach_interrupt(timer, channel, Scheduler::get_handler(FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&SerialDriver::rxNextBit,void)), SOFT_UART_INT_PRIORITY);
timer_attach_interrupt(timer, TIMER_UPDATE_INTERRUPT, Scheduler::get_handler(FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&SerialDriver::txNextBit,void)), SOFT_UART_INT_PRIORITY); // also enables interrupt, so 1st interrupt will be ASAP
// there will be interrupt after enabling TX interrupts, it will be disabled in handler
timer_generate_update(timer); // Load the timer values and start it
_initialized = true;
void SerialDriver::rxSetCapture(){
timer_ic_set_mode(timer, channel, TIM_ICSelection_DirectTI | TIM_ICPSC_DIV1, 3);
timer_cc_set_pol(timer, channel, _inverse?TIMER_POLARITY_RISING:TIMER_POLARITY_FALLING);
void SerialDriver::rxSetCompare(){
timer_set_mode(timer, channel, TIMER_OUTPUT_COMPARE); // for RX needs, capture mode by hands
void SerialDriver::end() {
gpio_write_bit(tx_pp.gpio_device, tx_pp.gpio_bit, 1);
_initialized = false;
void SerialDriver::flush() {
receiveBufferRead = receiveBufferWrite = 0;
bool SerialDriver::tx_pending() {
if(!_initialized) return 0;
return (transmitBufferWrite + SS_MAX_TX_BUFF - transmitBufferRead) % SS_MAX_TX_BUFF;
uint32_t SerialDriver::available() {
return (receiveBufferWrite + SS_MAX_RX_BUFF - receiveBufferRead) % SS_MAX_RX_BUFF;
uint32_t SerialDriver::txspace() {
return SS_MAX_TX_BUFF - tx_pending();
int16_t SerialDriver::read() {
if (!_initialized)
return -1;
// Wait if buffer is empty
if(receiveBufferRead == receiveBufferWrite) return -1; // no data
uint8_t inData = receiveBuffer[receiveBufferRead];
receiveBufferRead = (receiveBufferRead + 1) % SS_MAX_RX_BUFF;
return inData;
size_t SerialDriver::write(uint8_t c) {
if (!_initialized) return 0;
// Blocks if buffer full
uint16_t n_try=3;
do { // wait for free space
if( ((transmitBufferWrite + 1) % SS_MAX_TX_BUFF) == transmitBufferRead ){
Scheduler::yield(); // while we wait - let others work
if(! _blocking) n_try--;
} else break; // got it!
} while(n_try);
// Save new data in buffer and bump the write pointer
transmitBuffer[transmitBufferWrite] = c;
transmitBufferWrite = (transmitBufferWrite == SS_MAX_TX_BUFF) ? 0 : transmitBufferWrite + 1;
// Check if transmit timer interrupt enabled and if not unmask it
// transmit timer interrupt will get masked by transmit ISR when buffer becomes empty
if (!activeTX) {
// Set state to 10 (send start bit) and re-enable transmit interrupt
txBitCount = 10;
txEnableInterrupts(); // enable
return 1;
size_t SerialDriver::write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
size_t n = 0;
while (size--) {
n += write(*buffer++);
return n;
#define bitRead(value, bit) (((value) >> (bit)) & 0x01)
// Transmits next bit. Called by timer update interrupt
void SerialDriver::txNextBit(void /* TIM_TypeDef *tim */) { // ISR
txSkip= !txSkip;
if(txSkip) return; // one bit per 2 periods
// State 0 through 7 - transmit bits
if (txBitCount <= 7) {
if (bitRead(transmitBuffer[transmitBufferRead], txBitCount) == (_inverse?0:1)) {
gpio_write_bit(tx_pp.gpio_device, tx_pp.gpio_bit,HIGH);
} else {
gpio_write_bit(tx_pp.gpio_device, tx_pp.gpio_bit,LOW);
// Bump the bit/state counter to state 8
#if DEBUG_DELAY && defined(DEBUG_PIN1)
// State 8 - Send the stop bit and reset state to state -1
// Shutdown timer interrupt if buffer empty
} else if (txBitCount == 8) {
// Send the stop bit
gpio_write_bit(tx_pp.gpio_device, tx_pp.gpio_bit, _inverse?LOW:HIGH);
transmitBufferRead = (transmitBufferRead == SS_MAX_TX_BUFF ) ? 0 : transmitBufferRead + 1;
if (transmitBufferRead != transmitBufferWrite) { // we have data do transmit
txBitCount = 10;
} else {
// Buffer empty so shutdown timer until write() puts data in
// Send start bit for new byte
} else if (txBitCount >= 10) {
gpio_write_bit(tx_pp.gpio_device, tx_pp.gpio_bit, _inverse?HIGH:LOW);
txBitCount = 0;
// Receive next bit. Called by timer channel interrupt
void SerialDriver::rxNextBit(void /* TIM_TypeDef *tim */) { // ISR
if(!activeRX) { // capture start bit
// Test if this is really the start bit and not a spurious edge
if (rxBitCount == 9) {
uint16_t pos = timer_get_capture(timer, channel);
rxSetCompare(); // turn to compare mode
timer_set_compare(timer, channel, pos); // captured value
// Set state/bit to first bit
rxSkip=false; // next half bit will OK
} else { // compare match twice per bit;
rxSkip= !rxSkip;
if(!rxSkip) return; // not the middle of bit
// now in middle of bit
uint8_t d = gpio_read_bit( rx_pp.gpio_device, rx_pp.gpio_bit);
if (rxBitCount == 9) { // check start bit again
if ( d == _inverse?HIGH:LOW) { // start OK
rxBitCount = 0;
} else { // false start
rxSetCapture(); // turn back to capture mode
} else if (rxBitCount < 8) { // get bits
receiveByte >>= 1;
if ( d == _inverse?LOW:HIGH)
receiveByte |= 0x80;
// State 8 - Save incoming byte and update buffer
} else if (rxBitCount == 8) {
if ( d == _inverse?LOW:HIGH) { // stop OK - save byte
// Finish out stop bit while we...
if (gpio_read_bit( rx_pp.gpio_device, rx_pp.gpio_bit) == _inverse?LOW:HIGH) // valid STOP
receiveBuffer[receiveBufferWrite] = receiveByte;
// Calculate location in buffer for next incoming byte
uint8_t next = (receiveBufferWrite + 1) % SS_MAX_RX_BUFF; // FYI - With this logic we effectively only have an (SS_MAX_RX_BUFF - 1) buffer size
// Test if buffer full
// If the buffer isn't full update the tail pointer to point to next location
if (next != receiveBufferRead) {
receiveBufferWrite = next;
#ifdef SS_DEBUG
else {
bufferOverflow = true; // Else if it is now full set the buffer overflow flag
#if DEBUG_DELAY && defined(DEBUG_PIN1)
overFlowTail = receiveBufferWrite;
overFlowHead = receiveBufferRead;
GPIO::_write(DEBUG_PIN1, 1);
GPIO::_write(DEBUG_PIN1, 0);
// Set for state 9 to receive next byte
rxBitCount = 9;
rxSetCapture(); // turn back to capture mode