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helicopter simulator class
#include "SIM_Helicopter.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>
namespace SITL {
Helicopter::Helicopter(const char *frame_str) :
mass = 4.54f;
if (strstr(frame_str, "-dual")) {
frame_type = HELI_FRAME_DUAL;
_time_delay = 30;
nominal_rpm = 1300;
mass = 9.08f;
iyy = 0.2f;
} else if (strstr(frame_str, "-compound")) {
_time_delay = 50;
nominal_rpm = 1500;
} else if (strstr(frame_str, "-blade360")) {
frame_type = HELI_FRAME_BLADE360;
_time_delay = 40;
nominal_rpm = 2100;
} else {
_time_delay = 50;
nominal_rpm = 1500;
For conventional and compound
scaling from motor power to Newtons. Allows the copter
to hover against gravity when the motor is at hover_throttle
normalized to hover at 1500RPM at 5 deg collective.
thrust_scale = (mass * GRAVITY_MSS) / (hover_coll * sq(nominal_rpm * 2.0f * M_PI / 60.0f));
// calculates tail rotor thrust to overcome rotor torque using the lean angle in a hover
torque_scale = 0.83f * mass * GRAVITY_MSS * sinf(radians(hover_lean)) * tr_dist / (hover_coll * sq(nominal_rpm * 2.0f * M_PI / 60.0f));
// torque with zero collective pitch. Percentage of total hover torque is based on full scale helicopters.
torque_mpog = 0.17f * mass * GRAVITY_MSS * sinf(radians(hover_lean)) * tr_dist / sq(nominal_rpm * 2.0f * M_PI / 60.0f);
frame_height = 0.1;
gas_heli = (strstr(frame_str, "-gas") != nullptr);
lock_step_scheduled = true;
motor_mask |= (1U<<0);
update the helicopter simulation by one time step
void Helicopter::update(const struct sitl_input &input)
const float dt = frame_time_us * 1.0e-6f;
// get wind vector setup
motor_interlock = input.servos[7] > 1400;
float rsc = constrain_float((input.servos[7]-1000) / 1000.0f, 0, 1);
float thrust = 0;
float thrust_1 = 0;
float thrust_2 = 0;
float torque_effect_accel = 0;
float lateral_x_thrust = 0;
float lateral_y_thrust = 0;
if (_time_delay == 0) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
_servos_delayed[i] = input.servos[i];
} else if (servos_stored_buffer == nullptr) {
uint16_t buffer_size = constrain_int16(_time_delay, 1, 100) * 0.001f / dt;
servos_stored_buffer = new ObjectBuffer<servos_stored>(buffer_size);
while (servos_stored_buffer->space() != 0) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
_servos_delayed[i] = input.servos[i];
} else {
float swash1 = (_servos_delayed[0]-1000) / 1000.0f;
float swash2 = (_servos_delayed[1]-1000) / 1000.0f;
float swash3 = (_servos_delayed[2]-1000) / 1000.0f;
Vector3f rot_accel;
switch (frame_type) {
// simulate a traditional helicopter
float Ma1s = 617.5f;
float Lb1s = 3588.6f;
float Mu = 0.003f;
float Lv = -0.006;
float Xu = -0.125;
float Yv = -0.375;
float Zw = -0.375;
float tail_rotor = (_servos_delayed[3]-1000) / 1000.0f;
// thrust calculated based on 5 deg hover collective for 10lb aircraft at 1500RPM
float coll = 50.0f * (swash1+swash2+swash3) / 3.0f - 25.0f;
thrust = thrust_scale * sq(rpm[0] * 0.104667f) * (0.25* (coll - hover_coll) + hover_coll);
// determine RPM
rpm[0] = update_rpm(rpm[0], rsc, torque_effect_accel, coll, dt);
// Calculate rotor tip path plane angle
float roll_cyclic = 1.283 * (swash1 - swash2) / cyclic_scalar;
float pitch_cyclic = 1.48 * ((swash1+swash2) / 2.0f - swash3) / cyclic_scalar;
Vector2f ctrl_pos = Vector2f(roll_cyclic, pitch_cyclic);
update_rotor_dynamics(gyro, ctrl_pos, _tpp_angle, dt);
float yaw_cmd = 2.0f * tail_rotor - 1.0f; // convert range to -1 to 1
float tail_rotor_torque = (21.6f * 2.96f * yaw_cmd - 2.96f * gyro.z) * sq(rpm[0]/nominal_rpm);
float tail_rotor_thrust = -1.0f * tail_rotor_torque * izz / tr_dist; //right pedal produces left body accel
// rotational acceleration, in rad/s/s, in body frame
rot_accel.x = _tpp_angle.x * Lb1s + Lv * velocity_air_bf.y;
rot_accel.y = _tpp_angle.y * Ma1s + Mu * velocity_air_bf.x;
rot_accel.z = tail_rotor_torque - torque_effect_accel;
lateral_y_thrust = tail_rotor_thrust / mass + GRAVITY_MSS * _tpp_angle.x + Yv * velocity_air_bf.y;
lateral_x_thrust = -1.0f * GRAVITY_MSS * _tpp_angle.y + Xu * velocity_air_bf.x;
accel_body = Vector3f(lateral_x_thrust, lateral_y_thrust, -thrust / mass + velocity_air_bf.z * Zw);
// simulate a Blade 360 helicopter. This model was taken from the following reference.
// Walker, J, Tishler, M, "Identification and Control Design of a Sub-Scale Flybarless Helicopter",
// Vertical Flight Society’s 77th Annual Forum & Technology Display, Virtual, May 10-14, 2021.
float Ma1s = 796.7f;
float Lb1s = 5115.2f;
float Mu = 2.7501f;
float Mv = -2.3039f;
float Lu = -28.7796f;
float Lv = -5.5376f;
float Xu = -0.2270f;
float Yv = -0.1852f;
float Yp = 0.2303f;
float Zw = -0.5910f;
float Nr = -2.0131f;
float Nw = 5.7574f;
float Nv = 1.7258f;
float Ncol = -32.4616f;
float Nped = 63.0040f;
float Zcol = -22.3239f;
float tail_rotor = (_servos_delayed[3]-1000) / 1000.0f;
// collective adjusted for coll_min(1460) to coll_max(1740) as 0 to 1 with 1500 being zero thrust
float coll = 3.51 * ((swash1+swash2+swash3) / 3.0f - 0.5f);
// determine RPM
rpm[0] = update_rpm(rpm[0], rsc, torque_effect_accel, coll, dt);
// Calculate rotor tip path plane angle
float roll_cyclic = 1.283f * (swash1 - swash2);
float pitch_cyclic = 1.48f * ((swash1+swash2) / 2.0f - swash3);
Vector2f ctrl_pos = Vector2f(roll_cyclic, pitch_cyclic);
update_rotor_dynamics(gyro, ctrl_pos, _tpp_angle, dt);
float yaw_cmd = 1.45f * (2.0f * tail_rotor - 1.0f); // convert range to -1 to 1
// rotational acceleration, in rad/s/s, in body frame
rot_accel.x = _tpp_angle.x * Lb1s + Lu * velocity_air_bf.x + Lv * velocity_air_bf.y;
rot_accel.y = _tpp_angle.y * Ma1s + Mu * velocity_air_bf.x + Mv * velocity_air_bf.y;
rot_accel.z = Nv * velocity_air_bf.y + Nr * gyro.z + sq(rpm[0]/nominal_rpm) * Nped * yaw_cmd + Nw * velocity_air_bf.z + sq(rpm[0]/nominal_rpm) * Ncol * (coll - 0.5f);
lateral_y_thrust = GRAVITY_MSS * _tpp_angle.x + Yv * velocity_air_bf.y + Yp * gyro.x - 3.2 * 0.01745 * GRAVITY_MSS;
lateral_x_thrust = -1.0f * GRAVITY_MSS * _tpp_angle.y + Xu * velocity_air_bf.x;
float vertical_thrust = Zcol * coll * sq(rpm[0]/nominal_rpm) + velocity_air_bf.z * Zw;
accel_body = Vector3f(lateral_x_thrust, lateral_y_thrust, vertical_thrust);
float Ma1s = 617.5f;
float Lb1s = 3588.6f;
float Mu = 0.003f;
float Lv = -0.006f;
float Xu = -0.125f;
float Yv = -0.375f;
float Zw = -0.375f;
float hub_dist = 1.8f; //meters
float swash4 = (_servos_delayed[3]-1000) / 1000.0f;
float swash5 = (_servos_delayed[4]-1000) / 1000.0f;
float swash6 = (_servos_delayed[5]-1000) / 1000.0f;
// Forward rotor is number 1
// thrust calculated based on 5 deg hover collective for 10lb aircraft at 1500RPM
float coll_1 = 50.0f * (swash1+swash2+swash3) / 3.0f - 25.0f;
// Calculate rotor tip path plane angle
float roll_cyclic_1 = 1.283 * (swash1 - swash2) / cyclic_scalar;
float pitch_cyclic_1 = 1.48 * ((swash1+swash2) / 2.0f - swash3) / cyclic_scalar;
Vector2f ctrl_pos_1 = Vector2f(roll_cyclic_1, pitch_cyclic_1);
update_rotor_dynamics(gyro, ctrl_pos_1, _tpp_angle_1, dt);
// Aft rotor is number 2
// thrust calculated based on 5 deg hover collective for 10lb aircraft at 1500RPM
float coll_2 = 50.0f * (swash4+swash5+swash6) / 3.0f - 25.0f;
// Calculate rotor tip path plane angle
float roll_cyclic_2 = 1.283 * (swash4 - swash5) / cyclic_scalar;
float pitch_cyclic_2 = 1.48 * ((swash4+swash5) / 2.0f - swash6) / cyclic_scalar;
Vector2f ctrl_pos_2 = Vector2f(roll_cyclic_2, pitch_cyclic_2);
update_rotor_dynamics(gyro, ctrl_pos_2, _tpp_angle_2, dt);
// determine RPM
rpm[0] = update_rpm(rpm[0], rsc, torque_effect_accel, (coll_1 + coll_2) * 0.5f, dt);
thrust_1 = 0.5f * thrust_scale * sq(rpm[0] * 0.104667f) * (0.25* (coll_1 - hover_coll) + hover_coll);
thrust_2 = 0.5f * thrust_scale * sq(rpm[0] * 0.104667f) * (0.25* (coll_2 - hover_coll) + hover_coll);
// rotational acceleration, in rad/s/s, in body frame
rot_accel.x = (_tpp_angle_1.x + _tpp_angle_2.x) * Lb1s + Lv * velocity_air_bf.y;
rot_accel.y = (_tpp_angle_1.y + _tpp_angle_2.y) * Ma1s + (thrust_1 - thrust_2) * hub_dist / iyy + Mu * velocity_air_bf.x;
rot_accel.z = (_tpp_angle_1.x * thrust_1 - _tpp_angle_2.x * thrust_2) * hub_dist / (iyy * 2.0f) - 0.5f * gyro.z;
lateral_y_thrust = GRAVITY_MSS * (_tpp_angle_1.x + _tpp_angle_2.x) + Yv * velocity_air_bf.y;
lateral_x_thrust = -1.0f * GRAVITY_MSS * (_tpp_angle_1.y + _tpp_angle_2.y) + Xu * velocity_air_bf.x;
accel_body = Vector3f(lateral_x_thrust, lateral_y_thrust, -(thrust_1 + thrust_2) / mass + velocity_air_bf.z * Zw);
// simulate a compound helicopter
float Ma1s = 617.5f;
float Lb1s = 3588.6f;
float Mu = 0.003f;
float Lv = -0.006;
float Xu = -0.125;
float Yv = -0.375;
float Zw = -0.375;
// thrust calculated based on 5 deg hover collective for 10lb aircraft at 1500RPM
float coll = 50.0f * (swash1+swash2+swash3) / 3.0f - 25.0f;
thrust = thrust_scale * sq(rpm[0] * 0.104667f) * (0.25* (coll - hover_coll) + hover_coll);
// determine RPM
rpm[0] = update_rpm(rpm[0], rsc, torque_effect_accel, coll, dt);
// Calculate rotor tip path plane angle
float roll_cyclic = 1.283 * (swash1 - swash2) / cyclic_scalar;
float pitch_cyclic = 1.48 * ((swash1+swash2) / 2.0f - swash3) / cyclic_scalar;
Vector2f ctrl_pos = Vector2f(roll_cyclic, pitch_cyclic);
update_rotor_dynamics(gyro, ctrl_pos, _tpp_angle, dt);
// Calculate thruster yaw and forward thrust effects
// Thruster command range -1 to 1. Positive is forward thrust for both
float right_thruster_cmd = 2.0f * (_servos_delayed[3]-1000) / 1000.0f - 1.0f;
float left_thruster_cmd = 2.0f * (_servos_delayed[4]-1000) / 1000.0f - 1.0f;
// assume torque from each thruster only half of normal tailrotor since thrusters 1/2 distance from cg
float right_thruster_torque = (-0.5f * 21.6f * 2.96f * right_thruster_cmd - 2.96f * gyro.z) * sq(rpm[0] / nominal_rpm);
float left_thruster_torque = (0.5f * 21.6f * 2.96f * left_thruster_cmd - 2.96f * gyro.z) * sq(rpm[0] / nominal_rpm);
float right_thruster_force = -1.0f * right_thruster_torque * izz / (0.5f * tr_dist);
float left_thruster_force = left_thruster_torque * izz / (0.5f * tr_dist);
// rotational acceleration, in rad/s/s, in body frame
rot_accel.x = _tpp_angle.x * Lb1s + Lv * velocity_air_bf.y;
rot_accel.y = _tpp_angle.y * Ma1s + Mu * velocity_air_bf.x;
rot_accel.z = right_thruster_torque + left_thruster_torque - torque_effect_accel;
lateral_y_thrust = GRAVITY_MSS * _tpp_angle.x + Yv * velocity_air_bf.y;
lateral_x_thrust = (right_thruster_force + left_thruster_force) / mass - GRAVITY_MSS * _tpp_angle.y + Xu * velocity_air_bf.x;
accel_body = Vector3f(lateral_x_thrust, lateral_y_thrust, -thrust / mass + velocity_air_bf.z * Zw);
// update lat/lon/altitude
// update magnetic field
void Helicopter::update_rotor_dynamics(Vector3f gyros, Vector2f ctrl_pos, Vector2f &tpp_angle, float dt)
float tf_inv;
float Lfa1s;
float Mfb1s;
float Lflt;
float Lflg;
float Mflt;
float Mflg;
if (frame_type == HELI_FRAME_BLADE360) {
tf_inv = 1.0f / 0.0353f;
Lfa1s = 1.0477f;
Mfb1s = -1.0057f;
Lflt = 0.2375f;
Lflg = -0.0286f;
Mflt = 0.0344f;
Mflg = 0.2292f;
} else if (frame_type == HELI_FRAME_DUAL) { // remove coupling in rotor
tf_inv = 1.0f / 0.068232f;
Lfa1s = 0.0f;
Mfb1s = 0.0f;
Lflt = 1.7635f;
Lflg = 0.0f;
Mflt = 0.0f;
Mflg = 1.9432f;
} else {
tf_inv = 1.0f / 0.068232f;
Lfa1s = 1.2963f;
Mfb1s = -1.3402f;
Lflt = 1.7635f;
Lflg = -0.61171f;
Mflt = 0.52454f;
Mflg = 1.9432f;
float b1s_dot = -1 * gyro.x - tf_inv * tpp_angle.x + tf_inv * (Lfa1s * tpp_angle.y + Lflt * ctrl_pos.x + Lflg * ctrl_pos.y);
float a1s_dot = -1 * gyro.y - tf_inv * tpp_angle.y + tf_inv * (Mfb1s * tpp_angle.x + Mflt * ctrl_pos.x + Mflg * ctrl_pos.y);
tpp_angle.x += b1s_dot * dt;
tpp_angle.y += a1s_dot * dt;
float Helicopter::update_rpm(float curr_rpm, float throttle, float &engine_torque, float collective, float dt)
static float rotor_runup_output;
static uint8_t motor_status;
if (throttle > 0.25) {
motor_status = 3; // throttle unlimited
} else if (motor_status == 3 && throttle <= 0.25 && throttle > 0.15) {
motor_status = 2; // autorotational window
} else if (throttle <= 0.15) {
motor_status = 1; // idle
float runup_time = 8.0f;
if (motor_status == 2) {
runup_time = 2.0f;
float accel_scale = 100.0f;
// ramp speed estimate towards control out
float runup_increment = dt / runup_time;
if (motor_status > 2) {
if (rotor_runup_output < 1.0f) {
rotor_runup_output += runup_increment;
} else {
rotor_runup_output = 1.0f;
if (curr_rpm < nominal_rpm - 25.0f) {
accel_scale = 2000.0f / runup_time;
if (rotor_runup_output > 0.0f) {
rotor_runup_output -= runup_increment * 10.0f; // make ramp down 10 times faster
} else {
rotor_runup_output = 0.0f;
float input_torque = 0.0f;
// calculate engine torque just for start up and shutdown of rotor
engine_torque = accel_scale * rotor_runup_output * torque_mpog * sq(nominal_rpm * 2.0f * M_PI / 60.0f) / izz;
// Calculate autorotation effect on rotor
float auto_ss_torque = accel_scale * sq(nominal_rpm * 0.104667f) * torque_mpog / izz;
float descent_torque = (velocity_air_bf.z - 7.0) * auto_ss_torque / 7.0f + auto_ss_torque;
// manage input torque so descent torque combined with engine torque doesn't allow rotor to overspeed
if (rotor_runup_output >= 1.0f && curr_rpm > nominal_rpm - 25.0f) {
input_torque = engine_torque;
} else if (rotor_runup_output <= 0.0f) {
input_torque = descent_torque;
} else {
input_torque = engine_torque + descent_torque;
float rpm_dot = 0.0f;
if (rotor_runup_output <= 0.0f && curr_rpm < 300) {
rpm_dot = - 40.0f;
if (curr_rpm <= 0.0f) {
return 0.0f;
} else {
rpm_dot = input_torque - (sq(curr_rpm * 0.104667f) * (accel_scale * torque_mpog )) / izz;
// Calculate main rotor torque effect on body to include thrust effects to determine tail rotor thrust
engine_torque = sq(nominal_rpm * 0.104667f) * rotor_runup_output * (torque_mpog + torque_scale * fabsf(collective)) / izz;
return curr_rpm + rpm_dot * dt;
// push servo input to buffer
void Helicopter::push_to_buffer(const uint16_t servos_input[16])
servos_stored sample;
sample.servo1 = servos_input[0];
sample.servo2 = servos_input[1];
sample.servo3 = servos_input[2];
sample.servo4 = servos_input[3];
sample.servo5 = servos_input[4];
sample.servo6 = servos_input[5];
// pull servo delay from buffer
void Helicopter::pull_from_buffer(uint16_t servos_delayed[6])
servos_stored sample;
if (!servos_stored_buffer->pop(sample)) {
// no sample
servos_delayed[0] = sample.servo1;
servos_delayed[1] = sample.servo2;
servos_delayed[2] = sample.servo3;
servos_delayed[3] = sample.servo4;
servos_delayed[4] = sample.servo5;
servos_delayed[5] = sample.servo6;
} // namespace SITL