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synced 2025-03-06 21:53:57 -04:00
Before: -> After Stabilize P –> Stabilize P (Use NG values, or 8.3 x the older AC2 value) Stabilize I –> Stabilize I (Stays same value) Stabilize D –> Rate P (Stays same value) –> Rate I (new) Added a new value – an I term for rate. The old stabilization routines did not use this term. Please refer to the config.h file to read more about the new PIDs. Added framework for using DCM corrected Accelerometer rates. Code is commented out for now. Added set home at Arming. Crosstrack is now a full PID loop, rather than just a P gain for more control. Throttle now slews when switching out of Alt hold or Auto modes for less jarring transitions Sonar and Baro PIDs are now combined into a throttle PID Yaw control is completely re-written. Added Octa_Quad support - Max git-svn-id: https://arducopter.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2836 f9c3cf11-9bcb-44bc-f272-b75c42450872
239 lines
6.1 KiB
239 lines
6.1 KiB
// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
void init_commands()
// zero is home, but we always load the next command (1), in the code.
// This are registers for the current may and must commands
// setting to zero will allow them to be written to by new commands
command_must_index = NO_COMMAND;
command_may_index = NO_COMMAND;
// clear the command queue
void init_auto()
//if (g.waypoint_index == g.waypoint_total) {
// Serial.println("ia_f");
// do_RTL();
// initialize commands
// -------------------
// forces the loading of a new command
// queue is emptied after a new command is processed
void clear_command_queue(){
next_command.id = NO_COMMAND;
// Getters
// -------
struct Location get_command_with_index(int i)
struct Location temp;
// Find out proper location in memory by using the start_byte position + the index
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (i > g.waypoint_total) {
// we do not have a valid command to load
// return a WP with a "Blank" id
temp.id = CMD_BLANK;
// no reason to carry on
return temp;
// we can load a command, we don't process it yet
// read WP position
long mem = (WP_START_BYTE) + (i * WP_SIZE);
temp.id = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)mem);
temp.options = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)mem);
temp.p1 = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)mem);
temp.alt = (long)eeprom_read_dword((uint32_t*)mem); // alt is stored in CM! Alt is stored relative!
mem += 4;
temp.lat = (long)eeprom_read_dword((uint32_t*)mem); // lat is stored in decimal * 10,000,000
mem += 4;
temp.lng = (long)eeprom_read_dword((uint32_t*)mem); // lon is stored in decimal * 10,000,000
// Add on home altitude if we are a nav command (or other command with altitude) and stored alt is relative
if((temp.id < MAV_CMD_NAV_LAST || temp.id == MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT) && temp.options & WP_OPTION_ALT_RELATIVE){
//temp.alt += home.alt;
//Serial.println("ADD ALT");
if(temp.options & WP_OPTION_RELATIVE){
// If were relative, just offset from home
temp.lat += home.lat;
temp.lng += home.lng;
return temp;
// Setters
// -------
void set_command_with_index(struct Location temp, int i)
i = constrain(i, 0, g.waypoint_total.get());
uint32_t mem = WP_START_BYTE + (i * WP_SIZE);
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *) mem, temp.id);
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *) mem, temp.options);
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t *) mem, temp.p1);
eeprom_write_dword((uint32_t *) mem, temp.alt); // Alt is stored in CM!
mem += 4;
eeprom_write_dword((uint32_t *) mem, temp.lat); // Lat is stored in decimal degrees * 10^7
mem += 4;
eeprom_write_dword((uint32_t *) mem, temp.lng); // Long is stored in decimal degrees * 10^7
void increment_WP_index()
if (g.waypoint_index < g.waypoint_total) {
g.waypoint_index.set_and_save(g.waypoint_index + 1);
//SendDebug("MSG <increment_WP_index> WP index is incremented to ");
void decrement_WP_index()
if (g.waypoint_index > 0) {
g.waypoint_index.set_and_save(g.waypoint_index - 1);
long read_alt_to_hold()
if(g.RTL_altitude < 0)
return current_loc.alt;
return g.RTL_altitude + home.alt;
// This function sets the waypoint and modes for Return to Launch
// It's not currently used
Location get_LOITER_home_wp()
//so we know where we are navigating from
next_WP = current_loc;
// read home position
struct Location temp = get_command_with_index(0); // 0 = home
temp.alt = read_alt_to_hold();
return temp;
This function sets the next waypoint command
It precalculates all the necessary stuff.
void set_next_WP(struct Location *wp)
//SendDebug("MSG <set_next_wp> wp_index: ");
//SendDebugln(g.waypoint_index, DEC);
gcs.send_message(MSG_COMMAND_LIST, g.waypoint_index);
// copy the current WP into the OldWP slot
// ---------------------------------------
prev_WP = next_WP;
// Load the next_WP slot
// ---------------------
next_WP = *wp;
// used to control and limit the rate of climb - not used right now!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
target_altitude = current_loc.alt;
// this is used to offset the shrinking longitude as we go towards the poles
float rads = (abs(next_WP.lat)/t7) * 0.0174532925;
scaleLongDown = cos(rads);
scaleLongUp = 1.0f/cos(rads);
// this is handy for the groundstation
wp_totalDistance = get_distance(¤t_loc, &next_WP);
wp_distance = wp_totalDistance;
target_bearing = get_bearing(¤t_loc, &next_WP);
nav_bearing = target_bearing;
// to check if we have missed the WP
// ----------------------------
saved_target_bearing = target_bearing;
// set a new crosstrack bearing
// ----------------------------
crosstrack_bearing = target_bearing; // Used for track following
// run this at setup on the ground
// -------------------------------
void init_home()
// block until we get a good fix
// -----------------------------
while (!g_gps->new_data || !g_gps->fix) {
home.lng = g_gps->longitude; // Lon * 10**7
home.lat = g_gps->latitude; // Lat * 10**7
//home.alt = max(g_gps->altitude, 0); // we sometimes get negatives from GPS, not valid
home.alt = 0; // this is a test
home_is_set = true;
// to point yaw towards home until we set it with Mavlink
target_WP = home;
//Serial.printf_P(PSTR("gps alt: %ld\n"), home.alt);
// Save Home to EEPROM
// -------------------
set_command_with_index(home, 0);
print_wp(&home, 0);
// Save prev loc this makes the calcs look better before commands are loaded
prev_WP = home;