
247 lines
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#pragma once
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
#define COMPASS_CAL_NUM_SAMPLES 300 // number of samples required before fitting begins
class CompassCalibrator {
// start or stop the calibration
void start(bool retry, float delay, uint16_t offset_max, uint8_t compass_idx, float tolerance);
void stop();
// Update point sample
void new_sample(const Vector3f& sample);
// set compass's initial orientation and whether it should be automatically fixed (if required)
void set_orientation(enum Rotation orientation, bool is_external, bool fix_orientation);
// running is true if actively calculating offsets, diagonals or offdiagonals
bool running();
// failed is true if either of the failure states are hit
bool failed();
// update the state machine and calculate offsets, diagonals and offdiagonals
void update();
// compass calibration states
enum class Status {
// get completion mask for mavlink reporting (a bitmask of faces/directions for which we have compass samples)
typedef uint8_t completion_mask_t[10];
// Structure accessed for cal status update via mavlink
struct State {
Status status;
uint8_t attempt;
float completion_pct;
completion_mask_t completion_mask;
} cal_state;
// Structure accessed after calibration is finished/failed
struct Report {
Status status;
float fitness;
Vector3f ofs;
Vector3f diag;
Vector3f offdiag;
float orientation_confidence;
Rotation original_orientation;
Rotation orientation;
float scale_factor;
} cal_report;
// Structure setup to set calibration run settings
struct Settings {
float tolerance;
bool check_orientation;
enum Rotation orientation;
enum Rotation orig_orientation;
bool is_external;
bool fix_orientation;
uint16_t offset_max;
uint8_t attempt;
bool retry;
float delay_start_sec;
uint32_t start_time_ms;
uint8_t compass_idx;
} cal_settings;
// Get calibration result
const Report get_report();
// Get current Calibration state
const State get_state();
// results
class param_t {
float* get_sphere_params() {
return &radius;
float* get_ellipsoid_params() {
return &offset.x;
float radius; // magnetic field strength calculated from samples
Vector3f offset; // offsets
Vector3f diag; // diagonal scaling
Vector3f offdiag; // off diagonal scaling
float scale_factor; // scaling factor to compensate for radius error
// compact class for approximate attitude, to save memory
class AttitudeSample {
Matrix3f get_rotmat();
void set_from_ahrs();
int8_t roll;
int8_t pitch;
int8_t yaw;
// compact class to hold compass samples, to save memory
class CompassSample {
Vector3f get() const;
void set(const Vector3f &in);
AttitudeSample att;
int16_t x;
int16_t y;
int16_t z;
// set status including any required initialisation
bool set_status(Status status);
// consume point raw sample from intermediate structure
void pull_sample();
// returns true if sample should be added to buffer
bool accept_sample(const Vector3f &sample, uint16_t skip_index = UINT16_MAX);
bool accept_sample(const CompassSample &sample, uint16_t skip_index = UINT16_MAX);
// returns true if fit is acceptable
bool fit_acceptable();
// clear sample buffer and reset offsets and scaling to their defaults
void reset_state();
// initialize fitness before starting a fit
void initialize_fit();
// true if enough samples have been collected and fitting has begun (aka runniong())
bool _fitting() const;
// thins out samples between step one and step two
void thin_samples();
// calc the fitness of a single sample vs a set of parameters (offsets, diagonals, off diagonals)
float calc_residual(const Vector3f& sample, const param_t& params) const;
// calc the fitness of the parameters (offsets, diagonals, off diagonals) vs all the samples collected
// returns 1.0e30f if the sample buffer is empty
float calc_mean_squared_residuals(const param_t& params) const;
// calculate initial offsets by simply taking the average values of the samples
void calc_initial_offset();
// run sphere fit to calculate diagonals and offdiagonals
void calc_sphere_jacob(const Vector3f& sample, const param_t& params, float* ret) const;
void run_sphere_fit();
// run ellipsoid fit to calculate diagonals and offdiagonals
void calc_ellipsoid_jacob(const Vector3f& sample, const param_t& params, float* ret) const;
void run_ellipsoid_fit();
// update the completion mask based on a single sample
void update_completion_mask(const Vector3f& sample);
// reset and updated the completion mask using all samples in the sample buffer
void update_completion_mask();
// calculate compass orientation
Vector3f calculate_earth_field(CompassSample &sample, enum Rotation r);
bool calculate_orientation();
// fix radius to compensate for sensor scaling errors
bool fix_radius();
// update methods to read write intermediate structures, called inside thread
inline void update_cal_status();
inline void update_cal_report();
inline void update_cal_settings();
// running method for use in thread
bool _running() const;
uint8_t _compass_idx; // index of the compass providing data
Status _status; // current state of calibrator
// values provided by caller
float _delay_start_sec; // seconds to delay start of calibration (provided by caller)
bool _retry; // true if calibration should be restarted on failured (provided by caller)
float _tolerance = 5.0; // worst acceptable RMS tolerance (aka fitness). see set_tolerance()
uint16_t _offset_max; // maximum acceptable offsets (provided by caller)
// behavioral state
uint32_t _start_time_ms; // system time start() function was last called
uint8_t _attempt; // number of attempts have been made to calibrate
completion_mask_t _completion_mask; // bitmask of directions in which we have samples
CompassSample *_sample_buffer; // buffer of sensor values
uint16_t _samples_collected; // number of samples in buffer
uint16_t _samples_thinned; // number of samples removed by the thin_samples() call (called before step 2 begins)
// fit state
class param_t _params; // latest calibration outputs
uint16_t _fit_step; // step during RUNNING_STEP_ONE/TWO which performs sphere fit and ellipsoid fit
float _fitness; // fitness (mean squared residuals) of current parameters
float _initial_fitness; // fitness before latest "fit" was attempted (used to determine if fit was an improvement)
float _sphere_lambda; // sphere fit's lambda
float _ellipsoid_lambda; // ellipsoid fit's lambda
// variables for orientation checking
enum Rotation _orientation; // latest detected orientation
enum Rotation _orig_orientation; // original orientation provided by caller
enum Rotation _orientation_solution; // latest solution
bool _is_external; // true if compass is external (provided by caller)
bool _check_orientation; // true if orientation should be automatically checked
bool _fix_orientation; // true if orientation should be fixed if necessary
float _orientation_confidence; // measure of confidence in automatic orientation detection
CompassSample _last_sample;
Status _requested_status;
bool _status_set_requested;
bool _new_sample;
// Semaphore for state related intermediate structures
HAL_Semaphore state_sem;
// Semaphore for intermediate structure for point sample collection
HAL_Semaphore sample_sem;