
371 lines
15 KiB

/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
static void update_lights()
switch(led_mode) {
static void update_GPS_light(void)
// GPS LED on if we have a fix or Blink GPS LED if we are receiving data
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
switch (g_gps->status()) {
case (2):
if(ap.home_is_set) { // JLN update
digitalWriteFast(C_LED_PIN, LED_ON); //Turn LED C on when gps has valid fix AND home is set.
} else {
digitalWriteFast(C_LED_PIN, LED_OFF);
case (1):
if (g_gps->valid_read == true) {
ap_system.GPS_light = !ap_system.GPS_light; // Toggle light on and off to indicate gps messages being received, but no GPS fix lock
if (ap_system.GPS_light) {
digitalWriteFast(C_LED_PIN, LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(C_LED_PIN, LED_ON);
g_gps->valid_read = false;
digitalWriteFast(C_LED_PIN, LED_OFF);
static void update_motor_light(void)
if(motors.armed() == false) {
ap_system.motor_light = !ap_system.motor_light;
// blink
if(ap_system.motor_light) {
digitalWriteFast(A_LED_PIN, LED_ON);
digitalWriteFast(A_LED_PIN, LED_OFF);
if(!ap_system.motor_light) {
ap_system.motor_light = true;
digitalWriteFast(A_LED_PIN, LED_ON);
static void dancing_light()
static byte step;
if (step++ == 3)
step = 0;
case 0:
digitalWriteFast(C_LED_PIN, LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(A_LED_PIN, LED_ON);
case 1:
digitalWriteFast(A_LED_PIN, LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(B_LED_PIN, LED_ON);
case 2:
digitalWriteFast(B_LED_PIN, LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(C_LED_PIN, LED_ON);
static void clear_leds()
digitalWriteFast(A_LED_PIN, LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(B_LED_PIN, LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(C_LED_PIN, LED_OFF);
ap_system.motor_light = false;
led_mode = NORMAL_LEDS;
// Copter LEDS by Robert Lefebvre
// Based on the work of U4eake, Bill Sanford, Max Levine, and Oliver
// g.copter_leds_mode controls the copter leds function via bitmath
// Zeroeth bit turns motor leds on and off: 00000001
// First bit turns GPS function on and off: 00000010
// Second bit turns Aux function on and off: 00000100
// Third bit turns on Beeper (legacy Piezo) function: 00001000
// Fourth bit toggles between Fast Flash or Oscillate on Low Battery: 00010000 (0) does Fast Flash, (1) does Oscillate
// Fifth bit causes motor LEDs to Nav Blink: 00100000
// Sixth bit causes GPS LEDs to Nav Blink: 01000000
// This code is written in order to be backwards compatible with the old Motor_LEDS code
// I hope to include at least some of the Show_LEDS code in the future
// copter_leds_GPS_blink controls the blinking of the GPS LEDS
// copter_leds_motor_blink controls the blinking of the motor LEDS
// Piezo Code and beeps once on Startup to verify operation
// Piezo Enables Tone on reaching low battery or current alert
static void update_copter_leds(void)
if (g.copter_leds_mode == 0) {
copter_leds_reset(); //method of reintializing LED state
if ( bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 0) ) {
if (motors.armed() == true) {
if (ap.low_battery == true) {
if ( bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 4 )) {
copter_leds_oscillate(); //if motors are armed, but battery level is low, motor leds fast blink
} else {
copter_leds_fast_blink(); //if motors are armed, but battery level is low, motor leds oscillate
} else if ( !bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 5 ) ) {
copter_leds_on(); //if motors are armed, battery level OK, all motor leds ON
} else if ( bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 5 ) ) {
if ( copter_leds_nav_blink >0 ) {
copter_leds_slow_blink(); //if nav command was seen, blink LEDs.
} else {
} else {
copter_leds_slow_blink(); //if motors are not armed, blink motor leds
if ( bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 1) ) {
// GPS LED on if we have a fix or Blink GPS LED if we are receiving data
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
switch (g_gps->status()) {
case (2):
if(ap.home_is_set) {
if ( !bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 6 ) ) {
copter_leds_GPS_on(); //Turn GPS LEDs on when gps has valid fix AND home is set
} else if (bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 6 ) ) {
if ( copter_leds_nav_blink >0 ) {
copter_leds_GPS_slow_blink(); //if nav command was seen, blink LEDs.
} else {
} else {
copter_leds_GPS_fast_blink(); //if GPS has fix, but home is not set, blink GPS LED fast
case (1):
copter_leds_GPS_slow_blink(); //if GPS has valid reads, but no fix, blink GPS LED slow
copter_leds_GPS_off(); //if no valid GPS signal, turn GPS LED off
if ( bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 2) ) {
if (200 <= g.rc_7.control_in && g.rc_7.control_in < 400) {
copter_leds_aux_on(); //if sub-control of Ch7 is high, turn Aux LED on
} else if (g.rc_7.control_in < 200) {
copter_leds_aux_off(); //if sub-control of Ch7 is low, turn Aux LED off
static void copter_leds_reset(void) {
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_1, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_2, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_3, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_4, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_5, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_6, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_7, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_8, COPTER_LED_OFF);
static void copter_leds_on(void) {
if ( !bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 2) ) {
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_1, COPTER_LED_ON);
if ( !bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 3) ) {
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_2, COPTER_LED_ON);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_2, COPTER_LED_ON);
if ( !bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 1) ) {
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_3, COPTER_LED_ON);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_4, COPTER_LED_ON);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_5, COPTER_LED_ON);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_6, COPTER_LED_ON);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_7, COPTER_LED_ON);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_8, COPTER_LED_ON);
static void copter_leds_off(void) {
if ( !bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 2) ) {
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_1, COPTER_LED_OFF);
if ( !bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 3) ) {
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_2, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_2, COPTER_LED_OFF);
if ( !bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 1) ) {
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_3, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_4, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_5, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_6, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_7, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_8, COPTER_LED_OFF);
static void copter_leds_slow_blink(void) {
copter_leds_motor_blink++; // this increments once every 1/10 second because it is in the 10hz loop
if ( 0 < copter_leds_motor_blink && copter_leds_motor_blink < 6 ) { // when the counter reaches 5 (1/2 sec), then toggle the leds
if ( bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 5 ) && !bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 6 ) && copter_leds_nav_blink >0 ) { // if blinking is called by the Nav Blinker...
copter_leds_nav_blink--; // decrement the Nav Blink counter
}else if (5 < copter_leds_motor_blink && copter_leds_motor_blink < 11) {
else copter_leds_motor_blink = 0; // start blink cycle again
static void copter_leds_fast_blink(void) {
copter_leds_motor_blink++; // this increments once every 1/10 second because it is in the 10hz loop
if ( 0 < copter_leds_motor_blink && copter_leds_motor_blink < 3 ) { // when the counter reaches 3 (1/5 sec), then toggle the leds
}else if (2 < copter_leds_motor_blink && copter_leds_motor_blink < 5) {
else copter_leds_motor_blink = 0; // start blink cycle again
static void copter_leds_oscillate(void) {
copter_leds_motor_blink++; // this increments once every 1/10 second because it is in the 10hz loop
if ( 0 < copter_leds_motor_blink && copter_leds_motor_blink < 3 ) { // when the counter reaches 3 (1/5 sec), then toggle the leds
if ( !bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 2) ) {
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_1, COPTER_LED_ON);
if ( !bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 3) ) {
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_2, COPTER_LED_ON);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_2, COPTER_LED_ON);
if ( !bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 1) ) {
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_3, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_4, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_5, COPTER_LED_ON);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_6, COPTER_LED_ON);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_7, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_8, COPTER_LED_OFF);
}else if (2 < copter_leds_motor_blink && copter_leds_motor_blink < 5) {
if ( !bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 2) ) {
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_1, COPTER_LED_OFF);
if ( !bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 3) ) {
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_2, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_2, COPTER_LED_OFF);
if ( !bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 1) ) {
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_3, COPTER_LED_ON);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_4, COPTER_LED_ON);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_5, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_6, COPTER_LED_OFF);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_7, COPTER_LED_ON);
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_8, COPTER_LED_ON);
else copter_leds_motor_blink = 0; // start blink cycle again
static void copter_leds_GPS_on(void) {
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_3, COPTER_LED_ON);
static void copter_leds_GPS_off(void) {
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_3, COPTER_LED_OFF);
static void copter_leds_GPS_slow_blink(void) {
copter_leds_GPS_blink++; // this increments once every 1/10 second because it is in the 10hz loop
if ( 0 < copter_leds_GPS_blink && copter_leds_GPS_blink < 6 ) { // when the counter reaches 5 (1/2 sec), then toggle the leds
if ( bitRead(g.copter_leds_mode, 6 ) && copter_leds_nav_blink >0 ) { // if blinking is called by the Nav Blinker...
copter_leds_nav_blink--; // decrement the Nav Blink counter
}else if (5 < copter_leds_GPS_blink && copter_leds_GPS_blink < 11) {
else copter_leds_GPS_blink = 0; // start blink cycle again
static void copter_leds_GPS_fast_blink(void) {
copter_leds_GPS_blink++; // this increments once every 1/10 second because it is in the 10hz loop
if ( 0 < copter_leds_GPS_blink && copter_leds_GPS_blink < 3 ) { // when the counter reaches 3 (1/5 sec), then toggle the leds
}else if (2 < copter_leds_GPS_blink && copter_leds_GPS_blink < 5) {
else copter_leds_GPS_blink = 0; // start blink cycle again
static void copter_leds_aux_off(void){
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_1, COPTER_LED_OFF);
static void copter_leds_aux_on(void){
digitalWriteFast(COPTER_LED_1, COPTER_LED_ON);
void piezo_on(){
void piezo_off(){
void piezo_beep(){ // Note! This command should not be used in time sensitive loops
#endif //COPTER_LEDS