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synced 2025-03-13 10:03:57 -03:00
We have introduced separate logging for guided and attitude targets in guided mode in copter. This is to make it consistent with those changes
332 lines
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332 lines
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#include "Sub.h"
// Code to Write and Read packets from AP_Logger log memory
// Code to interact with the user to dump or erase logs
struct PACKED log_Control_Tuning {
uint64_t time_us;
float throttle_in;
float angle_boost;
float throttle_out;
float throttle_hover;
float desired_alt;
float inav_alt;
float baro_alt;
int16_t desired_rangefinder_alt;
int16_t rangefinder_alt;
float terr_alt;
int16_t target_climb_rate;
int16_t climb_rate;
// Write a control tuning packet
void Sub::Log_Write_Control_Tuning()
// get terrain altitude
float terr_alt = 0.0f;
terrain.height_above_terrain(terr_alt, true);
struct log_Control_Tuning pkt = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
throttle_in : attitude_control.get_throttle_in(),
angle_boost : attitude_control.angle_boost(),
throttle_out : motors.get_throttle(),
throttle_hover : motors.get_throttle_hover(),
desired_alt : pos_control.get_pos_target_z_cm() / 100.0f,
inav_alt : inertial_nav.get_position_z_up_cm() * 0.01f,
baro_alt : barometer.get_altitude(),
desired_rangefinder_alt : (int16_t)target_rangefinder_alt,
rangefinder_alt : rangefinder_state.alt_cm,
terr_alt : terr_alt,
target_climb_rate : (int16_t)pos_control.get_vel_target_z_cms(),
climb_rate : climb_rate
logger.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write an attitude packet
void Sub::Log_Write_Attitude()
Vector3f targets = attitude_control.get_att_target_euler_cd();
targets.z = wrap_360_cd(targets.z);
struct PACKED log_Data_Int16t {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t id;
int16_t data_value;
// Write an int16_t data packet
void Sub::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, int16_t value)
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_ANY)) {
struct log_Data_Int16t pkt = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
id : (uint8_t)id,
data_value : value
logger.WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
struct PACKED log_Data_UInt16t {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t id;
uint16_t data_value;
// Write an uint16_t data packet
void Sub::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, uint16_t value)
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_ANY)) {
struct log_Data_UInt16t pkt = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
id : (uint8_t)id,
data_value : value
logger.WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
struct PACKED log_Data_Int32t {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t id;
int32_t data_value;
// Write an int32_t data packet
void Sub::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, int32_t value)
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_ANY)) {
struct log_Data_Int32t pkt = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
id : (uint8_t)id,
data_value : value
logger.WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
struct PACKED log_Data_UInt32t {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t id;
uint32_t data_value;
// Write a uint32_t data packet
void Sub::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, uint32_t value)
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_ANY)) {
struct log_Data_UInt32t pkt = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
id : (uint8_t)id,
data_value : value
logger.WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
struct PACKED log_Data_Float {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t id;
float data_value;
// Write a float data packet
void Sub::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, float value)
if (should_log(MASK_LOG_ANY)) {
struct log_Data_Float pkt = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
id : (uint8_t)id,
data_value : value
logger.WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// logs when baro or compass becomes unhealthy
void Sub::Log_Sensor_Health()
// check baro
if (sensor_health.baro != barometer.healthy()) {
sensor_health.baro = barometer.healthy();
AP::logger().Write_Error(LogErrorSubsystem::BARO, (sensor_health.baro ? LogErrorCode::ERROR_RESOLVED : LogErrorCode::UNHEALTHY));
// check compass
if (sensor_health.compass != compass.healthy()) {
sensor_health.compass = compass.healthy();
AP::logger().Write_Error(LogErrorSubsystem::COMPASS, (sensor_health.compass ? LogErrorCode::ERROR_RESOLVED : LogErrorCode::UNHEALTHY));
struct PACKED log_GuidedTarget {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t type;
float pos_target_x;
float pos_target_y;
float pos_target_z;
float vel_target_x;
float vel_target_y;
float vel_target_z;
// Write a Guided mode target
void Sub::Log_Write_GuidedTarget(uint8_t target_type, const Vector3f& pos_target, const Vector3f& vel_target)
struct log_GuidedTarget pkt = {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
type : target_type,
pos_target_x : pos_target.x,
pos_target_y : pos_target.y,
pos_target_z : pos_target.z,
vel_target_x : vel_target.x,
vel_target_y : vel_target.y,
vel_target_z : vel_target.z
logger.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// @LoggerMessage: CTUN
// @Description: Control Tuning information
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: ThI: throttle input
// @Field: ABst: angle boost
// @Field: ThO: throttle output
// @Field: ThH: calculated hover throttle
// @Field: DAlt: desired altitude
// @Field: Alt: achieved altitude
// @Field: BAlt: barometric altitude
// @Field: DSAlt: desired rangefinder altitude
// @Field: SAlt: achieved rangefinder altitude
// @Field: TAlt: terrain altitude
// @Field: DCRt: desired climb rate
// @Field: CRt: climb rate
// @LoggerMessage: MOTB
// @Description: Battery information
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: LiftMax: Maximum motor compensation gain
// @Field: BatVolt: Ratio betwen detected battery voltage and maximum battery voltage
// @Field: BatRes: Estimated battery resistance
// @Field: ThLimit: Throttle limit set due to battery current limitations
// @LoggerMessage: D16
// @Description: Generic 16-bit-signed-integer storage
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Id: Data type identifier
// @Field: Value: Value
// @LoggerMessage: D32
// @Description: Generic 32-bit-signed-integer storage
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Id: Data type identifier
// @Field: Value: Value
// @LoggerMessage: DFLT
// @Description: Generic float storage
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Id: Data type identifier
// @Field: Value: Value
// @LoggerMessage: DU16
// @Description: Generic 16-bit-unsigned-integer storage
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Id: Data type identifier
// @Field: Value: Value
// @LoggerMessage: DU32
// @Description: Generic 32-bit-unsigned-integer storage
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Id: Data type identifier
// @Field: Value: Value
// @LoggerMessage: GUIP
// @Description: Guided mode target information
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Type: Type of guided mode
// @Field: pX: Target position, X-Axis
// @Field: pY: Target position, Y-Axis
// @Field: pZ: Target position, Z-Axis
// @Field: vX: Target velocity, X-Axis
// @Field: vY: Target velocity, Y-Axis
// @Field: vZ: Target velocity, Z-Axis
// type and unit information can be found in
// libraries/AP_Logger/Logstructure.h; search for "log_Units" for
// units and "Format characters" for field type information
const struct LogStructure Sub::log_structure[] = {
{ LOG_CONTROL_TUNING_MSG, sizeof(log_Control_Tuning),
"CTUN", "Qfffffffccfhh", "TimeUS,ThI,ABst,ThO,ThH,DAlt,Alt,BAlt,DSAlt,SAlt,TAlt,DCRt,CRt", "s----mmmmmmnn", "F----00BBBBBB" },
{ LOG_DATA_INT16_MSG, sizeof(log_Data_Int16t),
"D16", "QBh", "TimeUS,Id,Value", "s--", "F--" },
{ LOG_DATA_UINT16_MSG, sizeof(log_Data_UInt16t),
"DU16", "QBH", "TimeUS,Id,Value", "s--", "F--" },
{ LOG_DATA_INT32_MSG, sizeof(log_Data_Int32t),
"D32", "QBi", "TimeUS,Id,Value", "s--", "F--" },
{ LOG_DATA_UINT32_MSG, sizeof(log_Data_UInt32t),
"DU32", "QBI", "TimeUS,Id,Value", "s--", "F--" },
{ LOG_DATA_FLOAT_MSG, sizeof(log_Data_Float),
"DFLT", "QBf", "TimeUS,Id,Value", "s--", "F--" },
{ LOG_GUIDEDTARGET_MSG, sizeof(log_GuidedTarget),
"GUIP", "QBffffff", "TimeUS,Type,pX,pY,pZ,vX,vY,vZ", "s-mmmnnn", "F-000000" },
void Sub::Log_Write_Vehicle_Startup_Messages()
// only 200(?) bytes are guaranteed by AP_Logger
logger.Write_Mode(control_mode, control_mode_reason);
void Sub::log_init()
logger.Init(log_structure, ARRAY_SIZE(log_structure));
void Sub::Log_Write_Control_Tuning() {}
void Sub::Log_Write_Attitude(void) {}
void Sub::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, int32_t value) {}
void Sub::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, uint32_t value) {}
void Sub::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, int16_t value) {}
void Sub::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, uint16_t value) {}
void Sub::Log_Write_Data(LogDataID id, float value) {}
void Sub::Log_Sensor_Health() {}
void Sub::Log_Write_GuidedTarget(uint8_t target_type, const Vector3f& pos_target, const Vector3f& vel_target) {}
void Sub::Log_Write_Vehicle_Startup_Messages() {}
void Sub::log_init(void) {}