mirror of https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot synced 2025-03-05 21:23:58 -04:00
Andy Piper e2ef0bd36e AP_HAL: collect data for three largest peaks
new dsp peak detection algorithm
add DSP sketch with frequency ascii art
tool to generate gyro data frames from batch sampled DF logs
add generated data from real Y6B flight
allow fft_start() to use ObjectBuffer<float> for lock-free access
allow ObjectBuffer to be resized
2020-05-24 07:43:34 +10:00

332 lines
13 KiB

* This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Code by Andy Piper
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
#include "AP_HAL.h"
#include "DSP.h"
using namespace AP_HAL;
extern const AP_HAL::HAL &hal;
#define SQRT_2_3 0.816496580927726f
#define SQRT_6 2.449489742783178f
DSP::FFTWindowState::FFTWindowState(uint16_t window_size, uint16_t sample_rate, uint8_t harmonics)
: _window_size(window_size),
_bin_count(window_size / 2),
_bin_resolution((float)sample_rate / (float)window_size),
// includes DC ad Nyquist components and needs to be large enough for intermediate steps
_freq_bins = (float*)hal.util->malloc_type(sizeof(float) * (window_size), DSP_MEM_REGION);
_derivative_freq_bins = (float*)hal.util->malloc_type(sizeof(float) * (_bin_count + 1), DSP_MEM_REGION);
_hanning_window = (float*)hal.util->malloc_type(sizeof(float) * (window_size), DSP_MEM_REGION);
// allocate workspace, including Nyquist component
_rfft_data = (float*)hal.util->malloc_type(sizeof(float) * (_window_size + 2), DSP_MEM_REGION);
if (_freq_bins == nullptr || _hanning_window == nullptr || _rfft_data == nullptr || _derivative_freq_bins == nullptr) {
hal.util->free_type(_freq_bins, sizeof(float) * (_window_size), DSP_MEM_REGION);
hal.util->free_type(_derivative_freq_bins, sizeof(float) * (_bin_count), DSP_MEM_REGION);
hal.util->free_type(_hanning_window, sizeof(float) * (_window_size), DSP_MEM_REGION);
hal.util->free_type(_rfft_data, sizeof(float) * (_window_size + 2), DSP_MEM_REGION);
_freq_bins = nullptr;
_derivative_freq_bins = nullptr;
_hanning_window = nullptr;
_rfft_data = nullptr;
// create the Hanning window
// https://holometer.fnal.gov/GH_FFT.pdf - equation 19
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < window_size; i++) {
_hanning_window[i] = (0.5f - 0.5f * cosf(2.0f * M_PI * i / ((float)window_size - 1)));
_window_scale += _hanning_window[i];
// Calculate the inverse of the Effective Noise Bandwidth
_window_scale = 2.0f / sq(_window_scale);
hal.util->free_type(_freq_bins, sizeof(float) * (_window_size), DSP_MEM_REGION);
_freq_bins = nullptr;
hal.util->free_type(_derivative_freq_bins, sizeof(float) * (_bin_count), DSP_MEM_REGION);
_derivative_freq_bins = nullptr;
hal.util->free_type(_hanning_window, sizeof(float) * (_window_size), DSP_MEM_REGION);
_hanning_window = nullptr;
hal.util->free_type(_rfft_data, sizeof(float) * (_window_size + 2), DSP_MEM_REGION);
_rfft_data = nullptr;
// step 3: find the magnitudes of the complex data
void DSP::step_cmplx_mag(FFTWindowState* fft, uint16_t start_bin, uint16_t end_bin, float noise_att_cutoff)
// fft->_freq_bins is populated with the complex magnitude values of the fft data
// find the maximum power in the range we are interested in
// in order to see a peak in the last bin we need to allow all the way up to the nyquist
const uint16_t smoothwidth = 1;
uint16_t bin_range = (MIN(end_bin + ((smoothwidth + 1) >> 1) + 2, fft->_bin_count) - start_bin) + 1;
// find the three highest peaks using a zero crossing algorithm
uint16_t peaks[MAX_TRACKED_PEAKS] {};
memset(fft->_peak_data, 0, sizeof(fft->_peak_data));
uint16_t numpeaks = find_peaks(&fft->_freq_bins[start_bin], bin_range, fft->_derivative_freq_bins, peaks, MAX_TRACKED_PEAKS, 0.0f, -1.0f, smoothwidth, 2);
//hal.console->printf("found %d peaks\n", numpeaks);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < MAX_TRACKED_PEAKS; i++) {
fft->_peak_data[i]._bin = peaks[i] + start_bin;
uint16_t top = 0, bottom = 0;
fft->_peak_data[CENTER]._noise_width_hz = find_noise_width(fft, start_bin, end_bin, fft->_peak_data[CENTER]._bin, noise_att_cutoff, top, bottom);
if (numpeaks > 1) {
fft->_peak_data[LOWER_SHOULDER]._noise_width_hz = find_noise_width(fft, start_bin, end_bin, fft->_peak_data[LOWER_SHOULDER]._bin, noise_att_cutoff, top, bottom);
if (numpeaks > 2) {
fft->_peak_data[UPPER_SHOULDER]._noise_width_hz = find_noise_width(fft, start_bin, end_bin, fft->_peak_data[UPPER_SHOULDER]._bin, noise_att_cutoff, top, bottom);
// scale the power to account for the input window
vector_scale_float(fft->_freq_bins, fft->_window_scale, fft->_freq_bins, fft->_bin_count);
// calculate the noise width of a peak based on the input parameters
float DSP::find_noise_width(FFTWindowState* fft, uint16_t start_bin, uint16_t end_bin, uint16_t max_energy_bin, float cutoff, uint16_t& peak_top, uint16_t& peak_bottom) const
// max_energy_bin is guaranteed to be between start_bin and end_bin
peak_top = end_bin;
peak_bottom = start_bin;
// calculate the width of the peak
float noise_width_hz = 1;
// -attenuation/2 dB point above the center bin
if (max_energy_bin < end_bin) {
for (uint16_t b = max_energy_bin + 1; b <= end_bin; b++) {
if (fft->_freq_bins[b] < fft->_freq_bins[max_energy_bin] * cutoff) {
// we assume that the 3dB point is in the middle of the final shoulder bin
noise_width_hz += (b - max_energy_bin - 0.5f);
peak_top = b;
// -attenuation/2 dB point below the center bin
if (max_energy_bin > start_bin) {
for (uint16_t b = max_energy_bin - 1; b >= start_bin; b--) {
if (fft->_freq_bins[b] < fft->_freq_bins[max_energy_bin] * cutoff) {
// we assume that the 3dB point is in the middle of the final shoulder bin
noise_width_hz += (max_energy_bin - b - 0.5f);
peak_bottom = b;
noise_width_hz *= fft->_bin_resolution;
return noise_width_hz;
// step 4: find the bin with the highest energy and interpolate the required frequency
uint16_t DSP::step_calc_frequencies(FFTWindowState* fft, uint16_t start_bin, uint16_t end_bin)
fft->_peak_data[CENTER]._freq_hz = calc_frequency(fft, start_bin, fft->_peak_data[CENTER]._bin, end_bin);
fft->_peak_data[UPPER_SHOULDER]._freq_hz = calc_frequency(fft, start_bin, fft->_peak_data[UPPER_SHOULDER]._bin, end_bin);
fft->_peak_data[LOWER_SHOULDER]._freq_hz = calc_frequency(fft, start_bin, fft->_peak_data[LOWER_SHOULDER]._bin, end_bin);
return fft->_peak_data[CENTER]._bin;
// calculate a single frequency
uint16_t DSP::calc_frequency(FFTWindowState* fft, uint16_t start_bin, uint16_t peak_bin, uint16_t end_bin)
if (peak_bin == 0 || is_zero(fft->_freq_bins[peak_bin])) {
return start_bin * fft->_bin_resolution;
peak_bin = constrain_int16(peak_bin, start_bin, end_bin);
// It turns out that Jain is pretty good and works with only magnitudes, but Candan is significantly better
// if you have access to the complex values and Quinn is a little better still. Quinn is computationally
// more expensive, but compared to the overall FFT cost seems worth it.
return (peak_bin + calculate_quinns_second_estimator(fft, fft->_rfft_data, peak_bin)) * fft->_bin_resolution;
// Interpolate center frequency using https://dspguru.com/dsp/howtos/how-to-interpolate-fft-peak/
float DSP::calculate_quinns_second_estimator(const FFTWindowState* fft, const float* complex_fft, uint16_t k_max) const
if (k_max <= 1 || k_max >= fft->_bin_count) {
return 0.0f;
const uint16_t k_m1 = (k_max - 1) * 2;
const uint16_t k_p1 = (k_max + 1) * 2;
const uint16_t k = k_max * 2;
const float divider = complex_fft[k] * complex_fft[k] + complex_fft[k+1] * complex_fft[k+1];
const float ap = (complex_fft[k_p1] * complex_fft[k] + complex_fft[k_p1 + 1] * complex_fft[k+1]) / divider;
const float am = (complex_fft[k_m1] * complex_fft[k] + complex_fft[k_m1 + 1] * complex_fft[k + 1]) / divider;
// sanity check
if (fabsf(1.0f - ap) < 0.01f || fabsf(1.0f - am) < 0.01f) {
return 0.0f;
const float dp = -ap / (1.0f - ap);
const float dm = am / (1.0f - am);
float d = (dp + dm) * 0.5f + tau(dp * dp) - tau(dm * dm);
// -0.5 < d < 0.5 which is the fraction of the sample spacing about the center element
return constrain_float(d, -0.5f, 0.5f);
static const float TAU_FACTOR = SQRT_6 / 24.0f;
// Helper function used for Quinn's frequency estimation
float DSP::tau(const float x) const
float p1 = logf(3.0f * sq(x) + 6.0f * x + 1.0f);
float part1 = x + 1.0f - SQRT_2_3;
float part2 = x + 1.0f + SQRT_2_3;
float p2 = logf(part1 / part2);
return (0.25f * p1 - TAU_FACTOR * p2);
// find all the peaks in the fft window using https://terpconnect.umd.edu/~toh/spectrum/PeakFindingandMeasurement.htm
// in general peakgrup > 2 is only good for very broad noisy peaks, <= 2 better for spikey peaks, although 1 will miss
// a true spike 50% of the time
uint16_t DSP::find_peaks(const float* input, uint16_t length, float* d, uint16_t* peaks, uint16_t peaklen,
float slopeThreshold, float ampThreshold, uint16_t smoothwidth, uint16_t peakgroup) const
if (smoothwidth > 1) {
derivative(input, d, length);
fastsmooth(d, length, smoothwidth);
} else {
derivative(input, d, length);
uint16_t n = ((peakgroup + 1) >> 1) + 1;
uint16_t halfw = (smoothwidth + 1) >> 1;
uint16_t numpeaks = 0;
uint16_t peakX = 0;
float peakY = 0;
uint16_t pindex;
uint16_t xx[peakgroup];
float yy[peakgroup];
memset(xx, 0, peakgroup * sizeof(uint16_t));
memset(yy, 0, peakgroup * sizeof(float));
for (uint16_t j = (halfw << 1) - 2; j < length - smoothwidth - 1; j++) {
if (d[j] >= 0 && d[j + 1] <= 0 && !is_equal(d[j], d[j + 1])) { // detect zero crossing
if ((d[j] - d[j + 1]) > slopeThreshold) {
for (uint16_t k = 0; k < peakgroup; k++) {
uint16_t groupIndex = j + k - n + 2;
groupIndex = constrain_int16(groupIndex, 0, length - 1);
xx[k] = groupIndex;
yy[k] = input[groupIndex];
if (peakgroup < 3) {
vector_max_float(yy, peakgroup, &peakY, &pindex);
} else {
peakY = vector_mean_float(yy, peakgroup);
pindex = val2index(yy, peakgroup, peakY);
peakX = xx[pindex];
//hal.console->printf("zero %d, gindex %d -> %d, index %d, val %f\n", j, j -n +2, j+peakgroup -1 - n +2, peakX, peakY);
// see if we have a valid peak
if (isfinite(peakY) && peakY >= ampThreshold) {
// record in amplitude order
for (int16_t i = 0; i < peaklen; i++) {
if (i >= numpeaks) {
peaks[i] = peakX;
if (peakY > input[peaks[i]]) {
for (int16_t a = peaklen - 1; a > i; a--) {
peaks[a] = peaks[a - 1];
peaks[i] = peakX;
return numpeaks;
// Returns the index and the value of the element of a vector that is closest to val
uint16_t DSP::val2index(const float* vector, uint16_t n, float val) const
float minval = FLT_MAX;
uint16_t minidx = 0;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
float dif = fabsf(vector[i] - val);
if (dif < minval) {
minval = dif;
minidx = i;
return minidx;
// First derivative of vector using 2-point central difference.
void DSP::derivative(const float* input, float* output, uint16_t n) const
output[0] = input[1] - input[0];
output[n - 1] = input[n - 1] - input[n - 2];
for (uint16_t i = 1; i < n - 1; i++) {
output[i] = (input[i + 1] - input[i - 1]) / 2.0f;
// smooth a vector in-place
void DSP::fastsmooth(float* input, uint16_t n, uint16_t smoothwidth) const
float window[smoothwidth];
memset(window, 0, smoothwidth * sizeof(float));
float sumpoints = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < smoothwidth; i++) {
sumpoints += input[i];
uint16_t halfw = (smoothwidth + 1) >> 1;
for (int i = 0; i < n - smoothwidth; i++) {
window[i % smoothwidth] = sumpoints;
sumpoints -= input[i];
sumpoints += input[i + smoothwidth];
input[i] = window[(i + smoothwidth - 1) % smoothwidth] / smoothwidth;
uint16_t last = n - smoothwidth + halfw;
input[last] = 0.0f;
for (int i = last + 1; i < n; i++) {
input[last] += input[i];
input[n - smoothwidth + halfw] /= smoothwidth;
for (int i = last + 1; i < n; i++) {
input[i] = 0.0f;
#endif // HAL_WITH_DSP