mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 04:33:59 -04:00
Added \r\n to the expect() string as recomended at: http://pexpect.readthedocs.io/en/stable/overview.html#find-the-end-of-line-cr-lf-conventions this should work on both windows and linux systems pexpect says it will always do a minimal (non greedy) matching and docs explicitly say that a .+ expression will always return only one character. These lines in autotest are looking for \S+, which, believing the documentation, would only return one character of the log file path. Now we know that's not true, neither for Linux or for Windows (given the logs from @karthikdesai), so I can only assume that it does a greedy match but only for the characters it has received at the time expect is called. Apparently, in the machines we are using autotest, it isn't a problem since MAVProxy is likely fast to give its output to pexpect before the expect method is called. On @karthikdesai's machine that wasn't happening since his machine was more or less loaded. Concluding, this looks like a correct fix in the sense that it extends the regex pattern to wait for the end of line (and probably other places could benefit from it too).
577 lines
17 KiB
577 lines
17 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Fly ArduPlane in SITL
from __future__ import print_function
import math
import os
import shutil
import pexpect
from pymavlink import mavutil
from common import *
from pysim import util
# get location of scripts
testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
HOME_LOCATION = '-35.362938,149.165085,585,354'
WIND = "0,180,0.2" # speed,direction,variance
homeloc = None
def takeoff(mavproxy, mav):
"""Takeoff get to 30m altitude."""
mavproxy.send('arm throttle\n')
mavproxy.send('switch 4\n')
wait_mode(mav, 'FBWA')
# some rudder to counteract the prop torque
mavproxy.send('rc 4 1700\n')
# some up elevator to keep the tail down
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1200\n')
# get it moving a bit first
mavproxy.send('rc 3 1300\n')
mav.recv_match(condition='VFR_HUD.groundspeed>6', blocking=True)
# a bit faster again, straighten rudder
mavproxy.send('rc 3 1600\n')
mavproxy.send('rc 4 1500\n')
mav.recv_match(condition='VFR_HUD.groundspeed>12', blocking=True)
# hit the gas harder now, and give it some more elevator
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1100\n')
mavproxy.send('rc 3 2000\n')
# gain a bit of altitude
if not wait_altitude(mav, homeloc.alt+150, homeloc.alt+180, timeout=30):
return False
# level off
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1500\n')
return True
def fly_left_circuit(mavproxy, mav):
"""Fly a left circuit, 200m on a side."""
mavproxy.send('switch 4\n')
wait_mode(mav, 'FBWA')
mavproxy.send('rc 3 2000\n')
if not wait_level_flight(mavproxy, mav):
return False
progress("Flying left circuit")
# do 4 turns
for i in range(0, 4):
# hard left
progress("Starting turn %u" % i)
mavproxy.send('rc 1 1000\n')
if not wait_heading(mav, 270 - (90*i), accuracy=10):
return False
mavproxy.send('rc 1 1500\n')
progress("Starting leg %u" % i)
if not wait_distance(mav, 100, accuracy=20):
return False
progress("Circuit complete")
return True
def fly_RTL(mavproxy, mav):
"""Fly to home."""
progress("Flying home in RTL")
mavproxy.send('switch 2\n')
wait_mode(mav, 'RTL')
if not wait_location(mav, homeloc, accuracy=120,
target_altitude=homeloc.alt+100, height_accuracy=20,
return False
progress("RTL Complete")
return True
def fly_LOITER(mavproxy, mav, num_circles=4):
"""Loiter where we are."""
progress("Testing LOITER for %u turns" % num_circles)
wait_mode(mav, 'LOITER')
m = mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True)
initial_alt = m.alt
progress("Initial altitude %u\n" % initial_alt)
while num_circles > 0:
if not wait_heading(mav, 0, accuracy=10, timeout=60):
return False
if not wait_heading(mav, 180, accuracy=10, timeout=60):
return False
num_circles -= 1
progress("Loiter %u circles left" % num_circles)
m = mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True)
final_alt = m.alt
progress("Final altitude %u initial %u\n" % (final_alt, initial_alt))
mavproxy.send('mode FBWA\n')
wait_mode(mav, 'FBWA')
if abs(final_alt - initial_alt) > 20:
progress("Failed to maintain altitude")
return False
progress("Completed Loiter OK")
return True
def fly_CIRCLE(mavproxy, mav, num_circles=1):
"""Circle where we are."""
progress("Testing CIRCLE for %u turns" % num_circles)
mavproxy.send('mode CIRCLE\n')
wait_mode(mav, 'CIRCLE')
m = mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True)
initial_alt = m.alt
progress("Initial altitude %u\n" % initial_alt)
while num_circles > 0:
if not wait_heading(mav, 0, accuracy=10, timeout=60):
return False
if not wait_heading(mav, 180, accuracy=10, timeout=60):
return False
num_circles -= 1
progress("CIRCLE %u circles left" % num_circles)
m = mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True)
final_alt = m.alt
progress("Final altitude %u initial %u\n" % (final_alt, initial_alt))
mavproxy.send('mode FBWA\n')
wait_mode(mav, 'FBWA')
if abs(final_alt - initial_alt) > 20:
progress("Failed to maintain altitude")
return False
progress("Completed CIRCLE OK")
return True
def wait_level_flight(mavproxy, mav, accuracy=5, timeout=30):
"""Wait for level flight."""
tstart = get_sim_time(mav)
progress("Waiting for level flight")
mavproxy.send('rc 1 1500\n')
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1500\n')
mavproxy.send('rc 4 1500\n')
while get_sim_time(mav) < tstart + timeout:
m = mav.recv_match(type='ATTITUDE', blocking=True)
roll = math.degrees(m.roll)
pitch = math.degrees(m.pitch)
progress("Roll=%.1f Pitch=%.1f" % (roll, pitch))
if math.fabs(roll) <= accuracy and math.fabs(pitch) <= accuracy:
progress("Attained level flight")
return True
progress("Failed to attain level flight")
return False
def change_altitude(mavproxy, mav, altitude, accuracy=30):
"""Get to a given altitude."""
mavproxy.send('mode FBWA\n')
wait_mode(mav, 'FBWA')
alt_error = mav.messages['VFR_HUD'].alt - altitude
if alt_error > 0:
mavproxy.send('rc 2 2000\n')
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1000\n')
if not wait_altitude(mav, altitude-accuracy/2, altitude+accuracy/2):
return False
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1500\n')
progress("Reached target altitude at %u" % mav.messages['VFR_HUD'].alt)
return wait_level_flight(mavproxy, mav)
def axial_left_roll(mavproxy, mav, count=1):
"""Fly a left axial roll."""
# full throttle!
mavproxy.send('rc 3 2000\n')
if not change_altitude(mavproxy, mav, homeloc.alt+300):
return False
# fly the roll in manual
mavproxy.send('switch 6\n')
wait_mode(mav, 'MANUAL')
while count > 0:
progress("Starting roll")
mavproxy.send('rc 1 1000\n')
if not wait_roll(mav, -150, accuracy=90):
mavproxy.send('rc 1 1500\n')
return False
if not wait_roll(mav, 150, accuracy=90):
mavproxy.send('rc 1 1500\n')
return False
if not wait_roll(mav, 0, accuracy=90):
mavproxy.send('rc 1 1500\n')
return False
count -= 1
# back to FBWA
mavproxy.send('rc 1 1500\n')
mavproxy.send('switch 4\n')
wait_mode(mav, 'FBWA')
mavproxy.send('rc 3 1700\n')
return wait_level_flight(mavproxy, mav)
def inside_loop(mavproxy, mav, count=1):
"""Fly a inside loop."""
# full throttle!
mavproxy.send('rc 3 2000\n')
if not change_altitude(mavproxy, mav, homeloc.alt+300):
return False
# fly the loop in manual
mavproxy.send('switch 6\n')
wait_mode(mav, 'MANUAL')
while count > 0:
progress("Starting loop")
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1000\n')
if not wait_pitch(mav, -60, accuracy=20):
return False
if not wait_pitch(mav, 0, accuracy=20):
return False
count -= 1
# back to FBWA
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1500\n')
mavproxy.send('switch 4\n')
wait_mode(mav, 'FBWA')
mavproxy.send('rc 3 1700\n')
return wait_level_flight(mavproxy, mav)
def test_stabilize(mavproxy, mav, count=1):
"""Fly stabilize mode."""
# full throttle!
mavproxy.send('rc 3 2000\n')
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1300\n')
if not change_altitude(mavproxy, mav, homeloc.alt+300):
return False
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1500\n')
mavproxy.send("mode STABILIZE\n")
wait_mode(mav, 'STABILIZE')
count = 1
while count > 0:
progress("Starting roll")
mavproxy.send('rc 1 2000\n')
if not wait_roll(mav, -150, accuracy=90):
return False
if not wait_roll(mav, 150, accuracy=90):
return False
if not wait_roll(mav, 0, accuracy=90):
return False
count -= 1
mavproxy.send('rc 1 1500\n')
if not wait_roll(mav, 0, accuracy=5):
return False
# back to FBWA
mavproxy.send('mode FBWA\n')
wait_mode(mav, 'FBWA')
mavproxy.send('rc 3 1700\n')
return wait_level_flight(mavproxy, mav)
def test_acro(mavproxy, mav, count=1):
"""Fly ACRO mode."""
# full throttle!
mavproxy.send('rc 3 2000\n')
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1300\n')
if not change_altitude(mavproxy, mav, homeloc.alt+300):
return False
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1500\n')
mavproxy.send("mode ACRO\n")
wait_mode(mav, 'ACRO')
count = 1
while count > 0:
progress("Starting roll")
mavproxy.send('rc 1 1000\n')
if not wait_roll(mav, -150, accuracy=90):
return False
if not wait_roll(mav, 150, accuracy=90):
return False
if not wait_roll(mav, 0, accuracy=90):
return False
count -= 1
mavproxy.send('rc 1 1500\n')
# back to FBWA
mavproxy.send('mode FBWA\n')
wait_mode(mav, 'FBWA')
wait_level_flight(mavproxy, mav)
mavproxy.send("mode ACRO\n")
wait_mode(mav, 'ACRO')
count = 2
while count > 0:
progress("Starting loop")
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1000\n')
if not wait_pitch(mav, -60, accuracy=20):
return False
if not wait_pitch(mav, 0, accuracy=20):
return False
count -= 1
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1500\n')
# back to FBWA
mavproxy.send('mode FBWA\n')
wait_mode(mav, 'FBWA')
mavproxy.send('rc 3 1700\n')
return wait_level_flight(mavproxy, mav)
def test_FBWB(mavproxy, mav, count=1, mode='FBWB'):
"""Fly FBWB or CRUISE mode."""
mavproxy.send("mode %s\n" % mode)
wait_mode(mav, mode)
mavproxy.send('rc 3 1700\n')
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1500\n')
# lock in the altitude by asking for an altitude change then releasing
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1000\n')
wait_distance(mav, 50, accuracy=20)
mavproxy.send('rc 2 1500\n')
wait_distance(mav, 50, accuracy=20)
m = mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True)
initial_alt = m.alt
progress("Initial altitude %u\n" % initial_alt)
progress("Flying right circuit")
# do 4 turns
for i in range(0, 4):
# hard left
progress("Starting turn %u" % i)
mavproxy.send('rc 1 1800\n')
if not wait_heading(mav, 0 + (90*i), accuracy=20, timeout=60):
mavproxy.send('rc 1 1500\n')
return False
mavproxy.send('rc 1 1500\n')
progress("Starting leg %u" % i)
if not wait_distance(mav, 100, accuracy=20):
return False
progress("Circuit complete")
progress("Flying rudder left circuit")
# do 4 turns
for i in range(0, 4):
# hard left
progress("Starting turn %u" % i)
mavproxy.send('rc 4 1900\n')
if not wait_heading(mav, 360 - (90*i), accuracy=20, timeout=60):
mavproxy.send('rc 4 1500\n')
return False
mavproxy.send('rc 4 1500\n')
progress("Starting leg %u" % i)
if not wait_distance(mav, 100, accuracy=20):
return False
progress("Circuit complete")
m = mav.recv_match(type='VFR_HUD', blocking=True)
final_alt = m.alt
progress("Final altitude %u initial %u\n" % (final_alt, initial_alt))
# back to FBWA
mavproxy.send('mode FBWA\n')
wait_mode(mav, 'FBWA')
if abs(final_alt - initial_alt) > 20:
progress("Failed to maintain altitude")
return False
return wait_level_flight(mavproxy, mav)
def setup_rc(mavproxy):
"""Setup RC override control."""
for chan in [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7]:
mavproxy.send('rc %u 1500\n' % chan)
mavproxy.send('rc 3 1000\n')
mavproxy.send('rc 8 1800\n')
def fly_mission(mavproxy, mav, filename, height_accuracy=-1, target_altitude=None):
"""Fly a mission from a file."""
global homeloc
progress("Flying mission %s" % filename)
mavproxy.send('wp load %s\n' % filename)
mavproxy.expect('Flight plan received')
mavproxy.send('wp list\n')
mavproxy.expect('Requesting [0-9]+ waypoints')
mavproxy.send('switch 1\n') # auto mode
wait_mode(mav, 'AUTO')
if not wait_waypoint(mav, 1, 7, max_dist=60):
return False
if not wait_groundspeed(mav, 0, 0.5, timeout=60):
return False
mavproxy.expect("Auto disarmed")
progress("Mission OK")
return True
def fly_ArduPlane(binary, viewerip=None, use_map=False, valgrind=False, gdb=False, gdbserver=False, speedup=10):
"""Fly ArduPlane in SITL.
you can pass viewerip as an IP address to optionally send fg and
mavproxy packets too for local viewing of the flight in real time
global homeloc
options = '--sitl= --out= --streamrate=10'
if viewerip:
options += " --out=%s:14550" % viewerip
if use_map:
options += ' --map'
sitl = util.start_SITL(binary, model='plane-elevrev', home=HOME_LOCATION, speedup=speedup,
valgrind=valgrind, gdb=gdb, gdbserver=gdbserver,
defaults_file=os.path.join(testdir, 'default_params/plane-jsbsim.parm'))
mavproxy = util.start_MAVProxy_SITL('ArduPlane', options=options)
mavproxy.expect('Telemetry log: (\S+)\r\n')
logfile = mavproxy.match.group(1)
progress("LOGFILE %s" % logfile)
buildlog = util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/ArduPlane-test.tlog")
progress("buildlog=%s" % buildlog)
if os.path.exists(buildlog):
os.link(logfile, buildlog)
except Exception:
util.expect_setup_callback(mavproxy, expect_callback)
mavproxy.expect('Received [0-9]+ parameters')
expect_list_extend([sitl, mavproxy])
progress("Started simulator")
# get a mavlink connection going
mav = mavutil.mavlink_connection('', robust_parsing=True)
except Exception as msg:
progress("Failed to start mavlink connection on" % msg)
failed = False
fail_list = []
e = 'None'
progress("Waiting for a heartbeat with mavlink protocol %s" % mav.WIRE_PROTOCOL_VERSION)
progress("Setting up RC parameters")
progress("Waiting for GPS fix")
mav.recv_match(condition='VFR_HUD.alt>10', blocking=True)
while mav.location().alt < 10:
homeloc = mav.location()
progress("Home location: %s" % homeloc)
if not takeoff(mavproxy, mav):
progress("Failed takeoff")
failed = True
if not fly_left_circuit(mavproxy, mav):
progress("Failed left circuit")
failed = True
if not axial_left_roll(mavproxy, mav, 1):
progress("Failed left roll")
failed = True
if not inside_loop(mavproxy, mav):
progress("Failed inside loop")
failed = True
if not test_stabilize(mavproxy, mav):
progress("Failed stabilize test")
failed = True
if not test_acro(mavproxy, mav):
progress("Failed ACRO test")
failed = True
if not test_FBWB(mavproxy, mav):
progress("Failed FBWB test")
failed = True
if not test_FBWB(mavproxy, mav, mode='CRUISE'):
progress("Failed CRUISE test")
failed = True
if not fly_RTL(mavproxy, mav):
progress("Failed RTL")
failed = True
if not fly_LOITER(mavproxy, mav):
progress("Failed LOITER")
failed = True
if not fly_CIRCLE(mavproxy, mav):
progress("Failed CIRCLE")
failed = True
if not fly_mission(mavproxy, mav, os.path.join(testdir, "ap1.txt"), height_accuracy = 10,
progress("Failed mission")
failed = True
if not log_download(mavproxy, mav, util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/ArduPlane-log.bin")):
progress("Failed log download")
failed = True
except pexpect.TIMEOUT as e:
progress("Failed with timeout")
failed = True
valgrind_log = util.valgrind_log_filepath(binary=binary, model='plane-elevrev')
if os.path.exists(valgrind_log):
os.chmod(valgrind_log, 0o644)
shutil.copy(valgrind_log, util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/ArduPlane-valgrind.log"))
if failed:
progress("FAILED: %s" % e)
progress("Fail list: %s" % fail_list)
return False
return True