
409 lines
16 KiB

Viewpro gimbal driver using custom serial protocol
Packet format (courtesy of Viewpro's SDK document)
Field Index Bytes Description
Header 0~2 3 0x55 0xAA 0xDC
Length 3 1 bit0~5: body length, n=all bytes from byte3 to checksum, min=4, max=63
bits6~7: frame counter (increment by 1 compared to previous message sent)
Frame Id 4 1
Data 5~n+1 n 1st byte is command id (?)
Checksum n+2 1 XOR of byte3 to n+1 (inclusive)
#pragma once
#include "AP_Mount_Backend_Serial.h"
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_HAL/utility/sparse-endian.h>
#define AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_PACKETLEN_MAX 63 // maximum number of bytes in a packet sent to or received from the gimbal
class AP_Mount_Viewpro : public AP_Mount_Backend_Serial
// Constructor
using AP_Mount_Backend_Serial::AP_Mount_Backend_Serial;
/* Do not allow copies */
// update mount position - should be called periodically
void update() override;
// return true if healthy
bool healthy() const override;
// return true if this mount accepts roll targets
bool has_roll_control() const override { return false; }
// has_pan_control - returns true if this mount can control its pan (required for multicopters)
bool has_pan_control() const override { return yaw_range_valid(); };
// camera controls
// take a picture. returns true on success
bool take_picture() override;
// start or stop video recording
// set start_recording = true to start record, false to stop recording
bool record_video(bool start_recording) override;
// set zoom specified as a rate or percentage
bool set_zoom(ZoomType zoom_type, float zoom_value) override;
// set focus specified as rate, percentage or auto
// focus in = -1, focus hold = 0, focus out = 1
SetFocusResult set_focus(FocusType focus_type, float focus_value) override;
// set tracking to none, point or rectangle (see TrackingType enum)
// if POINT only p1 is used, if RECTANGLE then p1 is top-left, p2 is bottom-right
// p1,p2 are in range 0 to 1. 0 is left or top, 1 is right or bottom
bool set_tracking(TrackingType tracking_type, const Vector2f& p1, const Vector2f& p2) override;
// set camera lens as a value from 0 to 5
bool set_lens(uint8_t lens) override;
// set_camera_source is functionally the same as set_lens except primary and secondary lenses are specified by type
// primary and secondary sources use the AP_Camera::CameraSource enum cast to uint8_t
bool set_camera_source(uint8_t primary_source, uint8_t secondary_source) override;
// send camera information message to GCS
void send_camera_information(mavlink_channel_t chan) const override;
// send camera settings message to GCS
void send_camera_settings(mavlink_channel_t chan) const override;
// rangefinder
// get rangefinder distance. Returns true on success
bool get_rangefinder_distance(float& distance_m) const override;
// enable/disable rangefinder. Returns true on success
bool set_rangefinder_enable(bool enable) override;
// get attitude as a quaternion. returns true on success
bool get_attitude_quaternion(Quaternion& att_quat) override;
// send text prefix string to reduce flash cost
static const char* send_text_prefix;
// packet frame ids
enum class FrameId : uint8_t {
HANDSHAKE = 0x00, // handshake sent to gimbal
U = 0x01, // communication configuration control (this packet is sent to gimbal)
V = 0x02, // communication configuration status (this is the reply to U)
HEARTBEAT = 0x10, // heartbeat received from gimbal
A1 = 0x1A, // target angles (sent)
C1 = 0x1C, // camera controls commonly used (sent)
E1 = 0x1E, // tracking controls commonly used (sent)
C2 = 0x2C, // camera controls infrequently used (sent)
E2 = 0x2E, // tracking controls infrequently used (sent)
T1_F1_B1_D1 = 0x40, // actual roll, pitch, yaw angles (received)
M_AHRS = 0xB1, // vehicle attitude and position (sent)
// U communication configuration control commands
enum class CommConfigCmd : uint8_t {
// A1 servo status enum (used in A1, B1 packets)
enum class ServoStatus : uint8_t {
FOLLOW_YAW = 0x03,
// C1 image sensor choice
enum class ImageSensor : uint8_t {
NO_ACTION = 0x00, // no image sensor is affected
EO1 = 0x01, // electro-optical, aka rgb
IR = 0x02, // infrared, aka thermal
EO1_IR_PIP = 0x03, // rgb is main, IR is picture-in-picture
IR_EO1_PIP = 0x04, // thermal is main, rgb is picture-in-picture
FUSION = 0x05, // rgb and thermal are fused
IR1_13MM = 0x06, // only valid for 1352 module
IR2_52MM = 0x07, // only valid for 1352 module
// C1 camera commands
enum class CameraCommand : uint8_t {
NO_ACTION = 0x00,
ZOOM_OUT = 0x08,
ZOOM_IN = 0x09,
AUTO_FOCUS = 0x19,
// C1 rangefinder commands
enum class LRFCommand : uint8_t {
NO_ACTION = 0x00,
// C2 camera commands
enum class CameraCommand2 : uint8_t {
SET_EO_ZOOM = 0x53
// D1 recording status (received from gimbal)
enum class RecordingStatus : uint8_t {
// E1 tracking commands
enum class TrackingCommand : uint8_t {
STOP = 0x01,
START = 0x03,
// E1 tracking source (e.g. which camera)
enum class TrackingSource : uint8_t {
EO1 = 0x01, // electro-optical, aka rgb
IR = 0x02, // infrared, aka thermal
EO2 = 0x03, // electro-optical, aka rgb
// E2 tracking commands2
enum class TrackingCommand2 : uint8_t {
// F1 tracking status (received from gimbal)
enum class TrackingStatus : uint8_t {
STOPPED = 0x00, // not tracking
SEARCHING = 0x01, // searching
TRACKING = 0x02, // locked onto a target
LOST = 0x03, // lost target
// parsing state
enum class ParseState : uint8_t {
// packet formats
union HandshakePacket {
struct {
FrameId frame_id; // always 0x00
uint8_t unused; // always 0x00
} content;
uint8_t bytes[sizeof(content)];
// U packed used to send communication configuration control commands
// gimbal replies with V packet
union UPacket {
struct {
FrameId frame_id; // always 0x01
CommConfigCmd control_cmd; // see CommConfigCmd enum above
uint8_t params[9]; // parameters (unused)
} content;
uint8_t bytes[sizeof(content)];
// A1 used to send target angles and rates
union A1Packet {
struct {
FrameId frame_id; // always 0x1A
ServoStatus servo_status; // see ServoStatus enum above
be16_t yaw_be; // target yaw angle or rate msb
be16_t pitch_be; // target pitch angle or rate msb
uint8_t unused[4]; // unused
} content;
uint8_t bytes[sizeof(content)];
// C1 used to send camera commands (commonly used)
union C1Packet {
struct PACKED {
FrameId frame_id; // always 0x1C
be16_t sensor_zoom_cmd_be;
} content;
uint8_t bytes[sizeof(content)];
// C2 used to send camera commands (less commonly used)
union C2Packet {
struct {
FrameId frame_id; // always 0x2C
CameraCommand2 cmd; // see CameraCommand2 enum above
be16_t value_be; // value
} content;
uint8_t bytes[sizeof(content)];
// E1 used to send tracking commands
union E1Packet {
struct {
FrameId frame_id; // always 0x1E
TrackingSource source : 3; // see TrackingSource enum above
uint8_t unused : 5; // param1 (unused)
TrackingCommand cmd; // see TrackingCommand enum above
uint8_t param2; // param2
} content;
uint8_t bytes[sizeof(content)];
// E2 used to send tracking commands2
union E2Packet {
struct {
FrameId frame_id; // always 0x2E
TrackingCommand2 cmd; // see TrackingCommand2 enum above
be16_t param1_be;
be16_t param2_be;
} content;
uint8_t bytes[sizeof(content)];
// M_AHRS used to send vehicle attitude and position to gimbal
union M_AHRSPacket {
struct PACKED {
FrameId frame_id; // always 0xB1
uint8_t data_type; // should be 0x07. Bit0: Attitude, Bit1: GPS, Bit2 Gyro
uint8_t unused2to8[7]; // unused
be16_t roll_be; // vehicle roll angle. 1bit=360deg/65536
be16_t pitch_be; // vehicle pitch angle. 1bit=360deg/65536
be16_t yaw_be; // vehicle yaw angle. 1bit=360deg/65536
be16_t date_be; // bit0~6:year, bit7~10:month, bit11~15:day
uint8_t seconds_utc[3]; // seconds. 1bit = 0.01sec
be16_t gps_yaw_be; // GPS yaw
uint8_t position_mark_bitmask; // bit0:new position, bit1:clock fix calced, bit2:horiz calced, bit3:alt calced
be32_t latitude_be; // latitude. 1bit = 10e-7
be32_t longitude_be; // longitude. 1bit = 10e-7
be32_t height_be; // height. 1bit = 1mm
be16_t ground_speed_N_be; // ground speed in North direction. 1bit = 0.01m/s
be16_t ground_speed_E_be; // ground speed in East direction. 1bit = 0.01m/s
be16_t vdop_be; // GPS vdop. 1bit = 0.01
be16_t ground_speed_D_be; // speed downwards. 1bit = 0.01m/s
} content;
uint8_t bytes[sizeof(content)];
// reading incoming packets from gimbal and confirm they are of the correct format
// results are held in the _parsed_msg structure
void read_incoming_packets();
// process successfully decoded packets held in the _parsed_msg structure
void process_packet();
// calculate crc of the received message
uint8_t calc_crc(const uint8_t *buf, uint8_t length) const;
// get the length and frame count byte (3rd byte of all messages)
// length is all bytes after the header including CRC
uint8_t get_length_and_frame_count_byte(uint8_t length);
// send packet to gimbal
// returns true on success, false if outgoing serial buffer is full
bool send_packet(const uint8_t* databuff, uint8_t databuff_len);
// send handshake, gimbal will respond with T1_F1_B1_D1 packet that includes current angles
void send_handshake();
// set gimbal's lock vs follow mode
// lock should be true if gimbal should maintain an earth-frame target
// lock is false to follow / maintain a body-frame target
bool set_lock(bool lock);
// send communication configuration command (aka U packet), gimbal will respond with a V packet
bool send_comm_config_cmd(CommConfigCmd cmd);
// send target pitch and yaw rates to gimbal
// yaw_is_ef should be true if yaw_rads target is an earth frame rate, false if body_frame
bool send_target_rates(float pitch_rads, float yaw_rads, bool yaw_is_ef);
// send target pitch and yaw angles to gimbal
// yaw_is_ef should be true if yaw_rad target is an earth frame angle, false if body_frame
bool send_target_angles(float pitch_rad, float yaw_rad, bool yaw_is_ef);
// send camera command, affected image sensor and value (e.g. zoom speed)
bool send_camera_command(ImageSensor img_sensor, CameraCommand cmd, uint8_t value, LRFCommand lrf_cmd = LRFCommand::NO_ACTION);
// send camera command2 and corresponding value (e.g. zoom as absolute value)
bool send_camera_command2(CameraCommand2 cmd, uint16_t value);
// send tracking command and corresponding value (normally zero)
bool send_tracking_command(TrackingCommand cmd, uint8_t value);
// send camera command2 and corresponding parameter values
bool send_tracking_command2(TrackingCommand2 cmd, uint16_t param1, uint16_t param2);
// send vehicle attitude and position to gimbal
bool send_m_ahrs();
// internal variables
uint8_t _msg_buff[AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_PACKETLEN_MAX]; // buffer holding latest bytes from gimbal
uint8_t _msg_buff_len; // number of bytes held in msg buff
const uint8_t _msg_buff_data_start = 2; // data starts at this byte of _msg_buff
// parser state and unpacked fields
struct {
uint8_t data_len; // expected number of data bytes
uint8_t frame_id; // frame id (equivalent to command id)
uint16_t data_bytes_received; // number of data bytes received so far
uint8_t crc; // latest message's crc
ParseState state; // state of incoming message processing
} _parsed_msg;
// variables for sending packets to gimbal
uint8_t _last_frame_counter; // frame counter sent in last message
uint32_t _last_update_ms; // system time (in milliseconds) that angle or rate targets were last sent
Vector3f _current_angle_rad; // current angles in radians received from gimbal (x=roll, y=pitch, z=yaw)
uint32_t _last_current_angle_rad_ms; // system time _current_angle_rad was updated (used for health reporting)
bool _recording; // recording status received from gimbal
bool _last_lock; // last lock mode sent to gimbal
TrackingStatus _last_tracking_status; // last tracking status received from gimbal (used to notify users)
ImageSensor _image_sensor; // user selected image sensor (aka camera lens)
float _zoom_times; // zoom times received from gimbal
uint32_t _firmware_version; // firmware version from gimbal
bool _got_firmware_version; // true once we have received the firmware version
uint8_t _model_name[11] {}; // model name received from gimbal
bool _got_model_name; // true once we have received model name
float _rangefinder_dist_m; // latest rangefinder distance (in meters)