mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 16:13:56 -03:00
940 lines
34 KiB
940 lines
34 KiB
#include "AP_Mount_Viewpro.h"
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h>
#include <AP_GPS/AP_GPS.h>
#include <AP_RTC/AP_RTC.h>
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>
#include <GCS_MAVLink/include/mavlink/v2.0/checksum.h>
#include <AP_SerialManager/AP_SerialManager.h>
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
#define AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_HEADER1 0x55 // first header byte
#define AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_HEADER2 0xAA // second header byte
#define AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_HEADER3 0xDC // third header byte
#define AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_PACKETLEN_MIN 5 // min number of bytes in a packet (3 header bytes, length, crc)
#define AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_HEALTH_TIMEOUT_MS 1000 // state will become unhealthy if no attitude is received within this timeout
#define AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS 100 // resend angle or rate targets to gimbal at this interval
#define AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_ZOOM_SPEED 0x07 // hard-coded zoom speed (fast)
#define AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_ZOOM_MAX 10 // hard-coded absolute zoom times max
#define AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEG_TO_OUTPUT (65536.0 / 360.0) // scalar to convert degrees to the viewpro angle scaling
#define AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_OUTPUT_TO_DEG (360.0 / 65536.0) // scalar to convert viewpro angle scaling to degrees
#define debug(fmt, args ...) do { if (AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEBUG) { GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "Viewpro: " fmt, ## args); } } while (0)
const char* AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_text_prefix = "Viewpro:";
// init - performs any required initialisation for this instance
void AP_Mount_Viewpro::init()
const AP_SerialManager& serial_manager = AP::serialmanager();
_uart = serial_manager.find_serial(AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_Gimbal, 0);
if (_uart != nullptr) {
_initialised = true;
// update mount position - should be called periodically
void AP_Mount_Viewpro::update()
// exit immediately if not initialised
if (!_initialised) {
// below here we sent angle or rate targets
// throttle sends of target angles or rates
uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
if (now_ms - _last_update_ms < AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS) {
_last_update_ms = now_ms;
// reading incoming packets from gimbal
// request model name
if (!_got_model_name) {
// request firmware version
if (!_got_firmware_version) {
// send handshake
// send vehicle attitude and position
// if tracking is active we do not send new targets to the gimbal
if (_last_tracking_status == TrackingStatus::SEARCHING || _last_tracking_status == TrackingStatus::TRACKING) {
// update based on mount mode
switch (get_mode()) {
// move mount to a "retracted" position. To-Do: remove support and replace with a relaxed mode?
const Vector3f &angle_bf_target = _params.retract_angles.get();
mnt_target.target_type = MountTargetType::ANGLE;
mnt_target.angle_rad.set(angle_bf_target*DEG_TO_RAD, false);
// move mount to a neutral position, typically pointing forward
const Vector3f &angle_bf_target = _params.neutral_angles.get();
mnt_target.target_type = MountTargetType::ANGLE;
mnt_target.angle_rad.set(angle_bf_target*DEG_TO_RAD, false);
// point to the angles given by a mavlink message
// mavlink targets are stored while handling the incoming message
// RC radio manual angle control, but with stabilization from the AHRS
// update targets using pilot's RC inputs
MountTarget rc_target;
get_rc_target(mnt_target.target_type, rc_target);
switch (mnt_target.target_type) {
case MountTargetType::ANGLE:
mnt_target.angle_rad = rc_target;
case MountTargetType::RATE:
mnt_target.rate_rads = rc_target;
// point mount to a GPS point given by the mission planner
if (get_angle_target_to_roi(mnt_target.angle_rad)) {
mnt_target.target_type = MountTargetType::ANGLE;
// point mount to Home location
if (get_angle_target_to_home(mnt_target.angle_rad)) {
mnt_target.target_type = MountTargetType::ANGLE;
// point mount to another vehicle
if (get_angle_target_to_sysid(mnt_target.angle_rad)) {
mnt_target.target_type = MountTargetType::ANGLE;
// we do not know this mode so raise internal error
// send target angles or rates depending on the target type
switch (mnt_target.target_type) {
case MountTargetType::ANGLE:
send_target_angles(mnt_target.angle_rad.pitch, mnt_target.angle_rad.yaw, mnt_target.angle_rad.yaw_is_ef);
case MountTargetType::RATE:
send_target_rates(mnt_target.rate_rads.pitch, mnt_target.rate_rads.yaw, mnt_target.rate_rads.yaw_is_ef);
// return true if healthy
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::healthy() const
// unhealthy until gimbal has been found and replied with firmware version info
if (!_initialised) {
return false;
// unhealthy if attitude information NOT received recently
const uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
if (now_ms - _last_current_angle_rad_ms > AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_HEALTH_TIMEOUT_MS) {
return false;
// if we get this far return healthy
return true;
// get attitude as a quaternion. returns true on success
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::get_attitude_quaternion(Quaternion& att_quat)
att_quat.from_euler(_current_angle_rad.x, _current_angle_rad.y, _current_angle_rad.z);
return true;
// reading incoming packets from gimbal and confirm they are of the correct format
// results are held in the _parsed_msg structure
void AP_Mount_Viewpro::read_incoming_packets()
// check for bytes on the serial port
int16_t nbytes = MIN(_uart->available(), 1024U);
if (nbytes <= 0 ) {
// flag to allow cases below to reset parser state
bool reset_parser = false;
// process bytes received
for (int16_t i = 0; i < nbytes; i++) {
uint8_t b;
if (!_uart->read(b)) {
_msg_buff[_msg_buff_len++] = b;
// protect against overly long messages
if (_msg_buff_len > AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_PACKETLEN_MAX) {
reset_parser = true;
debug("vp buff full s:%u len:%u", (unsigned)_parsed_msg.state, (unsigned)_msg_buff_len);
// process byte depending upon current state
switch (_parsed_msg.state) {
case ParseState::WAITING_FOR_HEADER1:
// throw away byte
_msg_buff_len = 0;
_parsed_msg.state = ParseState::WAITING_FOR_HEADER2;
} else {
reset_parser = true;
case ParseState::WAITING_FOR_HEADER2:
// throw away byte
_msg_buff_len = 0;
_parsed_msg.state = ParseState::WAITING_FOR_HEADER3;
} else {
reset_parser = true;
case ParseState::WAITING_FOR_HEADER3:
// throw away byte
_msg_buff_len = 0;
_parsed_msg.state = ParseState::WAITING_FOR_LENGTH;
} else {
reset_parser = true;
case ParseState::WAITING_FOR_LENGTH:
// length held in bits 0 ~ 5. length includes this length byte, frame id and final crc
// ignore frame counter held in bits 6~7
_parsed_msg.data_len = b & 0x3F;
_parsed_msg.state = ParseState::WAITING_FOR_FRAMEID;
_parsed_msg.frame_id = b;
_parsed_msg.data_bytes_received = 0;
_parsed_msg.state = ParseState::WAITING_FOR_DATA;
case ParseState::WAITING_FOR_DATA:
// check if we have received all data bytes. subtract 3 to remove length byte, frame id and final crc
if (_parsed_msg.data_bytes_received >= _parsed_msg.data_len - 3) {
_parsed_msg.state = ParseState::WAITING_FOR_CRC;
case ParseState::WAITING_FOR_CRC: {
_parsed_msg.crc = b;
const uint16_t expected_crc = calc_crc(_msg_buff, _msg_buff_len-1);
if (expected_crc == _parsed_msg.crc) {
// successfully received a message, do something with it
} else {
debug("crc expected:%x got:%x", (unsigned)expected_crc, (unsigned)_parsed_msg.crc);
reset_parser = true;
// handle reset of parser
if (reset_parser) {
_msg_buff_len = 0;
_parsed_msg.state = ParseState::WAITING_FOR_HEADER1;
reset_parser = false;
// process successfully decoded packets held in the _parsed_msg structure
void AP_Mount_Viewpro::process_packet()
// process packet depending upon frame id
switch ((FrameId)_parsed_msg.frame_id) {
case FrameId::HANDSHAKE:
case FrameId::V: {
const CommConfigCmd control_cmd = (CommConfigCmd)_msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start];
switch (control_cmd) {
case CommConfigCmd::QUERY_FIRMWARE_VER: {
// firmware version, length is 20 bytes but we expect format of "S" + yyyymmdd
const uint8_t fw_major_str[3] {_msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+4], _msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+5], 0x0};
const uint8_t fw_minor_str[3] {_msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+6], _msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+7], 0x0};
const uint8_t fw_patch_str[3] {_msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+8], _msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+9], 0x0};
const uint8_t major_ver = atoi((const char*)fw_major_str) & 0xFF;
const uint8_t minor_ver = atoi((const char*)fw_minor_str) & 0xFF;
const uint8_t patch_ver = atoi((const char*)fw_patch_str) & 0xFF;
_firmware_version = (patch_ver << 16) | (minor_ver << 8) | major_ver;
_got_firmware_version = true;
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%s fw:%u.%u.%u", send_text_prefix, (unsigned)major_ver, (unsigned)minor_ver, (unsigned)patch_ver);
case CommConfigCmd::QUERY_MODEL:
// gimbal model, length is 10 bytes
strncpy((char *)_model_name, (const char *)&_msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+1], sizeof(_model_name)-1);
_got_model_name = true;
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%s %s", send_text_prefix, (const char*)_model_name);
// unsupported control command
case FrameId::T1_F1_B1_D1: {
// T1 holds target info including target lean angles
// F1 holds tracker sensor status (which camera, tracking vs lost)
// B1 section holds actual lean angles
// D1 section holds camera status including zoom level
//const int8_t servo_status = (_msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+24] & 0xF0) >> 4;
const TrackingStatus tracking_status = (TrackingStatus)((_msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+22] & 0x18) >> 3);
if (tracking_status != _last_tracking_status) {
_last_tracking_status = tracking_status;
switch (tracking_status) {
case TrackingStatus::STOPPED:
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%s tracking OFF", send_text_prefix);
case TrackingStatus::SEARCHING:
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%s tracking searching", send_text_prefix);
case TrackingStatus::TRACKING:
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%s tracking ON", send_text_prefix);
case TrackingStatus::LOST:
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%s tracking Lost", send_text_prefix);
_last_current_angle_rad_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
_current_angle_rad.x = radians((int16_t)UINT16_VALUE(_msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+23] & 0x0F, _msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+24]) * (180.0/4095.0) - 90.0); // roll angle
_current_angle_rad.z = radians((int16_t)UINT16_VALUE(_msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+25], _msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+26]) * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_OUTPUT_TO_DEG); // yaw angle
_current_angle_rad.y = -radians((int16_t)UINT16_VALUE(_msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+27], _msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+28]) * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_OUTPUT_TO_DEG); // pitch angle
debug("r:%4.1f p:%4.1f y:%4.1f", (double)degrees(_current_angle_rad.x), (double)degrees(_current_angle_rad.y), (double)degrees(_current_angle_rad.z));
// get active image sensor. D1's image sensor values are one value lower than C1's
_image_sensor = ImageSensor((_msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+29] & 0x07) + 1);
// get recording status
const RecordingStatus recording_status = (RecordingStatus)(_msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+32] & 0x07);
const bool recording = (recording_status == RecordingStatus::RECORDING);
if (recording != _recording) {
_recording = recording;
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%s recording %s", send_text_prefix, _recording ? "ON" : "OFF");
// get optical zoom times
_zoom_times = UINT16_VALUE(_msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+39], _msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+40]) * 0.1;
// get laser rangefinder distance
_rangefinder_dist_m = UINT16_VALUE(_msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+33], _msg_buff[_msg_buff_data_start+34]) * 0.1;
debug("Unhandled FrameId:%u", (unsigned)_parsed_msg.frame_id);
// calculate crc of the received message
uint8_t AP_Mount_Viewpro::calc_crc(const uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len) const
uint8_t res = 0;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<len; i++) {
res = (res ^ buf[i]) & 0xFF;
return res;
// calculate the length and frame count byte (3rd byte of all messages)
// length is all bytes after the header including CRC
uint8_t AP_Mount_Viewpro::get_length_and_frame_count_byte(uint8_t length)
// increment frame counter
_last_frame_counter = (_last_frame_counter + 1) & 0x03;
return ((_last_frame_counter << 6) | (length & 0x3F));
// send packet to gimbal. databuff includes everything after the length-and-frame-counter, does not include crc
// returns true on success, false if outgoing serial buffer is full
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_packet(const uint8_t* databuff, uint8_t databuff_len)
if (!_initialised) {
return false;
// calculate and sanity check packet size
const uint16_t packet_size = AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_PACKETLEN_MIN + databuff_len;
debug("send_packet data buff too large");
return false;
// check for sufficient space in outgoing buffer
if (_uart->txspace() < packet_size) {
debug("tx space too low (%u < %u)", (unsigned)_uart->txspace(), (unsigned)packet_size);
return false;
// buffer for holding outgoing packet
uint8_t send_buff[packet_size];
uint8_t send_buff_ofs = 0;
// packet header
send_buff[send_buff_ofs++] = AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_HEADER1;
send_buff[send_buff_ofs++] = AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_HEADER2;
send_buff[send_buff_ofs++] = AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_HEADER3;
// length and frame counter. length is databuffer length + 2 (1 for length, 1 for crc)
send_buff[send_buff_ofs++] = get_length_and_frame_count_byte(databuff_len + 2);
// data
if (databuff_len != 0) {
memcpy(&send_buff[send_buff_ofs], databuff, databuff_len);
send_buff_ofs += databuff_len;
// crc
const uint8_t crc = calc_crc(&send_buff[3], send_buff_ofs-3);
send_buff[send_buff_ofs++] = crc;
// write packet to serial port
_uart->write(send_buff, send_buff_ofs);
return true;
// send handshake, gimbal will respond with T1_F1_B1_D1 paket that includes current angles
void AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_handshake()
const HandshakePacket hs_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::HANDSHAKE,
unused: 0
send_packet(hs_packet.bytes, sizeof(hs_packet.bytes));
// set gimbal's lock vs follow mode
// lock should be true if gimbal should maintain an earth-frame target
// lock is false to follow / maintain a body-frame target
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::set_lock(bool lock)
// do not send if lock mode has already been sent recently
if (_last_lock == lock) {
return true;
// fill in packet
const A1Packet a1_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::A1,
servo_status: lock ? ServoStatus::FOLLOW_YAW_DISABLE : ServoStatus::FOLLOW_YAW
// send targets to gimbal
if (send_packet(a1_packet.bytes, sizeof(a1_packet.bytes))) {
_last_lock = lock;
return true;
return false;
// send communication configuration command (aka U packet), gimbal will respond with a V packet
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_comm_config_cmd(CommConfigCmd cmd)
// fill in packet
const UPacket u_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::U,
control_cmd: cmd
// send targets to gimbal
return send_packet(u_packet.bytes, sizeof(u_packet.bytes));
// send target pitch and yaw rates to gimbal
// yaw_is_ef should be true if yaw_rads target is an earth frame rate, false if body_frame
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_target_rates(float pitch_rads, float yaw_rads, bool yaw_is_ef)
// set lock value
if (!set_lock(yaw_is_ef)) {
return false;
// scale pitch and yaw to values gimbal understands
const int16_t pitch_rate_output = -degrees(pitch_rads) * 100.0;
const int16_t yaw_rate_output = degrees(yaw_rads) * 100.0;
// fill in packet
const A1Packet a1_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::A1,
servo_status: ServoStatus::MANUAL_SPEED_MODE,
yaw_be: htobe16(yaw_rate_output),
pitch_be: htobe16(pitch_rate_output)
// send targets to gimbal
return send_packet(a1_packet.bytes, sizeof(a1_packet.bytes));
// send target pitch and yaw angles to gimbal
// yaw_is_ef should be true if yaw_rad target is an earth frame angle, false if body_frame
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_target_angles(float pitch_rad, float yaw_rad, bool yaw_is_ef)
// gimbal does not support lock in angle control mode
if (!set_lock(false)) {
return false;
// convert yaw angle to body-frame
float yaw_bf_rad = yaw_is_ef ? wrap_PI(yaw_rad - AP::ahrs().yaw) : yaw_rad;
// enforce body-frame yaw angle limits. If beyond limits always use body-frame control
const float yaw_bf_min = radians(_params.yaw_angle_min);
const float yaw_bf_max = radians(_params.yaw_angle_max);
if (yaw_bf_rad < yaw_bf_min || yaw_bf_rad > yaw_bf_max) {
yaw_bf_rad = constrain_float(yaw_bf_rad, yaw_bf_min, yaw_bf_max);
yaw_is_ef = false;
// scale pitch and yaw to values gimbal understands
const int16_t pitch_angle_output = -degrees(pitch_rad) * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEG_TO_OUTPUT;
const int16_t yaw_angle_output = degrees(yaw_bf_rad) * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEG_TO_OUTPUT;
// fill in packet
const A1Packet a1_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::A1,
servo_status: ServoStatus::MANUAL_ABSOLUTE_ANGLE_MODE,
yaw_be: htobe16(yaw_angle_output),
pitch_be: htobe16(pitch_angle_output)
// send targets to gimbal
return send_packet(a1_packet.bytes, sizeof(a1_packet.bytes));
// send camera command, affected image sensor and value (e.g. zoom speed)
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_camera_command(ImageSensor img_sensor, CameraCommand cmd, uint8_t value)
// fill in 2 bytes containing sensor, zoom speed, operation command and LRF
// bit0~2: sensor
// bit3~5: zoom speed
// bit6~12: operation command no
// bit13~15: LRF command (unused)
const uint16_t sensor_id = (uint16_t)img_sensor;
const uint16_t zoom_speed = ((uint16_t)value & 0x07) << 3;
const uint16_t operation_cmd = ((uint16_t)cmd & 0x7F) << 6;
// fill in packet
const C1Packet c1_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::C1,
sensor_zoom_cmd_be: htobe16(sensor_id | zoom_speed | operation_cmd)
// send packet to gimbal
return send_packet(c1_packet.bytes, sizeof(c1_packet.bytes));
// send camera command2 and corresponding value (e.g. zoom as absolute value)
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_camera_command2(CameraCommand2 cmd, uint16_t value)
// fill in packet
const C2Packet c2_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::C2,
cmd: cmd,
value_be: htobe16(value)
// send packet to gimbal
return send_packet(c2_packet.bytes, sizeof(c2_packet.bytes));
// send tracking command and corresponding value (normally zero)
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_tracking_command(TrackingCommand cmd, uint8_t value)
// convert image sensor to tracking source
TrackingSource tracking_source = TrackingSource::EO1;
switch (_image_sensor) {
case ImageSensor::NO_ACTION:
case ImageSensor::EO1:
case ImageSensor::EO1_IR_PIP:
case ImageSensor::FUSION:
tracking_source = TrackingSource::EO1;
case ImageSensor::IR:
case ImageSensor::IR_EO1_PIP:
case ImageSensor::IR1_13MM:
case ImageSensor::IR2_52MM:
tracking_source = TrackingSource::IR;
// fill in packet
// Packet creation is done long-hand here to support g++-7.5.0
E1Packet e1_packet {};
e1_packet.content.frame_id = FrameId::E1;
e1_packet.content.source = tracking_source;
e1_packet.content.cmd = cmd;
e1_packet.content.param2 = value; // normally zero
// send packet to gimbal
return send_packet(e1_packet.bytes, sizeof(e1_packet.bytes));
// send camera command2 and corresponding parameter values
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_tracking_command2(TrackingCommand2 cmd, uint16_t param1, uint16_t param2)
// fill in packet
const E2Packet e2_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::E2,
cmd: cmd,
param1_be: htobe16(param1),
param2_be: htobe16(param2),
// send packet to gimbal
return send_packet(e2_packet.bytes, sizeof(e2_packet.bytes));
// send vehicle attitude and position to gimbal
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_m_ahrs()
// get current location
Location loc;
int32_t alt_amsl_cm = 0;
if (!AP::ahrs().get_location(loc) || !loc.get_alt_cm(Location::AltFrame::ABSOLUTE, alt_amsl_cm)) {
return false;
// get date and time
uint16_t year, ms;
uint8_t month, day, hour, min, sec;
if (!AP::rtc().get_date_and_time_utc(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, ms)) {
year = month = day = hour = min = sec = ms = 0;
uint16_t date = ((year-2000) & 0x7f) | (((month+1) & 0x0F) << 7) | ((day & 0x1F) << 11);
uint64_t second_hundredths = (((hour * 60 * 60) + (min * 60) + sec) * 100) + (ms * 0.1);
const uint16_t date = 0;
const uint64_t second_hundredths = 0;
// get vehicle velocity in m/s in NED Frame
Vector3f vel_NED;
float vel_yaw_deg = wrap_360(degrees(vel_NED.xy().angle()));
// get GPS vdop
uint16_t gps_vdop = AP::gps().get_vdop();
// get vehicle yaw in the range 0 to 360
const uint16_t veh_yaw_deg = wrap_360(degrees(AP::ahrs().get_yaw()));
// fill in packet
const M_AHRSPacket mahrs_packet {
.content = {
frame_id: FrameId::M_AHRS,
data_type: 0x07, // Bit0: Attitude, Bit1: GPS, Bit2 Gyro
unused2to8 : {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
pitch_be: htobe16(-degrees(AP::ahrs().get_pitch()) * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEG_TO_OUTPUT), // vehicle pitch angle. 1bit=360deg/65536
roll_be: htobe16(degrees(AP::ahrs().get_roll()) * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEG_TO_OUTPUT), // vehicle roll angle. 1bit=360deg/65536
yaw_be: htobe16(veh_yaw_deg * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEG_TO_OUTPUT), // vehicle yaw angle. 1bit=360deg/65536
date_be: htobe16(date), // bit0~6:year, bit7~10:month, bit11~15:day
seconds_utc: {uint8_t((second_hundredths & 0xFF0000ULL) >> 16), // seconds * 100 MSB. 1bit = 0.01sec
uint8_t((second_hundredths & 0xFF00ULL) >> 8), // seconds * 100 next MSB. 1bit = 0.01sec
uint8_t(second_hundredths & 0xFFULL)}, // seconds * 100 LSB. 1bit = 0.01sec
gps_yaw_be: htobe16(vel_yaw_deg * AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_DEG_TO_OUTPUT), // GPS yaw
position_mark_bitmask: 0x0F, // bit0:new position, bit1:clock fix calced, bit2:horiz calced, bit3:alt calced
latitude_be: htobe32(loc.lat), // latitude. 1bit = 10e-7
longitude_be: htobe32(loc.lng), // longitude. 1bit = 10e-7
height_be: htobe32(alt_amsl_cm * 10), // height. 1bit = 1mm
ground_speed_N_be: htobe16(vel_NED.x * 100), // ground speed in North direction. 1bit = 0.01m/s
ground_speed_E_be: htobe16(vel_NED.y * 100), // ground speed in East direction. 1bit = 0.01m/s
vdop_be: htobe16(gps_vdop), // GPS vdop. 1bit = 0.01
ground_speed_D_be: htobe16(vel_NED.z * 100) // speed downwards. 1bit = 0.01m/s
// send packet to gimbal
return send_packet(mahrs_packet.bytes, sizeof(mahrs_packet.bytes));
// take a picture. returns true on success
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::take_picture()
// exit immediately if not initialised
if (!_initialised) {
return false;
return send_camera_command(_image_sensor, CameraCommand::TAKE_PICTURE, 0);
// start or stop video recording. returns true on success
// set start_recording = true to start record, false to stop recording
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::record_video(bool start_recording)
// exit immediately if not initialised
if (!_initialised) {
return false;
return send_camera_command(_image_sensor, start_recording ? CameraCommand::START_RECORD : CameraCommand::STOP_RECORD, 0);
// set zoom specified as a rate or percentage
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::set_zoom(ZoomType zoom_type, float zoom_value)
// exit immediately if not initialised
if (!_initialised) {
return false;
// zoom rate
if (zoom_type == ZoomType::RATE) {
CameraCommand zoom_cmd = CameraCommand::STOP_FOCUS_AND_ZOOM;
if (zoom_value < 0) {
zoom_cmd = CameraCommand::ZOOM_OUT;
} else if (zoom_value > 0) {
zoom_cmd = CameraCommand::ZOOM_IN;
return send_camera_command(_image_sensor, zoom_cmd, AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_ZOOM_SPEED);
// zoom percentage
if (zoom_type == ZoomType::PCT) {
// convert zoom percentage (0 ~ 100) to zoom value (0 ~ max zoom * 10)
return send_camera_command2(CameraCommand2::SET_EO_ZOOM, linear_interpolate(0, AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_ZOOM_MAX * 10, zoom_value, 0, 100));
// unsupported zoom type
return false;
// set focus specified as rate, percentage or auto
// focus in = -1, focus hold = 0, focus out = 1
SetFocusResult AP_Mount_Viewpro::set_focus(FocusType focus_type, float focus_value)
// exit immediately if not initialised
if (!_initialised) {
return SetFocusResult::FAILED;
switch (focus_type) {
case FocusType::RATE: {
CameraCommand focus_cmd = CameraCommand::STOP_FOCUS_AND_ZOOM;
if (focus_value < 0) {
focus_cmd = CameraCommand::FOCUS_MINUS;
} else if (focus_value > 0) {
focus_cmd = CameraCommand::FOCUS_PLUS;
if (!send_camera_command(_image_sensor, focus_cmd, 0)) {
return SetFocusResult::FAILED;
return SetFocusResult::ACCEPTED;
case FocusType::PCT:
// not supported
return SetFocusResult::INVALID_PARAMETERS;
case FocusType::AUTO:
if (!send_camera_command(_image_sensor, CameraCommand::AUTO_FOCUS, 0)) {
return SetFocusResult::FAILED;
return SetFocusResult::ACCEPTED;
// unsupported focus type
return SetFocusResult::INVALID_PARAMETERS;
// set tracking to none, point or rectangle (see TrackingType enum)
// if POINT only p1 is used, if RECTANGLE then p1 is top-left, p2 is bottom-right
// p1,p2 are in range 0 to 1. 0 is left or top, 1 is right or bottom
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::set_tracking(TrackingType tracking_type, const Vector2f& p1, const Vector2f& p2)
// exit immediately if not initialised
if (!_initialised) {
return false;
switch (tracking_type) {
case TrackingType::TRK_NONE:
return send_tracking_command(TrackingCommand::STOP, 0);
case TrackingType::TRK_POINT: {
return (send_tracking_command(TrackingCommand::START, 0) &&
send_tracking_command2(TrackingCommand2::SET_POINT, (p1.x - 0.5) * 960, (p1.y - 0.5) * 540));
case TrackingType::TRK_RECTANGLE:
return (send_tracking_command(TrackingCommand::START, 0) &&
send_tracking_command2(TrackingCommand2::SET_RECT_TOPLEFT, (p1.x - 0.5) * 960, (p1.y - 0.5) * 540) &&
send_tracking_command2(TrackingCommand2::SET_RECT_BOTTOMRIGHT, (p2.x - 0.5) * 960, (p2.y - 0.5) * 540));
// should never reach here
return false;
// set camera lens as a value from 0 to 5
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::set_lens(uint8_t lens)
// exit immediately if not initialised
if (!_initialised) {
return false;
// match lens to ImageSensor enum values and sanity check
if (lens > (uint8_t)ImageSensor::IR2_52MM) {
return false;
// if lens is zero use default lens
ImageSensor new_image_sensor = ImageSensor(lens);
return send_camera_command(new_image_sensor, CameraCommand::NO_ACTION, 0);
// send camera information message to GCS
void AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_camera_information(mavlink_channel_t chan) const
// exit immediately if not initialised
if (!_initialised) {
static const uint8_t vendor_name[32] = "Viewpro";
uint8_t model_name[32] {};
if (_got_model_name) {
strncpy((char *)model_name, (const char*)_model_name, MIN(sizeof(model_name), sizeof(_model_name)));
const char cam_definition_uri[140] {};
// capability flags
const uint32_t flags = CAMERA_CAP_FLAGS_CAPTURE_VIDEO |
// send CAMERA_INFORMATION message
AP_HAL::millis(), // time_boot_ms
vendor_name, // vendor_name uint8_t[32]
_model_name, // model_name uint8_t[32]
_firmware_version, // firmware version uint32_t
0, // focal_length float (mm)
0, // sensor_size_h float (mm)
0, // sensor_size_v float (mm)
0, // resolution_h uint16_t (pix)
0, // resolution_v uint16_t (pix)
0, // lens_id uint8_t
flags, // flags uint32_t (CAMERA_CAP_FLAGS)
0, // cam_definition_version uint16_t
cam_definition_uri, // cam_definition_uri char[140]
_instance + 1); // gimbal_device_id uint8_t
// send camera settings message to GCS
void AP_Mount_Viewpro::send_camera_settings(mavlink_channel_t chan) const
// exit immediately if not initialised
if (!_initialised) {
const float NaN = nanf("0x4152");
// convert zoom times (e.g. 1x ~ 20x) to target zoom level (e.g. 0 to 100)
const float zoom_level = linear_interpolate(0, 100, _zoom_times, 1, AP_MOUNT_VIEWPRO_ZOOM_MAX);
// send CAMERA_SETTINGS message
AP_HAL::millis(), // time_boot_ms
_recording ? CAMERA_MODE_VIDEO : CAMERA_MODE_IMAGE, // camera mode (0:image, 1:video, 2:image survey)
zoom_level, // zoomLevel float, percentage from 0 to 100, NaN if unknown
NaN); // focusLevel float, percentage from 0 to 100, NaN if unknown
// get rangefinder distance. Returns true on success
bool AP_Mount_Viewpro::get_rangefinder_distance(float& distance_m) const
// if not healthy or zero distance return false
// healthy() checks attitude timeout which is in same message as rangefinder distance
if (!healthy()) {
return false;
distance_m = _rangefinder_dist_m;
return true;