
1091 lines
47 KiB

#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include "AP_NavEKF2_core.h"
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>
#include <AP_DAL/AP_DAL.h>
#include <AP_InternalError/AP_InternalError.h>
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
// Read the range finder and take new measurements if available
// Apply a median filter
void NavEKF2_core::readRangeFinder(void)
uint8_t midIndex;
uint8_t maxIndex;
uint8_t minIndex;
// get theoretical correct range when the vehicle is on the ground
// don't allow range to go below 5cm because this can cause problems with optical flow processing
const auto *_rng = dal.rangefinder();
if (_rng == nullptr) {
rngOnGnd = MAX(_rng->ground_clearance_cm_orient(ROTATION_PITCH_270) * 0.01f, 0.05f);
// read range finder at 20Hz
// TODO better way of knowing if it has new data
if (_rng && (imuSampleTime_ms - lastRngMeasTime_ms) > 50) {
// reset the timer used to control the measurement rate
lastRngMeasTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
// store samples and sample time into a ring buffer if valid
// use data from two range finders if available
for (uint8_t sensorIndex = 0; sensorIndex < ARRAY_SIZE(rngMeasIndex); sensorIndex++) {
auto *sensor = _rng->get_backend(sensorIndex);
if (sensor == nullptr) {
if ((sensor->orientation() == ROTATION_PITCH_270) && (sensor->status() == AP_DAL_RangeFinder::Status::Good)) {
rngMeasIndex[sensorIndex] ++;
if (rngMeasIndex[sensorIndex] > 2) {
rngMeasIndex[sensorIndex] = 0;
storedRngMeasTime_ms[sensorIndex][rngMeasIndex[sensorIndex]] = imuSampleTime_ms - 25;
storedRngMeas[sensorIndex][rngMeasIndex[sensorIndex]] = sensor->distance_cm() * 0.01f;
} else {
// check for three fresh samples
for (uint8_t index = 0; index <= 2; index++) {
sampleFresh[sensorIndex][index] = (imuSampleTime_ms - storedRngMeasTime_ms[sensorIndex][index]) < 500;
// find the median value if we have three fresh samples
if (sampleFresh[sensorIndex][0] && sampleFresh[sensorIndex][1] && sampleFresh[sensorIndex][2]) {
if (storedRngMeas[sensorIndex][0] > storedRngMeas[sensorIndex][1]) {
minIndex = 1;
maxIndex = 0;
} else {
minIndex = 0;
maxIndex = 1;
if (storedRngMeas[sensorIndex][2] > storedRngMeas[sensorIndex][maxIndex]) {
midIndex = maxIndex;
} else if (storedRngMeas[sensorIndex][2] < storedRngMeas[sensorIndex][minIndex]) {
midIndex = minIndex;
} else {
midIndex = 2;
// don't allow time to go backwards
if (storedRngMeasTime_ms[sensorIndex][midIndex] > rangeDataNew.time_ms) {
rangeDataNew.time_ms = storedRngMeasTime_ms[sensorIndex][midIndex];
// limit the measured range to be no less than the on-ground range
rangeDataNew.rng = MAX(storedRngMeas[sensorIndex][midIndex],rngOnGnd);
// get position in body frame for the current sensor
rangeDataNew.sensor_idx = sensorIndex;
// write data to buffer with time stamp to be fused when the fusion time horizon catches up with it
// indicate we have updated the measurement
rngValidMeaTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
} else if (!takeOffDetected && ((imuSampleTime_ms - rngValidMeaTime_ms) > 200)) {
// before takeoff we assume on-ground range value if there is no data
rangeDataNew.time_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
rangeDataNew.rng = rngOnGnd;
// write data to buffer with time stamp to be fused when the fusion time horizon catches up with it
// indicate we have updated the measurement
rngValidMeaTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
// write the raw optical flow measurements
// this needs to be called externally.
void NavEKF2_core::writeOptFlowMeas(const uint8_t rawFlowQuality, const Vector2f &rawFlowRates, const Vector2f &rawGyroRates, const uint32_t msecFlowMeas, const Vector3f &posOffset, float heightOverride)
// The raw measurements need to be optical flow rates in radians/second averaged across the time since the last update
// The PX4Flow sensor outputs flow rates with the following axis and sign conventions:
// A positive X rate is produced by a positive sensor rotation about the X axis
// A positive Y rate is produced by a positive sensor rotation about the Y axis
// This filter uses a different definition of optical flow rates to the sensor with a positive optical flow rate produced by a
// negative rotation about that axis. For example a positive rotation of the flight vehicle about its X (roll) axis would produce a negative X flow rate
flowMeaTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
// calculate bias errors on flow sensor gyro rates, but protect against spikes in data
// reset the accumulated body delta angle and time
// don't do the calculation if not enough time lapsed for a reliable body rate measurement
if (delTimeOF > 0.01f) {
flowGyroBias.x = 0.99f * flowGyroBias.x + 0.01f * constrain_ftype((rawGyroRates.x - delAngBodyOF.x/delTimeOF),-0.1f,0.1f);
flowGyroBias.y = 0.99f * flowGyroBias.y + 0.01f * constrain_ftype((rawGyroRates.y - delAngBodyOF.y/delTimeOF),-0.1f,0.1f);;
delTimeOF = 0.0f;
// by definition if this function is called, then flow measurements have been provided so we
// need to run the optical flow takeoff detection
// calculate rotation matrices at mid sample time for flow observations
// don't use data with a low quality indicator or extreme rates (helps catch corrupt sensor data)
if ((rawFlowQuality > 0) && rawFlowRates.length() < 4.2f && rawGyroRates.length() < 4.2f) {
// correct flow sensor body rates for bias and write
ofDataNew.bodyRadXYZ.x = rawGyroRates.x - flowGyroBias.x;
ofDataNew.bodyRadXYZ.y = rawGyroRates.y - flowGyroBias.y;
// the sensor interface doesn't provide a z axis rate so use the rate from the nav sensor instead
if (delTimeOF > 0.001f) {
// first preference is to use the rate averaged over the same sampling period as the flow sensor
ofDataNew.bodyRadXYZ.z = delAngBodyOF.z / delTimeOF;
} else if (imuDataNew.delAngDT > 0.001f){
// second preference is to use most recent IMU data
ofDataNew.bodyRadXYZ.z = imuDataNew.delAng.z / imuDataNew.delAngDT;
} else {
// third preference is use zero
ofDataNew.bodyRadXYZ.z = 0.0f;
// write uncorrected flow rate measurements
// note correction for different axis and sign conventions used by the px4flow sensor
ofDataNew.flowRadXY = (-rawFlowRates).toftype(); // raw (non motion compensated) optical flow angular rate about the X axis (rad/sec)
// write the flow sensor position in body frame
ofDataNew.body_offset = posOffset.toftype();
// write the flow sensor height override
ofDataNew.heightOverride = heightOverride;
// write flow rate measurements corrected for body rates
ofDataNew.flowRadXYcomp.x = ofDataNew.flowRadXY.x + ofDataNew.bodyRadXYZ.x;
ofDataNew.flowRadXYcomp.y = ofDataNew.flowRadXY.y + ofDataNew.bodyRadXYZ.y;
// record time last observation was received so we can detect loss of data elsewhere
flowValidMeaTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
// estimate sample time of the measurement
ofDataNew.time_ms = imuSampleTime_ms - frontend->_flowDelay_ms - frontend->flowTimeDeltaAvg_ms/2;
// Correct for the average intersampling delay due to the filter updaterate
ofDataNew.time_ms -= localFilterTimeStep_ms/2;
// Prevent time delay exceeding age of oldest IMU data in the buffer
ofDataNew.time_ms = MAX(ofDataNew.time_ms,imuDataDelayed.time_ms);
// Save data to buffer
// Check for data at the fusion time horizon
flowDataToFuse = storedOF.recall(ofDataDelayed, imuDataDelayed.time_ms);
// try changing to another compass
void NavEKF2_core::tryChangeCompass(void)
const auto &compass = dal.compass();
const uint8_t maxCount = compass.get_count();
// search through the list of magnetometers
for (uint8_t i=1; i<maxCount; i++) {
uint8_t tempIndex = magSelectIndex + i;
// loop back to the start index if we have exceeded the bounds
if (tempIndex >= maxCount) {
tempIndex -= maxCount;
// if the magnetometer is allowed to be used for yaw and has a different index, we start using it
if (compass.healthy(tempIndex) && compass.use_for_yaw(tempIndex) && tempIndex != magSelectIndex) {
magSelectIndex = tempIndex;
GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "EKF2 IMU%u switching to compass %u",(unsigned)imu_index,magSelectIndex);
// reset the timeout flag and timer
magTimeout = false;
lastHealthyMagTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
// zero the learned magnetometer bias states;
// clear the measurement buffer
// clear the data waiting flag so that we do not use any data pending from the previous sensor
magDataToFuse = false;
// request a reset of the magnetic field states
magStateResetRequest = true;
// declare the field unlearned so that the reset request will be obeyed
magFieldLearned = false;
// reset body mag variances on next CovariancePrediction
needMagBodyVarReset = true;
// check for new magnetometer data and update store measurements if available
void NavEKF2_core::readMagData()
const auto &compass = dal.compass();
if (!compass.available()) {
allMagSensorsFailed = true;
// If we are a vehicle with a sideslip constraint to aid yaw estimation and we have timed out on our last avialable
// magnetometer, then declare the magnetometers as failed for this flight
const uint8_t maxCount = compass.get_count();
if (allMagSensorsFailed || (magTimeout && assume_zero_sideslip() && magSelectIndex >= maxCount-1 && inFlight)) {
allMagSensorsFailed = true;
if (compass.learn_offsets_enabled()) {
// while learning offsets keep all mag states reset
wasLearningCompass_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
} else if (wasLearningCompass_ms != 0 && imuSampleTime_ms - wasLearningCompass_ms > 1000) {
wasLearningCompass_ms = 0;
// force a new yaw alignment 1s after learning completes. The
// delay is to ensure any buffered mag samples are discarded
yawAlignComplete = false;
// If the magnetometer has timed out (been rejected for too long), we find another magnetometer to use if available
// Don't do this if we are on the ground because there can be magnetic interference and we need to know if there is a problem
// before taking off. Don't do this within the first 30 seconds from startup because the yaw error could be due to large yaw gyro bias affsets
// if the timeout is due to a sensor failure, then declare a timeout regardless of onground status
if (maxCount > 1) {
bool fusionTimeout = magTimeout && !onGround && imuSampleTime_ms - ekfStartTime_ms > 30000;
bool sensorTimeout = !compass.healthy(magSelectIndex) && imuSampleTime_ms - lastMagRead_ms > frontend->magFailTimeLimit_ms;
if (fusionTimeout || sensorTimeout) {
// do not accept new compass data faster than 14Hz (nominal rate is 10Hz) to prevent high processor loading
// because magnetometer fusion is an expensive step and we could overflow the FIFO buffer
if (use_compass() &&
compass.healthy(magSelectIndex) &&
compass.last_update_usec(magSelectIndex) - lastMagUpdate_us > 70000) {
// detect changes to magnetometer offset parameters and reset states
Vector3F nowMagOffsets = compass.get_offsets(magSelectIndex).toftype();
bool changeDetected = lastMagOffsetsValid && (nowMagOffsets != lastMagOffsets);
if (changeDetected) {
// zero the learned magnetometer bias states;
// clear the measurement buffer
// reset body mag variances on next
// CovariancePrediction. This copes with possible errors
// in the new offsets
needMagBodyVarReset = true;
lastMagOffsets = nowMagOffsets;
lastMagOffsetsValid = true;
// store time of last measurement update
lastMagUpdate_us = compass.last_update_usec(magSelectIndex);
// Magnetometer data at the current time horizon
mag_elements magDataNew;
// estimate of time magnetometer measurement was taken, allowing for delays
magDataNew.time_ms = imuSampleTime_ms - frontend->magDelay_ms;
// Correct for the average intersampling delay due to the filter updaterate
magDataNew.time_ms -= localFilterTimeStep_ms/2;
// read compass data and scale to improve numerical conditioning
magDataNew.mag = compass.get_field(magSelectIndex).toftype() * 0.001f;
// check for consistent data between magnetometers
consistentMagData = compass.consistent();
// save magnetometer measurement to buffer to be fused later
// remember time we read compass, to detect compass sensor failure
lastMagRead_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
* Inertial Measurements *
* Read IMU delta angle and delta velocity measurements and downsample to 100Hz
* for storage in the data buffers used by the EKF. If the IMU data arrives at
* lower rate than 100Hz, then no downsampling or upsampling will be performed.
* Downsampling is done using a method that does not introduce coning or sculling
* errors.
void NavEKF2_core::readIMUData()
const auto &ins = dal.ins();
// average IMU sampling rate
dtIMUavg = ins.get_loop_delta_t();
// use the nominated imu or primary if not available
uint8_t accel_active, gyro_active;
if (ins.use_accel(imu_index)) {
accel_active = imu_index;
} else {
accel_active = ins.get_primary_accel();
if (ins.use_gyro(imu_index)) {
gyro_active = imu_index;
} else {
gyro_active = ins.get_primary_gyro();
if (gyro_active != gyro_index_active) {
// we are switching active gyro at runtime. Copy over the
// biases we have learned from the previously inactive
// gyro. We don't re-init the bias uncertainty as it should
// have the same uncertainty as the previously active gyro
stateStruct.gyro_bias = inactiveBias[gyro_active].gyro_bias;
gyro_index_active = gyro_active;
// use the gyro scale factor we have previously used on this
// IMU (if any). We don't reset the variances as we don't want
// errors after switching to be mis-assigned to the gyro scale
// factor
stateStruct.gyro_scale = inactiveBias[gyro_active].gyro_scale;
if (accel_active != accel_index_active) {
// switch to the learned accel bias for this IMU
stateStruct.accel_zbias = inactiveBias[accel_active].accel_zbias;
accel_index_active = accel_active;
// update the inactive bias states
readDeltaVelocity(accel_index_active, imuDataNew.delVel, imuDataNew.delVelDT);
accelPosOffset = ins.get_imu_pos_offset(accel_index_active).toftype();
imuDataNew.accel_index = accel_index_active;
// Get delta angle data from primary gyro or primary if not available
readDeltaAngle(gyro_index_active, imuDataNew.delAng, imuDataNew.delAngDT);
imuDataNew.gyro_index = gyro_index_active;
// Get current time stamp
imuDataNew.time_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
// use the most recent IMU index for the downsampled IMU
// data. This isn't strictly correct if we switch IMUs between
// samples
imuDataDownSampledNew.gyro_index = imuDataNew.gyro_index;
imuDataDownSampledNew.accel_index = imuDataNew.accel_index;
// Accumulate the measurement time interval for the delta velocity and angle data
imuDataDownSampledNew.delAngDT += imuDataNew.delAngDT;
imuDataDownSampledNew.delVelDT += imuDataNew.delVelDT;
// Rotate quaternon atitude from previous to new and normalise.
// Accumulation using quaternions prevents introduction of coning errors due to downsampling
// Rotate the latest delta velocity into body frame at the start of accumulation
Matrix3F deltaRotMat;
// Apply the delta velocity to the delta velocity accumulator
imuDataDownSampledNew.delVel += deltaRotMat*imuDataNew.delVel;
// Keep track of the number of IMU frames since the last state prediction
* If the target EKF time step has been accumulated, and the frontend has allowed start of a new predict cycle,
* then store the accumulated IMU data to be used by the state prediction, ignoring the frontend permission if more
* than twice the target time has lapsed. Adjust the target EKF step time threshold to allow for timing jitter in the
* IMU data.
if ((dtIMUavg*(float)framesSincePredict >= (EKF_TARGET_DT-(dtIMUavg*0.5)) &&
startPredictEnabled) || (dtIMUavg*(float)framesSincePredict >= 2.0f*EKF_TARGET_DT)) {
// convert the accumulated quaternion to an equivalent delta angle
// Time stamp the data
imuDataDownSampledNew.time_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
// Write data to the FIFO IMU buffer
// calculate the achieved average time step rate for the EKF
ftype dtNow = constrain_ftype(0.5f*(imuDataDownSampledNew.delAngDT+imuDataDownSampledNew.delVelDT),0.0f,10.0f*EKF_TARGET_DT);
dtEkfAvg = 0.98f * dtEkfAvg + 0.02f * dtNow;
// zero the accumulated IMU data and quaternion;;
imuDataDownSampledNew.delAngDT = 0.0f;
imuDataDownSampledNew.delVelDT = 0.0f;
imuDataDownSampledNew.gyro_index = gyro_index_active;
imuDataDownSampledNew.accel_index = accel_index_active;
imuQuatDownSampleNew[0] = 1.0f;
imuQuatDownSampleNew[3] = imuQuatDownSampleNew[2] = imuQuatDownSampleNew[1] = 0.0f;
// reset the counter used to let the frontend know how many frames have elapsed since we started a new update cycle
framesSincePredict = 0;
// set the flag to let the filter know it has new IMU data and needs to run
runUpdates = true;
// extract the oldest available data from the FIFO buffer
imuDataDelayed = storedIMU.get_oldest_element();
// protect against delta time going to zero
// TODO - check if calculations can tolerate 0
ftype minDT = 0.1f*dtEkfAvg;
imuDataDelayed.delAngDT = MAX(imuDataDelayed.delAngDT,minDT);
imuDataDelayed.delVelDT = MAX(imuDataDelayed.delVelDT,minDT);
// correct the extracted IMU data for sensor errors
delAngCorrected = imuDataDelayed.delAng;
delVelCorrected = imuDataDelayed.delVel;
correctDeltaAngle(delAngCorrected, imuDataDelayed.delAngDT, imuDataDelayed.gyro_index);
correctDeltaVelocity(delVelCorrected, imuDataDelayed.delVelDT, imuDataDelayed.accel_index);
} else {
// we don't have new IMU data in the buffer so don't run filter updates on this time step
runUpdates = false;
// read the delta velocity and corresponding time interval from the IMU
// return false if data is not available
bool NavEKF2_core::readDeltaVelocity(uint8_t ins_index, Vector3F &dVel, ftype &dVel_dt) {
const auto &ins = dal.ins();
if (ins_index < ins.get_accel_count()) {
Vector3f dVelF;
float dVel_dtF;
ins.get_delta_velocity(ins_index, dVelF, dVel_dtF);
dVel = dVelF.toftype();
dVel_dt = dVel_dtF;
dVel_dt = MAX(dVel_dt,1.0e-4f);
dVel_dt = MIN(dVel_dt,1.0e-1f);
return true;
return false;
* Global Position Measurement *
// check for new valid GPS data and update stored measurement if available
void NavEKF2_core::readGpsData()
if (frontend->_fusionModeGPS == 3) {
// don't read GPS data if GPS usage disabled
// check for new GPS data
// do not accept data at a faster rate than 14Hz to avoid overflowing the FIFO buffer
const auto &gps = dal.gps();
if (gps.last_message_time_ms(gps.primary_sensor()) - lastTimeGpsReceived_ms > 70) {
if (gps.status() >= AP_DAL_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D) {
// report GPS fix status
gpsCheckStatus.bad_fix = false;
// store fix time from previous read
const uint32_t secondLastGpsTime_ms = lastTimeGpsReceived_ms;
// get current fix time
lastTimeGpsReceived_ms = gps.last_message_time_ms(gps.primary_sensor());
// estimate when the GPS fix was valid, allowing for GPS processing and other delays
// ideally we should be using a timing signal from the GPS receiver to set this time
float gps_delay = 0.0;
gps.get_lag(gps_delay); // ignore the return value
gpsDataNew.time_ms = lastTimeGpsReceived_ms - (uint32_t)(1e3f * gps_delay);
// Correct for the average intersampling delay due to the filter updaterate
gpsDataNew.time_ms -= localFilterTimeStep_ms/2;
// Prevent time delay exceeding age of oldest IMU data in the buffer
gpsDataNew.time_ms = MAX(gpsDataNew.time_ms,imuDataDelayed.time_ms);
// Get which GPS we are using for position information
gpsDataNew.sensor_idx = gps.primary_sensor();
// read the NED velocity from the GPS
gpsDataNew.vel = gps.velocity().toftype();
// Use the speed and position accuracy from the GPS if available, otherwise set it to zero.
// Apply a decaying envelope filter with a 5 second time constant to the raw accuracy data
ftype alpha = constrain_ftype(0.0002f * (lastTimeGpsReceived_ms - secondLastGpsTime_ms),0.0f,1.0f);
gpsSpdAccuracy *= (1.0f - alpha);
float gpsSpdAccRaw;
if (!gps.speed_accuracy(gpsSpdAccRaw)) {
gpsSpdAccuracy = 0.0f;
} else {
gpsSpdAccuracy = MAX(gpsSpdAccuracy,gpsSpdAccRaw);
gpsSpdAccuracy = MIN(gpsSpdAccuracy,50.0f);
gpsSpdAccuracy = MAX(gpsSpdAccuracy,frontend->_gpsHorizVelNoise);
gpsPosAccuracy *= (1.0f - alpha);
float gpsPosAccRaw;
if (!gps.horizontal_accuracy(gpsPosAccRaw)) {
gpsPosAccuracy = 0.0f;
} else {
gpsPosAccuracy = MAX(gpsPosAccuracy,gpsPosAccRaw);
gpsPosAccuracy = MIN(gpsPosAccuracy,100.0f);
gpsPosAccuracy = MAX(gpsPosAccuracy, frontend->_gpsHorizPosNoise);
gpsHgtAccuracy *= (1.0f - alpha);
float gpsHgtAccRaw;
if (!gps.vertical_accuracy(gpsHgtAccRaw)) {
gpsHgtAccuracy = 0.0f;
} else {
gpsHgtAccuracy = MAX(gpsHgtAccuracy,gpsHgtAccRaw);
gpsHgtAccuracy = MIN(gpsHgtAccuracy,100.0f);
gpsHgtAccuracy = MAX(gpsHgtAccuracy, 1.5f * frontend->_gpsHorizPosNoise);
// check if we have enough GPS satellites and increase the gps noise scaler if we don't
if (gps.num_sats() >= 6 && (PV_AidingMode == AID_ABSOLUTE)) {
gpsNoiseScaler = 1.0f;
} else if (gps.num_sats() == 5 && (PV_AidingMode == AID_ABSOLUTE)) {
gpsNoiseScaler = 1.4f;
} else { // <= 4 satellites or in constant position mode
gpsNoiseScaler = 2.0f;
// Check if GPS can output vertical velocity, if it is allowed to be used, and set GPS fusion mode accordingly
if (gps.have_vertical_velocity() && frontend->_fusionModeGPS == 0) {
useGpsVertVel = true;
} else {
useGpsVertVel = false;
// Monitor quality of the GPS velocity data both before and after alignment. This updates
// GpsGoodToAlign class variable
// Post-alignment checks
// see if we can get origin from frontend
if (!validOrigin && frontend->common_origin_valid) {
if (!setOrigin(frontend->common_EKF_origin)) {
// set an error as an attempt was made to set the origin more than once
// Read the GPS location in WGS-84 lat,long,height coordinates
const Location &gpsloc = gps.location();
// Set the EKF origin and magnetic field declination if not previously set and GPS checks have passed
if (gpsGoodToAlign && !validOrigin) {
Location gpsloc_fieldelevation = gpsloc;
// if flying, correct for height change from takeoff so that the origin is at field elevation
if (inFlight) {
gpsloc_fieldelevation.alt += (int32_t)(100.0f * stateStruct.position.z);
if (!setOrigin(gpsloc_fieldelevation)) {
// set an error as an attempt was made to set the origin more than once
// set the NE earth magnetic field states using the published declination
// and set the corresponding variances and covariances
// Set the height of the NED origin
ekfGpsRefHgt = (double)0.01 * (double)gpsloc.alt + (double)outputDataNew.position.z;
// Set the uncertainty of the GPS origin height
ekfOriginHgtVar = sq(gpsHgtAccuracy);
if (gpsGoodToAlign && !have_table_earth_field) {
const auto &compass = dal.compass();
if (compass.have_scale_factor(magSelectIndex) &&
compass.auto_declination_enabled()) {
table_earth_field_ga = AP_Declination::get_earth_field_ga(gpsloc).toftype();
table_declination = radians(AP_Declination::get_declination(*1.0e-7,
have_table_earth_field = true;
if (frontend->_mag_ef_limit > 0) {
// initialise earth field from tables
stateStruct.earth_magfield = table_earth_field_ga;
// convert GPS measurements to local NED and save to buffer to be fused later if we have a valid origin
if (validOrigin) {
gpsDataNew.pos = EKF_origin.get_distance_NE_ftype(gpsloc);
if ((frontend->_originHgtMode & (1<<2)) == 0) {
gpsDataNew.hgt = (float)((double)0.01 * (double)gpsloc.alt - ekfGpsRefHgt);
} else {
gpsDataNew.hgt = 0.01 * (gpsloc.alt - EKF_origin.alt);
// declare GPS available for use
gpsNotAvailable = false;
} else {
// report GPS fix status
gpsCheckStatus.bad_fix = true;
dal.snprintf(prearm_fail_string, sizeof(prearm_fail_string), "Waiting for 3D fix");
// read the delta angle and corresponding time interval from the IMU
// return false if data is not available
bool NavEKF2_core::readDeltaAngle(uint8_t ins_index, Vector3F &dAng, ftype &dAng_dt) {
const auto &ins = dal.ins();
if (ins_index < ins.get_gyro_count()) {
Vector3f dAngF;
float dAng_dtF;
ins.get_delta_angle(ins_index, dAngF, dAng_dtF);
dAng = dAngF.toftype();
dAng_dt = dAng_dtF;
dAng_dt = MAX(dAng_dt,1.0e-4f);
dAng_dt = MIN(dAng_dt,1.0e-1f);
return true;
return false;
* Height Measurements *
// check for new pressure altitude measurement data and update stored measurement if available
void NavEKF2_core::readBaroData()
// check to see if baro measurement has changed so we know if a new measurement has arrived
// do not accept data at a faster rate than 14Hz to avoid overflowing the FIFO buffer
const auto &baro = dal.baro();
if (baro.get_last_update() - lastBaroReceived_ms > 70) {
baroDataNew.hgt = baro.get_altitude();
// If we are in takeoff mode, the height measurement is limited to be no less than the measurement at start of takeoff
// This prevents negative baro disturbances due to copter downwash corrupting the EKF altitude during initial ascent
if (dal.get_takeoff_expected() && !assume_zero_sideslip()) {
baroDataNew.hgt = MAX(baroDataNew.hgt, meaHgtAtTakeOff);
// time stamp used to check for new measurement
lastBaroReceived_ms = baro.get_last_update();
// estimate of time height measurement was taken, allowing for delays
baroDataNew.time_ms = lastBaroReceived_ms - frontend->_hgtDelay_ms;
// Correct for the average intersampling delay due to the filter updaterate
baroDataNew.time_ms -= localFilterTimeStep_ms/2;
// Prevent time delay exceeding age of oldest IMU data in the buffer
baroDataNew.time_ms = MAX(baroDataNew.time_ms,imuDataDelayed.time_ms);
// save baro measurement to buffer to be fused later
// calculate filtered offset between baro height measurement and EKF height estimate
// offset should be subtracted from baro measurement to match filter estimate
// offset is used to enable reversion to baro from alternate height data source
void NavEKF2_core::calcFiltBaroOffset()
// Apply a first order LPF with spike protection
baroHgtOffset += 0.1f * constrain_ftype(baroDataDelayed.hgt + stateStruct.position.z - baroHgtOffset, -5.0f, 5.0f);
// correct the height of the EKF origin to be consistent with GPS Data using a Bayes filter.
void NavEKF2_core::correctEkfOriginHeight()
// Estimate the WGS-84 height of the EKF's origin using a Bayes filter
// calculate the variance of our a-priori estimate of the ekf origin height
ftype deltaTime = constrain_ftype(0.001f * (imuDataDelayed.time_ms - lastOriginHgtTime_ms), 0.0f, 1.0f);
if (activeHgtSource == HGT_SOURCE_BARO) {
// Use the baro drift rate
const ftype baroDriftRate = 0.05f;
ekfOriginHgtVar += sq(baroDriftRate * deltaTime);
} else if (activeHgtSource == HGT_SOURCE_RNG) {
// use the worse case expected terrain gradient and vehicle horizontal speed
const ftype maxTerrGrad = 0.25f;
ekfOriginHgtVar += sq(maxTerrGrad * stateStruct.velocity.xy().length() * deltaTime);
} else {
// by definition our height source is absolute so cannot run this filter
lastOriginHgtTime_ms = imuDataDelayed.time_ms;
// calculate the observation variance assuming EKF error relative to datum is independent of GPS observation error
// when not using GPS as height source
ftype originHgtObsVar = sq(gpsHgtAccuracy) + P[8][8];
// calculate the correction gain
ftype gain = ekfOriginHgtVar / (ekfOriginHgtVar + originHgtObsVar);
// calculate the innovation
ftype innovation = - stateStruct.position.z - gpsDataDelayed.hgt;
// check the innovation variance ratio
ftype ratio = sq(innovation) / (ekfOriginHgtVar + originHgtObsVar);
// correct the EKF origin and variance estimate if the innovation is less than 5-sigma
if (ratio < 25.0f && gpsAccuracyGood) {
ekfGpsRefHgt -= (double)(gain * innovation);
ekfOriginHgtVar -= MAX(gain * ekfOriginHgtVar , 0.0f);
* Air Speed Measurements *
// check for new airspeed data and update stored measurements if available
void NavEKF2_core::readAirSpdData()
// if airspeed reading is valid and is set by the user to be used and has been updated then
// we take a new reading, convert from EAS to TAS and set the flag letting other functions
// know a new measurement is available
const auto *aspeed = dal.airspeed();
if (aspeed &&
aspeed->use() &&
aspeed->healthy() &&
aspeed->last_update_ms() != timeTasReceived_ms) {
tasDataNew.tas = aspeed->get_airspeed() * dal.get_EAS2TAS();
timeTasReceived_ms = aspeed->last_update_ms();
tasDataNew.time_ms = timeTasReceived_ms - frontend->tasDelay_ms;
// Correct for the average intersampling delay due to the filter update rate
tasDataNew.time_ms -= localFilterTimeStep_ms/2;
// Save data into the buffer to be fused when the fusion time horizon catches up with it
// Check the buffer for measurements that have been overtaken by the fusion time horizon and need to be fused
tasDataToFuse = storedTAS.recall(tasDataDelayed,imuDataDelayed.time_ms);
* Range Beacon Measurements *
// check for new range beacon data and push to data buffer if available
void NavEKF2_core::readRngBcnData()
// get the location of the beacon data
const auto *beacon = dal.beacon();
// exit immediately if no beacon object
if (beacon == nullptr) {
// get the number of beacons in use
N_beacons = beacon->count();
// search through all the beacons for new data and if we find it stop searching and push the data into the observation buffer
bool newDataToPush = false;
uint8_t numRngBcnsChecked = 0;
// start the search one index up from where we left it last time
uint8_t index = lastRngBcnChecked;
while (!newDataToPush && numRngBcnsChecked < N_beacons) {
// track the number of beacons checked
// move to next beacon, wrap index if necessary
if (index >= N_beacons) {
index = 0;
// check that the beacon is healthy and has new data
if (beacon->beacon_healthy(index) &&
beacon->beacon_last_update_ms(index) != lastTimeRngBcn_ms[index])
// set the timestamp, correcting for measurement delay and average intersampling delay due to the filter update rate
lastTimeRngBcn_ms[index] = beacon->beacon_last_update_ms(index);
rngBcnDataNew.time_ms = lastTimeRngBcn_ms[index] - frontend->_rngBcnDelay_ms - localFilterTimeStep_ms/2;
// set the range noise
// TODO the range library should provide the noise/accuracy estimate for each beacon
rngBcnDataNew.rngErr = frontend->_rngBcnNoise;
// set the range measurement
rngBcnDataNew.rng = beacon->beacon_distance(index);
// set the beacon position
rngBcnDataNew.beacon_posNED = beacon->beacon_position(index).toftype();
// identify the beacon identifier
rngBcnDataNew.beacon_ID = index;
// indicate we have new data to push to the buffer
newDataToPush = true;
// update the last checked index
lastRngBcnChecked = index;
// Check if the beacon system has returned a 3D fix
Vector3f beaconVehiclePosNEDF;
float beaconVehiclePosErrF;
if (beacon->get_vehicle_position_ned(beaconVehiclePosNEDF, beaconVehiclePosErrF)) {
rngBcnLast3DmeasTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms;
beaconVehiclePosNED = beaconVehiclePosNEDF.toftype();
beaconVehiclePosErr = beaconVehiclePosErrF;
// Check if the range beacon data can be used to align the vehicle position
if (imuSampleTime_ms - rngBcnLast3DmeasTime_ms < 250 && beaconVehiclePosErr < 1.0f && rngBcnAlignmentCompleted) {
// check for consistency between the position reported by the beacon and the position from the 3-State alignment filter
ftype posDiffSq = sq(receiverPos.x - beaconVehiclePosNED.x) + sq(receiverPos.y - beaconVehiclePosNED.y);
ftype posDiffVar = sq(beaconVehiclePosErr) + receiverPosCov[0][0] + receiverPosCov[1][1];
if (posDiffSq < 9.0f*posDiffVar) {
rngBcnGoodToAlign = true;
// Set the EKF origin and magnetic field declination if not previously set
if (!validOrigin && PV_AidingMode != AID_ABSOLUTE) {
// get origin from beacon system
Location origin_loc;
if (beacon->get_origin(origin_loc)) {
// set the NE earth magnetic field states using the published declination
// and set the corresponding variances and covariances
// Set the uncertainty of the origin height
ekfOriginHgtVar = sq(beaconVehiclePosErr);
} else {
rngBcnGoodToAlign = false;
} else {
rngBcnGoodToAlign = false;
// Save data into the buffer to be fused when the fusion time horizon catches up with it
if (newDataToPush) {
// Check the buffer for measurements that have been overtaken by the fusion time horizon and need to be fused
rngBcnDataToFuse = storedRangeBeacon.recall(rngBcnDataDelayed,imuDataDelayed.time_ms);
update timing statistics structure
void NavEKF2_core::updateTimingStatistics(void)
if (timing.count == 0) {
timing.dtIMUavg_max = dtIMUavg;
timing.dtIMUavg_min = dtIMUavg;
timing.dtEKFavg_max = dtEkfAvg;
timing.dtEKFavg_min = dtEkfAvg;
timing.delAngDT_max = imuDataDelayed.delAngDT;
timing.delAngDT_min = imuDataDelayed.delAngDT;
timing.delVelDT_max = imuDataDelayed.delVelDT;
timing.delVelDT_min = imuDataDelayed.delVelDT;
} else {
timing.dtIMUavg_max = MAX(timing.dtIMUavg_max, dtIMUavg);
timing.dtIMUavg_min = MIN(timing.dtIMUavg_min, dtIMUavg);
timing.dtEKFavg_max = MAX(timing.dtEKFavg_max, dtEkfAvg);
timing.dtEKFavg_min = MIN(timing.dtEKFavg_min, dtEkfAvg);
timing.delAngDT_max = MAX(timing.delAngDT_max, imuDataDelayed.delAngDT);
timing.delAngDT_min = MIN(timing.delAngDT_min, imuDataDelayed.delAngDT);
timing.delVelDT_max = MAX(timing.delVelDT_max, imuDataDelayed.delVelDT);
timing.delVelDT_min = MIN(timing.delVelDT_min, imuDataDelayed.delVelDT);
void NavEKF2_core::writeExtNavData(const Vector3f &pos, const Quaternion &quat, float posErr, float angErr, uint32_t timeStamp_ms, uint16_t delay_ms, uint32_t resetTime_ms)
// protect against NaN
if (pos.is_nan() || isnan(posErr) || quat.is_nan() || isnan(angErr)) {
// limit update rate to maximum allowed by sensor buffers and fusion process
// don't try to write to buffer until the filter has been initialised
if ((timeStamp_ms - extNavMeasTime_ms) < 20) {
} else {
extNavMeasTime_ms = timeStamp_ms;
if (resetTime_ms != extNavLastPosResetTime_ms) {
extNavDataNew.posReset = true;
extNavLastPosResetTime_ms = resetTime_ms;
} else {
extNavDataNew.posReset = false;
extNavDataNew.pos = pos.toftype();
extNavDataNew.quat = quat.toftype();
extNavDataNew.posErr = posErr;
extNavDataNew.angErr = angErr;
timeStamp_ms = timeStamp_ms - delay_ms;
// Correct for the average intersampling delay due to the filter updaterate
timeStamp_ms -= localFilterTimeStep_ms/2;
// Prevent time delay exceeding age of oldest IMU data in the buffer
timeStamp_ms = MAX(timeStamp_ms,imuDataDelayed.time_ms);
extNavDataNew.time_ms = timeStamp_ms;
return declination in radians
ftype NavEKF2_core::MagDeclination(void) const
// if we are using the WMM tables then use the table declination
// to ensure consistency with the table mag field. Otherwise use
// the declination from the compass library
if (have_table_earth_field && frontend->_mag_ef_limit > 0) {
return table_declination;
if (!use_compass()) {
return 0;
return dal.compass().get_declination();
update estimates of inactive bias states. This keeps inactive IMUs
as hot-spares so we can switch to them without causing a jump in the
void NavEKF2_core::learnInactiveBiases(void)
inactiveBias[0].gyro_bias = stateStruct.gyro_bias;
inactiveBias[0].gyro_scale = stateStruct.gyro_scale;
inactiveBias[0].accel_zbias = stateStruct.accel_zbias;
const auto &ins = dal.ins();
// learn gyro biases
for (uint8_t i=0; i<INS_MAX_INSTANCES; i++) {
if (!ins.use_gyro(i)) {
// can't use this gyro
if (gyro_index_active == i) {
// use current estimates from main filter of gyro bias and scale
inactiveBias[i].gyro_bias = stateStruct.gyro_bias;
inactiveBias[i].gyro_scale = stateStruct.gyro_scale;
} else {
// get filtered gyro and use the difference between the
// corrected gyro on the active IMU and the inactive IMU
// to move the inactive bias towards the right value
Vector3F filtered_gyro_active = ins.get_gyro(gyro_index_active).toftype() - (stateStruct.gyro_bias/dtEkfAvg);
Vector3F filtered_gyro_inactive = ins.get_gyro(i).toftype() - (inactiveBias[i].gyro_bias/dtEkfAvg);
Vector3F error = filtered_gyro_active - filtered_gyro_inactive;
// prevent a single large error from contaminating bias estimate
const ftype bias_limit = radians(5);
error.x = constrain_ftype(error.x, -bias_limit, bias_limit);
error.y = constrain_ftype(error.y, -bias_limit, bias_limit);
error.z = constrain_ftype(error.z, -bias_limit, bias_limit);
// slowly bring the inactive gyro in line with the active gyro. This corrects a 5 deg/sec
// gyro bias error in around 1 minute
inactiveBias[i].gyro_bias -= error * (1.0e-4f * dtEkfAvg);
// learn accel biases
for (uint8_t i=0; i<INS_MAX_INSTANCES; i++) {
if (!ins.use_accel(i)) {
// can't use this accel
if (accel_index_active == i) {
// use current estimate from main filter
inactiveBias[i].accel_zbias = stateStruct.accel_zbias;
} else {
// get filtered accel and use the difference between the
// corrected accel on the active IMU and the inactive IMU
// to move the inactive bias towards the right value
ftype filtered_accel_active = ins.get_accel(accel_index_active).z - (stateStruct.accel_zbias/dtEkfAvg);
ftype filtered_accel_inactive = ins.get_accel(i).z - (inactiveBias[i].accel_zbias/dtEkfAvg);
ftype error = filtered_accel_active - filtered_accel_inactive;
// prevent a single large error from contaminating bias estimate
const ftype bias_limit = 1; // m/s/s
error = constrain_ftype(error, -bias_limit, bias_limit);
// slowly bring the inactive accel in line with the active accel
// this learns 0.5m/s/s bias in about 1 minute
inactiveBias[i].accel_zbias -= error * (1.0e-4f * dtEkfAvg);
// Writes the default equivalent airspeed in m/s to be used in forward flight if a measured airspeed is required and not available.
void NavEKF2_core::writeDefaultAirSpeed(float airspeed)
defaultAirSpeed = airspeed;
void NavEKF2_core::writeExtNavVelData(const Vector3f &vel, float err, uint32_t timeStamp_ms, uint16_t delay_ms)
// protect against NaN
if (vel.is_nan() || isnan(err)) {
if ((timeStamp_ms - extNavVelMeasTime_ms) < 20) {
extNavVelMeasTime_ms = timeStamp_ms;
useExtNavVel = true;
extNavVelNew.vel = vel.toftype();
extNavVelNew.err = err;
timeStamp_ms = timeStamp_ms - delay_ms;
// Correct for the average intersampling delay due to the filter updaterate
timeStamp_ms -= localFilterTimeStep_ms/2;
// Prevent time delay exceeding age of oldest IMU data in the buffer
timeStamp_ms = MAX(timeStamp_ms,imuDataDelayed.time_ms);
extNavVelNew.time_ms = timeStamp_ms;