Andy Piper 43b6fc0dba AP_IOMCU: constrain PWM channels to 8, telem channels to 4 and RC channels to 16
make ADC readings interrupt driven
turn off iomcu updates when debugging
allow for correct number of telemetry channels
cycle between vservo and vrssi when reading adc
build adc with O2
2023-12-18 19:02:52 +11:00

376 lines
9.8 KiB

implement protocol for controlling an IO microcontroller
For bootstrapping this will initially implement the px4io protocol,
but will later move to an ArduPilot specific protocol
#pragma once
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include "iofirmware/ioprotocol.h"
#include <AP_RCMapper/AP_RCMapper.h>
#include <AP_HAL/RCOutput.h>
#include <AP_ESC_Telem/AP_ESC_Telem_Backend.h>
typedef uint32_t eventmask_t;
typedef struct ch_thread thread_t;
class AP_IOMCU
: public AP_ESC_Telem_Backend
AP_IOMCU(AP_HAL::UARTDriver &uart);
void init(void);
// write to one channel
void write_channel(uint8_t chan, uint16_t pwm);
// read from one channel
uint16_t read_channel(uint8_t chan);
// cork output
void cork(void);
// push output
void push(void);
// set output frequency
void set_freq(uint16_t chmask, uint16_t freq);
// get output frequency
uint16_t get_freq(uint16_t chan);
// get state of safety switch
AP_HAL::Util::safety_state get_safety_switch_state(void) const;
// force safety on
bool force_safety_on(void);
// force safety off
void force_safety_off(void);
// set mask of channels that ignore safety state
void set_safety_mask(uint16_t chmask);
// set PWM of channels when in FMU failsafe
void set_failsafe_pwm(uint16_t chmask, uint16_t period_us);
enable sbus output
bool enable_sbus_out(uint16_t rate_hz);
check for new RC input
bool check_rcinput(uint32_t &last_frame_us, uint8_t &num_channels, uint16_t *channels, uint8_t max_channels);
// Do DSM receiver binding
void bind_dsm(uint8_t mode);
// get the name of the RC protocol
const char *get_rc_protocol(void);
// get receiver RSSI
int16_t get_RSSI(void) const {
return rc_input.rssi;
get servo rail voltage adc counts
uint16_t get_vservo_adc_count(void) const { return reg_status.vservo; }
get rssi voltage adc counts
uint16_t get_vrssi_adc_count(void) const { return reg_status.vrssi; }
// set target for IMU heater
void set_heater_duty_cycle(uint8_t duty_cycle);
// set default output rate
void set_default_rate(uint16_t rate_hz);
// set to oneshot mode
void set_oneshot_mode(void);
// set to brushed mode
void set_brushed_mode(void);
// set output mode
void set_output_mode(uint16_t mask, uint16_t mode);
// set bi-directional mask
void set_bidir_dshot_mask(uint16_t mask);
// get output mode
AP_HAL::RCOutput::output_mode get_output_mode(uint8_t& mask) const;
uint32_t get_mcu_id() const { return config.mcuid; }
uint32_t get_cpu_id() const { return config.cpuid; }
// set dshot output period
void set_dshot_period(uint16_t period_us, uint8_t drate);
// set telem request mask
void set_telem_request_mask(uint32_t mask);
// set the dshot esc_type
void set_dshot_esc_type(AP_HAL::RCOutput::DshotEscType dshot_esc_type);
// send a dshot command
void send_dshot_command(uint8_t command, uint8_t chan, uint32_t command_timeout_ms, uint16_t repeat_count, bool priority);
// setup channels
void enable_ch(uint8_t ch);
void disable_ch(uint8_t ch);
// check if IO is healthy
bool healthy(void);
// shutdown IO protocol (for reboot)
void shutdown();
void soft_reboot();
// setup for FMU failsafe mixing
bool setup_mixing(RCMapper *rcmap, int8_t override_chan,
float mixing_gain, uint16_t manual_rc_mask);
// Check if pin number is valid and configured for GPIO
bool valid_GPIO_pin(uint8_t pin) const;
// convert external pin numbers 101 to 108 to internal 0 to 7
bool convert_pin_number(uint8_t& pin) const;
// set GPIO mask of channels setup for output
void set_GPIO_mask(uint8_t mask);
// write to a output pin
void write_GPIO(uint8_t pin, bool value);
// toggle a output pin
void toggle_GPIO(uint8_t pin);
// channel group masks
const uint8_t ch_masks[3] = { 0x03,0x0C,0xF0 };
static AP_IOMCU *get_singleton(void) {
return singleton;
AP_HAL::UARTDriver &uart;
void thread_main(void);
// read count 16 bit registers
bool read_registers(uint8_t page, uint8_t offset, uint8_t count, uint16_t *regs);
// write count 16 bit registers
bool write_registers(uint8_t page, uint8_t offset, uint8_t count, const uint16_t *regs);
// write a single register
bool write_register(uint8_t page, uint8_t offset, uint16_t v) {
return write_registers(page, offset, 1, &v);
// modify a single register
bool modify_register(uint8_t page, uint8_t offset, uint16_t clearbits, uint16_t setbits);
// trigger an ioevent
void trigger_event(uint8_t event);
// IOMCU thread
thread_t *thread_ctx;
eventmask_t initial_event_mask;
// time when we last read various pages
uint32_t last_status_read_ms;
uint32_t last_rc_read_ms;
uint32_t last_servo_read_ms;
uint32_t last_safety_option_check_ms;
uint32_t last_reg_read_ms;
uint32_t last_erpm_read_ms;
uint32_t last_telem_read_ms;
// last value of safety options
uint16_t last_safety_options = 0xFFFF;
// have we forced the safety off?
bool safety_forced_off;
// was safety off on last status?
bool last_safety_off;
void send_servo_out(void);
void read_rc_input(void);
void read_erpm(void);
void read_telem(void);
void read_servo(void);
void read_status(void);
void discard_input(void);
void event_failed(uint32_t event_mask);
void update_safety_options(void);
void send_rc_protocols(void);
// CONFIG page
struct page_config config;
// PAGE_STATUS values
struct page_reg_status reg_status;
uint32_t last_log_ms;
// PAGE_RAW_RCIN values
struct page_rc_input rc_input;
uint32_t rc_last_input_ms;
// MIXER values
struct page_mixing mixing;
// output pwm values
struct {
uint8_t num_channels;
uint16_t pwm[IOMCU_MAX_CHANNELS];
uint16_t safety_mask;
uint16_t failsafe_pwm[IOMCU_MAX_CHANNELS];
uint8_t failsafe_pwm_set;
uint8_t failsafe_pwm_sent;
uint16_t channel_mask;
} pwm_out;
// read back pwm values
struct {
uint16_t pwm[IOMCU_MAX_CHANNELS];
} pwm_in;
// output rates
struct {
uint16_t freq;
uint16_t chmask;
uint16_t default_freq = 50;
uint16_t sbus_rate_hz;
bool oneshot_enabled;
bool brushed_enabled;
} rate;
struct {
uint16_t period_us;
uint16_t rate;
} dshot_rate;
// bi-directional dshot erpm values
struct page_dshot_erpm dshot_erpm;
struct page_dshot_telem dshot_telem[IOMCU_MAX_TELEM_CHANNELS/4];
uint8_t esc_group;
// queue of dshot commands that need sending
ObjectBuffer<page_dshot> dshot_command_queue{8};
struct page_GPIO GPIO;
// output mode values
struct page_mode_out mode_out;
// IMU heater duty cycle
uint8_t heater_duty_cycle;
uint32_t last_servo_out_us;
bool corked;
bool do_shutdown;
bool done_shutdown;
bool crc_is_ok;
bool detected_io_reset;
bool initialised;
bool is_chibios_backend;
uint32_t protocol_fail_count;
uint32_t protocol_count;
uint32_t total_errors;
uint32_t num_delayed;
uint32_t last_iocmu_timestamp_ms;
uint32_t read_status_errors;
uint32_t read_status_ok;
uint32_t last_rc_protocols;
// firmware upload
const char *fw_name = "io_firmware.bin";
const char *dshot_fw_name = "io_firmware_dshot.bin";
const uint8_t *fw;
uint32_t fw_size;
size_t write_wait(const uint8_t *pkt, uint8_t len);
bool upload_fw(void);
bool recv_byte_with_timeout(uint8_t *c, uint32_t timeout_ms);
bool recv_bytes(uint8_t *p, uint32_t count);
void drain(void);
bool send(uint8_t c);
bool send(const uint8_t *p, uint32_t count);
bool get_sync(uint32_t timeout = 40);
bool sync();
bool get_info(uint8_t param, uint32_t &val);
bool erase();
bool program(uint32_t fw_size);
bool verify_rev2(uint32_t fw_size);
bool verify_rev3(uint32_t fw_size_local);
bool reboot();
bool check_crc(void);
void handle_repeated_failures();
void check_iomcu_reset();
void write_log(); // handle onboard logging
static AP_IOMCU *singleton;
enum {
PROTO_NOP = 0x00,
PROTO_OK = 0x10,
PROTO_EOC = 0x20,
PROTO_GET_SN = 0x2b,
INFO_BL_REV = 1, /**< bootloader protocol revision */
BL_REV = 5, /**< supported bootloader protocol */
INFO_BOARD_ID = 2, /**< board type */
INFO_BOARD_REV = 3, /**< board revision */
INFO_FLASH_SIZE = 4, /**< max firmware size in bytes */
PROG_MULTI_MAX = 248, /**< protocol max is 255, must be multiple of 4 */
namespace AP {
AP_IOMCU *iomcu(void);
#endif // HAL_WITH_IO_MCU