mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 04:33:59 -04:00
Definitions of each character are extracted from LogStructure.h Data is extracted by parsing the logging definition struct Also parse WriteMessage() calls for messages not defined in struct Add support to separate log descriptions for messages with same field list Compute derived unit from combination of format, unit and multiplier For XML output the format and derived unit into new attributes Add enumerations to the XML output (bitmasks were already done) For MD,RST,HTML, output either derived unit, 'char[n]', 'bitmask' or 'enum' Fix support for Blimp by adding it to the parse_enum.py lookup table
210 lines
7.5 KiB
210 lines
7.5 KiB
from __future__ import print_function
import emitter
class RSTEmitter(emitter.Emitter):
def preface(self):
return """.. Dynamically generated list of Logger Messages
.. This page was generated using Tools/autotest/logger_metdata/parse.py
.. _logmessages:
Onboard Message Log Messages
This is a list of log messages which may be present in logs produced and stored onboard ArduPilot vehicles.
def postface(self):
return ""
def start(self):
self.fh = open("LogMessages.rst", mode='w')
print(self.preface(), file=self.fh)
def emit(self, doccos, enumerations):
for docco in doccos:
print('.. _%s:' % docco.name, file=self.fh)
print("", file=self.fh)
desc = docco.description
print(docco.name, file=self.fh)
print("~" * len(docco.name), file=self.fh)
if desc is not None:
print("\n%s\n" % desc, file=self.fh)
rows = []
for f in docco.fields_order:
# Populate the description column
if "description" in docco.fields[f]:
fdesc = docco.fields[f]["description"]
fdesc = ""
# Initialise Type/Unit and check for enum/bitfields
ftypeunit = ""
fieldnamething = None
if "bitmaskenum" in docco.fields[f]:
fieldnamething = "bitmaskenum"
table_label = "Bitmask values"
ftypeunit = "bitmask"
elif "valueenum" in docco.fields[f]:
fieldnamething = "valueenum"
table_label = "Values"
ftypeunit = "enum"
# If an enum/bitmask is defined, build the table
if fieldnamething is not None:
enum_name = docco.fields[f][fieldnamething]
if enum_name not in enumerations:
raise Exception("Unknown enum (%s) (have %s)" %
(enum_name, "\n".join(sorted(enumerations.keys()))))
enumeration = enumerations[enum_name]
bitmaskrows = []
for enumentry in enumeration.entries:
# print("enumentry: %s" % str(enumentry))
comment = enumentry.comment
if comment is None:
comment = ""
bitmaskrows.append([enumentry.name, str(enumentry.value), comment])
fdesc += "\n%s:\n\n%s" % (table_label, self.tablify(bitmaskrows))
# Populate the Type/Units column
if "units" in docco.fields[f] and docco.fields[f]["units"] != "":
ftypeunit = docco.fields[f]["units"]
elif "fmt" in docco.fields[f] and "char" in docco.fields[f]["fmt"]:
ftypeunit = docco.fields[f]["fmt"]
# Add the new row
rows.append([f, ftypeunit, fdesc])
print(self.tablify(rows), file=self.fh)
print("", file=self.fh)
def stop(self):
print(self.postface(), file=self.fh)
# tablify swiped from rstemit.py
def tablify_row(self, rowheading, row, widths, height):
joiner = "|"
row_lines = [x.split("\n") for x in row]
for row_line in row_lines:
row_line.extend([""] * (height - len(row_line)))
if rowheading is not None:
rowheading_lines = rowheading.split("\n")
rowheading_lines.extend([""] * (height - len(rowheading_lines)))
out_lines = []
for i in range(0, height):
out_line = ""
if rowheading is not None:
rowheading_line = rowheading_lines[i]
out_line += joiner + " " + rowheading_line + " " * (widths[0] - len(rowheading_line) - 1)
joiner = "#"
j = 0
for item in row_lines:
widthnum = j
if rowheading is not None:
widthnum += 1
line = item[i]
out_line += joiner + " " + line + " " * (widths[widthnum] - len(line) - 1)
joiner = "|"
j += 1
out_line += "|"
return "\n".join(out_lines)
def tablify_longest_row_length(self, rows, rowheadings, headings):
check_width_rows = rows[:]
if headings is not None:
longest_row_length = 0
for row in check_width_rows:
if len(row) > longest_row_length:
longest_row_length = len(row)
if rowheadings is not None:
longest_row_length += 1
return longest_row_length
def longest_line_in_string(self, string):
longest = 0
for line in string.split("\n"):
if len(line) > longest:
longest = len(line)
return longest
def tablify_calc_row_widths_heights(self, rows, rowheadings, headings):
rows_to_check = []
if headings is not None:
heights = [0] * len(rows_to_check)
longest_row_length = self.tablify_longest_row_length(rows, rowheadings, headings)
widths = [0] * longest_row_length
all_rowheadings = []
if rowheadings is not None:
if headings is not None:
for rownum in range(0, len(rows_to_check)):
row = rows_to_check[rownum]
values_to_check = []
if rowheadings is not None:
colnum = 0
for value in values_to_check:
height = len(value.split("\n"))
if height > heights[rownum]:
heights[rownum] = height
longest_line = self.longest_line_in_string(value)
width = longest_line + 2 # +2 for leading/trailing ws
if width > widths[colnum]:
widths[colnum] = width
colnum += 1
return (widths, heights)
def tablify(self, rows, headings=None, rowheadings=None):
(widths, heights) = self.tablify_calc_row_widths_heights(rows, rowheadings, headings)
# create dividing lines
bar = ""
heading_bar = ""
for width in widths:
bar += "+"
heading_bar += "+"
bar += "-" * width
heading_bar += "=" * width
bar += "+"
heading_bar += "+"
# create table
ret = bar + "\n"
if headings is not None:
rowheading = None
if rowheadings is not None:
rowheading = ""
ret += self.tablify_row(rowheading, headings, widths, heights[0]) + "\n"
ret += heading_bar + "\n"
for i in range(0, len(rows)):
rowheading = None
height = i
if rowheadings is not None:
rowheading = rowheadings[i]
if headings is not None:
height += 1
ret += self.tablify_row(rowheading, rows[i], widths, heights[height]) + "\n"
ret += bar + "\n"
return ret