mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 12:14:10 -04:00
this makes use of DRefs to greatly improve XPlane support. It only supports XPlane 11 and later The key change is the use of a JSON file to map ArduPilot output channels to DataRefs, and map raw joystick inputs to RC inputs this gets rid of the awful throttle hack handling, and allows for control of a much wider range of aircraft
1268 lines
39 KiB
1268 lines
39 KiB
SITL handling
This simulates a GPS on a serial port
Andrew Tridgell November 2011
#include "SIM_GPS.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <AP_BoardConfig/AP_BoardConfig.h>
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <SITL/SITL.h>
#include <AP_Common/NMEA.h>
// simulated CAN GPS devices get fed from our SITL estimates:
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <AP_HAL_SITL/AP_HAL_SITL.h>
extern const HAL_SITL& hal_sitl;
// the number of GPS leap seconds - copied from AP_GPS.h
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
using namespace SITL;
GPS::GPS(uint8_t _instance) :
SerialDevice(8192, 2048),
const uint8_t num_gps = 2;
// pipe number is SITL instance number (e.g. -I argument to
// sim_vehicle.py) times the max number of GPSs + the gps instance
// number:
const uint8_t num = num_gps * hal_sitl.get_instance() + instance;
if (asprintf(&_gps_fifo, "/tmp/gps_fifo%u", (unsigned)num) == -1) { // FIXME - needs to work with simulated periph-gps
AP_BoardConfig::allocation_error("gps_fifo filepath");
if (mkfifo(_gps_fifo, 0666) < 0) {
if (errno != EEXIST) {
printf("MKFIFO failed with %m\n");
uint32_t GPS::device_baud() const
if (_sitl == nullptr) {
return 0;
switch ((Type)_sitl->gps_type[instance].get()) {
case Type::NOVA:
return 19200;
case Type::NONE:
case Type::UBLOX:
case Type::NMEA:
case Type::SBP:
case Type::SBP2:
case Type::FILE:
return 0; // 0 meaning unset
return 0; // 0 meaning unset
write some bytes from the simulated GPS
ssize_t GPS::write_to_autopilot(const char *p, size_t size) const
// the second GPS instance fails in a different way to the first;
// the first will start sending back 3 satellites, the second just
// stops responding when disabled. This is not necessarily a good
// thing.
if (instance == 1 && _sitl->gps_disable[instance]) {
return -1;
// also write to external fifo
int fd = open(_gps_fifo, O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
if (fd >= 0) {
UNUSED_RESULT(write(fd, p, size));
const float byteloss = _sitl->gps_byteloss[instance];
// shortcut if we're not doing byteloss:
if (!is_positive(byteloss)) {
return SerialDevice::write_to_autopilot(p, size);
size_t ret = 0;
while (size--) {
float r = ((((unsigned)random()) % 1000000)) / 1.0e4;
if (r < byteloss) {
// lose the byte
const ssize_t pret = SerialDevice::write_to_autopilot(p, 1);
if (pret == 0) {
// no space?
return ret;
if (pret != 1) {
// error has occured?
return pret;
return ret;
get timeval using simulation time
static void simulation_timeval(struct timeval *tv)
uint64_t now = AP_HAL::micros64();
static uint64_t first_usec;
static struct timeval first_tv;
if (first_usec == 0) {
first_usec = now;
first_tv.tv_sec = AP::sitl()->start_time_UTC;
*tv = first_tv;
tv->tv_sec += now / 1000000ULL;
uint64_t new_usec = tv->tv_usec + (now % 1000000ULL);
tv->tv_sec += new_usec / 1000000ULL;
tv->tv_usec = new_usec % 1000000ULL;
send a UBLOX GPS message
void GPS::send_ubx(uint8_t msgid, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t size)
const uint8_t PREAMBLE1 = 0xb5;
const uint8_t PREAMBLE2 = 0x62;
const uint8_t CLASS_NAV = 0x1;
uint8_t hdr[6], chk[2];
hdr[0] = PREAMBLE1;
hdr[1] = PREAMBLE2;
hdr[2] = CLASS_NAV;
hdr[3] = msgid;
hdr[4] = size & 0xFF;
hdr[5] = size >> 8;
chk[0] = chk[1] = hdr[2];
chk[1] += (chk[0] += hdr[3]);
chk[1] += (chk[0] += hdr[4]);
chk[1] += (chk[0] += hdr[5]);
for (uint16_t i=0; i<size; i++) {
chk[1] += (chk[0] += buf[i]);
write_to_autopilot((char*)hdr, sizeof(hdr));
write_to_autopilot((char*)buf, size);
write_to_autopilot((char*)chk, sizeof(chk));
return GPS time of week in milliseconds
static void gps_time(uint16_t *time_week, uint32_t *time_week_ms)
struct timeval tv;
const uint32_t epoch = 86400*(10*365 + (1980-1969)/4 + 1 + 6 - 2) - (GPS_LEAPSECONDS_MILLIS / 1000ULL);
uint32_t epoch_seconds = tv.tv_sec - epoch;
*time_week = epoch_seconds / AP_SEC_PER_WEEK;
uint32_t t_ms = tv.tv_usec / 1000;
// round time to nearest 200ms
*time_week_ms = (epoch_seconds % AP_SEC_PER_WEEK) * AP_MSEC_PER_SEC + ((t_ms/200) * 200);
send a new set of GPS UBLOX packets
void GPS::update_ubx(const struct gps_data *d)
struct PACKED ubx_nav_posllh {
uint32_t time; // GPS msToW
int32_t longitude;
int32_t latitude;
int32_t altitude_ellipsoid;
int32_t altitude_msl;
uint32_t horizontal_accuracy;
uint32_t vertical_accuracy;
} pos {};
struct PACKED ubx_nav_status {
uint32_t time; // GPS msToW
uint8_t fix_type;
uint8_t fix_status;
uint8_t differential_status;
uint8_t res;
uint32_t time_to_first_fix;
uint32_t uptime; // milliseconds
} status {};
struct PACKED ubx_nav_velned {
uint32_t time; // GPS msToW
int32_t ned_north;
int32_t ned_east;
int32_t ned_down;
uint32_t speed_3d;
uint32_t speed_2d;
int32_t heading_2d;
uint32_t speed_accuracy;
uint32_t heading_accuracy;
} velned {};
struct PACKED ubx_nav_solution {
uint32_t time;
int32_t time_nsec;
int16_t week;
uint8_t fix_type;
uint8_t fix_status;
int32_t ecef_x;
int32_t ecef_y;
int32_t ecef_z;
uint32_t position_accuracy_3d;
int32_t ecef_x_velocity;
int32_t ecef_y_velocity;
int32_t ecef_z_velocity;
uint32_t speed_accuracy;
uint16_t position_DOP;
uint8_t res;
uint8_t satellites;
uint32_t res2;
} sol {};
struct PACKED ubx_nav_dop {
uint32_t time; // GPS msToW
uint16_t gDOP;
uint16_t pDOP;
uint16_t tDOP;
uint16_t vDOP;
uint16_t hDOP;
uint16_t nDOP;
uint16_t eDOP;
} dop {};
struct PACKED ubx_nav_pvt {
uint32_t itow;
uint16_t year;
uint8_t month, day, hour, min, sec;
uint8_t valid;
uint32_t t_acc;
int32_t nano;
uint8_t fix_type;
uint8_t flags;
uint8_t flags2;
uint8_t num_sv;
int32_t lon, lat;
int32_t height, h_msl;
uint32_t h_acc, v_acc;
int32_t velN, velE, velD, gspeed;
int32_t head_mot;
uint32_t s_acc;
uint32_t head_acc;
uint16_t p_dop;
uint8_t reserved1[6];
uint32_t headVeh;
uint8_t reserved2[4];
} pvt {};
const uint8_t SV_COUNT = 10;
struct PACKED ubx_nav_svinfo {
uint32_t itow;
uint8_t numCh;
uint8_t globalFlags;
uint8_t reserved1[2];
// repeated block
struct PACKED svinfo_sv {
uint8_t chn;
uint8_t svid;
uint8_t flags;
uint8_t quality;
uint8_t cno;
int8_t elev;
int16_t azim;
int32_t prRes;
} sv[SV_COUNT];
} svinfo {};
gnssFixOK = 1U << 0,
diffSoln = 1U << 1,
relPosValid = 1U << 2,
carrSolnFloat = 1U << 3,
carrSolnFixed = 1U << 4,
isMoving = 1U << 5,
refPosMiss = 1U << 6,
refObsMiss = 1U << 7,
relPosHeadingValid = 1U << 8,
relPosNormalized = 1U << 9
struct PACKED ubx_nav_relposned {
uint8_t version;
uint8_t reserved1;
uint16_t refStationId;
uint32_t iTOW;
int32_t relPosN;
int32_t relPosE;
int32_t relPosD;
int32_t relPosLength;
int32_t relPosHeading;
uint8_t reserved2[4];
int8_t relPosHPN;
int8_t relPosHPE;
int8_t relPosHPD;
int8_t relPosHPLength;
uint32_t accN;
uint32_t accE;
uint32_t accD;
uint32_t accLength;
uint32_t accHeading;
uint8_t reserved3[4];
uint32_t flags;
} relposned {};
const uint8_t MSG_POSLLH = 0x2;
const uint8_t MSG_STATUS = 0x3;
const uint8_t MSG_DOP = 0x4;
const uint8_t MSG_VELNED = 0x12;
const uint8_t MSG_SOL = 0x6;
const uint8_t MSG_PVT = 0x7;
const uint8_t MSG_SVINFO = 0x30;
const uint8_t MSG_RELPOSNED = 0x3c;
uint32_t _next_nav_sv_info_time = 0;
uint16_t time_week;
uint32_t time_week_ms;
gps_time(&time_week, &time_week_ms);
pos.time = time_week_ms;
pos.longitude = d->longitude * 1.0e7;
pos.latitude = d->latitude * 1.0e7;
pos.altitude_ellipsoid = d->altitude * 1000.0f;
pos.altitude_msl = d->altitude * 1000.0f;
pos.horizontal_accuracy = _sitl->gps_accuracy[instance]*1000;
pos.vertical_accuracy = _sitl->gps_accuracy[instance]*1000;
status.time = time_week_ms;
status.fix_type = d->have_lock?3:0;
status.fix_status = d->have_lock?1:0;
status.differential_status = 0;
status.res = 0;
status.time_to_first_fix = 0;
status.uptime = AP_HAL::millis();
velned.time = time_week_ms;
velned.ned_north = 100.0f * d->speedN;
velned.ned_east = 100.0f * d->speedE;
velned.ned_down = 100.0f * d->speedD;
velned.speed_2d = norm(d->speedN, d->speedE) * 100;
velned.speed_3d = norm(d->speedN, d->speedE, d->speedD) * 100;
velned.heading_2d = ToDeg(atan2f(d->speedE, d->speedN)) * 100000.0f;
if (velned.heading_2d < 0.0f) {
velned.heading_2d += 360.0f * 100000.0f;
velned.speed_accuracy = 40;
velned.heading_accuracy = 4;
memset(&sol, 0, sizeof(sol));
sol.fix_type = d->have_lock?3:0;
sol.fix_status = 221;
sol.satellites = d->have_lock?_sitl->gps_numsats[instance]:3;
sol.time = time_week_ms;
sol.week = time_week;
dop.time = time_week_ms;
dop.gDOP = 65535;
dop.pDOP = 65535;
dop.tDOP = 65535;
dop.vDOP = 200;
dop.hDOP = 121;
dop.nDOP = 65535;
dop.eDOP = 65535;
pvt.itow = time_week_ms;
pvt.year = 0;
pvt.month = 0;
pvt.day = 0;
pvt.hour = 0;
pvt.min = 0;
pvt.sec = 0;
pvt.valid = 0; // invalid utc date
pvt.t_acc = 0;
pvt.nano = 0;
pvt.fix_type = d->have_lock? 0x3 : 0;
pvt.flags = 0b10000011; // carrsoln=fixed, psm = na, diffsoln and fixok
pvt.flags2 =0;
pvt.num_sv = d->have_lock?_sitl->gps_numsats[instance]:3;
pvt.lon = d->longitude * 1.0e7;
pvt.lat = d->latitude * 1.0e7;
pvt.height = d->altitude * 1000.0f;
pvt.h_msl = d->altitude * 1000.0f;
pvt.h_acc = _sitl->gps_accuracy[instance] * 1000;
pvt.v_acc = _sitl->gps_accuracy[instance] * 1000;
pvt.velN = 1000.0f * d->speedN;
pvt.velE = 1000.0f * d->speedE;
pvt.velD = 1000.0f * d->speedD;
pvt.gspeed = norm(d->speedN, d->speedE) * 1000;
pvt.head_mot = ToDeg(atan2f(d->speedE, d->speedN)) * 1.0e5;
pvt.s_acc = 40;
pvt.head_acc = 38 * 1.0e5;
pvt.p_dop = 65535;
memset(pvt.reserved1, '\0', ARRAY_SIZE(pvt.reserved1));
pvt.headVeh = 0;
memset(pvt.reserved2, '\0', ARRAY_SIZE(pvt.reserved2));
if (_sitl->gps_hdg_enabled[instance] > SITL::SIM::GPS_HEADING_NONE) {
const Vector3f ant1_pos = _sitl->gps_pos_offset[instance^1].get();
const Vector3f ant2_pos = _sitl->gps_pos_offset[instance].get();
Vector3f rel_antenna_pos = ant2_pos - ant1_pos;
Matrix3f rot;
// project attitude back using gyros to get antenna orientation at time of GPS sample
Vector3f gyro(radians(_sitl->state.rollRate),
rot.from_euler(radians(_sitl->state.rollDeg), radians(_sitl->state.pitchDeg), radians(d->yaw_deg));
const float lag = _sitl->gps_delay_ms[instance] * 0.001;
rot.rotate(gyro * (-lag));
rel_antenna_pos = rot * rel_antenna_pos;
relposned.version = 1;
relposned.iTOW = time_week_ms;
relposned.relPosN = rel_antenna_pos.x * 100;
relposned.relPosE = rel_antenna_pos.y * 100;
relposned.relPosD = rel_antenna_pos.z * 100;
relposned.relPosLength = rel_antenna_pos.length() * 100;
relposned.relPosHeading = degrees(Vector2f(rel_antenna_pos.x, rel_antenna_pos.y).angle()) * 1.0e5;
relposned.flags = gnssFixOK | diffSoln | carrSolnFixed | isMoving | relPosValid | relPosHeadingValid;
send_ubx(MSG_POSLLH, (uint8_t*)&pos, sizeof(pos));
send_ubx(MSG_STATUS, (uint8_t*)&status, sizeof(status));
send_ubx(MSG_VELNED, (uint8_t*)&velned, sizeof(velned));
send_ubx(MSG_SOL, (uint8_t*)&sol, sizeof(sol));
send_ubx(MSG_DOP, (uint8_t*)&dop, sizeof(dop));
send_ubx(MSG_PVT, (uint8_t*)&pvt, sizeof(pvt));
if (_sitl->gps_hdg_enabled[instance] > SITL::SIM::GPS_HEADING_NONE) {
send_ubx(MSG_RELPOSNED, (uint8_t*)&relposned, sizeof(relposned));
if (time_week_ms > _next_nav_sv_info_time) {
svinfo.itow = time_week_ms;
svinfo.numCh = 32;
svinfo.globalFlags = 4; // u-blox 8/M8
// fill in the SV's with some data even though firmware does not currently use it
// note that this is not using num_sats as we aren't dynamically creating this to match
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < SV_COUNT; i++) {
svinfo.sv[i].chn = i;
svinfo.sv[i].svid = i;
svinfo.sv[i].flags = (i < _sitl->gps_numsats[instance]) ? 0x7 : 0x6; // sv used, diff correction data, orbit information
svinfo.sv[i].quality = 7; // code and carrier lock and time synchronized
svinfo.sv[i].cno = MAX(20, 30 - i);
svinfo.sv[i].elev = MAX(30, 90 - i);
svinfo.sv[i].azim = i;
// not bothering to fill in prRes
send_ubx(MSG_SVINFO, (uint8_t*)&svinfo, sizeof(svinfo));
_next_nav_sv_info_time = time_week_ms + 10000; // 10 second delay
formatted print of NMEA message, with checksum appended
void GPS::nmea_printf(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
char *s = nmea_vaprintf(fmt, ap);
if (s != nullptr) {
write_to_autopilot((const char*)s, strlen(s));
send a new GPS NMEA packet
void GPS::update_nmea(const struct gps_data *d)
struct timeval tv;
struct tm *tm;
char tstring[20];
char dstring[20];
char lat_string[20];
char lng_string[20];
tm = gmtime(&tv.tv_sec);
// format time string
snprintf(tstring, sizeof(tstring), "%02u%02u%06.3f", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec + tv.tv_usec*1.0e-6);
// format date string
snprintf(dstring, sizeof(dstring), "%02u%02u%02u", tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_year % 100);
// format latitude
double deg = fabs(d->latitude);
snprintf(lat_string, sizeof(lat_string), "%02u%08.5f,%c",
(deg - int(deg))*60,
// format longitude
deg = fabs(d->longitude);
snprintf(lng_string, sizeof(lng_string), "%03u%08.5f,%c",
(deg - int(deg))*60,
const float speed_mps = norm(d->speedN, d->speedE);
const float speed_knots = speed_mps * M_PER_SEC_TO_KNOTS;
float heading = ToDeg(atan2f(d->speedE, d->speedN));
if (heading < 0) {
heading += 360.0f;
speed_knots * KNOTS_TO_METERS_PER_SECOND * 3.6);
if (_sitl->gps_hdg_enabled[instance] == SITL::SIM::GPS_HEADING_HDT) {
nmea_printf("$GPHDT,%.2f,T", d->yaw_deg);
else if (_sitl->gps_hdg_enabled[instance] == SITL::SIM::GPS_HEADING_THS) {
nmea_printf("$GPTHS,%.2f,%c,T", d->yaw_deg, d->have_lock ? 'A' : 'V');
} else if (_sitl->gps_hdg_enabled[instance] == SITL::SIM::GPS_HEADING_KSXT) {
// Unicore support
// $KSXT,20211016083433.00,116.31296102,39.95817066,49.4911,223.57,-11.32,330.19,0.024,,1,3,28,27,,,,-0.012,0.021,0.020,,*2D
tm->tm_year+1900, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, unsigned(tv.tv_usec*1.e-4),
d->longitude, d->latitude,
d->have_lock?1:0, // 2=rtkfloat 3=rtkfixed,
3, // fixed rtk yaw solution,
d->speedE * 3.6,
d->speedN * 3.6,
-d->speedD * 3.6);
void GPS::sbp_send_message(uint16_t msg_type, uint16_t sender_id, uint8_t len, uint8_t *payload)
if (len != 0 && payload == 0) {
return; //SBP_NULL_ERROR;
uint8_t preamble = 0x55;
write_to_autopilot((char*)&preamble, 1);
write_to_autopilot((char*)&msg_type, 2);
write_to_autopilot((char*)&sender_id, 2);
write_to_autopilot((char*)&len, 1);
if (len > 0) {
write_to_autopilot((char*)payload, len);
uint16_t crc;
crc = crc16_ccitt((uint8_t*)&(msg_type), 2, 0);
crc = crc16_ccitt((uint8_t*)&(sender_id), 2, crc);
crc = crc16_ccitt(&(len), 1, crc);
crc = crc16_ccitt(payload, len, crc);
write_to_autopilot((char*)&crc, 2);
void GPS::update_sbp(const struct gps_data *d)
struct sbp_heartbeat_t {
bool sys_error : 1;
bool io_error : 1;
bool nap_error : 1;
uint8_t res : 5;
uint8_t protocol_minor : 8;
uint8_t protocol_major : 8;
uint8_t res2 : 7;
bool ext_antenna : 1;
} hb; // 4 bytes
struct PACKED sbp_gps_time_t {
uint16_t wn; //< GPS week number
uint32_t tow; //< GPS Time of Week rounded to the nearest ms
int32_t ns; //< Nanosecond remainder of rounded tow
uint8_t flags; //< Status flags (reserved)
} t;
struct PACKED sbp_pos_llh_t {
uint32_t tow; //< GPS Time of Week
double lat; //< Latitude
double lon; //< Longitude
double height; //< Height
uint16_t h_accuracy; //< Horizontal position accuracy estimate
uint16_t v_accuracy; //< Vertical position accuracy estimate
uint8_t n_sats; //< Number of satellites used in solution
uint8_t flags; //< Status flags
} pos;
struct PACKED sbp_vel_ned_t {
uint32_t tow; //< GPS Time of Week
int32_t n; //< Velocity North coordinate
int32_t e; //< Velocity East coordinate
int32_t d; //< Velocity Down coordinate
uint16_t h_accuracy; //< Horizontal velocity accuracy estimate
uint16_t v_accuracy; //< Vertical velocity accuracy estimate
uint8_t n_sats; //< Number of satellites used in solution
uint8_t flags; //< Status flags (reserved)
} velned;
struct PACKED sbp_dops_t {
uint32_t tow; //< GPS Time of Week
uint16_t gdop; //< Geometric Dilution of Precision
uint16_t pdop; //< Position Dilution of Precision
uint16_t tdop; //< Time Dilution of Precision
uint16_t hdop; //< Horizontal Dilution of Precision
uint16_t vdop; //< Vertical Dilution of Precision
uint8_t flags; //< Status flags (reserved)
} dops;
static const uint16_t SBP_HEARTBEAT_MSGTYPE = 0xFFFF;
static const uint16_t SBP_GPS_TIME_MSGTYPE = 0x0100;
static const uint16_t SBP_DOPS_MSGTYPE = 0x0206;
static const uint16_t SBP_POS_LLH_MSGTYPE = 0x0201;
static const uint16_t SBP_VEL_NED_MSGTYPE = 0x0205;
uint16_t time_week;
uint32_t time_week_ms;
gps_time(&time_week, &time_week_ms);
t.wn = time_week;
t.tow = time_week_ms;
t.ns = 0;
t.flags = 0;
sbp_send_message(SBP_GPS_TIME_MSGTYPE, 0x2222, sizeof(t), (uint8_t*)&t);
if (!d->have_lock) {
pos.tow = time_week_ms;
pos.lon = d->longitude;
pos.lat= d->latitude;
pos.height = d->altitude;
pos.h_accuracy = _sitl->gps_accuracy[instance]*1000;
pos.v_accuracy = _sitl->gps_accuracy[instance]*1000;
pos.n_sats = _sitl->gps_numsats[instance];
// Send single point position solution
pos.flags = 0;
sbp_send_message(SBP_POS_LLH_MSGTYPE, 0x2222, sizeof(pos), (uint8_t*)&pos);
// Send "pseudo-absolute" RTK position solution
pos.flags = 1;
sbp_send_message(SBP_POS_LLH_MSGTYPE, 0x2222, sizeof(pos), (uint8_t*)&pos);
velned.tow = time_week_ms;
velned.n = 1e3 * d->speedN;
velned.e = 1e3 * d->speedE;
velned.d = 1e3 * d->speedD;
velned.h_accuracy = 5e3;
velned.v_accuracy = 5e3;
velned.n_sats = _sitl->gps_numsats[instance];
velned.flags = 0;
sbp_send_message(SBP_VEL_NED_MSGTYPE, 0x2222, sizeof(velned), (uint8_t*)&velned);
static uint32_t do_every_count = 0;
if (do_every_count % 5 == 0) {
dops.tow = time_week_ms;
dops.gdop = 1;
dops.pdop = 1;
dops.tdop = 1;
dops.hdop = 100;
dops.vdop = 1;
dops.flags = 1;
sbp_send_message(SBP_DOPS_MSGTYPE, 0x2222, sizeof(dops),
hb.protocol_major = 0; //Sends protocol version 0
sbp_send_message(SBP_HEARTBEAT_MSGTYPE, 0x2222, sizeof(hb),
void GPS::update_sbp2(const struct gps_data *d)
struct sbp_heartbeat_t {
bool sys_error : 1;
bool io_error : 1;
bool nap_error : 1;
uint8_t res : 5;
uint8_t protocol_minor : 8;
uint8_t protocol_major : 8;
uint8_t res2 : 7;
bool ext_antenna : 1;
} hb; // 4 bytes
struct PACKED sbp_gps_time_t {
uint16_t wn; //< GPS week number
uint32_t tow; //< GPS Time of Week rounded to the nearest ms
int32_t ns; //< Nanosecond remainder of rounded tow
uint8_t flags; //< Status flags (reserved)
} t;
struct PACKED sbp_pos_llh_t {
uint32_t tow; //< GPS Time of Week
double lat; //< Latitude
double lon; //< Longitude
double height; //< Height
uint16_t h_accuracy; //< Horizontal position accuracy estimate
uint16_t v_accuracy; //< Vertical position accuracy estimate
uint8_t n_sats; //< Number of satellites used in solution
uint8_t flags; //< Status flags
} pos;
struct PACKED sbp_vel_ned_t {
uint32_t tow; //< GPS Time of Week
int32_t n; //< Velocity North coordinate
int32_t e; //< Velocity East coordinate
int32_t d; //< Velocity Down coordinate
uint16_t h_accuracy; //< Horizontal velocity accuracy estimate
uint16_t v_accuracy; //< Vertical velocity accuracy estimate
uint8_t n_sats; //< Number of satellites used in solution
uint8_t flags; //< Status flags (reserved)
} velned;
struct PACKED sbp_dops_t {
uint32_t tow; //< GPS Time of Week
uint16_t gdop; //< Geometric Dilution of Precision
uint16_t pdop; //< Position Dilution of Precision
uint16_t tdop; //< Time Dilution of Precision
uint16_t hdop; //< Horizontal Dilution of Precision
uint16_t vdop; //< Vertical Dilution of Precision
uint8_t flags; //< Status flags (reserved)
} dops;
static const uint16_t SBP_HEARTBEAT_MSGTYPE = 0xFFFF;
static const uint16_t SBP_GPS_TIME_MSGTYPE = 0x0102;
static const uint16_t SBP_DOPS_MSGTYPE = 0x0208;
static const uint16_t SBP_POS_LLH_MSGTYPE = 0x020A;
static const uint16_t SBP_VEL_NED_MSGTYPE = 0x020E;
uint16_t time_week;
uint32_t time_week_ms;
gps_time(&time_week, &time_week_ms);
t.wn = time_week;
t.tow = time_week_ms;
t.ns = 0;
t.flags = 1;
sbp_send_message(SBP_GPS_TIME_MSGTYPE, 0x2222, sizeof(t), (uint8_t*)&t);
if (!d->have_lock) {
pos.tow = time_week_ms;
pos.lon = d->longitude;
pos.lat= d->latitude;
pos.height = d->altitude;
pos.h_accuracy = _sitl->gps_accuracy[instance]*1000;
pos.v_accuracy = _sitl->gps_accuracy[instance]*1000;
pos.n_sats = _sitl->gps_numsats[instance];
// Send single point position solution
pos.flags = 1;
sbp_send_message(SBP_POS_LLH_MSGTYPE, 0x2222, sizeof(pos), (uint8_t*)&pos);
// Send "pseudo-absolute" RTK position solution
pos.flags = 4;
sbp_send_message(SBP_POS_LLH_MSGTYPE, 0x2222, sizeof(pos), (uint8_t*)&pos);
velned.tow = time_week_ms;
velned.n = 1e3 * d->speedN;
velned.e = 1e3 * d->speedE;
velned.d = 1e3 * d->speedD;
velned.h_accuracy = 5e3;
velned.v_accuracy = 5e3;
velned.n_sats = _sitl->gps_numsats[instance];
velned.flags = 1;
sbp_send_message(SBP_VEL_NED_MSGTYPE, 0x2222, sizeof(velned), (uint8_t*)&velned);
static uint32_t do_every_count = 0;
if (do_every_count % 5 == 0) {
dops.tow = time_week_ms;
dops.gdop = 1;
dops.pdop = 1;
dops.tdop = 1;
dops.hdop = 100;
dops.vdop = 1;
dops.flags = 1;
sbp_send_message(SBP_DOPS_MSGTYPE, 0x2222, sizeof(dops),
hb.protocol_major = 2; //Sends protocol version 2.0
sbp_send_message(SBP_HEARTBEAT_MSGTYPE, 0x2222, sizeof(hb),
void GPS::update_nova(const struct gps_data *d)
static struct PACKED nova_header
// 0
uint8_t preamble[3];
// 3
uint8_t headerlength;
// 4
uint16_t messageid;
// 6
uint8_t messagetype;
uint8_t portaddr;
uint16_t messagelength;
uint16_t sequence;
uint8_t idletime;
uint8_t timestatus;
uint16_t week;
uint32_t tow;
uint32_t recvstatus;
// 24
uint16_t resv;
uint16_t recvswver;
} header;
struct PACKED psrdop
float gdop;
float pdop;
float hdop;
float htdop;
float tdop;
float cutoff;
uint32_t svcount;
// extra data for individual prns
} psrdop {};
struct PACKED bestpos
uint32_t solstat;
uint32_t postype;
double lat;
double lng;
double hgt;
float undulation;
uint32_t datumid;
float latsdev;
float lngsdev;
float hgtsdev;
// 4 bytes
uint8_t stnid[4];
float diffage;
float sol_age;
uint8_t svstracked;
uint8_t svsused;
uint8_t svsl1;
uint8_t svsmultfreq;
uint8_t resv;
uint8_t extsolstat;
uint8_t galbeisigmask;
uint8_t gpsglosigmask;
} bestpos {};
struct PACKED bestvel
uint32_t solstat;
uint32_t veltype;
float latency;
float age;
double horspd;
double trkgnd;
// + up
double vertspd;
float resv;
} bestvel {};
uint16_t time_week;
uint32_t time_week_ms;
gps_time(&time_week, &time_week_ms);
header.preamble[0] = 0xaa;
header.preamble[1] = 0x44;
header.preamble[2] = 0x12;
header.headerlength = sizeof(header);
header.week = time_week;
header.tow = time_week_ms;
header.messageid = 174;
header.messagelength = sizeof(psrdop);
header.sequence += 1;
psrdop.hdop = 1.20;
psrdop.htdop = 1.20;
nova_send_message((uint8_t*)&header,sizeof(header),(uint8_t*)&psrdop, sizeof(psrdop));
header.messageid = 99;
header.messagelength = sizeof(bestvel);
header.sequence += 1;
bestvel.horspd = norm(d->speedN, d->speedE);
bestvel.trkgnd = ToDeg(atan2f(d->speedE, d->speedN));
bestvel.vertspd = -d->speedD;
nova_send_message((uint8_t*)&header,sizeof(header),(uint8_t*)&bestvel, sizeof(bestvel));
header.messageid = 42;
header.messagelength = sizeof(bestpos);
header.sequence += 1;
bestpos.lat = d->latitude;
bestpos.lng = d->longitude;
bestpos.hgt = d->altitude;
bestpos.svsused = _sitl->gps_numsats[instance];
nova_send_message((uint8_t*)&header,sizeof(header),(uint8_t*)&bestpos, sizeof(bestpos));
void GPS::nova_send_message(uint8_t *header, uint8_t headerlength, uint8_t *payload, uint8_t payloadlen)
write_to_autopilot((char*)header, headerlength);
write_to_autopilot((char*)payload, payloadlen);
uint32_t crc = CalculateBlockCRC32(headerlength, header, (uint32_t)0);
crc = CalculateBlockCRC32(payloadlen, payload, crc);
write_to_autopilot((char*)&crc, 4);
#define CRC32_POLYNOMIAL 0xEDB88320L
uint32_t GPS::CRC32Value(uint32_t icrc)
int i;
uint32_t crc = icrc;
for ( i = 8 ; i > 0; i-- )
if ( crc & 1 )
crc = ( crc >> 1 ) ^ CRC32_POLYNOMIAL;
crc >>= 1;
return crc;
uint32_t GPS::CalculateBlockCRC32(uint32_t length, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t crc)
while ( length-- != 0 )
crc = ((crc >> 8) & 0x00FFFFFFL) ^ (CRC32Value(((uint32_t) crc ^ *buffer++) & 0xff));
return( crc );
read file data logged from AP_GPS_DEBUG_LOGGING_ENABLED
void GPS::update_file()
static int fd[2] = {-1,-1};
static uint32_t base_time[2];
const uint16_t lognum = uint16_t(_sitl->gps_log_num.get());
if (instance > 1) {
if (fd[instance] == -1) {
char fname[] = "gpsN_NNN.log";
hal.util->snprintf(fname, 13, "gps%u_%03u.log", instance+1, lognum);
fd[instance] = open(fname, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC);
if (fd[instance] == -1) {
const uint32_t magic = 0x7fe53b04;
struct {
uint32_t magic;
uint32_t time_ms;
uint32_t n;
} header;
uint8_t *buf = nullptr;
while (true) {
if (::read(fd[instance], (void *)&header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header) ||
header.magic != magic) {
goto rewind_file;
if (header.time_ms+base_time[instance] > AP_HAL::millis()) {
// not ready for this data yet
::lseek(fd[instance], -sizeof(header), SEEK_CUR);
buf = new uint8_t[header.n];
if (buf != nullptr && ::read(fd[instance], buf, header.n) == ssize_t(header.n)) {
write_to_autopilot((const char *)buf, header.n);
delete[] buf;
buf = nullptr;
goto rewind_file;
::printf("GPS[%u] rewind\n", unsigned(instance));
base_time[instance] = AP_HAL::millis();
::lseek(fd[instance], 0, SEEK_SET);
delete[] buf;
possibly send a new GPS packet
void GPS::update()
if (!init_sitl_pointer()) {
double latitude =_sitl->state.latitude;
double longitude = _sitl->state.longitude;
float altitude = _sitl->state.altitude;
const double speedN = _sitl->state.speedN;
const double speedE = _sitl->state.speedE;
const double speedD = _sitl->state.speedD;
const uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
if (now_ms < 20000) {
// apply the init offsets for the first 20s. This allows for
// having the origin a long way from the takeoff location,
// which makes testing long flights easier
latitude += _sitl->gps_init_lat_ofs;
longitude += _sitl->gps_init_lon_ofs;
altitude += _sitl->gps_init_alt_ofs;
//Capture current position as basestation location for
if (!_gps_has_basestation_position &&
now_ms >= _sitl->gps_lock_time[0]*1000UL) {
_gps_basestation_data.latitude = latitude;
_gps_basestation_data.longitude = longitude;
_gps_basestation_data.altitude = altitude;
_gps_basestation_data.speedN = speedN;
_gps_basestation_data.speedE = speedE;
_gps_basestation_data.speedD = speedD;
_gps_has_basestation_position = true;
const uint8_t idx = instance; // alias to avoid code churn
struct gps_data d;
// simulate delayed lock times
bool have_lock = (!_sitl->gps_disable[idx] && now_ms >= _sitl->gps_lock_time[idx]*1000UL);
// run at configured GPS rate (default 5Hz)
if ((now_ms - last_update) < (uint32_t)(1000/_sitl->gps_hertz[idx])) {
// swallow any config bytes
char c;
read_from_autopilot(&c, 1);
last_update = now_ms;
d.latitude = latitude;
d.longitude = longitude;
d.yaw_deg = _sitl->state.yawDeg;
d.roll_deg = _sitl->state.rollDeg;
d.pitch_deg = _sitl->state.pitchDeg;
// add an altitude error controlled by a slow sine wave
d.altitude = altitude + _sitl->gps_noise[idx] * sinf(now_ms * 0.0005f) + _sitl->gps_alt_offset[idx];
// Add offet to c.g. velocity to get velocity at antenna and add simulated error
Vector3f velErrorNED = _sitl->gps_vel_err[idx];
d.speedN = speedN + (velErrorNED.x * rand_float());
d.speedE = speedE + (velErrorNED.y * rand_float());
d.speedD = speedD + (velErrorNED.z * rand_float());
d.have_lock = have_lock;
if (_sitl->gps_drift_alt[idx] > 0) {
// slow altitude drift
d.altitude += _sitl->gps_drift_alt[idx]*sinf(now_ms*0.001f*0.02f);
// correct the latitude, longitude, height and NED velocity for the offset between
// the vehicle c.g. and GPs antenna
Vector3f posRelOffsetBF = _sitl->gps_pos_offset[idx];
if (!posRelOffsetBF.is_zero()) {
// get a rotation matrix following DCM conventions (body to earth)
Matrix3f rotmat;
// rotate the antenna offset into the earth frame
Vector3f posRelOffsetEF = rotmat * posRelOffsetBF;
// Add the offset to the latitude, longitude and height using a spherical earth approximation
double const earth_rad_inv = 1.569612305760477e-7; // use Authalic/Volumetric radius
double lng_scale_factor = earth_rad_inv / cos(radians(d.latitude));
d.latitude += degrees(posRelOffsetEF.x * earth_rad_inv);
d.longitude += degrees(posRelOffsetEF.y * lng_scale_factor);
d.altitude -= posRelOffsetEF.z;
// calculate a velocity offset due to the antenna position offset and body rotation rate
// note: % operator is overloaded for cross product
Vector3f gyro(radians(_sitl->state.rollRate),
Vector3f velRelOffsetBF = gyro % posRelOffsetBF;
// rotate the velocity offset into earth frame and add to the c.g. velocity
Vector3f velRelOffsetEF = rotmat * velRelOffsetBF;
d.speedN += velRelOffsetEF.x;
d.speedE += velRelOffsetEF.y;
d.speedD += velRelOffsetEF.z;
// get delayed data
d.timestamp_ms = now_ms;
d = interpolate_data(d, _sitl->gps_delay_ms[instance]);
// Applying GPS glitch
// Using first gps glitch
Vector3f glitch_offsets = _sitl->gps_glitch[idx];
d.latitude += glitch_offsets.x;
d.longitude += glitch_offsets.y;
d.altitude += glitch_offsets.z;
// do GPS-type-dependent updates:
switch ((Type)_sitl->gps_type[instance].get()) {
case Type::NONE:
// no GPS attached
case Type::UBLOX:
case Type::NMEA:
case Type::SBP:
case Type::SBP2:
case Type::NOVA:
case Type::FILE:
get delayed data by interpolation
GPS::gps_data GPS::interpolate_data(const gps_data &d, uint32_t delay_ms)
const uint8_t N = ARRAY_SIZE(_gps_history);
const uint32_t now_ms = d.timestamp_ms;
// add in into history array, shifting old elements
memmove(&_gps_history[1], &_gps_history[0], sizeof(_gps_history[0])*(ARRAY_SIZE(_gps_history)-1));
_gps_history[0] = d;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<N-1; i++) {
uint32_t dt1 = now_ms - _gps_history[i].timestamp_ms;
uint32_t dt2 = now_ms - _gps_history[i+1].timestamp_ms;
if (delay_ms >= dt1 && delay_ms <= dt2) {
// we will interpolate this pair of samples. Start with
// the older sample
const gps_data &s1 = _gps_history[i+1];
const gps_data &s2 = _gps_history[i];
gps_data d2 = s1;
const float p = (dt2 - delay_ms) / MAX(1,float(dt2 - dt1));
d2.latitude += p * (s2.latitude - s1.latitude);
d2.longitude += p * (s2.longitude - s1.longitude);
d2.altitude += p * (s2.altitude - s1.altitude);
d2.speedN += p * (s2.speedN - s1.speedN);
d2.speedE += p * (s2.speedE - s1.speedE);
d2.speedD += p * (s2.speedD - s1.speedD);
d2.yaw_deg += p * (s2.yaw_deg - s1.yaw_deg);
return d2;
// delay is too long, use last sample
return _gps_history[N-1];