mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 12:14:10 -04:00
this makes use of DRefs to greatly improve XPlane support. It only supports XPlane 11 and later The key change is the use of a JSON file to map ArduPilot output channels to DataRefs, and map raw joystick inputs to RC inputs this gets rid of the awful throttle hack handling, and allows for control of a much wider range of aircraft
1142 lines
36 KiB
1142 lines
36 KiB
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
parent class for aircraft simulators
#include "SIM_Aircraft.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__CYGWIN64__)
#include <windows.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>
#include <AP_Logger/AP_Logger.h>
#include <AP_Param/AP_Param.h>
#include <AP_Declination/AP_Declination.h>
#include <AP_Terrain/AP_Terrain.h>
#include <AP_Scheduler/AP_Scheduler.h>
#include <AP_BoardConfig/AP_BoardConfig.h>
#include "picojson.h"
#include <AP_Filesystem/AP_Filesystem.h>
using namespace SITL;
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
parent class for all simulator types
Aircraft::Aircraft(const char *frame_str) :
// make the SIM_* variables available to simulator backends
sitl = AP::sitl();
last_wall_time_us = get_wall_time_us();
// allow for orientation settings, such as with tailsitters
enum ap_var_type ptype;
ahrs_orientation = (AP_Int8 *)AP_Param::find("AHRS_ORIENTATION", &ptype);
// ahrs_orientation->get() returns ROTATION_NONE here, regardless of the actual value
enum Rotation imu_rotation = ahrs_orientation?(enum Rotation)ahrs_orientation->get():ROTATION_NONE;
last_imu_rotation = imu_rotation;
// sitl is null if running example program
if (sitl) {
sitl->ahrs_rotation_inv = sitl->ahrs_rotation.transposed();
// init rangefinder array to -1 to signify no data
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(rangefinder_m); i++){
rangefinder_m[i] = -1.0f;
void Aircraft::set_start_location(const Location &start_loc, const float start_yaw)
home = start_loc;
origin = home;
home_yaw = start_yaw;
home_is_set = true;
::printf("Home: %f %f alt=%fm hdg=%f\n",
location = home;
ground_level = home.alt * 0.01f;
#if 0
// useful test for home position being very different from origin
home.offset(-3000*1000, 1800*1000);
dcm.from_euler(0.0f, 0.0f, radians(home_yaw));
return difference in altitude between home position and current loc
float Aircraft::ground_height_difference() const
AP_Terrain *terrain = AP::terrain();
float h1, h2;
if (sitl &&
terrain != nullptr &&
sitl->terrain_enable &&
terrain->height_amsl(home, h1, false) &&
terrain->height_amsl(location, h2, false)) {
h2 += local_ground_level;
return h2 - h1;
return local_ground_level;
void Aircraft::set_precland(SIM_Precland *_precland) {
precland = _precland;
precland->set_default_location(home.lat * 1.0e-7f, home.lng * 1.0e-7f, static_cast<int16_t>(get_home_yaw()));
return current height above ground level (metres)
float Aircraft::hagl() const
return (-position.z) + home.alt * 0.01f - ground_level - frame_height - ground_height_difference();
return true if we are on the ground
bool Aircraft::on_ground() const
return hagl() <= 0.001f; // prevent bouncing around ground
update location from position
void Aircraft::update_position(void)
location = origin;
location.offset(position.x, position.y);
location.alt = static_cast<int32_t>(home.alt - position.z * 100.0f);
#if 0
Vector3d pos_home = position;
pos_home.xy() += home.get_distance_NE_double(origin);
// logging of raw sitl data
Vector3f accel_ef = dcm * accel_body;
// @LoggerMessage: SITL
// @Description: Simulation data
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: VN: Velocity - North component
// @Field: VE: Velocity - East component
// @Field: VD: Velocity - Down component
// @Field: AN: Acceleration - North component
// @Field: AE: Acceleration - East component
// @Field: AD: Acceleration - Down component
// @Field: PN: Position - North component
// @Field: PE: Position - East component
// @Field: PD: Position - Down component
AP::logger().WriteStreaming("SITL", "TimeUS,VN,VE,VD,AN,AE,AD,PN,PE,PD", "Qfffffffff",
velocity_ef.x, velocity_ef.y, velocity_ef.z,
accel_ef.x, accel_ef.y, accel_ef.z,
pos_home.x, pos_home.y, pos_home.z);
uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
if (now - last_one_hz_ms >= 1000) {
// shift origin of position at 1Hz to current location
// this prevents sperical errors building up in the GPS data
last_one_hz_ms = now;
Vector2d diffNE = origin.get_distance_NE_double(location);
position.xy() -= diffNE;
smoothing.position.xy() -= diffNE;
origin.lat = location.lat;
origin.lng = location.lng;
update body magnetic field from position and rotation
void Aircraft::update_mag_field_bf()
// get the magnetic field intensity and orientation
float intensity;
float declination;
float inclination;
AP_Declination::get_mag_field_ef(location.lat * 1e-7f, location.lng * 1e-7f, intensity, declination, inclination);
// create a field vector and rotate to the required orientation
Vector3f mag_ef(1e3f * intensity, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Matrix3f R;
R.from_euler(0.0f, -ToRad(inclination), ToRad(declination));
mag_ef = R * mag_ef;
// calculate frame height above ground
const float frame_height_agl = fmaxf((-position.z) + home.alt * 0.01f - ground_level, 0.0f);
if (!sitl) {
// running example program
// calculate scaling factor that varies from 1 at ground level to 1/8 at sitl->mag_anomaly_hgt
// Assume magnetic anomaly strength scales with 1/R**3
float anomaly_scaler = (sitl->mag_anomaly_hgt / (frame_height_agl + sitl->mag_anomaly_hgt));
anomaly_scaler = anomaly_scaler * anomaly_scaler * anomaly_scaler;
// add scaled anomaly to earth field
mag_ef += sitl->mag_anomaly_ned.get() * anomaly_scaler;
// Rotate into body frame
mag_bf = dcm.transposed() * mag_ef;
// add motor interference
mag_bf += sitl->mag_mot.get() * battery_current;
/* advance time by deltat in seconds */
void Aircraft::time_advance()
// we only advance time if it hasn't been advanced already by the
// backend
if (last_time_us == time_now_us) {
time_now_us += frame_time_us;
last_time_us = time_now_us;
if (use_time_sync) {
/* setup the frame step time */
void Aircraft::setup_frame_time(float new_rate, float new_speedup)
rate_hz = new_rate;
target_speedup = new_speedup;
frame_time_us = uint64_t(1.0e6f/rate_hz);
last_wall_time_us = get_wall_time_us();
/* adjust frame_time calculation */
void Aircraft::adjust_frame_time(float new_rate)
frame_time_us = uint64_t(1.0e6f/new_rate);
rate_hz = new_rate;
try to synchronise simulation time with wall clock time, taking
into account desired speedup
This tries to take account of possible granularity of
get_wall_time_us() so it works reasonably well on windows
void Aircraft::sync_frame_time(void)
uint64_t now = get_wall_time_us();
uint64_t dt_us = now - last_wall_time_us;
const float target_dt_us = 1.0e6/(rate_hz*target_speedup);
// accumulate sleep debt if we're running too fast
sleep_debt_us += target_dt_us - dt_us;
if (sleep_debt_us < -1.0e5) {
// don't let a large negative debt build up
sleep_debt_us = -1.0e5;
if (sleep_debt_us > min_sleep_time) {
// sleep if we have built up a debt of min_sleep_tim
// ??
sleep_debt_us -= (get_wall_time_us() - now);
last_wall_time_us = get_wall_time_us();
uint32_t now_ms = last_wall_time_us / 1000ULL;
float dt_wall = (now_ms - last_fps_report_ms) * 0.001;
if (dt_wall > 2.0) {
#if 0
const float achieved_rate_hz = (frame_counter - last_frame_count) / dt_wall;
::printf("Rate: target:%.1f achieved:%.1f speedup %.1f/%.1f\n",
rate_hz*target_speedup, achieved_rate_hz,
achieved_rate_hz/rate_hz, target_speedup);
last_frame_count = frame_counter;
last_fps_report_ms = now_ms;
/* add noise based on throttle level (from 0..1) */
void Aircraft::add_noise(float throttle)
gyro += Vector3f(rand_normal(0, 1),
rand_normal(0, 1),
rand_normal(0, 1)) * gyro_noise * fabsf(throttle);
accel_body += Vector3f(rand_normal(0, 1),
rand_normal(0, 1),
rand_normal(0, 1)) * accel_noise * fabsf(throttle);
normal distribution random numbers
double Aircraft::rand_normal(double mean, double stddev)
static double n2 = 0.0;
static int n2_cached = 0;
if (!n2_cached) {
double x, y, r;
x = 2.0 * rand()/RAND_MAX - 1;
y = 2.0 * rand()/RAND_MAX - 1;
r = x*x + y*y;
} while (is_zero(r) || r > 1.0);
const double d = sqrt(-2.0 * log(r)/r);
const double n1 = x * d;
n2 = y * d;
const double result = n1 * stddev + mean;
n2_cached = 1;
return result;
} else {
n2_cached = 0;
return n2 * stddev + mean;
fill a sitl_fdm structure from the simulator state
void Aircraft::fill_fdm(struct sitl_fdm &fdm)
bool is_smoothed = false;
if (use_smoothing) {
is_smoothed = true;
fdm.timestamp_us = time_now_us;
if (fdm.home.lat == 0 && fdm.home.lng == 0) {
// initialise home
fdm.home = home;
fdm.is_lock_step_scheduled = lock_step_scheduled;
fdm.latitude = location.lat * 1.0e-7;
fdm.longitude = location.lng * 1.0e-7;
fdm.altitude = location.alt * 1.0e-2;
fdm.heading = degrees(atan2f(velocity_ef.y, velocity_ef.x));
fdm.speedN = velocity_ef.x;
fdm.speedE = velocity_ef.y;
fdm.speedD = velocity_ef.z;
fdm.xAccel = accel_body.x;
fdm.yAccel = accel_body.y;
fdm.zAccel = accel_body.z;
fdm.rollRate = degrees(gyro.x);
fdm.pitchRate = degrees(gyro.y);
fdm.yawRate = degrees(gyro.z);
float r, p, y;
dcm.to_euler(&r, &p, &y);
fdm.rollDeg = degrees(r);
fdm.pitchDeg = degrees(p);
fdm.yawDeg = degrees(y);
fdm.airspeed = airspeed_pitot;
fdm.velocity_air_bf = velocity_air_bf;
fdm.battery_voltage = battery_voltage;
fdm.battery_current = battery_current;
fdm.motor_mask = motor_mask | sitl->vibe_motor_mask;
memcpy(fdm.rpm, rpm, sizeof(fdm.rpm));
fdm.rcin_chan_count = rcin_chan_count;
fdm.range = rangefinder_range();
memcpy(fdm.rcin, rcin, rcin_chan_count * sizeof(float));
fdm.bodyMagField = mag_bf;
// copy laser scanner results
fdm.scanner.points = scanner.points;
fdm.scanner.ranges = scanner.ranges;
// copy rangefinder
memcpy(fdm.rangefinder_m, rangefinder_m, sizeof(fdm.rangefinder_m));
fdm.wind_vane_apparent.direction = wind_vane_apparent.direction;
fdm.wind_vane_apparent.speed = wind_vane_apparent.speed;
fdm.wind_ef = wind_ef;
if (is_smoothed) {
fdm.xAccel = smoothing.accel_body.x;
fdm.yAccel = smoothing.accel_body.y;
fdm.zAccel = smoothing.accel_body.z;
fdm.rollRate = degrees(smoothing.gyro.x);
fdm.pitchRate = degrees(smoothing.gyro.y);
fdm.yawRate = degrees(smoothing.gyro.z);
fdm.speedN = smoothing.velocity_ef.x;
fdm.speedE = smoothing.velocity_ef.y;
fdm.speedD = smoothing.velocity_ef.z;
fdm.latitude = smoothing.location.lat * 1.0e-7;
fdm.longitude = smoothing.location.lng * 1.0e-7;
fdm.altitude = smoothing.location.alt * 1.0e-2;
if (ahrs_orientation != nullptr) {
enum Rotation imu_rotation = (enum Rotation)ahrs_orientation->get();
if (imu_rotation != last_imu_rotation) {
sitl->ahrs_rotation_inv = sitl->ahrs_rotation.transposed();
last_imu_rotation = imu_rotation;
if (imu_rotation != ROTATION_NONE) {
Matrix3f m = dcm;
m = m * sitl->ahrs_rotation_inv;
m.to_euler(&r, &p, &y);
fdm.rollDeg = degrees(r);
fdm.pitchDeg = degrees(p);
fdm.yawDeg = degrees(y);
// in the first call here, if a speedup option is specified, overwrite it
if (is_equal(last_speedup, -1.0f) && !is_equal(get_speedup(), 1.0f)) {
if (!is_equal(last_speedup, float(sitl->speedup)) && sitl->speedup > 0) {
last_speedup = sitl->speedup;
// for EKF comparison log relhome pos and velocity at loop rate
static uint16_t last_ticks;
uint16_t ticks = AP::scheduler().ticks();
if (last_ticks != ticks) {
last_ticks = ticks;
// @LoggerMessage: SIM2
// @Description: Additional simulator state
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: PN: North position from home
// @Field: PE: East position from home
// @Field: PD: Down position from home
// @Field: VN: Velocity north
// @Field: VE: Velocity east
// @Field: VD: Velocity down
// @Field: As: Airspeed
Vector3d pos = get_position_relhome();
Vector3f vel = get_velocity_ef();
AP::logger().WriteStreaming("SIM2", "TimeUS,PN,PE,PD,VN,VE,VD,As",
pos.x, pos.y, pos.z,
vel.x, vel.y, vel.z,
// returns perpendicular height to surface downward-facing rangefinder
// is bouncing off:
float Aircraft::perpendicular_distance_to_rangefinder_surface() const
switch ((Rotation)sitl->sonar_rot.get()) {
case Rotation::ROTATION_PITCH_270:
return sitl->height_agl;
return sitl->measure_distance_at_angle_bf(location, sitl->sonar_rot.get()*45);
AP_BoardConfig::config_error("Bad simulated sonar rotation");
float Aircraft::rangefinder_range() const
float roll = sitl->state.rollDeg;
float pitch = sitl->state.pitchDeg;
if (roll > 0) {
roll -= rangefinder_beam_width();
if (roll < 0) {
roll = 0;
} else {
roll += rangefinder_beam_width();
if (roll > 0) {
roll = 0;
if (pitch > 0) {
pitch -= rangefinder_beam_width();
if (pitch < 0) {
pitch = 0;
} else {
pitch += rangefinder_beam_width();
if (pitch > 0) {
pitch = 0;
if (fabs(roll) >= 90.0 || fabs(pitch) >= 90.0) {
// not going to hit the ground....
return INFINITY;
float altitude = perpendicular_distance_to_rangefinder_surface();
// sensor position offset in body frame
const Vector3f relPosSensorBF = sitl->rngfnd_pos_offset;
// n.b. the following code is assuming rotation-pitch-270:
// adjust altitude for position of the sensor on the vehicle if position offset is non-zero
if (!relPosSensorBF.is_zero()) {
// get a rotation matrix following DCM conventions (body to earth)
Matrix3f rotmat;
// rotate the offset into earth frame
const Vector3f relPosSensorEF = rotmat * relPosSensorBF;
// correct the altitude at the sensor
altitude -= relPosSensorEF.z;
// adjust for apparent altitude with roll
altitude /= cosf(radians(roll)) * cosf(radians(pitch));
// Add some noise on reading
altitude += sitl->sonar_noise * rand_float();
return altitude;
// potentially replace this with a call to AP_HAL::Util::get_hw_rtc
uint64_t Aircraft::get_wall_time_us() const
#if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__CYGWIN64__)
static DWORD tPrev;
static uint64_t last_ret_us;
if (tPrev == 0) {
tPrev = timeGetTime();
return 0;
DWORD now = timeGetTime();
last_ret_us += (uint64_t)((now - tPrev)*1000UL);
tPrev = now;
return last_ret_us;
struct timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
return uint64_t(ts.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + ts.tv_nsec / 1000ULL);
return AP_HAL::micros64();
set simulation speedup
void Aircraft::set_speedup(float speedup)
setup_frame_time(rate_hz, speedup);
void Aircraft::update_model(const struct sitl_input &input)
if (!home_is_set) {
if (sitl == nullptr) {
Location loc;
loc.lat = sitl->opos.lat.get() * 1.0e7;
loc.lng = sitl->opos.lng.get() * 1.0e7;
loc.alt = sitl->opos.alt.get() * 1.0e2;
set_start_location(loc, sitl->opos.hdg.get());
local_ground_level = 0.0f;
update the simulation attitude and relative position
void Aircraft::update_dynamics(const Vector3f &rot_accel)
const float delta_time = frame_time_us * 1.0e-6f;
// update rotational rates in body frame
gyro += rot_accel * delta_time;
gyro.x = constrain_float(gyro.x, -radians(2000.0f), radians(2000.0f));
gyro.y = constrain_float(gyro.y, -radians(2000.0f), radians(2000.0f));
gyro.z = constrain_float(gyro.z, -radians(2000.0f), radians(2000.0f));
// update attitude
dcm.rotate(gyro * delta_time);
Vector3f accel_earth = dcm * accel_body;
accel_earth += Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, GRAVITY_MSS);
// if we're on the ground, then our vertical acceleration is limited
// to zero. This effectively adds the force of the ground on the aircraft
if (on_ground() && accel_earth.z > 0) {
accel_earth.z = 0;
// work out acceleration as seen by the accelerometers. It sees the kinematic
// acceleration (ie. real movement), plus gravity
accel_body = dcm.transposed() * (accel_earth + Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -GRAVITY_MSS));
// new velocity vector
velocity_ef += accel_earth * delta_time;
const bool was_on_ground = on_ground();
// new position vector
position += (velocity_ef * delta_time).todouble();
// velocity relative to air mass, in earth frame
velocity_air_ef = velocity_ef - wind_ef;
// velocity relative to airmass in body frame
velocity_air_bf = dcm.transposed() * velocity_air_ef;
// airspeed
airspeed = velocity_air_ef.length();
// airspeed as seen by a fwd pitot tube (limited to 120m/s)
airspeed_pitot = constrain_float(velocity_air_bf * Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f, 120.0f);
// constrain height to the ground
if (on_ground()) {
if (!was_on_ground && AP_HAL::millis() - last_ground_contact_ms > 1000) {
GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "SIM Hit ground at %f m/s", velocity_ef.z);
last_ground_contact_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
position.z = -(ground_level + frame_height - home.alt * 0.01f + ground_height_difference());
// get speed of ground movement (for ship takeoff/landing)
float yaw_rate = 0;
const Vector2f ship_movement = sitl->shipsim.get_ground_speed_adjustment(location, yaw_rate);
const Vector3f gnd_movement(ship_movement.x, ship_movement.y, 0);
const Vector3f gnd_movement;
switch (ground_behavior) {
// zero roll/pitch, but keep yaw
float r, p, y;
dcm.to_euler(&r, &p, &y);
y = y + yaw_rate * delta_time;
dcm.from_euler(0.0f, 0.0f, y);
// X, Y movement tracks ground movement
velocity_ef.x = gnd_movement.x;
velocity_ef.y = gnd_movement.y;
if (velocity_ef.z > 0.0f) {
velocity_ef.z = 0.0f;
use_smoothing = true;
// zero roll/pitch, but keep yaw
float r, p, y;
dcm.to_euler(&r, &p, &y);
if (velocity_ef.length() < 5) {
// at high speeds don't constrain pitch, otherwise we
// can get stuck in takeoff
p = 0;
} else {
p = MAX(p, 0);
y = y + yaw_rate * delta_time;
dcm.from_euler(0.0f, p, y);
// only fwd movement
Vector3f v_bf = dcm.transposed() * velocity_ef;
v_bf.y = 0.0f;
if (v_bf.x < 0.0f) {
v_bf.x = 0.0f;
Vector3f gnd_movement_bf = dcm.transposed() * gnd_movement;
// lateral speed equals ground movement
v_bf.y = gnd_movement_bf.y;
if (!gnd_movement_bf.is_zero()) {
// fwd speed slowly approaches ground movement to simulate wheel friction
const float tconst = 20; // seconds
const float alpha = delta_time/(delta_time+tconst/M_2PI);
v_bf.x += (gnd_movement.x - v_bf.x) * alpha;
velocity_ef = dcm * v_bf;
if (velocity_ef.z > 0.0f) {
velocity_ef.z = 0.0f;
gyro.z = yaw_rate;
use_smoothing = true;
// rotate normal refernce frame to get yaw angle, then rotate back
Matrix3f rot;
float r, p, y;
(dcm * rot).to_euler(&r, &p, &y);
y = y + yaw_rate * delta_time;
dcm.from_euler(0.0, 0.0, y);
dcm *= rot;
// X, Y movement tracks ground movement
velocity_ef.x = gnd_movement.x;
velocity_ef.y = gnd_movement.y;
if (velocity_ef.z > 0.0f) {
velocity_ef.z = 0.0f;
gyro.x = yaw_rate;
use_smoothing = true;
// allow for changes in physics step
adjust_frame_time(constrain_float(sitl->loop_rate_hz, rate_hz-1, rate_hz+1));
update wind vector
void Aircraft::update_wind(const struct sitl_input &input)
// wind vector in earth frame
wind_ef = Vector3f(cosf(radians(input.wind.direction))*cosf(radians(input.wind.dir_z)),
sinf(radians(input.wind.dir_z))) * input.wind.speed;
wind_ef.z += get_local_updraft(position + home.get_distance_NED_double(origin));
const float wind_turb = input.wind.turbulence * 10.0f; // scale input.wind.turbulence to match standard deviation when using iir_coef=0.98
const float iir_coef = 0.98f; // filtering high frequencies from turbulence
if (wind_turb > 0 && !on_ground()) {
turbulence_azimuth = turbulence_azimuth + (2 * rand());
turbulence_horizontal_speed =
static_cast<float>(turbulence_horizontal_speed * iir_coef+wind_turb * rand_normal(0, 1) * (1 - iir_coef));
turbulence_vertical_speed = static_cast<float>((turbulence_vertical_speed * iir_coef) + (wind_turb * rand_normal(0, 1) * (1 - iir_coef)));
wind_ef += Vector3f(
cosf(radians(turbulence_azimuth)) * turbulence_horizontal_speed,
sinf(radians(turbulence_azimuth)) * turbulence_horizontal_speed,
// the AHRS wants wind with opposite sense
wind_ef = -wind_ef;
smooth sensors for kinematic consistancy when we interact with the ground
void Aircraft::smooth_sensors(void)
uint64_t now = time_now_us;
Vector3d delta_pos = position - smoothing.position;
if (smoothing.last_update_us == 0 || delta_pos.length() > 10) {
smoothing.position = position;
smoothing.rotation_b2e = dcm;
smoothing.accel_body = accel_body;
smoothing.velocity_ef = velocity_ef;
smoothing.gyro = gyro;
smoothing.last_update_us = now;
smoothing.location = location;
printf("Smoothing reset at %.3f\n", now * 1.0e-6f);
const float delta_time = (now - smoothing.last_update_us) * 1.0e-6f;
if (delta_time < 0 || delta_time > 0.1) {
// calculate required accel to get us to desired position and velocity in the time_constant
const float time_constant = 0.1f;
Vector3f dvel = (velocity_ef - smoothing.velocity_ef) + (delta_pos / time_constant).tofloat();
Vector3f accel_e = dvel / time_constant + (dcm * accel_body + Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, GRAVITY_MSS));
const float accel_limit = 14 * GRAVITY_MSS;
accel_e.x = constrain_float(accel_e.x, -accel_limit, accel_limit);
accel_e.y = constrain_float(accel_e.y, -accel_limit, accel_limit);
accel_e.z = constrain_float(accel_e.z, -accel_limit, accel_limit);
smoothing.accel_body = smoothing.rotation_b2e.transposed() * (accel_e + Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -GRAVITY_MSS));
// calculate rotational rate to get us to desired attitude in time constant
Quaternion desired_q, current_q, error_q;
error_q = desired_q / current_q;
Vector3f angle_differential;
smoothing.gyro = gyro + angle_differential / time_constant;
float R, P, Y;
smoothing.rotation_b2e.to_euler(&R, &P, &Y);
float R2, P2, Y2;
dcm.to_euler(&R2, &P2, &Y2);
#if 0
// @LoggerMessage: SMOO
// @Description: Smoothed sensor data fed to EKF to avoid inconsistencies
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: AEx: Angular Velocity (around x-axis)
// @Field: AEy: Angular Velocity (around y-axis)
// @Field: AEz: Angular Velocity (around z-axis)
// @Field: DPx: Velocity (along x-axis)
// @Field: DPy: Velocity (along y-axis)
// @Field: DPz: Velocity (along z-axis)
// @Field: R: Roll
// @Field: P: Pitch
// @Field: Y: Yaw
// @Field: R2: DCM Roll
// @Field: P2: DCM Pitch
// @Field: Y2: DCM Yaw
AP::logger().WriteStreaming("SMOO", "TimeUS,AEx,AEy,AEz,DPx,DPy,DPz,R,P,Y,R2,P2,Y2",
delta_pos.x, delta_pos.y, delta_pos.z,
degrees(R), degrees(P), degrees(Y),
degrees(R2), degrees(P2), degrees(Y2));
// integrate to get new attitude
smoothing.rotation_b2e.rotate(smoothing.gyro * delta_time);
// integrate to get new position
smoothing.velocity_ef += accel_e * delta_time;
smoothing.position += (smoothing.velocity_ef * delta_time).todouble();
smoothing.location = origin;
smoothing.location.offset(smoothing.position.x, smoothing.position.y);
smoothing.location.alt = static_cast<int32_t>(home.alt - smoothing.position.z * 100.0f);
smoothing.last_update_us = now;
return a filtered servo input as a value from -1 to 1
servo is assumed to be 1000 to 2000, trim at 1500
float Aircraft::filtered_idx(float v, uint8_t idx)
if (sitl->servo_speed <= 0) {
return v;
const float cutoff = 1.0f / (2 * M_PI * sitl->servo_speed);
if (idx >= ARRAY_SIZE(servo_filter)) {
AP_HAL::panic("Attempt to filter invalid servo at offset %u", (unsigned)idx);
return servo_filter[idx].apply(v, frame_time_us * 1.0e-6f);
return a filtered servo input as a value from -1 to 1
servo is assumed to be 1000 to 2000, trim at 1500
float Aircraft::filtered_servo_angle(const struct sitl_input &input, uint8_t idx)
const float v = (input.servos[idx] - 1500)/500.0f;
return filtered_idx(v, idx);
return a filtered servo input as a value from 0 to 1
servo is assumed to be 1000 to 2000
float Aircraft::filtered_servo_range(const struct sitl_input &input, uint8_t idx)
const float v = (input.servos[idx] - 1000)/1000.0f;
return filtered_idx(v, idx);
// extrapolate sensors by a given delta time in seconds
void Aircraft::extrapolate_sensors(float delta_time)
Vector3f accel_earth = dcm * accel_body;
accel_earth.z += GRAVITY_MSS;
dcm.rotate(gyro * delta_time);
// work out acceleration as seen by the accelerometers. It sees the kinematic
// acceleration (ie. real movement), plus gravity
accel_body = dcm.transposed() * (accel_earth + Vector3f(0,0,-GRAVITY_MSS));
// new velocity and position vectors
velocity_ef += accel_earth * delta_time;
position += (velocity_ef * delta_time).todouble();
velocity_air_ef = velocity_ef - wind_ef;
velocity_air_bf = dcm.transposed() * velocity_air_ef;
void Aircraft::update_external_payload(const struct sitl_input &input)
external_payload_mass = 0;
// update sprayer
if (sprayer && sprayer->is_enabled()) {
external_payload_mass += sprayer->payload_mass();
const float range = rangefinder_range();
for (uint8_t i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(rangefinder_m); i++) {
rangefinder_m[i] = range;
// update i2c
if (i2c) {
// update buzzer
if (buzzer && buzzer->is_enabled()) {
// update grippers
if (gripper && gripper->is_enabled()) {
external_payload_mass += gripper->payload_mass();
if (gripper_epm && gripper_epm->is_enabled()) {
external_payload_mass += gripper_epm->payload_mass();
// update parachute
if (parachute && parachute->is_enabled()) {
// TODO: add drag to vehicle, presumably proportional to velocity
if (precland && precland->is_enabled()) {
precland->update(get_location(), get_position_relhome());
if (precland->_over_precland_base) {
local_ground_level += precland->_device_height;
// update RichenPower generator
if (richenpower) {
if (fetteconewireesc) {
// update IntelligentEnergy 2.4kW generator
if (ie24) {
void Aircraft::add_shove_forces(Vector3f &rot_accel, Vector3f &body_accel)
const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
if (sitl == nullptr) {
if (sitl->shove.t == 0) {
if (sitl->shove.start_ms == 0) {
sitl->shove.start_ms = now;
if (now - sitl->shove.start_ms < uint32_t(sitl->shove.t)) {
// FIXME: can we get a vector operation here instead?
body_accel.x += sitl->shove.x;
body_accel.y += sitl->shove.y;
body_accel.z += sitl->shove.z;
} else {
sitl->shove.start_ms = 0;
float Aircraft::get_local_updraft(const Vector3d ¤tPos)
int scenario = sitl->thermal_scenario;
#define MAX_THERMALS 10
float thermals_w[MAX_THERMALS];
float thermals_r[MAX_THERMALS];
float thermals_x[MAX_THERMALS];
float thermals_y[MAX_THERMALS];
int n_thermals = 0;
switch (scenario) {
case 0:
return 0;
case 1:
n_thermals = 1;
thermals_w[0] = 2.0;
thermals_r[0] = 80.0;
thermals_x[0] = -180.0;
thermals_y[0] = -260.0;
case 2:
n_thermals = 1;
thermals_w[0] = 4.0;
thermals_r[0] = 30.0;
thermals_x[0] = -180.0;
thermals_y[0] = -260.0;
case 3:
n_thermals = 1;
thermals_w[0] = 2.0;
thermals_r[0] = 30.0;
thermals_x[0] = -180.0;
thermals_y[0] = -260.0;
AP_BoardConfig::config_error("Bad thermal scenario");
// Wind drift at this altitude
float driftX = sitl->wind_speed * (currentPos.z+100) * cosf(sitl->wind_direction * DEG_TO_RAD);
float driftY = sitl->wind_speed * (currentPos.z+100) * sinf(sitl->wind_direction * DEG_TO_RAD);
int iThermal;
float w = 0.0f;
float r2;
for (iThermal=0;iThermal<n_thermals;iThermal++) {
Vector3d thermalPos(thermals_x[iThermal] + driftX/thermals_w[iThermal],
thermals_y[iThermal] + driftY/thermals_w[iThermal],
Vector3d relVec = currentPos - thermalPos;
r2 = relVec.x*relVec.x + relVec.y*relVec.y;
w += thermals_w[iThermal]*exp(-r2/(thermals_r[iThermal]*thermals_r[iThermal]));
return w;
void Aircraft::add_twist_forces(Vector3f &rot_accel)
if (sitl == nullptr) {
if (sitl->gnd_behav != -1) {
ground_behavior = (GroundBehaviour)sitl->gnd_behav.get();
const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
if (sitl == nullptr) {
if (sitl->twist.t == 0) {
if (sitl->twist.start_ms == 0) {
sitl->twist.start_ms = now;
if (now - sitl->twist.start_ms < uint32_t(sitl->twist.t)) {
// FIXME: can we get a vector operation here instead?
rot_accel.x += sitl->twist.x;
rot_accel.y += sitl->twist.y;
rot_accel.z += sitl->twist.z;
} else {
sitl->twist.start_ms = 0;
get position relative to home
Vector3d Aircraft::get_position_relhome() const
Vector3d pos = position;
pos.xy() += home.get_distance_NE_double(origin);
return pos;