mirror of https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot synced 2025-03-06 13:44:21 -04:00
Jason Short c42f9ece43 Inertial Control
I added inertial navigation based on the simulator data. This is an option only available if you compile with Arduino and set
in the APM_Config.h file.

This has been tested for one real flight and did not crash my quad, but consider it very alpha. The quad may be unpredictable at first until the error correction fixes poorly calibrated accels. Be Careful.

Most of the real work is in the inertia file, but the error correction, new variable defines and calibration calls are sprinkled throughout.

The Log should record RAW messages with special debugging values.
2012-06-13 22:34:45 -07:00

706 lines
19 KiB

/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
static int16_t
get_stabilize_roll(int32_t target_angle)
// angle error
target_angle = wrap_180(target_angle - ahrs.roll_sensor);
// limit the error we're feeding to the PID
target_angle = constrain(target_angle, -4500, 4500);
// convert to desired Rate:
target_angle = g.pi_stabilize_roll.get_pi(target_angle, G_Dt);
// output control:
return constrain(target_angle, -4500, 4500);
// convert to desired Rate:
int32_t target_rate = g.pi_stabilize_roll.get_p(target_angle);
int16_t i_stab;
if(abs(ahrs.roll_sensor) < 500){
target_angle = constrain(target_angle, -500, 500);
i_stab = g.pi_stabilize_roll.get_i(target_angle, G_Dt);
i_stab = g.pi_stabilize_roll.get_integrator();
return get_rate_roll(target_rate) + i_stab;
static int16_t
get_stabilize_pitch(int32_t target_angle)
// angle error
target_angle = wrap_180(target_angle - ahrs.pitch_sensor);
// limit the error we're feeding to the PID
target_angle = constrain(target_angle, -4500, 4500);
// convert to desired Rate:
target_angle = g.pi_stabilize_pitch.get_pi(target_angle, G_Dt);
// output control:
return constrain(target_angle, -4500, 4500);
// convert to desired Rate:
int32_t target_rate = g.pi_stabilize_pitch.get_p(target_angle);
int16_t i_stab;
if(abs(ahrs.roll_sensor) < 500){
target_angle = constrain(target_angle, -500, 500);
i_stab = g.pi_stabilize_pitch.get_i(target_angle, G_Dt);
i_stab = g.pi_stabilize_pitch.get_integrator();
return get_rate_pitch(target_rate) + i_stab;
static int16_t
get_stabilize_yaw(int32_t target_angle)
int32_t target_rate,i_term;
int32_t angle_error;
int32_t output;
// angle error
angle_error = wrap_180(target_angle - ahrs.yaw_sensor);
// limit the error we're feeding to the PID
angle_error = constrain(angle_error, -4500, 4500);
angle_error = constrain(angle_error, -2000, 2000);
// convert angle error to desired Rate:
target_rate = g.pi_stabilize_yaw.get_p(angle_error);
i_term = g.pi_stabilize_yaw.get_i(angle_error, G_Dt);
// do not use rate controllers for helicotpers with external gyros
output = get_rate_yaw(target_rate) + i_term;
output = constrain((target_rate + i_term), -4500, 4500);
output = get_rate_yaw(target_rate) + i_term;
static int8_t log_counter = 0; // used to slow down logging of PID values to dataflash
// log output if PID logging is on and we are tuning the yaw
if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && (g.radio_tuning == CH6_YAW_KP || g.radio_tuning == CH6_YAW_RATE_KP) ) {
if( log_counter >= 10 ) { // (update rate / desired output rate) = (100hz / 10hz) = 10
log_counter = 0;
Log_Write_PID(CH6_YAW_KP, angle_error, target_rate, i_term, 0, output, tuning_value);
// ensure output does not go beyond barries of what an int16_t can hold
return constrain(output,-32000,32000);
static int16_t
get_acro_roll(int32_t target_rate)
target_rate = target_rate * g.acro_p;
return get_rate_roll(target_rate);
static int16_t
get_acro_pitch(int32_t target_rate)
target_rate = target_rate * g.acro_p;
return get_rate_pitch(target_rate);
static int16_t
get_acro_yaw(int32_t target_rate)
target_rate = g.pi_stabilize_yaw.get_p(target_rate);
return get_rate_yaw(target_rate);
static int16_t
get_rate_roll(int32_t target_rate)
static int32_t last_rate = 0; // previous iterations rate
int32_t p,i,d; // used to capture pid values for logging
int32_t current_rate; // this iteration's rate
int32_t rate_error; // simply target_rate - current_rate
int32_t rate_d; // roll's acceleration
int32_t output; // output from pid controller
int32_t rate_d_dampener; // value to dampen output based on acceleration
// get current rate
current_rate = (omega.x * DEGX100);
// calculate and filter the acceleration
rate_d = roll_rate_d_filter.apply(current_rate - last_rate);
// store rate for next iteration
last_rate = current_rate;
// call pid controller
rate_error = target_rate - current_rate;
p = g.pid_rate_roll.get_p(rate_error);
i = g.pid_rate_roll.get_i(rate_error, G_Dt);
d = g.pid_rate_roll.get_d(rate_error, G_Dt);
output = p + i + d;
// Dampening output with D term
rate_d_dampener = rate_d * roll_scale_d;
rate_d_dampener = constrain(rate_d_dampener, -400, 400);
output -= rate_d_dampener;
// constrain output
output = constrain(output, -5000, 5000);
static int8_t log_counter = 0; // used to slow down logging of PID values to dataflash
// log output if PID logging is on and we are tuning the rate P, I or D gains
if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && (g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KP || g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KI || g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KD) ) {
if( log_counter >= 10 ) { // (update rate / desired output rate) = (100hz / 10hz) = 10
log_counter = 0;
Log_Write_PID(CH6_RATE_KP, rate_error, p, i, d-rate_d_dampener, output, tuning_value);
// output control
return output;
static int16_t
get_rate_pitch(int32_t target_rate)
static int32_t last_rate = 0; // previous iterations rate
int32_t p,i,d; // used to capture pid values for logging
int32_t current_rate; // this iteration's rate
int32_t rate_error; // simply target_rate - current_rate
int32_t rate_d; // roll's acceleration
int32_t output; // output from pid controller
int32_t rate_d_dampener; // value to dampen output based on acceleration
// get current rate
current_rate = (omega.y * DEGX100);
// calculate and filter the acceleration
rate_d = pitch_rate_d_filter.apply(current_rate - last_rate);
// store rate for next iteration
last_rate = current_rate;
// call pid controller
rate_error = target_rate - current_rate;
p = g.pid_rate_pitch.get_p(rate_error);
i = g.pid_rate_pitch.get_i(rate_error, G_Dt);
d = g.pid_rate_pitch.get_d(rate_error, G_Dt);
output = p + i + d;
// Dampening output with D term
rate_d_dampener = rate_d * pitch_scale_d;
rate_d_dampener = constrain(rate_d_dampener, -400, 400);
output -= rate_d_dampener;
// constrain output
output = constrain(output, -5000, 5000);
static int8_t log_counter = 0; // used to slow down logging of PID values to dataflash
// log output if PID logging is on and we are tuning the rate P, I or D gains
if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && (g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KP || g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KI || g.radio_tuning == CH6_RATE_KD) ) {
if( log_counter >= 10 ) { // (update rate / desired output rate) = (100hz / 10hz) = 10
log_counter = 0;
Log_Write_PID(CH6_RATE_KP+100, rate_error, p, i, d-rate_d_dampener, output, tuning_value);
// output control
return output;
static int16_t
get_rate_yaw(int32_t target_rate)
int32_t p,i,d; // used to capture pid values for logging
int32_t rate_error;
int32_t output;
// rate control
rate_error = target_rate - (omega.z * DEGX100);
// separately calculate p, i, d values for logging
p = g.pid_rate_yaw.get_p(rate_error);
i = g.pid_rate_yaw.get_i(rate_error, G_Dt);
d = g.pid_rate_yaw.get_d(rate_error, G_Dt);
output = p+i+d;
// output control:
int16_t yaw_limit = 4500;
int16_t yaw_limit = 1400 + abs(g.rc_4.control_in);
// constrain output
output = constrain(output, -yaw_limit, yaw_limit);
static int8_t log_counter = 0; // used to slow down logging of PID values to dataflash
// log output if PID loggins is on and we are tuning the yaw
if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && (g.radio_tuning == CH6_YAW_KP || g.radio_tuning == CH6_YAW_RATE_KP) ) {
if( log_counter >= 10 ) { // (update rate / desired output rate) = (100hz / 10hz) = 10
log_counter = 0;
Log_Write_PID(CH6_YAW_RATE_KP, rate_error, p, i, d, output, tuning_value);
// constrain output
return output;
static int16_t
get_nav_throttle(int32_t z_error)
int16_t z_rate_error = 0;
int16_t z_target_speed = 0;
int16_t output = 0;
// convert to desired Rate:
z_target_speed = g.pi_alt_hold.get_p(z_error);
z_target_speed = constrain(z_target_speed, -250, 250);
// limit error to prevent I term wind up
z_error = constrain(z_error, -400, 400);
// compensates throttle setpoint error for hovering
int16_t i_hold = g.pi_alt_hold.get_i(z_error, .02);
// calculate rate error
z_rate_error = z_target_speed - accels_velocity.z; // calc the speed error
z_rate_error = z_target_speed - climb_rate; // calc the speed error
// limit the rate
output = constrain(g.pid_throttle.get_pid(z_rate_error, .02), -80, 120);
// output control:
return output + i_hold;
// Keeps old data out of our calculation / logs
static void reset_nav_params(void)
nav_throttle = 0;
// always start Circle mode at same angle
circle_angle = 0;
// We must be heading to a new WP, so XTrack must be 0
crosstrack_error = 0;
// Will be set by new command
target_bearing = 0;
// Will be set by new command
wp_distance = 0;
// Will be set by new command, used by loiter
long_error = 0;
lat_error = 0;
// Will be set by new command, used by loiter
next_WP.alt = 0;
// We want to by default pass WPs
slow_wp = false;
reset all I integrators
static void reset_I_all(void)
// This is the only place we reset Yaw
static void reset_rate_I()
static void reset_optflow_I(void)
of_roll = 0;
of_pitch = 0;
static void reset_wind_I(void)
// Wind Compensation
// this i is not currently being used, but we reset it anyway
// because someone may modify it and not realize it, causing a bug
static void reset_throttle_I(void)
// For Altitude Hold
static void reset_stability_I(void)
// Used to balance a quad
// This only needs to be reset during Auto-leveling in flight
throttle control
static long
get_nav_yaw_offset(int yaw_input, int reset)
int32_t _yaw;
if(reset == 0){
// we are on the ground
return ahrs.yaw_sensor;
_yaw = nav_yaw + (yaw_input / 50);
return wrap_360(_yaw);
// re-define nav_yaw if we have stick input
if(yaw_input != 0){
// set nav_yaw + or - the current location
_yaw = yaw_input + ahrs.yaw_sensor;
// we need to wrap our value so we can be 0 to 360 (*100)
return wrap_360(_yaw);
// no stick input, lets not change nav_yaw
return nav_yaw;
static int16_t get_angle_boost(int16_t value)
// float temp = cos_pitch_x * cos_roll_x;
// temp = 1.0 - constrain(temp, .5, 1.0);
// int16_t output = temp * value;
// return constrain(output, 0, 200);
// return (int)(temp * value);
float temp = cos_pitch_x * cos_roll_x;
temp = constrain(temp, .5, 1.0);
return ((float)g.throttle_cruise / temp) - g.throttle_cruise;
// heli_angle_boost - adds a boost depending on roll/pitch values
// equivalent of quad's angle_boost function
// throttle value should be 0 ~ 1000
static int16_t heli_get_angle_boost(int16_t throttle)
float angle_boost_factor = cos_pitch_x * cos_roll_x;
angle_boost_factor = 1.0 - constrain(angle_boost_factor, .5, 1.0);
int throttle_above_mid = max(throttle - motors.throttle_mid,0);
return throttle + throttle_above_mid*angle_boost_factor;
#endif // HELI_FRAME
#define NUM_G_SAMPLES 40
// z -14.4306 = going up
// z -6.4306 = going down
static int get_z_damping()
int output;
Z_integrator += get_world_Z_accel() - Z_offset;
output = Z_integrator * 3;
Z_integrator = Z_integrator * .8;
output = constrain(output, -100, 100);
return output;
float get_world_Z_accel()
accels_rot = ahrs.get_dcm_matrix() * imu.get_accel();
//Serial.printf("z %1.4f\n", accels_rot.z);
return accels_rot.z;
static void init_z_damper()
Z_offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_G_SAMPLES; i++){
Z_offset += get_world_Z_accel();
Z_offset /= (float)NUM_G_SAMPLES;
// Accelerometer Z dampening by Aurelio R. Ramos
// ---------------------------------------------
#elif ACCEL_ALT_HOLD == 1
// contains G and any other DC offset
static float estimatedAccelOffset = 0;
// state
static float synVelo = 0;
static float synPos = 0;
static float synPosFiltered = 0;
static float posError = 0;
static float prevSensedPos = 0;
// tuning for dead reckoning
static const float dt_50hz = 0.02;
static float synPosP = 10 * dt_50hz;
static float synPosI = 15 * dt_50hz;
static float synVeloP = 1.5 * dt_50hz;
static float maxVeloCorrection = 5 * dt_50hz;
static float maxSensedVelo = 1;
static float synPosFilter = 0.5;
// Z damping term.
static float fullDampP = 0.100;
float get_world_Z_accel()
accels_rot = ahrs.get_dcm_matrix() * imu.get_accel();
return accels_rot.z;
static void init_z_damper()
estimatedAccelOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_G_SAMPLES; i++){
estimatedAccelOffset += get_world_Z_accel();
estimatedAccelOffset /= (float)NUM_G_SAMPLES;
float dead_reckon_Z(float sensedPos, float sensedAccel)
// the following algorithm synthesizes position and velocity from
// a noisy altitude and accelerometer data.
// synthesize uncorrected velocity by integrating acceleration
synVelo += (sensedAccel - estimatedAccelOffset) * dt_50hz;
// synthesize uncorrected position by integrating uncorrected velocity
synPos += synVelo * dt_50hz;
// filter synPos, the better this filter matches the filtering and dead time
// of the sensed position, the less the position estimate will lag.
synPosFiltered = synPosFiltered * (1 - synPosFilter) + synPos * synPosFilter;
// calculate error against sensor position
posError = sensedPos - synPosFiltered;
// correct altitude
synPos += synPosP * posError;
// correct integrated velocity by posError
synVelo = synVelo + constrain(posError, -maxVeloCorrection, maxVeloCorrection) * synPosI;
// correct integrated velocity by the sensed position delta in a small proportion
// (i.e., the low frequency of the delta)
float sensedVelo = (sensedPos - prevSensedPos) / dt_50hz;
synVelo += constrain(sensedVelo - synVelo, -maxSensedVelo, maxSensedVelo) * synVeloP;
prevSensedPos = sensedPos;
return synVelo;
static int get_z_damping()
float sensedAccel = get_world_Z_accel();
float sensedPos = current_loc.alt / 100.0;
float synVelo = dead_reckon_Z(sensedPos, sensedAccel);
return constrain(fullDampP * synVelo * (-1), -300, 300);
static int get_z_damping()
return 0;
static void init_z_damper()
// calculate modified roll/pitch depending upon optical flow calculated position
static int32_t
get_of_roll(int32_t control_roll)
static float tot_x_cm = 0; // total distance from target
static uint32_t last_of_roll_update = 0;
int32_t new_roll = 0;
int32_t p,i,d;
// check if new optflow data available
if( optflow.last_update != last_of_roll_update) {
last_of_roll_update = optflow.last_update;
// add new distance moved
tot_x_cm += optflow.x_cm;
// only stop roll if caller isn't modifying roll
if( control_roll == 0 && current_loc.alt < 1500) {
p = g.pid_optflow_roll.get_p(-tot_x_cm);
i = g.pid_optflow_roll.get_i(-tot_x_cm,1.0); // we could use the last update time to calculate the time change
d = g.pid_optflow_roll.get_d(-tot_x_cm,1.0);
new_roll = p+i+d;
tot_x_cm = 0;
p = 0; // for logging
i = 0;
d = 0;
// limit amount of change and maximum angle
of_roll = constrain(new_roll, (of_roll-20), (of_roll+20));
static int8_t log_counter = 0; // used to slow down logging of PID values to dataflash
// log output if PID logging is on and we are tuning the rate P, I or D gains
if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && (g.radio_tuning == CH6_OPTFLOW_KP || g.radio_tuning == CH6_OPTFLOW_KI || g.radio_tuning == CH6_OPTFLOW_KD) ) {
if( log_counter >= 5 ) { // (update rate / desired output rate) = (100hz / 10hz) = 10
log_counter = 0;
Log_Write_PID(CH6_OPTFLOW_KP, tot_x_cm, p, i, d, of_roll, tuning_value);
// limit max angle
of_roll = constrain(of_roll, -1000, 1000);
return control_roll+of_roll;
return control_roll;
static int32_t
get_of_pitch(int32_t control_pitch)
static float tot_y_cm = 0; // total distance from target
static uint32_t last_of_pitch_update = 0;
int32_t new_pitch = 0;
int32_t p,i,d;
// check if new optflow data available
if( optflow.last_update != last_of_pitch_update ) {
last_of_pitch_update = optflow.last_update;
// add new distance moved
tot_y_cm += optflow.y_cm;
// only stop roll if caller isn't modifying pitch
if( control_pitch == 0 && current_loc.alt < 1500 ) {
p = g.pid_optflow_pitch.get_p(tot_y_cm);
i = g.pid_optflow_pitch.get_i(tot_y_cm, 1.0); // we could use the last update time to calculate the time change
d = g.pid_optflow_pitch.get_d(tot_y_cm, 1.0);
new_pitch = p + i + d;
tot_y_cm = 0;
p = 0; // for logging
i = 0;
d = 0;
// limit amount of change
of_pitch = constrain(new_pitch, (of_pitch-20), (of_pitch+20));
static int8_t log_counter = 0; // used to slow down logging of PID values to dataflash
// log output if PID logging is on and we are tuning the rate P, I or D gains
if( g.log_bitmask & MASK_LOG_PID && (g.radio_tuning == CH6_OPTFLOW_KP || g.radio_tuning == CH6_OPTFLOW_KI || g.radio_tuning == CH6_OPTFLOW_KD) ) {
if( log_counter >= 5 ) { // (update rate / desired output rate) = (100hz / 10hz) = 10
log_counter = 0;
Log_Write_PID(CH6_OPTFLOW_KP+100, tot_y_cm, p, i, d, of_pitch, tuning_value);
// limit max angle
of_pitch = constrain(of_pitch, -1000, 1000);
return control_pitch+of_pitch;
return control_pitch;