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synced 2025-03-06 05:34:09 -04:00
this supports both the native and the legacy I2C protocol for LightWare Lidars. The native protocol is a string based protocol that is enabled by default on new Lidars. By supporting both protocols we avoid the need for users to re-configure their new lidar using a serial cable before using it on I2C. This driver was originally written by Mitch Koch and Jonathan Challinger, and ported to master by me (it required only minor changes)
461 lines
15 KiB
461 lines
15 KiB
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C.h"
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_HAL/utility/sparse-endian.h>
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
static const size_t lx20_max_reply_len_bytes = 32;
static const size_t lx20_max_expected_stream_reply_len_bytes = 14;
#define stream_the_median_distance_to_the_first_return "ldf,0"
#define stream_the_raw_distance_to_the_first_return "ldf,1"
#define stream_the_signal_strength_first_return "lhf"
#define stream_the_raw_distance_to_the_last_return "ldl,1"
#define stream_the_signal_strength_last_return "lhl"
#define stream_the_level_of_background_noise "ln"
/* Data streams from the LiDAR can include any sf20 LiDAR measurement.
* A request to stream the desired measurement is made on a 20Hz basis and
* on the next 20Hz service 50ms later, the result is read and a streaming
* request is made for the next desired measurement in the sequence.
* Results are generally available from the LiDAR within 10mS of request.
#define STREAM1_VAL stream_the_raw_distance_to_the_last_return
#define STREAM2_VAL stream_the_signal_strength_last_return
#define STREAM3_VAL stream_the_raw_distance_to_the_first_return
#define STREAM4_VAL stream_the_signal_strength_first_return
#define STREAM5_VAL stream_the_level_of_background_noise
static const char *parse_stream_id[NUM_SF20_DATA_STREAMS] = { // List of stream identifier strings. Must match init_stream_id[].
static const char *init_stream_id[NUM_SF20_DATA_STREAMS] = {// List of stream initialization strings. Must match parse_stream_id[].
"$1" STREAM1_VAL "\r\n"
static const uint8_t streamSequence[] = { 0 }; // List of 0 based stream Ids that determine the LiDAR values collected.
static const uint8_t numStreamSequenceIndexes = sizeof(streamSequence)/sizeof(streamSequence[0]);
The constructor also initializes the rangefinder. Note that this
constructor is not called until detect() returns true, so we
already know that we should setup the rangefinder
AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C(RangeFinder::RangeFinder_State &_state,
AP_RangeFinder_Params &_params,
AP_HAL::OwnPtr<AP_HAL::I2CDevice> dev)
: AP_RangeFinder_Backend(_state, _params)
, _dev(std::move(dev)) {}
Detects if a Lightware rangefinder is connected. We'll detect by
trying to take a reading on I2C. If we get a result the sensor is
AP_RangeFinder_Backend *AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::detect(RangeFinder::RangeFinder_State &_state,
AP_RangeFinder_Params &_params,
AP_HAL::OwnPtr<AP_HAL::I2CDevice> dev)
if (!dev) {
return nullptr;
AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C *sensor
= new AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C(_state, _params, std::move(dev));
if (!sensor) {
return nullptr;
if (!sensor->init()) {
delete sensor;
return nullptr;
return sensor;
* Wrapper function over #transfer() to write a sequence of bytes to
* device. No values are read.
bool AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::write_bytes(uint8_t *write_buf_u8, uint32_t len_u8)
return _dev->transfer(write_buf_u8, len_u8, NULL, 0);
* Disables "address tagging" in the sf20 response packets.
bool AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::sf20_disable_address_tagging()
if (!sf20_send_and_expect("#CT,0\r\n", "ct:0")) {
return false;
return true;
bool AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::sf20_product_name_check()
if (!sf20_send_and_expect("?P\r\n", "p:LW20,")) {
return false;
return true;
bool AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::sf20_send_and_expect(const char* send_msg, const char* expected_reply)
uint8_t rx_bytes[lx20_max_reply_len_bytes + 1];
size_t expected_reply_len = strlen(expected_reply);
if ((expected_reply_len > lx20_max_reply_len_bytes) ||
(expected_reply_len < 2)) {
return false;
rx_bytes[expected_reply_len] = 0;
rx_bytes[2] = 0;
if (!write_bytes((uint8_t*)send_msg,
strlen(send_msg))) {
return false;
if (!sf20_wait_on_reply(rx_bytes)) {
return false;
if ((rx_bytes[0] != expected_reply[0]) ||
(rx_bytes[1] != expected_reply[1]) ) {
return false;
if (!_dev->read(rx_bytes, expected_reply_len)) {
return false;
return memcmp(rx_bytes, expected_reply, expected_reply_len) == 0;
/* Driver first attempts to initialize the sf20.
* If for any reason this fails, the driver attempts to initialize the legacy LightWare LiDAR.
* If this fails, the driver returns false indicating no LightWare LiDAR is present.
bool AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::init()
if (sf20_init()) {
hal.console->printf("Found SF20 native Lidar\n");
return true;
if (legacy_init()) {
hal.console->printf("Found SF20 legacy Lidar\n");
return true;
hal.console->printf("SF20 not found\n");
return false;
initialise lidar using legacy 16 bit protocol
bool AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::legacy_init()
union {
be16_t be16_val;
uint8_t bytes[2];
} timeout;
// Retrieve lost signal timeout register
if (!_dev->transfer(&read_reg, 1, timeout.bytes, 2)) {
return false;
// Check lost signal timeout register against desired value and write it if it does not match
if (be16toh(timeout.be16_val) != LIGHTWARE_TIMEOUT_REG_DESIRED_VALUE) {
timeout.be16_val = htobe16(LIGHTWARE_TIMEOUT_REG_DESIRED_VALUE);
const uint8_t send_buf[3] = {LIGHTWARE_LOST_SIGNAL_TIMEOUT_WRITE_REG, timeout.bytes[0], timeout.bytes[1]};
if (!_dev->transfer(send_buf, sizeof(send_buf), nullptr, 0)) {
return false;
// call timer() at 20Hz
FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::legacy_timer, void));
return true;
initialise using newer text based protocol
bool AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::sf20_init()
// Makes sure that "address tagging" is turned off.
// Address tagging starts every response with "0x66".
// Turns off Address Tagging just in case it was previously left on in the non-volatile configuration.
if (!sf20_disable_address_tagging()) {
return false;
if (!sf20_product_name_check()) {
return false;
// Disconnect the servo.
if (!sf20_send_and_expect("#SC,0\r\n", "sc:0")) {
return false;
// Change the power consumption:
// 0 = power off
// 1 = power on
// As of 7/10/17 sw and fw version 1.0 the "#E,1" command does not seem to be supported.
// When it is supported the expected response would be "e:1".
// Changes the number of lost signal confirmations: 1 [1..250].
if (!sf20_send_and_expect("#LC,1\r\n", "lc:1")) {
return false;
#if 0
// This location in the code may be uncommented to do a one time change of the devices address.
// It should be commented out again and immediately reloaded to the pixhawk after the device has
// been modified by this initialization process.
// Address change to 0x65 = 101
uint8_t rx_bytes[lx20_max_reply_len_bytes + 1];
// Save the comm settings
if (!sf20_send_and_expect("%C\r\n", "%c:")) {
return false;
/* Sets the Laser Encoding to a fixed pattern to assess how well it improves operation with interference from
* the Precision Landing infrared beacon.
// Changes the laser encoding pattern: 3 (Random A) [0..4].
if (!sf20_send_and_expect("#LE,3\r\n", "le:3")) {
return false;
// Sets datum offset [-10.00 ... 10.00].
if (!sf20_send_and_expect("#LO,0.00\r\n", "lo:0.00")) {
return false;
// Changes to a new measuring mode (update rate):
// 1 = 388 readings per second
// 2 = 194 readings per second
// 3 = 129 readings per second
// 4 = 97 readings per second
// 5 = 78 readings per second
// 6 = 65 readings per second
// 7 = 55 readings per second
// 8 = 48 readings per second
if (!sf20_send_and_expect("#LM,7\r\n", "lm:7")) {
return false;
// Changes the gain boost value:
// Adjustment range = -20.00 ... 5.00
if (!sf20_send_and_expect("#LB,0.00\r\n", "lb:0.00")) {
return false;
// Switches distance streaming on or off:
// 0 = off
// 1 = on
if (!sf20_send_and_expect("#SU,1\r\n", "su:1")) {
return false;
// Changes the laser state:
// 0 = laser is off
// 1 = laser is running
if (!sf20_send_and_expect("#LF,1\r\n", "lf:1")) {
return false;
// Requests the measurement specified in the first stream.
write_bytes((uint8_t*)init_stream_id[0], strlen(init_stream_id[0]));
// call timer() at 20Hz
FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::sf20_timer, void));
return true;
// read - return last value measured by sensor
bool AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::legacy_get_reading(uint16_t &reading_cm)
be16_t val;
const uint8_t read_reg = LIGHTWARE_DISTANCE_READ_REG;
// read the high and low byte distance registers
if (_dev->transfer(&read_reg, 1, (uint8_t *)&val, sizeof(val))) {
// combine results into distance
reading_cm = be16toh(val);
return true;
return false;
// read - return last value measured by sf20 sensor
bool AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::sf20_get_reading(uint16_t &reading_cm)
// Parses up to 5 ASCII streams for LiDAR data.
// If a parse fails, the stream measurement is not updated until it is successfully read in the future.
uint8_t stream[lx20_max_expected_stream_reply_len_bytes+1]; // Maximum response length for a stream ie "ldf,0:40.99" is 11 characters
uint8_t i = streamSequence[currentStreamSequenceIndex];
size_t num_processed_chars = 0;
/* Reads the LiDAR value requested during the last interrupt. */
if (!_dev->read(stream, sizeof(stream))) {
return false;
stream[lx20_max_expected_stream_reply_len_bytes] = 0;
if (!sf20_parse_stream(stream, &num_processed_chars, parse_stream_id[i], sf20_stream_val[i])) {
return false;
if (i==0) {
reading_cm = sf20_stream_val[0];
// Increment the stream sequence
if (currentStreamSequenceIndex >= numStreamSequenceIndexes) {
currentStreamSequenceIndex = 0;
i = streamSequence[currentStreamSequenceIndex];
// Request the next stream in the sequence from the SF20
write_bytes((uint8_t*)init_stream_id[i], strlen(init_stream_id[i]));
return true;
bool AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::sf20_parse_stream(uint8_t *stream_buf,
size_t *p_num_processed_chars,
const char *string_identifier,
uint16_t &val)
size_t string_identifier_len = strlen(string_identifier);
for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < string_identifier_len ; i++) {
if (stream_buf[*p_num_processed_chars] != string_identifier[i]) {
return false;
/* Number is always returned in hundredths. So 6.33 is returned as 633. 6.3 is returned as 630.
* 6 is returned as 600.
* Extract number in format 6.33 or 123.99 (meters to be converted to centimeters).
* Percentages such as 100 (percent), are returned as 10000.
uint32_t final_multiplier = 100;
bool decrement_multiplier = false;
bool number_found = false;
uint16_t accumulator = 0;
uint16_t digit_u16 = (uint16_t)stream_buf[*p_num_processed_chars];
while ((((digit_u16 <= '9') &&
(digit_u16 >= '0')) ||
(digit_u16 == '.')) &&
(*p_num_processed_chars < lx20_max_reply_len_bytes)) {
if (decrement_multiplier) {
final_multiplier /=10;
if (digit_u16 == '.') {
decrement_multiplier = true;
digit_u16 = (uint16_t)stream_buf[*p_num_processed_chars];
number_found = true;
accumulator *= 10;
accumulator += digit_u16 - '0';
digit_u16 = (uint16_t)stream_buf[*p_num_processed_chars];
accumulator *= final_multiplier;
val = accumulator;
return number_found;
update the state of the sensor
void AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::update(void)
// nothing to do - its all done in the timer()
void AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::legacy_timer(void)
if (legacy_get_reading(state.distance_cm)) {
// update range_valid state based on distance measured
} else {
void AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::sf20_timer(void)
if (sf20_get_reading(state.distance_cm)) {
// update range_valid state based on distance measured
} else {
// Only for use during init as this blocks while waiting for the SF20 to be ready.
bool AP_RangeFinder_LightWareI2C::sf20_wait_on_reply(uint8_t *rx_two_byte)
// Waits for a non-zero first byte while repeatedly reading 16 bits.
// This is used after a read command to allow the sf20 time to provide the result.
uint32_t start_time_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
const uint32_t max_wait_time_ms = 50;
while (AP_HAL::millis() - start_time_ms < max_wait_time_ms) {
if (!_dev->read(rx_two_byte, 2)) {
if (rx_two_byte[0] != 0) {
// normal exit
return true;
return false;