
254 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, inspect, sys
import socket
import struct
import json
import math
import pybullet_data
import pybullet as p
# use pymavlink for ArduPilot convention transformations
from pymavlink.rotmat import Vector3, Matrix3
from pymavlink.quaternion import Quaternion
import time
import argparse
from math import degrees, radians
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="pybullet robot")
parser.add_argument("--fps", type=float, default=1000.0, help="physics frame rate")
args = parser.parse_args()
RATE_HZ = args.fps
GRAVITY_MSS = 9.80665
# Create simulator
physicsClient = p.connect(p.GUI)#or p.DIRECT for non-graphical version
p.setAdditionalSearchPath(pybullet_data.getDataPath()) #optionally
FixedBase = False #if fixed no plane is imported
if (FixedBase == False):
spinningFriction=0., rollingFriction=0., contactStiffness=-1, contactDamping=-1)
last_angles = [0.0] * 12
force = [500] * 12
servo_direction = [1,-1, 1,
1, 1,-1,
1,-1, 1,
1, 1,-1]
def control_joints(pwm):
'''control a joint based bot'''
global last_angles
joint_speed = radians(250)
joints = [0,1,2,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,13,14]
pwm = pwm[0:len(joints)]
angles = [radians(((v-1500.0)*90)/1000) for v in pwm ]
for i in range(len(angles)):
angles[i] = angles[i] * servo_direction[i]
current = last_angles
max_change = joint_speed * TIME_STEP
for i in range(len(angles)):
angles[i] = constrain(angles[i], current[i]-max_change, current[i]+max_change)
p.setJointMotorControlArray(robot, joints, p.POSITION_CONTROL, angles,forces = force)
last_angles = angles
#spawn robot
position = [0, 0, 1.6]
robot = p.loadURDF("models/quadruped/quadruped.urdf",position, useFixedBase=FixedBase)
control_pwm = control_joints
time_now = 0
last_velocity = None
def quaternion_to_AP(quaternion):
'''convert pybullet quaternion to ArduPilot quaternion'''
return Quaternion([quaternion[3], quaternion[0], -quaternion[1], -quaternion[2]])
def vector_to_AP(vec):
'''convert pybullet vector tuple to ArduPilot Vector3'''
return Vector3(vec[0], -vec[1], -vec[2])
def quaternion_from_AP(q):
'''convert ArduPilot quaternion to pybullet quaternion'''
return [q.q[1], -q.q[2], -q.q[3], q.q[0]]
def to_tuple(vec3):
'''convert a Vector3 to a tuple'''
return (vec3.x, vec3.y, vec3.z)
def init():
global time_now
time_now = 0
position = [0,0,0]
orientation = [0,0,0,1]
def constrain(v,min_v,max_v):
'''constrain a value'''
if v < min_v:
v = min_v
if v > max_v:
v = max_v
return v
#robot.position = [ 0, 0, 2]
#robot.orientation = quaternion_from_AP(Quaternion([math.radians(0), math.radians(0), math.radians(50)]))
def step(sleep_dt=None):
# # call the step method for each body
# for body in self.bodies.values():
# if isinstance(body, Body):
# body.step()
# call simulation step
# sleep
if sleep_dt is not None:
def physics_step(pwm_in):
# p.setRealTimeSimulation(1)
global time_now
time_now += TIME_STEP
# get the position orientation and velocity
pos,ori = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(robot)
quaternion = quaternion_to_AP(ori)
roll, pitch, yaw = quaternion.euler
linear,angular = p.getBaseVelocity(robot)
velocity = vector_to_AP(linear)
position = vector_to_AP(pos)
# get ArduPilot DCM matrix (rotation matrix)
dcm = quaternion.dcm
# get gyro vector in body frame
gyro = dcm.transposed() * vector_to_AP(angular)
# calculate acceleration
global last_velocity
if last_velocity is None:
last_velocity = velocity
accel = (velocity - last_velocity) * (1.0 / TIME_STEP)
last_velocity = velocity
# add in gravity in earth frame
accel.z -= GRAVITY_MSS
# convert accel to body frame
accel = dcm.transposed() * accel
# convert to tuples
accel = to_tuple(accel)
gyro = to_tuple(gyro)
position = to_tuple(position)
velocity = to_tuple(velocity)
euler = (roll, pitch, yaw)
return time_now,gyro,accel,position,euler,velocity
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.bind(('', 9002))
last_SITL_frame = -1
connected = False
frame_count = 0
frame_time = time.time()
print_frame_count = 1000
move_accel = 0.0
last_move = time.time()
while True:
py_time = time.time()
data,address = sock.recvfrom(100)
except Exception as ex:
parse_format = 'HHI16H'
magic = 18458
if len(data) != struct.calcsize(parse_format):
print("got packet of len %u, expected %u" % (len(data), struct.calcsize(parse_format)))
decoded = struct.unpack(parse_format,data)
if magic != decoded[0]:
print("Incorrect protocol magic %u should be %u" % (decoded[0], magic))
frame_rate_hz = decoded[1]
frame_count = decoded[2]
pwm = decoded[3:]
if frame_rate_hz != RATE_HZ:
print("New frame rate %u" % frame_rate_hz)
RATE_HZ = frame_rate_hz
# Check if the fame is in expected order
if frame_count < last_SITL_frame:
# Controller has reset, reset physics also
print('Controller reset')
elif frame_count == last_SITL_frame:
# duplicate frame, skip
print('Duplicate input frame')
elif frame_count != last_SITL_frame + 1 and connected:
print('Missed {0} input frames'.format(frame_count - last_SITL_frame - 1))
last_SITL_frame = frame_count
if not connected:
connected = True
print('Connected to {0}'.format(str(address)))
frame_count += 1
# physics time step
phys_time,gyro,accel,pos,euler,velo = physics_step(pwm)
# build JSON format
IMU_fmt = {
"gyro" : gyro,
"accel_body" : accel
JSON_fmt = {
"timestamp" : phys_time,
"imu" : IMU_fmt,
"position" : pos,
"attitude" : euler,
"velocity" : velo
JSON_string = "\n" + json.dumps(JSON_fmt,separators=(',', ':')) + "\n"
# Send to AP
sock.sendto(bytes(JSON_string,"ascii"), address)
# Track frame rate
if frame_count % print_frame_count == 0:
now = time.time()
total_time = now - frame_time
print("%.2f fps T=%.3f dt=%.3f" % (print_frame_count/total_time, phys_time, total_time))
frame_time = now