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synced 2025-03-03 12:14:10 -04:00
language by hazy move turning circle to be based on cog add APPROACH add autodec on/off mod 3dr radio uploader to read in 64 byte packets add more georef caching. much faster now on more than 1 run.
456 lines
10 KiB
456 lines
10 KiB
using System;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace uploader
public class Uploader
public event ArdupilotMega._3DRradio.LogEventHandler LogEvent;
public event ArdupilotMega._3DRradio.ProgressEventHandler ProgressEvent;
private int bytes_to_process;
private int bytes_processed;
public SerialPort port;
private enum Code : byte
// response codes
OK = 0x10,
FAILED = 0x11,
INSYNC = 0x12,
// protocol commands
EOC = 0x20,
GET_SYNC = 0x21,
GET_DEVICE = 0x22, // returns DEVICE_ID and FREQ bytes
CHIP_ERASE = 0x23,
PROG_FLASH = 0x25,
READ_FLASH = 0x26,
PROG_MULTI = 0x27,
READ_MULTI = 0x28,
REBOOT = 0x30,
// protocol constants
PROG_MULTI_MAX = 64, // maximum number of bytes in a PROG_MULTI command
READ_MULTI_MAX = 64, // from 255 // largest read that can be requested
// device IDs XXX should come with the firmware image...
DEVICE_ID_RF50 = 0x4d,
// frequency code bytes XXX should come with the firmware image...
FREQ_NONE = 0xf0,
FREQ_433 = 0x43,
FREQ_470 = 0x47,
FREQ_868 = 0x86,
FREQ_915 = 0x91,
public Uploader ()
/// <summary>
/// Upload the specified image_data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='image_data'>
/// Image_data to be uploaded.
/// </param>
public void upload (SerialPort on_port, IHex image_data)
progress (0);
port = on_port;
try {
connect_and_sync ();
upload_and_verify (image_data);
cmdReboot ();
} catch (Exception e) {
if (port.IsOpen)
port.Close ();
throw e;
public void connect_and_sync ()
// configure the port
port.ReadTimeout = 2000; // must be longer than full flash erase time (~1s)
// synchronise with the bootloader
// The second sync attempt here is mostly laziness, though it does verify that we
// can send more than one packet.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (cmdSync ())
log (string.Format ("sync({0}) failed\n", i), 1);
if (!cmdSync ()) {
log ("FAIL: could not synchronise with the bootloader");
throw new Exception ("SYNC FAIL");
checkDevice ();
log ("connected to bootloader\n");
private void upload_and_verify (IHex image_data)
// erase the program area first
log ("erasing program flash\n");
cmdErase ();
// progress fractions
bytes_to_process = 0;
foreach (byte[] bytes in image_data.Values) {
bytes_to_process += bytes.Length;
bytes_to_process *= 2; // once to program, once to verify
bytes_processed = 0;
// program the flash blocks
log ("programming\n");
foreach (KeyValuePair<UInt32, byte[]> kvp in image_data) {
// move the program pointer to the base of this block
cmdSetAddress (kvp.Key);
log (string.Format ("prog 0x{0:X}/{1}\n", kvp.Key, kvp.Value.Length), 1);
upload_block_multi (kvp.Value);
// and read them back to verify that they were programmed
log ("verifying\n");
foreach (KeyValuePair<UInt32, byte[]> kvp in image_data) {
// move the program pointer to the base of this block
cmdSetAddress (kvp.Key);
log (string.Format ("verf 0x{0:X}/{1}\n", kvp.Key, kvp.Value.Length), 1);
verify_block_multi (kvp.Value);
bytes_processed += kvp.Value.GetLength (0);
progress ((double)bytes_processed / bytes_to_process);
log ("Success\n");
private void upload_block (byte[] data)
foreach (byte b in data) {
cmdProgram (b);
progress ((double)(++bytes_processed) / bytes_to_process);
private void upload_block_multi (byte[] data)
int offset = 0;
int to_send;
int length = data.GetLength (0);
// Chunk the block in units of no more than what the bootloader
// will program.
while (offset < length) {
to_send = length - offset;
if (to_send > (int)Code.PROG_MULTI_MAX)
to_send = (int)Code.PROG_MULTI_MAX;
log (string.Format ("multi {0}/{1}\n", offset, to_send), 1);
cmdProgramMulti (data, offset, to_send);
offset += to_send;
bytes_processed += to_send;
progress ((double)bytes_processed / bytes_to_process);
private void verify_block_multi (byte[] data)
int offset = 0;
int to_verf;
int length = data.GetLength (0);
// Chunk the block in units of no more than what the bootloader
// will read.
while (offset < length) {
to_verf = length - offset;
if (to_verf > (int)Code.READ_MULTI_MAX)
to_verf = (int)Code.READ_MULTI_MAX;
log (string.Format ("multi {0}/{1}\n", offset, to_verf), 1);
cmdVerifyMulti (data, offset, to_verf);
offset += to_verf;
bytes_processed += to_verf;
progress ((double)bytes_processed / bytes_to_process);
/// <summary>
/// Requests a sync reply.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// True if in sync, false otherwise.
/// </returns>
private bool cmdSync ()
port.DiscardInBuffer ();
send (Code.GET_SYNC);
send (Code.EOC);
try {
getSync ();
} catch {
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Erases the device.
/// </summary>
private void cmdErase ()
send (Code.CHIP_ERASE);
send (Code.EOC);
getSync ();
/// <summary>
/// Set the address for the next program or read operation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='address'>
/// Address to be set.
/// </param>
private void cmdSetAddress (UInt32 address)
send (Code.LOAD_ADDRESS);
send ((UInt16)address);
send (Code.EOC);
getSync ();
/// <summary>
/// Programs a byte and advances the program address by one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='data'>
/// Data to program.
/// </param>
private void cmdProgram (byte data)
send (Code.PROG_FLASH);
send (data);
send (Code.EOC);
getSync ();
private void cmdProgramMulti (byte[] data, int offset, int length)
send (Code.PROG_MULTI);
send ((byte)length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
send (data [offset + i]);
send (Code.EOC);
getSync ();
/// <summary>
/// Verifies the byte at the current program address.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='data'>
/// Data expected to be found.
/// </param>
/// <exception cref='VerifyFail'>
/// Is thrown when the verify fail.
/// </exception>
private void cmdVerify (byte data)
send (Code.READ_FLASH);
send (Code.EOC);
if (recv () != data)
throw new Exception ("flash verification failed");
getSync ();
private void cmdVerifyMulti (byte[] data, int offset, int length)
send (Code.READ_MULTI);
send ((byte)length);
send (Code.EOC);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (recv () != data [offset + i]) {
log ("flash verification failed\n");
throw new Exception ("VERIFY FAIL");
getSync ();
private void cmdReboot ()
send (Code.REBOOT);
private void checkDevice ()
Code id, freq;
send (Code.GET_DEVICE);
send (Code.EOC);
id = (Code)recv ();
freq = (Code)recv ();
// XXX should be getting valid board/frequency data from firmware file
if ((id != Code.DEVICE_ID_HM_TRP) && (id != Code.DEVICE_ID_RF50))
throw new Exception ("bootloader device ID mismatch");
getSync ();
/// <summary>
/// Expect the two-byte synchronisation codes within the read timeout.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref='NoSync'>
/// Is thrown if the wrong bytes are read.
/// <exception cref='TimeoutException'>
/// Is thrown if the read timeout expires.
/// </exception>
private void getSync ()
try {
Code c;
c = (Code)recv ();
if (c != Code.INSYNC) {
log (string.Format ("got {0:X} when expecting {1:X}\n", (int)c, (int)Code.INSYNC), 2);
throw new Exception ("BAD SYNC");
c = (Code)recv ();
if (c != Code.OK) {
log (string.Format ("got {0:X} when expecting {1:X}\n", (int)c, (int)Code.EOC), 2);
throw new Exception ("BAD STATUS");
} catch {
log ("FAIL: lost synchronisation with the bootloader\n");
throw new Exception ("SYNC LOST");
log ("in sync\n", 5);
/// <summary>
/// Send the specified code to the bootloader.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='code'>
/// Code to send.
/// </param>
private void send (Code code)
byte[] b = new byte[] { (byte)code };
log ("send ", 5);
foreach (byte x in b) {
log (string.Format (" {0:X}", x), 5);
log ("\n", 5);
port.Write (b, 0, 1);
/// <summary>
/// Send the specified byte to the bootloader.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='data'>
/// Data byte to send.
/// </param>
private void send (byte data)
byte[] b = new byte[] { data };
log ("send ", 5);
foreach (byte x in b) {
log (string.Format (" {0:X}", x), 5);
log ("\n", 5);
while (port.BytesToWrite > 50)
int fred = 1;
port.Write (b, 0, 1);
/// <summary>
/// Send the specified 16-bit value, LSB first.
/// </summary>
/// <param name='data'>
/// Data value to send.
/// </param>
private void send (UInt16 data)
byte[] b = new byte[2] { (byte)(data & 0xff), (byte)(data >> 8) };
log ("send ", 5);
foreach (byte x in b) {
log (string.Format (" {0:X}", x), 5);
log ("\n", 5);
port.Write (b, 0, 2);
/// <summary>
/// Receive a byte.
/// </summary>
private byte recv ()
byte b;
DateTime Deadline = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(port.ReadTimeout);
while (DateTime.Now < Deadline && port.BytesToRead == 0)
if (port.BytesToRead == 0)
throw new Exception("Timeout");
b = (byte)port.ReadByte ();
log (string.Format ("recv {0:X}\n", b), 5);
return b;
private void log (string message, int level = 0)
if (LogEvent != null)
LogEvent (message, level);
private void progress (double completed)
if (ProgressEvent != null)
ProgressEvent (completed);