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This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "AP_OADijkstra.h"
#include <AC_Fence/AC_Fence.h>
#define OA_DIJKSTRA_EXPANDING_ARRAY_ELEMENTS_PER_CHUNK 32 // expanding arrays for inner polygon fence and paths to destination will grow in increments of 20 elements
#define OA_DIJKSTRA_POLYGON_SHORTPATH_NOTSET_IDX 255 // index use to indicate we do not have a tentative short path for a node
/// Constructor
AP_OADijkstra::AP_OADijkstra() :
// calculate a destination to avoid the polygon fence
// returns true if avoidance is required and updates origin_new and destination_new
bool AP_OADijkstra::update(const Location &current_loc, const Location &destination, Location& origin_new, Location& destination_new)
// require ekf origin to have been set
struct Location ekf_origin {};
if (!AP::ahrs().get_origin(ekf_origin)) {
return false;
// no avoidance required if fence is disabled
if (!polygon_fence_enabled()) {
return false;
// check for fence updates
if (check_polygon_fence_updated()) {
_polyfence_with_margin_ok = false;
// create inner polygon fence
if (!_polyfence_with_margin_ok) {
_polyfence_with_margin_ok = create_polygon_fence_with_margin(_polyfence_margin * 100.0f);
if (!_polyfence_with_margin_ok) {
_polyfence_visgraph_ok = false;
_shortest_path_ok = false;
return false;
// create visgraph for inner polygon fence
if (!_polyfence_visgraph_ok) {
_polyfence_visgraph_ok = create_polygon_fence_visgraph();
if (!_polyfence_visgraph_ok) {
_shortest_path_ok = false;
return false;
// rebuild path if destination has changed
if (!destination.same_latlon_as(_destination_prev)) {
_destination_prev = destination;
_shortest_path_ok = false;
// calculate shortest path from current_loc to destination
if (!_shortest_path_ok) {
_shortest_path_ok = calc_shortest_path(current_loc, destination);
if (!_shortest_path_ok) {
return false;
// start from 2nd point on path (first is the original origin)
_path_idx_returned = 1;
// path has been created, return latest point
Vector2f dest_pos;
if (get_shortest_path_point(_path_idx_returned, dest_pos)) {
// for the first point return origin as current_loc
Vector2f origin_pos;
if ((_path_idx_returned > 0) && get_shortest_path_point(_path_idx_returned-1, origin_pos)) {
// convert offset from ekf origin to Location
Location temp_loc(Vector3f(origin_pos.x, origin_pos.y, 0.0f));
origin_new = temp_loc;
} else {
// for first point use current loc as origin
origin_new = current_loc;
// convert offset from ekf origin to Location
Location temp_loc(Vector3f(dest_pos.x, dest_pos.y, 0.0f));
destination_new = destination; =;
destination_new.lng = temp_loc.lng;
// check if we should advance to next point for next iteration
const bool near_oa_wp = current_loc.get_distance(destination_new) <= 2.0f;
const bool past_oa_wp = current_loc.past_interval_finish_line(origin_new, destination_new);
if (near_oa_wp || past_oa_wp) {
return true;
return false;
// returns true if polygon fence is enabled
bool AP_OADijkstra::polygon_fence_enabled() const
const AC_Fence *fence = AC_Fence::get_singleton();
if (fence == nullptr) {
return false;
return ((fence->get_enabled_fences() & AC_FENCE_TYPE_POLYGON) > 0);
// check if polygon fence has been updated since we created the inner fence. returns true if changed
bool AP_OADijkstra::check_polygon_fence_updated() const
// exit immediately if polygon fence is not enabled
const AC_Fence *fence = AC_Fence::get_singleton();
if (fence == nullptr) {
return false;
return (_polyfence_update_ms != fence->get_boundary_update_ms());
// create a smaller polygon fence within the existing polygon fence
// returns true on success
bool AP_OADijkstra::create_polygon_fence_with_margin(float margin_cm)
// exit immediately if polygon fence is not enabled
const AC_Fence *fence = AC_Fence::get_singleton();
if (fence == nullptr) {
return false;
// get polygon boundary
uint16_t num_points;
const Vector2f* boundary = fence->get_boundary_points(num_points);
if ((boundary == nullptr) || (num_points < 3)) {
return false;
// expand fence point array if required
if (!_polyfence_pts.expand_to_hold(num_points)) {
return false;
// for each point on polygon fence
// Note: boundary is "unclosed" meaning the last point is *not* the same as the first
for (uint8_t i=0; i<num_points; i++) {
// find points before and after current point (relative to current point)
const uint8_t before_idx = (i == 0) ? num_points-1 : i-1;
const uint8_t after_idx = (i == num_points-1) ? 0 : i+1;
Vector2f before_pt = boundary[before_idx] - boundary[i];
Vector2f after_pt = boundary[after_idx] - boundary[i];
// if points are overlapping fail
if (before_pt.is_zero() || after_pt.is_zero() || (before_pt == after_pt)) {
return false;
// scale points to be unit vectors
// calculate intermediate point and scale to margin
Vector2f intermediate_pt = (after_pt + before_pt) * 0.5f;
float intermediate_len = intermediate_pt.length();
intermediate_pt *= (margin_cm / intermediate_len);
// find final point which is inside the original polygon
_polyfence_pts[i] = boundary[i] + intermediate_pt;
if (Polygon_outside(_polyfence_pts[i], boundary, num_points)) {
_polyfence_pts[i] = boundary[i] - intermediate_pt;
if (Polygon_outside(_polyfence_pts[i], boundary, num_points)) {
// could not find a point on either side that was within the fence so fail
// this can happen if fence lines are closer than margin_cm
return false;
// update number of fence points
_polyfence_numpoints = num_points;
// record fence update time so we don't process this exact fence again
_polyfence_update_ms = fence->get_boundary_update_ms();
return true;
// create a visibility graph of the polygon fence
// returns true on success
// requires create_polygon_fence_with_margin to have been run
bool AP_OADijkstra::create_polygon_fence_visgraph()
// exit immediately if no polygon fence (with margin)
if (_polyfence_numpoints == 0) {
return false;
// exit immediately if polygon fence is not enabled
const AC_Fence *fence = AC_Fence::get_singleton();
if (fence == nullptr) {
return false;
// get polygon boundary
uint16_t num_points;
const Vector2f* boundary = fence->get_boundary_points(num_points);
if ((boundary == nullptr) || (num_points < 3)) {
return false;
// fail if more than number of polygon points algorithm can handle
return false;
// clear polygon visibility graph
// calculate distance from each polygon fence point to all other points
for (uint8_t i=0; i<_polyfence_numpoints-1; i++) {
const Vector2f &start1 = _polyfence_pts[i];
for (uint8_t j=i+1; j<_polyfence_numpoints; j++) {
const Vector2f &end1 = _polyfence_pts[j];
Vector2f intersection;
// ToDo: calculation below could be sped up by removing unused intersection and
// skipping segments we know are parallel to our fence-with-margin segments
if (!Polygon_intersects(boundary, num_points, start1, end1, intersection)) {
// line segment does not intersect with original fence so add to visgraph
_polyfence_visgraph.add_item({AP_OAVisGraph::OATYPE_FENCE_POINT, i},
(_polyfence_pts[i] - _polyfence_pts[j]).length());
// ToDo: store infinity when there is no clear path between points to allow faster search later
return true;
// updates visibility graph for a given position which is an offset (in cm) from the ekf origin
// to add an additional position (i.e. the destination) set add_extra_position = true and provide the position in the extra_position argument
// requires create_polygon_fence_with_margin to have been run
// returns true on success
bool AP_OADijkstra::update_visgraph(AP_OAVisGraph& visgraph, const AP_OAVisGraph::OAItemID& oaid, const Vector2f &position, bool add_extra_position, Vector2f extra_position)
// exit immediately if no polygon fence (with margin)
if (_polyfence_numpoints == 0) {
return false;
// exit immediately if polygon fence is not enabled
const AC_Fence *fence = AC_Fence::get_singleton();
if (fence == nullptr) {
return false;
// get polygon boundary
uint16_t num_points;
const Vector2f* boundary = fence->get_boundary_points(num_points);
if ((boundary == nullptr) || (num_points < 3)) {
return false;
// clear visibility graph
// calculate distance from extra_position to all fence points
for (uint8_t i=0; i<_polyfence_numpoints; i++) {
Vector2f intersection;
if (!Polygon_intersects(boundary, num_points, position, _polyfence_pts[i], intersection)) {
// line segment does not intersect with original fence so add to visgraph
visgraph.add_item(oaid, {AP_OAVisGraph::OATYPE_FENCE_POINT, i}, (position - _polyfence_pts[i]).length());
// ToDo: store infinity when there is no clear path between points to allow faster search later
// add extra point to visibility graph if it doesn't intersect with polygon fence
if (add_extra_position) {
Vector2f intersection;
if (!Polygon_intersects(boundary, num_points, position, extra_position, intersection)) {
visgraph.add_item(oaid, {AP_OAVisGraph::OATYPE_DESTINATION, 0}, (position - extra_position).length());
return true;
// update total distance for all nodes visible from current node
// curr_node_idx is an index into the _short_path_data array
void AP_OADijkstra::update_visible_node_distances(node_index curr_node_idx)
// sanity check
if (curr_node_idx > _short_path_data_numpoints) {
// get current node for convenience
const ShortPathNode &curr_node = _short_path_data[curr_node_idx];
// for each visibility graph
const AP_OAVisGraph* visgraphs[] = {&_polyfence_visgraph, &_destination_visgraph};
for (uint8_t v=0; v<ARRAY_SIZE(visgraphs); v++) {
// skip if empty
const AP_OAVisGraph &curr_visgraph = *visgraphs[v];
if (curr_visgraph.num_items() == 0) {
// search visibility graph for items visible from current_node
for (uint8_t i=0; i<curr_visgraph.num_items(); i++) {
const AP_OAVisGraph::VisGraphItem &item = curr_visgraph[i];
// match if current node's id matches either of the id's in the graph (i.e. either end of the vector)
if (( == item.id1) || ( == item.id2)) {
AP_OAVisGraph::OAItemID matching_id = ( == item.id1) ? item.id2 : item.id1;
// find item's id in node array
node_index item_node_idx;
if (find_node_from_id(matching_id, item_node_idx)) {
// if current node's distance + distance to item is less than item's current distance, update item's distance
const float dist_to_item_via_current_node = _short_path_data[curr_node_idx].distance_cm + item.distance_cm;
if (dist_to_item_via_current_node < _short_path_data[item_node_idx].distance_cm) {
// update item's distance and set "distance_from_idx" to current node's index
_short_path_data[item_node_idx].distance_cm = dist_to_item_via_current_node;
_short_path_data[item_node_idx].distance_from_idx = curr_node_idx;
// find a node's index into _short_path_data array from it's id (i.e. id type and id number)
// returns true if successful and node_idx is updated
bool AP_OADijkstra::find_node_from_id(const AP_OAVisGraph::OAItemID &id, node_index &node_idx) const
switch (id.id_type) {
// source node is always the first node
if (_short_path_data_numpoints > 0) {
node_idx = 0;
return true;
// destination is always the 2nd node
if (_short_path_data_numpoints > 1) {
node_idx = 1;
return true;
// must be a fence node which start from 3rd node
if (_short_path_data_numpoints > id.id_num + 2) {
node_idx = id.id_num + 2;
return true;
// could not find node
return false;
// find index of node with lowest tentative distance (ignore visited nodes)
// returns true if successful and node_idx argument is updated
bool AP_OADijkstra::find_closest_node_idx(node_index &node_idx) const
node_index lowest_idx = 0;
float lowest_dist = FLT_MAX;
// scan through all nodes looking for closest
for (node_index i=0; i<_short_path_data_numpoints; i++) {
const ShortPathNode &node = _short_path_data[i];
if (!node.visited && (node.distance_cm < lowest_dist)) {
lowest_idx = i;
lowest_dist = node.distance_cm;
if (lowest_dist < FLT_MAX) {
node_idx = lowest_idx;
return true;
return false;
// calculate shortest path from origin to destination
// returns true on success
// requires create_polygon_fence_with_margin and create_polygon_fence_visgraph to have been run
// resulting path is stored in _shortest_path array as vector offsets from EKF origin
bool AP_OADijkstra::calc_shortest_path(const Location &origin, const Location &destination)
// convert origin and destination to offsets from EKF origin
Vector2f origin_NE, destination_NE;
if (!origin.get_vector_xy_from_origin_NE(origin_NE) || !destination.get_vector_xy_from_origin_NE(destination_NE)) {
return false;
// create origin and destination visgraphs of polygon points
update_visgraph(_source_visgraph, {AP_OAVisGraph::OATYPE_SOURCE, 0}, origin_NE, true, destination_NE);
update_visgraph(_destination_visgraph, {AP_OAVisGraph::OATYPE_DESTINATION, 0}, destination_NE);
// expand _short_path_data if necessary
if (!_short_path_data.expand_to_hold(2 + _polyfence_numpoints)) {
return false;
// add origin and destination (node_type, id, visited, distance_from_idx, distance_cm) to short_path_data array
_short_path_data[0] = {{AP_OAVisGraph::OATYPE_SOURCE, 0}, false, 0, 0};
_short_path_data_numpoints = 2;
// add fence points to short_path_data array (node_type, id, visited, distance_from_idx, distance_cm)
for (uint8_t i=0; i<_polyfence_numpoints; i++) {
_short_path_data[_short_path_data_numpoints++] = {{AP_OAVisGraph::OATYPE_FENCE_POINT, i}, false, OA_DIJKSTRA_POLYGON_SHORTPATH_NOTSET_IDX, FLT_MAX};
// start algorithm from source point
node_index current_node_idx = 0;
// update nodes visible from source point
for (uint8_t i=0; i<_source_visgraph.num_items(); i++) {
node_index node_idx;
if (find_node_from_id(_source_visgraph[i].id2, node_idx)) {
_short_path_data[node_idx].distance_cm = _source_visgraph[i].distance_cm;
_short_path_data[node_idx].distance_from_idx = current_node_idx;
} else {
return false;
// mark source node as visited
_short_path_data[current_node_idx].visited = true;
// move current_node_idx to node with lowest distance
while (find_closest_node_idx(current_node_idx)) {
// update distances to all neighbours of current node
// mark current node as visited
_short_path_data[current_node_idx].visited = true;
// extract path starting from destination
bool success = false;
node_index nidx;
if (!find_node_from_id({AP_OAVisGraph::OATYPE_DESTINATION,0}, nidx)) {
return false;
_path_numpoints = 0;
while (true) {
// fail if out of space
if (_path_numpoints >= _path.max_items()) {
if (!_path.expand()) {
// fail if newest node has invalid distance_from_index
if ((_short_path_data[nidx].distance_from_idx == OA_DIJKSTRA_POLYGON_SHORTPATH_NOTSET_IDX) ||
(_short_path_data[nidx].distance_cm >= FLT_MAX)) {
} else {
// add node's id to path array
_path[_path_numpoints] = _short_path_data[nidx].id;
// we are done if node is the source
if (_short_path_data[nidx].id.id_type == AP_OAVisGraph::OATYPE_SOURCE) {
success = true;
} else {
// follow node's "distance_from_idx" to previous node on path
nidx = _short_path_data[nidx].distance_from_idx;
// update source and destination for by get_shortest_path_point
if (success) {
_path_source = origin_NE;
_path_destination = destination_NE;
return success;
// return point from final path as an offset (in cm) from the ekf origin
bool AP_OADijkstra::get_shortest_path_point(uint8_t point_num, Vector2f& pos)
if ((_path_numpoints == 0) || (point_num >= _path_numpoints)) {
return false;
// get id from path
AP_OAVisGraph::OAItemID id = _path[_path_numpoints - point_num - 1];
// convert id to a position offset from EKF origin
switch (id.id_type) {
pos = _path_source;
return true;
pos = _path_destination;
return true;
// sanity check polygon fence has the point
if (id.id_num < _polyfence_numpoints) {
pos = _polyfence_pts[id.id_num];
return true;
return false;
// we should never reach here but just in case
return false;