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synced 2025-03-12 17:43:58 -03:00
Convert to IActivate, IDeactivate scheme, thanks andrew add support for rfcomm* interfaces on linux fix guage off screen draw mono issue. remove use of BackStageViewContentPanel andrews spacer changes - not using dues to screen space issue change configpanel constructor to load xml directly remove IMavlink Interface fix hsi off screen draw issue on mono modify hud to use sprite fonts, instead of drawing via GDI+ modify progress reporter to use a 10hz timer to update screen, using invoke/begininvoke fails on mono at 50hz (over 100ms per call). fix targetalt and target airspeed jumping issue. lots of cleanup on tab switching, ie stoping timers/other 3dr radio status led update update ardurover car icon speedup georef image screen. tested on over 1000 images.
412 lines
13 KiB
412 lines
13 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections;
namespace ArdupilotMega
class srtm
public static string datadirectory = "./srtm/";
static List<string> allhgts = new List<string>();
static object objlock = new object();
static Thread requestThread;
static List<string> queue = new List<string>();
static Hashtable fnamecache = new Hashtable();
static Hashtable filecache = new Hashtable();
public static int getAltitude(double lat, double lng, double zoom)
short alt = 0;
lat += 1 / 1199.0;
//lng -= 1 / 1201f;
// lat -35.115676879882812 double
// lng 117.94178754638671 double
// alt 70 short
int x = (int)Math.Floor(lng);
int y = (int)Math.Floor(lat);
string ns;
if (y > 0)
ns = "N";
ns = "S";
string ew;
if (x > 0)
ew = "E";
ew = "W";
if (fnamecache[y] == null)
fnamecache[y] = Math.Abs(y).ToString("00");
if (fnamecache[1000 + x] == null)
fnamecache[1000 + x] = Math.Abs(x).ToString("000");
string filename = ns + fnamecache[y] + ew + fnamecache[1000 + x] + ".hgt";
if (filecache.ContainsKey(datadirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename) || File.Exists(datadirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename))
{ // srtm hgt files
//FileStream fs = new FileStream(datadirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
MemoryStream fs = readFile(datadirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename);
int posx = 0;
int row = 0;
if (fs.Length <= (1201 * 1201 * 2))
posx = (int)(((float)(lng - x)) * (1201 * 2));
row = (int)(((float)(lat - y)) * 1201) * (1201 * 2);
row = (1201 * 1201 * 2) - row;
posx = (int)(((float)(lng - x)) * (3601 * 2));
row = (int)(((float)(lat - y)) * 3601) * (3601 * 2);
row = (3601 * 3601 * 2) - row;
if (posx % 2 == 1)
//Console.WriteLine(filename + " row " + row + " posx" + posx);
byte[] data = new byte[2];
fs.Seek((int)(row + posx), SeekOrigin.Begin);
fs.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
alt = (short)((data[0] << 8) + data[1]) ;//BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 0);
return alt;
string filename2 = "srtm_" + Math.Round((lng + 2.5 + 180) / 5, 0).ToString("00") + "_" + Math.Round((60 - lat + 2.5) / 5, 0).ToString("00") + ".asc";
if (File.Exists(datadirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename2))
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(readFile(datadirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename2));
int nox = 0;
int noy = 0;
float left = 0;
float top = 0;
int nodata = -9999;
float cellsize = 0;
int rowcounter = 0;
float wantrow = 0;
float wantcol = 0;
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
string line = sr.ReadLine();
if (line.StartsWith("ncols"))
nox = int.Parse(line.Substring(line.IndexOf(' ')));
//hgtdata = new int[nox * noy];
else if (line.StartsWith("nrows"))
noy = int.Parse(line.Substring(line.IndexOf(' ')));
//hgtdata = new int[nox * noy];
else if (line.StartsWith("xllcorner"))
left = float.Parse(line.Substring(line.IndexOf(' ')));
else if (line.StartsWith("yllcorner"))
top = float.Parse(line.Substring(line.IndexOf(' ')));
else if (line.StartsWith("cellsize"))
cellsize = float.Parse(line.Substring(line.IndexOf(' ')));
else if (line.StartsWith("NODATA_value"))
nodata = int.Parse(line.Substring(line.IndexOf(' ')));
string[] data = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
if (data.Length == (nox + 1))
wantcol = (float)((lng - Math.Round(left, 0)));
wantrow = (float)((lat - Math.Round(top, 0)));
wantrow = (int)(wantrow / cellsize);
wantcol = (int)(wantcol / cellsize);
wantrow = noy - wantrow;
if (rowcounter == wantrow)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} ans {4} x {5}", lng, lat, left, top, data[(int)wantcol], (nox + wantcol * cellsize));
return int.Parse(data[(int)wantcol]);
return alt;
else // get something
if (zoom >= 15)
if (!Directory.Exists(datadirectory))
if (requestThread == null)
Console.WriteLine("Getting " + filename);
requestThread = new Thread(requestRunner);
requestThread.IsBackground = true;
requestThread.Name = "SRTM request runner";
lock (objlock)
if (!queue.Contains(filename))
Console.WriteLine("Getting " + filename);
catch { alt = 0; }
return alt;
static MemoryStream readFile(string filename)
if (filecache.ContainsKey(filename))
return (MemoryStream)filecache[filename];
FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
byte[] file = new byte[fs.Length];
fs.Read(file, 0, (int)fs.Length);
filecache[filename] = new MemoryStream(file);
return (MemoryStream)filecache[filename];
static void requestRunner()
while (true)
string item = "";
lock (objlock)
if (queue.Count > 0)
item = queue[0];
if (item != "")
lock (objlock)
catch { }
static void get3secfile(object name)
string baseurl = "http://dds.cr.usgs.gov/srtm/version2_1/SRTM3/";
// check file doesnt already exist
if (File.Exists(datadirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + (string)name))
List<string> list = getListing(baseurl);
foreach (string item in list)
List<string> hgtfiles = new List<string>();
hgtfiles = getListing(item);
foreach (string hgt in hgtfiles)
if (hgt.Contains((string)name))
// get file
gethgt(hgt, (string)name);
static void gethgt(string url, string filename)
WebRequest req = HttpWebRequest.Create(url);
WebResponse res = req.GetResponse();
Stream resstream = res.GetResponseStream();
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(File.Create(datadirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename + ".zip"));
byte[] buf1 = new byte[1024];
while (resstream.CanRead)
int len = resstream.Read(buf1, 0, 1024);
if (len == 0)
bw.Write(buf1, 0, len);
FastZip fzip = new FastZip();
fzip.ExtractZip(datadirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename + ".zip", datadirectory, "");
catch { }
static List<string> getListing(string url)
string name = new Uri(url).AbsolutePath;
name = Path.GetFileName(name.TrimEnd('/'));
List<string> list = new List<string>();
if (File.Exists(datadirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + name))
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(datadirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + name);
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
return list;
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(datadirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + name);
WebRequest req = HttpWebRequest.Create(url);
WebResponse res = req.GetResponse();
StreamReader resstream = new StreamReader(res.GetResponseStream());
string data = resstream.ReadToEnd();
Regex regex = new Regex("href=\"([^\"]+)\"", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (regex.IsMatch(data))
MatchCollection matchs = regex.Matches(data);
for (int i = 0; i < matchs.Count; i++)
if (matchs[i].Groups[1].Value.ToString().Contains(".."))
if (matchs[i].Groups[1].Value.ToString().Contains("http"))
list.Add(url.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) + "/" + matchs[i].Groups[1].Value.ToString());
list.ForEach(x =>
catch { }
return list;
} |