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synced 2025-03-03 04:03:59 -04:00
The various C Webots controllers are replaced by a single Python controller - More readable (in my opinion) - Does not require compilation - Easily modifiable to run user code - Can be blackboxed and configured via arguments when designing a robot model - Optionally provides the ability to stream camera images over TCP - Generalizable to copters and rovers (and probably more) - Supports multi-vehicle simulation (including of multiple types) - Requires no non-standard libraries (neither does current) Higher fidelity example worlds - Iris quadcopter demo world similar to gazebo - Crazyflie quadcopter demo world (crazyflie models baked into webots) - Pioneer3at rover demo world (pioneer models baked into webots)
162 lines
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162 lines
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# VRML_SIM R2022b utf8
# Iris drone model. Note that the model is not 1-to-1 with the
# real drone as motor/propeller constants were empirically determined.
PROTO Iris [
field SFVec3f translation 0 0 0
field SFRotation rotation 0 0 1 0
field SFString name "Iris" # Is `Robot.name`.
field SFString controller "void" # Is `Robot.controller`.
field MFString controllerArgs [] # Is `Robot.controllerArgs`.
field SFString customData "" # Is `Robot.customData`.
field SFBool supervisor FALSE # Is `Robot.supervisor`.
field SFBool synchronization TRUE # Is `Robot.synchronization`.
field MFNode extensionSlot [] # Extends the robot with new nodes in the extension slot.
Robot {
translation IS translation
rotation IS rotation
controller IS controller
controllerArgs IS controllerArgs
customData IS customData
supervisor IS supervisor
synchronization IS synchronization
name IS name
children [
Group {
children IS extensionSlot
appearance PBRAppearance {
baseColor 0.05 0.05 0.05
roughness 1.000000
metalness 0.2
geometry Mesh {
url "meshes/iris.dae"
castShadows FALSE
Propeller {
shaftAxis 0 0 1
centerOfThrust 0.130000 -0.220000 0.023000
thrustConstants 0.0012 0
torqueConstants 5.0e-04 0
device RotationalMotor {
name "m1_motor"
maxVelocity 100
maxTorque 30
multiplier 1
slowHelix Solid {
translation 0.130000 -0.220000 0.023000
children [
Shape {
appearance DEF PROP_BLUE PBRAppearance {
baseColor 0 0 0.75
metalness 0.3
geometry DEF CCW_PROP Mesh {
url [
Propeller {
shaftAxis 0 0 1
centerOfThrust -0.130000 0.200000 0.023000
thrustConstants 0.0012 0
torqueConstants 5.0e-04 0
device RotationalMotor {
name "m2_motor"
maxVelocity 100
maxTorque 30
multiplier 1
slowHelix Solid {
translation -0.130000 0.200000 0.023000
children [
Shape {
appearance DEF PROP_BLACK PBRAppearance {
baseColor 0 0 0
metalness 0.3
geometry USE CCW_PROP
Propeller {
shaftAxis 0 0 1
centerOfThrust 00.130000 0.220000 0.023000
thrustConstants -0.0012 0
torqueConstants 5.0e-04 0
device RotationalMotor {
name "m3_motor"
maxVelocity 100
maxTorque 30
multiplier -1
slowHelix Solid {
translation 0.130000 0.220000 0.023000
children [
Shape {
appearance USE PROP_BLUE
geometry DEF CW_PROP Mesh {
url [
Propeller {
shaftAxis 0 0 1
centerOfThrust -0.130000 -0.200000 0.023000
thrustConstants -0.0012 0
torqueConstants 5.0e-04 0
device RotationalMotor {
name "m4_motor"
maxVelocity 100
maxTorque 30
multiplier -1
slowHelix Solid {
translation -0.130000 -0.200000 0.023000
children [
Shape {
appearance USE PROP_BLACK
geometry USE CW_PROP
Accelerometer {
Gyro {
InertialUnit {
boundingObject Box {
size 0.470000 0.470000 0.110000
physics Physics {
density -1
mass 1.500000
centerOfMass [ 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ]
inertiaMatrix [
2.912500e-02 2.912500e-02 5.522500e-02
0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00