mirror of https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot synced 2025-03-02 19:53:57 -04:00
Andrew Tridgell e8b11924f8 Plane: split out the tailsitter transition complete code
use both roll and pitch to trigger completion of transition. This
copes with situations where the plane has managed to get itself rolled
over far enough that it can't recover into hover
2017-02-18 17:26:43 +11:00

360 lines
9.6 KiB

#include <AP_Motors/AP_Motors.h>
#include <AC_PID/AC_PID.h>
#include <AC_AttitudeControl/AC_AttitudeControl_Multi.h> // Attitude control library
#include <AP_InertialNav/AP_InertialNav.h>
#include <AC_AttitudeControl/AC_PosControl.h>
#include <AC_WPNav/AC_WPNav.h>
#include <AC_Fence/AC_Fence.h>
#include <AC_Avoidance/AC_Avoid.h>
#include <AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity.h>
QuadPlane specific functionality
class QuadPlane
friend class Plane;
friend class AP_Tuning_Plane;
friend class GCS_MAVLINK_Plane;
friend class AP_AdvancedFailsafe_Plane;
QuadPlane(AP_AHRS_NavEKF &_ahrs);
// var_info for holding Parameter information
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
void control_run(void);
void control_auto(const Location &loc);
bool init_mode(void);
bool setup(void);
void setup_defaults(void);
void vtol_position_controller(void);
void setup_target_position(void);
void takeoff_controller(void);
void waypoint_controller(void);
// update transition handling
void update(void);
// set motor arming
void set_armed(bool armed);
// is VTOL available?
bool available(void) const {
return initialised;
// is quadplane assisting?
bool in_assisted_flight(void) const {
return available() && assisted_flight;
bool handle_do_vtol_transition(enum MAV_VTOL_STATE state);
bool do_vtol_takeoff(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
bool do_vtol_land(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
bool verify_vtol_takeoff(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command &cmd);
bool verify_vtol_land(void);
bool in_vtol_auto(void);
bool in_vtol_mode(void);
// vtol help for is_flying()
bool is_flying(void);
// return current throttle as a percentate
uint8_t throttle_percentage(void) const {
return last_throttle * 100;
// return desired forward throttle percentage
int8_t forward_throttle_pct(void);
float get_weathervane_yaw_rate_cds(void);
// see if we are flying from vtol point of view
bool is_flying_vtol(void);
// return true when tailsitter frame configured
bool is_tailsitter(void);
// return true when flying a tailsitter in VTOL
bool tailsitter_active(void);
// create outputs for tailsitters
void tailsitter_output(void);
// check if we have completed transition
bool tailsitter_transition_complete(void);
struct PACKED log_QControl_Tuning {
uint64_t time_us;
float angle_boost;
float throttle_out;
float desired_alt;
float inav_alt;
int32_t baro_alt;
int16_t desired_climb_rate;
int16_t climb_rate;
float dvx;
float dvy;
float dax;
float day;
AP_AHRS_NavEKF &ahrs;
AP_Vehicle::MultiCopter aparm;
AP_InertialNav_NavEKF inertial_nav{ahrs};
AC_P p_pos_xy{0.7};
AC_P p_alt_hold{1};
AC_P p_vel_z{5};
AC_PID pid_accel_z{0.3, 1, 0, 800, 10, 0.02};
AC_PI_2D pi_vel_xy{0.7, 0.35, 1000, 5, 0.02};
AP_Int8 frame_class;
AP_Int8 frame_type;
AP_MotorsMulticopter *motors;
AC_AttitudeControl_Multi *attitude_control;
AC_PosControl *pos_control;
AC_WPNav *wp_nav;
// maximum vertical velocity the pilot may request
AP_Int16 pilot_velocity_z_max;
// vertical acceleration the pilot may request
AP_Int16 pilot_accel_z;
// check for quadplane assistance needed
bool assistance_needed(float aspeed);
// update transition handling
void update_transition(void);
// hold hover (for transition)
void hold_hover(float target_climb_rate);
// hold stabilize (for transition)
void hold_stabilize(float throttle_in);
// get pilot desired yaw rate in cd/s
float get_pilot_input_yaw_rate_cds(void);
// get overall desired yaw rate in cd/s
float get_desired_yaw_rate_cds(void);
// get desired climb rate in cm/s
float get_pilot_desired_climb_rate_cms(void);
// initialise throttle_wait when entering mode
void init_throttle_wait();
// main entry points for VTOL flight modes
void init_stabilize(void);
void control_stabilize(void);
void init_hover(void);
void control_hover(void);
void run_rate_controller(void);
void init_loiter(void);
void init_land(void);
void control_loiter(void);
void check_land_complete(void);
void init_qrtl(void);
void control_qrtl(void);
float assist_climb_rate_cms(void);
// calculate desired yaw rate for assistance
float desired_auto_yaw_rate_cds(void);
bool should_relax(void);
void motors_output(void);
void Log_Write_QControl_Tuning();
float landing_descent_rate_cms(float height_above_ground);
// setup correct aux channels for frame class
void setup_default_channels(uint8_t num_motors);
void guided_start(void);
void guided_update(void);
void check_throttle_suppression(void);
AP_Int16 transition_time_ms;
AP_Int16 rc_speed;
// min and max PWM for throttle
AP_Int16 thr_min_pwm;
AP_Int16 thr_max_pwm;
// speed below which quad assistance is given
AP_Float assist_speed;
// angular error at which quad assistance is given
AP_Int8 assist_angle;
uint32_t angle_error_start_ms;
// maximum yaw rate in degrees/second
AP_Float yaw_rate_max;
// landing speed in cm/s
AP_Int16 land_speed_cms;
// QRTL start altitude, meters
AP_Int16 qrtl_alt;
// alt to switch to QLAND_FINAL
AP_Float land_final_alt;
AP_Float vel_forward_alt_cutoff;
AP_Int8 enable;
AP_Int8 transition_pitch_max;
// control if a VTOL RTL will be used
AP_Int8 rtl_mode;
// control if a VTOL GUIDED will be used
AP_Int8 guided_mode;
// control ESC throttle calibration
AP_Int8 esc_calibration;
void run_esc_calibration(void);
// ICEngine control on landing
AP_Int8 land_icengine_cut;
struct {
AP_Float gain;
float integrator;
uint32_t last_ms;
int8_t last_pct;
} vel_forward;
struct {
AP_Float gain;
AP_Float min_roll;
uint32_t last_pilot_input_ms;
float last_output;
} weathervane;
bool initialised;
// timer start for transition
uint32_t transition_start_ms;
Location last_auto_target;
// last throttle value when active
float last_throttle;
const float smoothing_gain = 6;
// true if we have reached the airspeed threshold for transition
enum {
} transition_state;
// true when waiting for pilot throttle
bool throttle_wait:1;
// true when quad is assisting a fixed wing mode
bool assisted_flight:1;
// true when in angle assist
bool in_angle_assist:1;
struct {
// time when motors reached lower limit
uint32_t lower_limit_start_ms;
uint32_t land_start_ms;
float vpos_start_m;
} landing_detect;
// time we last set the loiter target
uint32_t last_loiter_ms;
enum position_control_state {
struct {
enum position_control_state state;
float speed_scale;
Vector2f target_velocity;
float max_speed;
Vector3f target;
bool slow_descent:1;
} poscontrol;
struct {
bool running;
uint32_t start_ms; // system time the motor test began
uint32_t timeout_ms = 0; // test will timeout this many milliseconds after the motor_test_start_ms
uint8_t seq = 0; // motor sequence number of motor being tested
uint8_t throttle_type = 0; // motor throttle type (0=throttle percentage, 1=PWM, 2=pilot throttle channel pass-through)
uint16_t throttle_value = 0; // throttle to be sent to motor, value depends upon it's type
uint8_t motor_count; // number of motors to cycle
} motor_test;
// time of last control log message
uint32_t last_ctrl_log_ms;
// types of tilt mechanisms
// tiltrotor control variables
struct {
AP_Int16 tilt_mask;
AP_Int16 max_rate_dps;
AP_Int8 max_angle_deg;
AP_Int8 tilt_type;
float current_tilt;
float current_throttle;
bool motors_active:1;
} tilt;
// tailsitter control variables
struct {
AP_Int8 transition_angle;
} tailsitter;
// the attitude view of the VTOL attitude controller
AP_AHRS_View *ahrs_view;
// time when motors were last active
uint32_t last_motors_active_ms;
void tiltrotor_slew(float tilt);
void tiltrotor_binary_slew(bool forward);
void tiltrotor_update(void);
void tiltrotor_continuous_update(void);
void tiltrotor_binary_update(void);
void tilt_compensate(float *thrust, uint8_t num_motors);
bool tiltrotor_fully_fwd(void);
void afs_terminate(void);
bool guided_mode_enabled(void);
void motor_test_output();
uint8_t mavlink_motor_test_start(mavlink_channel_t chan, uint8_t motor_seq, uint8_t throttle_type,
uint16_t throttle_value, float timeout_sec,
uint8_t motor_count);
void motor_test_stop();