--[[ a script to select other lua scripts using an auxillary switch from /1 /2 or /3 subdirectories of the scripts directory --]] local THIS_SCRIPT = "Script_Controller.lua" local sel_ch = Parameter("SCR_USER6") SEL_CH = sel_ch:get() if SEL_CH == 0 then SEL_CH = 302 end MISSION_FILENAME = "mission.txt" --[[ check that directory exists --]] function check_subdir_exists(n) return dirlist(get_scripts_dir() .. "/" .. n ) end --[[ copy file src to dest, return true on success --]] function file_copy(src, dest) local block_size = 256 local file1 = io.open(src, "rb") if not file1 then return false end local file2 = io.open(dest, "wb") if not file2 then file1:close() return false end while true do local block = file1:read(block_size) if not block then break end file2:write(block) end local ret = false if file1:seek("end") == file2:seek("end") then ret = true end file1:close() file2:close() return ret end --[[ compare two files, return true if they are the same --]] function file_compare(filename1, filename2) local block_size = 256 local file1 = io.open(filename1, "rb") if not file1 then return false end local file2 = io.open(filename2, "rb") if not file2 then file1:close() return false end local ret = true while true do local block1 = file1:read(block_size) local block2 = file2:read(block_size) if block1 ~= block2 then ret = false break end if not block1 then break end end file1:close() file2:close() return ret end --[[ get the path to the scripts directory. This will be scripts/ on SITL and APM/scripts on a ChibiOS board --]] function get_scripts_dir() local dlist1 = dirlist("APM/scripts") if dlist1 and #dlist1 > 0 then return "APM/scripts" end -- otherwise assume scripts/ return "scripts" end --[[ check if a file exists, returns true if it does' fname is complete path to file --]] function file_exists(fname) local f = io.open(fname,"rb") if not f then return false end f:close() return true end --[[ compare strings case insensitive and return true if match --]] function compare_strings_ci(a,b) return string.upper(a) == string.upper(b) end --[[ remove any lua scripts in the scripts directory that are not in the given subdir besides ourselves returns true if any files were removed --]] function remove_scripts(subdir) local sdir = get_scripts_dir() local dlist = dirlist(sdir) if not dlist then return false end local ret = false for k,v in ipairs(dlist) do local suffix = v:sub(-4) if compare_strings_ci(suffix,".LUA") and not compare_strings_ci(v,THIS_SCRIPT) then if not file_exists(subdir .. "/" .. v) then ret = true remove(sdir .. "/" .. v) end end end return ret end --[[ copy scripts from a subdir to the main scripts directory return true if any changes were made --]] function copy_scripts(subdir) local dlist = dirlist(subdir) if not dlist then return false end local ret = false local sdir = get_scripts_dir() for k, v in ipairs(dlist) do local suffix = v:sub(-4) if compare_strings_ci(suffix,".LUA") and not compare_strings_ci(v,THIS_SCRIPT) then local src = subdir .. "/" .. v local dest = sdir .. "/" .. v if not file_compare(src, dest) then ret = true file_copy(src, dest) end end end if ret then gcs:send_text(5,"Copied new files to scripts directory") end return ret end --[[ load a mission from a MISSION_FILENAME file in subdirectory n --]] function mission_load(n) file_name = get_scripts_dir() .. "/" .. n .."/" .. MISSION_FILENAME -- Open file file = io.open(file_name) if not file then return end -- check header assert(string.find(file:read('l'),'QGC WPL 110') == 1, file_name .. ': incorrect format') -- clear any existing mission assert(mission:clear(), 'Could not clear current mission') -- read each line and write to mission local item = mavlink_mission_item_int_t() local index = 0 local fail = false while true and not fail do local data = {} local line = file:read() if not line then break end local ret, _, seq, curr, frame, cmd, p1, p2, p3, p4, x, y, z, autocont = string.find(line, "^(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+([-.%d]+)%s+([-.%d]+)%s+([-.%d]+)%s+([-.%d]+)%s+([-.%d]+)%s+([-.%d]+)%s+([-.%d]+)%s+(%d+)") if not ret then fail = true break end if tonumber(seq) ~= index then fail = true break end item:seq(tonumber(seq)) item:frame(tonumber(frame)) item:command(tonumber(cmd)) item:param1(tonumber(p1)) item:param2(tonumber(p2)) item:param3(tonumber(p3)) item:param4(tonumber(p4)) if mission:cmd_has_location(tonumber(cmd)) then item:x(math.floor(tonumber(x)*10^7)) item:y(math.floor(tonumber(y)*10^7)) else item:x(math.floor(tonumber(x))) item:y(math.floor(tonumber(y))) end item:z(tonumber(z)) if not mission:set_item(index,item) then mission:clear() -- clear part loaded mission fail = true break end index = index + 1 end if fail then mission:clear() --clear anything already loaded error(string.format('failed to load mission at seq num %u', index)) end gcs:send_text(0, string.format("Loaded %u mission items", index)) end --[[ activate a scripting subdirectory --]] function activate_subdir(n) -- step1, remove lua files from scripts/ that are not in the given subdirectory local subdir = get_scripts_dir() .. "/" .. n local changes_made = remove_scripts(subdir) changes_made = changes_made or copy_scripts(subdir) --copy files if different return changes_made end local sw_last = -1 function update() local sw_current = rc:get_aux_cached(SEL_CH) if sw_current == sw_last or sw_current == nil then return update, 500 end if sw_current == 1 then subdir = 2 elseif sw_current == 2 then subdir = 3 else subdir = 1 --default if RC not established yet end sw_last = sw_current if not check_subdir_exists(subdir) then gcs:send_text(0,string.format("Scripts subdirectory /%s does not exist!",subdir)) return update, 500 end changes_made = activate_subdir(subdir) if changes_made then scripting:restart_all() else mission_load(subdir) gcs:send_text(0, string.format("Scripts subbdirectory %s active", subdir)) end return update, 500 end gcs:send_text(6,"Loaded Script_Controller.lua") return update, 500