#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Wrapper around elf_diff (https://github.com/noseglasses/elf_diff) to create a html report comparing an ArduPilot build across two branches pip3 install --user elf_diff weasyprint AP_FLAKE8_CLEAN How to use? Starting in the ardupilot directory. ~/ardupilot $ python Tools/scripts/size_compare_branches.py --branch=[PR_BRANCH_NAME] --vehicle=copter Output is placed into ../ELF_DIFF_[VEHICLE_NAME] ''' import optparse import os import shutil import string import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import board_list if sys.version_info[0] < 3: running_python3 = False else: running_python3 = True class SizeCompareBranchesResult(object): '''object to return results from a comparison''' def __init__(self, board, vehicle, bytes_delta): self.board = board self.vehicle = vehicle self.bytes_delta = bytes_delta class SizeCompareBranches(object): '''script to build and compare branches using elf_diff''' def __init__(self, branch=None, master_branch="master", board=["MatekF405-Wing"], vehicle=["plane"], bin_dir=None, run_elf_diff=True, all_vehicles=False, all_boards=False, use_merge_base=True, extra_hwdef=None): if branch is None: branch = self.find_current_git_branch() self.master_branch = master_branch self.branch = branch self.board = board self.vehicle = vehicle self.bin_dir = bin_dir self.run_elf_diff = run_elf_diff self.extra_hwdef = extra_hwdef self.all_vehicles = all_vehicles self.all_boards = all_boards self.use_merge_base = use_merge_base if self.bin_dir is None: self.bin_dir = self.find_bin_dir() self.boards_by_name = {} for board in board_list.BoardList().boards: self.boards_by_name[board.name] = board # map from vehicle names to binary names self.vehicle_map = { "rover" : "ardurover", "copter" : "arducopter", "plane" : "arduplane", "sub" : "ardusub", "heli" : "arducopter-heli", "blimp" : "blimp", "antennatracker" : "antennatracker", "AP_Periph" : "AP_Periph", "iofirmware": "iofirmware_highpolh", # FIXME: lowpolh? } if all_boards: self.board = sorted(list(self.boards_by_name.keys()), key=lambda x: x.lower()) else: # validate boards all_boards = set(self.boards_by_name.keys()) for b in self.board: if b not in all_boards: raise ValueError("Bad board %s" % str(b)) if all_vehicles: self.vehicle = sorted(list(self.vehicle_map.keys()), key=lambda x: x.lower()) else: for v in self.vehicle: if v not in self.vehicle_map.keys(): raise ValueError("Bad vehicle (%s); choose from %s" % (v, ",".join(self.vehicle_map.keys()))) def find_bin_dir(self): '''attempt to find where the arm-none-eabi tools are''' binary = shutil.which("arm-none-eabi-g++") if binary is None: raise Exception("No arm-none-eabi-g++?") return os.path.dirname(binary) # vast amounts of stuff copied into here from build_binaries.py def run_program(self, prefix, cmd_list, show_output=True, env=None): if show_output: self.progress("Running (%s)" % " ".join(cmd_list)) p = subprocess.Popen( cmd_list, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) output = "" while True: x = p.stdout.readline() if len(x) == 0: returncode = os.waitpid(p.pid, 0) if returncode: break # select not available on Windows... probably... time.sleep(0.1) continue if running_python3: x = bytearray(x) x = filter(lambda x : chr(x) in string.printable, x) x = "".join([chr(c) for c in x]) output += x x = x.rstrip() if show_output: print("%s: %s" % (prefix, x)) (_, status) = returncode if status != 0 and show_output: self.progress("Process failed (%s)" % str(returncode)) raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( returncode, cmd_list) return output def find_current_git_branch(self): output = self.run_git(["symbolic-ref", "--short", "HEAD"]) output = output.strip() return output def find_git_branch_merge_base(self, branch, master_branch): output = self.run_git(["merge-base", branch, master_branch]) output = output.strip() return output def run_git(self, args): '''run git with args git_args; returns git's output''' cmd_list = ["git"] cmd_list.extend(args) return self.run_program("SCB-GIT", cmd_list) def run_waf(self, args, compiler=None): # try to modify the environment so we can consistent builds: consistent_build_envs = { "CHIBIOS_GIT_VERSION": "12345678", "GIT_VERSION": "abcdef", "GIT_VERSION_INT": "15", } for (n, v) in consistent_build_envs.items(): os.environ[n] = v if os.path.exists("waf"): waf = "./waf" else: waf = os.path.join(".", "modules", "waf", "waf-light") cmd_list = [waf] cmd_list.extend(args) env = None if compiler is not None: # default to $HOME/arm-gcc, but allow for any path with AP_GCC_HOME environment variable gcc_home = os.environ.get("AP_GCC_HOME", os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], "arm-gcc")) gcc_path = os.path.join(gcc_home, compiler, "bin") if os.path.exists(gcc_path): # setup PATH to point at the right compiler, and setup to use ccache env = os.environ.copy() env["PATH"] = gcc_path + ":" + env["PATH"] env["CC"] = "ccache arm-none-eabi-gcc" env["CXX"] = "ccache arm-none-eabi-g++" else: raise Exception("BB-WAF: Missing compiler %s" % gcc_path) self.run_program("SCB-WAF", cmd_list, env=env) def progress(self, string): '''pretty-print progress''' print("SCB: %s" % string) def build_branch_into_dir(self, board, branch, vehicle, outdir): self.run_git(["checkout", branch]) self.run_git(["submodule", "update", "--recursive"]) shutil.rmtree("build", ignore_errors=True) waf_configure_args = ["configure", "--board", board] if self.extra_hwdef is not None: waf_configure_args.extend(["--extra-hwdef", self.extra_hwdef]) self.run_waf(waf_configure_args) # we can't run `./waf copter blimp plane` without error, so do # them one-at-a-time: for v in vehicle: self.run_waf([v]) self.run_program("rsync", ["rsync", "-aP", "build/", outdir]) def run_all(self): '''run tests for boards and vehicles passed in constructor''' results = {} for board in self.board: vehicle_results = self.run_board(board) results[board] = vehicle_results with open("/tmp/some.csv", "w") as f: f.write(self.csv_for_results(results)) return results def emit_csv_for_results(self, results): '''emit dictionary of dictionaries as a CSV''' print(self.csv_for_results(results)) def csv_for_results(self, results): '''return a string with csv for results''' boards = sorted(results.keys()) all_vehicles = set() for board in boards: all_vehicles.update(list(results[board].keys())) sorted_all_vehicles = sorted(list(all_vehicles)) ret = "" ret += ",".join(["Board"] + sorted_all_vehicles) + "\n" for board in boards: line = [board] board_results = results[board] for vehicle in sorted_all_vehicles: bytes_delta = "" if vehicle in board_results: result = board_results[vehicle] bytes_delta = result.bytes_delta line.append(str(bytes_delta)) ret += ",".join(line) + "\n" return ret def run(self): results = self.run_all() self.emit_csv_for_results(results) def run_board(self, board): ret = {} board_info = self.boards_by_name[board] vehicles_to_build = [] for vehicle in self.vehicle: if vehicle == 'AP_Periph': if not board_info.is_ap_periph: continue else: if board_info.is_ap_periph: continue if vehicle.lower() not in [x.lower() for x in board_info.autobuild_targets]: continue vehicles_to_build.append(vehicle) if len(vehicles_to_build) == 0: return ret tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() outdir_1 = os.path.join(tmpdir, "out-master-%s" % (board,)) outdir_2 = os.path.join(tmpdir, "out-branch-%s" % (board,)) self.progress("Building branch 1 (%s)" % self.master_branch) master_commit = self.master_branch if self.use_merge_base: master_commit = self.find_git_branch_merge_base(self.branch, self.master_branch) self.progress("Using merge base (%s)" % master_commit) shutil.rmtree(outdir_1, ignore_errors=True) self.build_branch_into_dir(board, master_commit, vehicles_to_build, outdir_1) self.progress("Building branch 2 (%s)" % self.branch) shutil.rmtree(outdir_2, ignore_errors=True) self.build_branch_into_dir(board, self.branch, vehicles_to_build, outdir_2) for vehicle in vehicles_to_build: elf_filename = self.vehicle_map[vehicle] bin_filename = self.vehicle_map[vehicle] + '.bin' master_bin_dir = os.path.join(outdir_1, board, "bin") new_bin_dir = os.path.join(outdir_2, board, "bin") if self.run_elf_diff: self.progress("Starting compare (~10 minutes!)") elf_diff_commandline = [ "time", "python3", "-m", "elf_diff", "--bin_dir", self.bin_dir, '--bin_prefix=arm-none-eabi-', "--old_alias", "%s %s" % (self.master_branch, elf_filename), "--new_alias", "%s %s" % (self.branch, elf_filename), "--html_dir", "../ELF_DIFF_%s_%s" % (board, vehicle), os.path.join(master_bin_dir, elf_filename), os.path.join(new_bin_dir, elf_filename) ] self.run_program("SCB", elf_diff_commandline) try: master_size = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(master_bin_dir, bin_filename)) new_size = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(new_bin_dir, bin_filename)) except FileNotFoundError: master_size = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(master_bin_dir, elf_filename)) new_size = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(new_bin_dir, elf_filename)) ret[vehicle] = SizeCompareBranchesResult(board, vehicle, new_size - master_size) return ret if __name__ == '__main__': parser = optparse.OptionParser("size_compare_branches.py") parser.add_option("", "--no-elf-diff", action="store_true", default=False, help="do not run elf_diff on output files") parser.add_option("", "--master-branch", type="string", default="master", help="master branch to use") parser.add_option("", "--no-merge-base", action="store_true", default=False, help="do not use the merge-base for testing, do a direct comparison between branches") parser.add_option("", "--branch", type="string", default=None, help="branch to compare") parser.add_option("", "--vehicle", action='append', default=[], help="vehicle to build for") parser.add_option("", "--board", action='append', default=[], help="board to build for") parser.add_option("", "--extra-hwdef", type="string", default=None, help="configure with this extra hwdef file") parser.add_option("", "--all-boards", action='store_true', default=False, help="Build all boards") parser.add_option("", "--all-vehicles", action='store_true', default=False, help="Build all vehicles") cmd_opts, cmd_args = parser.parse_args() vehicle = [] for v in cmd_opts.vehicle: vehicle.extend(v.split(',')) if len(vehicle) == 0: vehicle.append("plane") board = [] for b in cmd_opts.board: board.extend(b.split(',')) if len(board) == 0: board.append("MatekF405-Wing") x = SizeCompareBranches( branch=cmd_opts.branch, master_branch=cmd_opts.master_branch, board=board, vehicle=vehicle, extra_hwdef=cmd_opts.extra_hwdef, run_elf_diff=(not cmd_opts.no_elf_diff), all_vehicles=cmd_opts.all_vehicles, all_boards=cmd_opts.all_boards, use_merge_base=not cmd_opts.no_merge_base, ) x.run()