-- This script will preform a control surface doublet -- The desired axis to perform a doublet on is selected and started with a momentary switch -- The plane maintains trim conditions while the switch is activated using servo overrides -- If the momentary switch is released before "DOUBLET FINISHED" is seen on the GCS, -- the aircraft recovers to FBWA mode to assist the pilot. -- Magnitude and duration of the doublet can also be controlled. -- It is suggested to allow the aircraft to trim for straight, level, unaccelerated flight (SLUF) in FBWB mode before -- starting a doublet -- Charlie Johnson, Oklahoma State University 2020 local DOUBLET_ACTION_CHANNEL = 6 -- RCIN channel to start a doublet when high (>1700) local DOUBLET_CHOICE_CHANNEL = 7 -- RCIN channel to choose elevator (low) or rudder (high) local DOUBLET_FUCNTION = 19 -- which control surface (SERVOx_FUNCTION) number will have a doublet happen -- A (Servo 1, Function 4), E (Servo 2, Function 19), and R (Servo 4, Function 21) local DOUBLET_MAGNITUDE = 6 -- defined out of 45 deg used for set_output_scaled local DOUBLET_TIME = 500 -- period of doublet signal in ms -- flight mode numbers for plane https://mavlink.io/en/messages/ardupilotmega.html local MODE_MANUAL = 0 local MODE_FBWA = 5 local MODE_FBWB = 6 local MODE_RTL = 11 local K_AILERON = 4 local K_ELEVATOR = 19 local K_THROTTLE = 70 local K_RUDDER = 21 -- store timing information during doublet local start_time = -1 local end_time = -1 local now = -1 local desired_mode = -1 -- store information about the doublet channel local doublet_srv_chan = SRV_Channels:find_channel(DOUBLET_FUCNTION) local doublet_srv_min = param:get("SERVO" .. doublet_srv_chan + 1 .. "_MIN") local doublet_srv_max = param:get("SERVO" .. doublet_srv_chan + 1 .. "_MAX") local doublet_srv_trim = param:get("SERVO" .. doublet_srv_chan + 1 .. "_TRIM") local pre_doublet_mode = vehicle:get_mode() function retry_set_mode(mode) if vehicle:set_mode(mode) then -- if the mode was set successfully, carry on as normal desired_mode = -1 return doublet, 1 else -- if the mode was not set successfully, try again ASAP desired_mode = mode return retry_set_mode, 1 end end function doublet() local callback_time = 100 if arming:is_armed() == true and rc:get_pwm(DOUBLET_ACTION_CHANNEL) > 1700 and end_time ==-1 then -- try for the best timing possible while performing a doublet callback_time = DOUBLET_TIME / 10 -- start a quick doublet based on some math/logic now = millis() if start_time == -1 then -- this is the time that we started -- stop time will be start_time + DOUBLET_TIME start_time = now pre_doublet_mode = vehicle:get_mode() -- are we doing a doublet on elevator or rudder? set the other controls to trim local doublet_choice_pwm = rc:get_pwm(DOUBLET_CHOICE_CHANNEL) local trim_funcs = {} local pre_doublet_elevator = SRV_Channels:get_output_pwm(K_ELEVATOR) if doublet_choice_pwm < 1500 then -- doublet on elevator DOUBLET_FUCNTION = K_ELEVATOR trim_funcs = {K_AILERON, K_RUDDER} DOUBLET_MAGNITUDE = 12 doublet_srv_trim = pre_doublet_elevator else -- doublet on rudder DOUBLET_FUCNTION = K_RUDDER trim_funcs = {K_AILERON} DOUBLET_MAGNITUDE = 15 -- pin elevator to current position. This is most likely different than the _TRIM value SRV_Channels:set_output_pwm_chan_timeout(SRV_Channels:find_channel(K_ELEVATOR), pre_doublet_elevator, DOUBLET_TIME * 4) end -- notify the gcs that we are starting a doublet gcs:send_text(6, "STARTING DOUBLET " .. DOUBLET_FUCNTION) -- get info about the doublet channel doublet_srv_chan = SRV_Channels:find_channel(DOUBLET_FUCNTION) doublet_srv_min = param:get("SERVO" .. doublet_srv_chan + 1 .. "_MIN") doublet_srv_max = param:get("SERVO" .. doublet_srv_chan + 1 .. "_MAX") -- set the channels that need to be pinned to trim until the doublet is done for i = 1, #trim_funcs do local trim_chan = SRV_Channels:find_channel(trim_funcs[i]) local trim_pwm = param:get("SERVO" .. trim_chan + 1 .. "_TRIM") SRV_Channels:set_output_pwm_chan_timeout(trim_chan, trim_pwm, DOUBLET_TIME * 2) end -- get the current throttle PWM and pin it there until the doublet is done local pre_doublet_throttle = SRV_Channels:get_output_pwm(K_THROTTLE) SRV_Channels:set_output_pwm_chan_timeout( SRV_Channels:find_channel(K_THROTTLE), pre_doublet_throttle, DOUBLET_TIME * 3 ) -- enter manual mode retry_set_mode(MODE_MANUAL) end -- split time evenly between high and low signal if now < start_time + (DOUBLET_TIME / 2) then down = doublet_srv_trim - math.floor((doublet_srv_trim - doublet_srv_min) * (DOUBLET_MAGNITUDE / 45)) SRV_Channels:set_output_pwm_chan_timeout(doublet_srv_chan, down, DOUBLET_TIME / 2 + 100) elseif now < start_time + DOUBLET_TIME then up = doublet_srv_trim + math.floor((doublet_srv_max - doublet_srv_trim) * (DOUBLET_MAGNITUDE / 45)) SRV_Channels:set_output_pwm_chan_timeout(doublet_srv_chan, up, DOUBLET_TIME / 2 + 100) elseif now < start_time + (DOUBLET_TIME * 2) then -- stick fixed response -- hold at pre doublet trim position for any damping effects SRV_Channels:set_output_pwm_chan_timeout(doublet_srv_chan, doublet_srv_trim, DOUBLET_TIME * 2) elseif now > start_time + (DOUBLET_TIME * 2) then -- notify GCS end_time = now gcs:send_text(6, "DOUBLET FINISHED") else gcs:send_text(6, "this should not be reached") end elseif end_time ~= -1 and rc:get_pwm(DOUBLET_ACTION_CHANNEL) > 1700 then -- wait for RC input channel to go low gcs:send_text(6, "RC" .. DOUBLET_ACTION_CHANNEL .. " still high") callback_time = 100 -- prevent spamming messages to the GCS elseif now ~= -1 and end_time ~= -1 then gcs:send_text(6, "RETURN TO PREVIOUS FLIGHT MODE") now = -1 end_time = -1 start_time = -1 -- clear all of the timeouts control_functions = {K_AILERON, K_ELEVATOR, K_THROTTLE, K_RUDDER} for i = 1, 4 do local control_chan = SRV_Channels:find_channel(control_functions[i]) SRV_Channels:set_output_pwm_chan_timeout(control_chan, param:get("SERVO" .. control_chan + 1 .. "_TRIM"), 0) end retry_set_mode(pre_doublet_mode) callback_time = 100 -- don't need to rerun for a little while elseif now ~= -1 then -- stopped before finishing. recover to level attitude gcs:send_text(6, "FBWA RECOVER") now = -1 end_time = -1 start_time = -1 -- clear all of the timeouts control_functions = {K_AILERON, K_ELEVATOR, K_THROTTLE, K_RUDDER} for i = 1, 4 do local control_chan = SRV_Channels:find_channel(control_functions[i]) SRV_Channels:set_output_pwm_chan_timeout(control_chan, param:get("SERVO" .. control_chan + 1 .. "_TRIM"), 0) end retry_set_mode(MODE_FBWA) callback_time = 100 end return doublet, callback_time end gcs:send_text(6, "plane-doublets.lua is running") return doublet(), 500