#include "AP_Mount_Params.h"
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS_MAVLink.h>

// table of user settable parameters
const AP_Param::GroupInfo AP_Mount_Params::var_info[] = {

    // 0 should not be used

    // @Param: _TYPE
    // @DisplayName: Mount Type
    // @Description: Mount Type
    // @Values: 0:None, 1:Servo, 2:3DR Solo, 3:Alexmos Serial, 4:SToRM32 MAVLink, 5:SToRM32 Serial, 6:Gremsy, 7:BrushlessPWM, 8:Siyi, 9:Scripting, 10:Xacti, 11:Viewpro, 12:Topotek
    // @RebootRequired: True
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO_FLAGS("_TYPE", 1, AP_Mount_Params, type, 0, AP_PARAM_FLAG_ENABLE),

    // @Param: _DEFLT_MODE
    // @DisplayName: Mount default operating mode
    // @Description: Mount default operating mode on startup and after control is returned from autopilot
    // @Values: 0:Retracted,1:Neutral,2:MavLink Targeting,3:RC Targeting,4:GPS Point,5:SysID Target,6:Home Location
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_DEFLT_MODE", 2, AP_Mount_Params, default_mode, MAV_MOUNT_MODE_RC_TARGETING),

    // @Param: _RC_RATE
    // @DisplayName: Mount RC Rate
    // @Description: Pilot rate control's maximum rate.  Set to zero to use angle control
    // @Units: deg/s
    // @Range: 0 90
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_RC_RATE", 3, AP_Mount_Params, rc_rate_max, 0),

    // @Param: _ROLL_MIN
    // @DisplayName: Mount Roll angle minimum
    // @Description: Mount Roll angle minimum
    // @Units: deg
    // @Range: -180 180
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_ROLL_MIN", 4, AP_Mount_Params, roll_angle_min, -30),

    // @Param: _ROLL_MAX
    // @DisplayName: Mount Roll angle maximum
    // @Description: Mount Roll angle maximum
    // @Units: deg
    // @Range: -180 180
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_ROLL_MAX", 5, AP_Mount_Params, roll_angle_max, 30),

    // @Param: _PITCH_MIN
    // @DisplayName: Mount Pitch angle minimum
    // @Description: Mount Pitch angle minimum
    // @Units: deg
    // @Range: -90 90
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_PITCH_MIN", 6, AP_Mount_Params, pitch_angle_min, -90),

    // @Param: _PITCH_MAX
    // @DisplayName: Mount Pitch angle maximum
    // @Description: Mount Pitch angle maximum
    // @Units: deg
    // @Range: -90 90
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_PITCH_MAX", 7, AP_Mount_Params, pitch_angle_max, 20),

    // @Param: _YAW_MIN
    // @DisplayName: Mount Yaw angle minimum
    // @Description: Mount Yaw angle minimum
    // @Units: deg
    // @Range: -180 180
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_YAW_MIN", 8, AP_Mount_Params, yaw_angle_min,  -180),

    // @Param: _YAW_MAX
    // @DisplayName: Mount Yaw angle maximum
    // @Description: Mount Yaw angle maximum
    // @Units: deg
    // @Range: -180 180
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_YAW_MAX", 9, AP_Mount_Params, yaw_angle_max,  180),

    // @Param: _RETRACT_X
    // @DisplayName: Mount roll angle when in retracted position
    // @Description: Mount roll angle when in retracted position
    // @Units: deg
    // @Range: -180.0 180.0
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: _RETRACT_Y
    // @DisplayName: Mount pitch angle when in retracted position
    // @Description: Mount pitch angle when in retracted position
    // @Units: deg
    // @Range: -180.0 180.0
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: _RETRACT_Z
    // @DisplayName: Mount yaw angle when in retracted position
    // @Description: Mount yaw angle when in retracted position
    // @Units: deg
    // @Range: -180.0 180.0
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_RETRACT", 10, AP_Mount_Params, retract_angles, 0),

    // @Param: _NEUTRAL_X
    // @DisplayName: Mount roll angle when in neutral position
    // @Description: Mount roll angle when in neutral position
    // @Units: deg
    // @Range: -180.0 180.0
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: _NEUTRAL_Y
    // @DisplayName: Mount pitch angle when in neutral position
    // @Description: Mount pitch angle when in neutral position
    // @Units: deg
    // @Range: -180.0 180.0
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard

    // @Param: _NEUTRAL_Z
    // @DisplayName: Mount yaw angle when in neutral position
    // @Description: Mount yaw angle when in neutral position
    // @Units: deg
    // @Range: -180.0 180.0
    // @Increment: 1
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_NEUTRAL", 11, AP_Mount_Params, neutral_angles, 0),

    // @Param: _LEAD_RLL
    // @DisplayName: Mount Roll stabilization lead time
    // @Description: Servo mount roll angle output leads the vehicle angle by this amount of time based on current roll rate. Increase until the servo is responsive but does not overshoot
    // @Units: s
    // @Range: 0.0 0.2
    // @Increment: .005
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_LEAD_RLL", 12, AP_Mount_Params, roll_stb_lead, 0.0f),

    // @Param: _LEAD_PTCH
    // @DisplayName: Mount Pitch stabilization lead time
    // @Description: Servo mount pitch angle output leads the vehicle angle by this amount of time based on current pitch rate. Increase until the servo is responsive but does not overshoot
    // @Units: s
    // @Range: 0.0 0.2
    // @Increment: .005
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_LEAD_PTCH", 13, AP_Mount_Params, pitch_stb_lead, 0.0f),

    // @Param: _SYSID_DFLT
    // @DisplayName: Mount Target sysID
    // @Description: Default Target sysID for the mount to point to
    // @RebootRequired: True
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_SYSID_DFLT", 14, AP_Mount_Params, sysid_default, 0),

    // @Param: _DEVID
    // @DisplayName: Mount Device ID
    // @Description: Mount device ID, taking into account its type, bus and instance
    // @User: Advanced

    // @Param: _OPTIONS
    // @DisplayName: Mount options
    // @Description: Mount options bitmask
    // @Bitmask: 0:RC lock state from previous mode
    // @User: Standard
    AP_GROUPINFO("_OPTIONS", 16, AP_Mount_Params, options, 0),


AP_Mount_Params::AP_Mount_Params(void) {
    AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info);