#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ script to build the latest binaries for each vehicle type, ready to upload Peter Barker, August 2017 based on build_binaries.sh by Andrew Tridgell, March 2013 AP_FLAKE8_CLEAN """ from __future__ import print_function import datetime import optparse import os import re import shutil import time import string import subprocess import sys import traceback # local imports import generate_manifest import gen_stable import build_binaries_history import board_list from board_list import AP_PERIPH_BOARDS if sys.version_info[0] < 3: running_python3 = False else: running_python3 = True def topdir(): '''return path to ardupilot checkout directory. This is to cope with running on developer's machines (where autotest is typically invoked from the root directory), and on the autotest server where it is invoked in the checkout's parent directory. ''' for path in [ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", ".."), "", ]: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "libraries", "AP_HAL_ChibiOS")): return path raise Exception("Unable to find ardupilot checkout dir") def is_chibios_build(board): '''see if a board is using HAL_ChibiOS''' # cope with both running from Tools/scripts or running from cwd hwdef_dir = os.path.join(topdir(), "libraries", "AP_HAL_ChibiOS", "hwdef") return os.path.exists(os.path.join(hwdef_dir, board, "hwdef.dat")) def get_required_compiler(vehicle, tag, board): '''return required compiler for a build tag. return format is the version string that waf configure will detect. You should setup a link from this name in $HOME/arm-gcc directory pointing at the appropriate compiler ''' if not is_chibios_build(board): # only override compiler for ChibiOS builds return None # use 10.2.1 compiler for all other builds return "g++-10.2.1" class build_binaries(object): def __init__(self, tags): self.tags = tags self.dirty = False self.board_list = board_list.BoardList() def progress(self, string): '''pretty-print progress''' print("BB: %s" % string) def run_git(self, args): '''run git with args git_args; returns git's output''' cmd_list = ["git"] cmd_list.extend(args) return self.run_program("BB-GIT", cmd_list) def board_branch_bit(self, board): '''return a fragment which might modify the branch name. this was previously used to have a master-AVR branch etc if the board type was apm1 or apm2''' return None def board_options(self, board): '''return board-specific options''' if board in ["bebop", "disco"]: return ["--static"] return [] def run_waf(self, args, compiler=None): if os.path.exists("waf"): waf = "./waf" else: waf = os.path.join(".", "modules", "waf", "waf-light") cmd_list = ["python3", waf] cmd_list.extend(args) env = None if compiler is not None: # default to $HOME/arm-gcc, but allow for any path with AP_GCC_HOME environment variable gcc_home = os.environ.get("AP_GCC_HOME", os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], "arm-gcc")) gcc_path = os.path.join(gcc_home, compiler, "bin") if os.path.exists(gcc_path): # setup PATH to point at the right compiler, and setup to use ccache env = os.environ.copy() env["PATH"] = gcc_path + ":" + env["PATH"] env["CC"] = "ccache arm-none-eabi-gcc" env["CXX"] = "ccache arm-none-eabi-g++" else: raise Exception("BB-WAF: Missing compiler %s" % gcc_path) self.run_program("BB-WAF", cmd_list, env=env) def run_program(self, prefix, cmd_list, show_output=True, env=None, force_success=False): if show_output: self.progress("Running (%s)" % " ".join(cmd_list)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_list, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) output = "" while True: x = p.stdout.readline() if len(x) == 0: returncode = os.waitpid(p.pid, 0) if returncode: break # select not available on Windows... probably... time.sleep(0.1) continue if running_python3: x = bytearray(x) x = filter(lambda x : chr(x) in string.printable, x) x = "".join([chr(c) for c in x]) output += x x = x.rstrip() if show_output: print("%s: %s" % (prefix, x)) (_, status) = returncode if status != 0 and not force_success: self.progress("Process failed (%s)" % str(returncode)) raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( returncode, cmd_list) return output def run_make(self, args): cmd_list = ["make"] cmd_list.extend(args) self.run_program("BB-MAKE", cmd_list) def run_git_update_submodules(self): '''if submodules are present initialise and update them''' if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.basedir, ".gitmodules")): self.run_git(["submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive", "-f"]) def checkout(self, vehicle, ctag, cboard=None, cframe=None, submodule_update=True): '''attempt to check out a git tree. Various permutations are attempted based on ctag - for examplle, if the board is avr and ctag is bob we will attempt to checkout bob-AVR''' if self.dirty: self.progress("Skipping checkout for dirty build") return True self.progress("Trying checkout %s %s %s %s" % (vehicle, ctag, cboard, cframe)) self.run_git(['stash']) if ctag == "latest": vtag = "master" else: tagvehicle = vehicle if tagvehicle == "Rover": # FIXME: Rover tags in git still named APMrover2 :-( tagvehicle = "APMrover2" vtag = "%s-%s" % (tagvehicle, ctag) branches = [] if cframe is not None: # try frame specific tag branches.append("%s-%s" % (vtag, cframe)) if cboard is not None: bbb = self.board_branch_bit(cboard) if bbb is not None: # try board type specific branch extension branches.append("".join([vtag, bbb])) branches.append(vtag) for branch in branches: try: self.progress("Trying branch %s" % branch) self.run_git(["checkout", "-f", branch]) if submodule_update: self.run_git_update_submodules() self.run_git(["log", "-1"]) return True except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self.progress("Checkout branch %s failed" % branch) self.progress("Failed to find tag for %s %s %s %s" % (vehicle, ctag, cboard, cframe)) return False def skip_board_waf(self, board): '''check if we should skip this build because we do not support the board in this release ''' try: out = self.run_program( 'waf', ["python3", './waf', 'configure', '--board=BOARDTEST'], show_output=False, force_success=True ) lines = out.split('\n') needles = ["BOARDTEST' (choose from", "BOARDTEST': choices are"] for line in lines: for needle in needles: idx = line.find(needle) if idx != -1: break if idx != -1: line = line[idx+len(needle):-1] line = line.replace("'", "") line = line.replace(" ", "") boards = line.split(",") ret = board not in boards if ret: self.progress("Skipping board (%s) - not in board list" % board) return ret except IOError as e: if e.errno != 2: raise self.progress("Skipping unsupported board %s" % (board,)) return True def skip_frame(self, board, frame): '''returns true if this board/frame combination should not be built''' if frame == "heli": if board in ["bebop", "aerofc-v1", "skyviper-v2450", "CubeSolo", "CubeGreen-solo", 'skyviper-journey']: self.progress("Skipping heli build for %s" % board) return True return False def first_line_of_filepath(self, filepath): '''returns the first (text) line from filepath''' with open(filepath) as fh: line = fh.readline() return line def skip_build(self, buildtag, builddir): '''check if we should skip this build because we have already built this version ''' if os.getenv("FORCE_BUILD", False): return False if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.basedir, '.gitmodules')): self.progress("Skipping build without submodules") return True bname = os.path.basename(builddir) ldir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(builddir))), buildtag, bname) # FIXME: WTF oldversion_filepath = os.path.join(ldir, "git-version.txt") if not os.path.exists(oldversion_filepath): self.progress("%s doesn't exist - building" % oldversion_filepath) return False oldversion = self.first_line_of_filepath(oldversion_filepath) newversion = self.run_git(["log", "-1"]) newversion = newversion.splitlines()[0] oldversion = oldversion.rstrip() newversion = newversion.rstrip() self.progress("oldversion=%s newversion=%s" % (oldversion, newversion,)) if oldversion == newversion: self.progress("Skipping build - version match (%s)" % (newversion,)) return True self.progress("%s needs rebuild" % (ldir,)) return False def write_string_to_filepath(self, string, filepath): '''writes the entirety of string to filepath''' with open(filepath, "w") as x: x.write(string) def version_h_path(self, src): '''return path to version.h''' if src == 'AP_Periph': return os.path.join('Tools', src, "version.h") return os.path.join(src, "version.h") def addfwversion_gitversion(self, destdir, src): # create git-version.txt: gitlog = self.run_git(["log", "-1"]) gitversion_filepath = os.path.join(destdir, "git-version.txt") gitversion_content = gitlog versionfile = self.version_h_path(src) if os.path.exists(versionfile): content = self.read_string_from_filepath(versionfile) match = re.search('define.THISFIRMWARE "([^"]+)"', content) if match is None: self.progress("Failed to retrieve THISFIRMWARE from version.h") self.progress("Content: (%s)" % content) self.progress("Writing version info to %s" % (gitversion_filepath,)) gitversion_content += "\nAPMVERSION: %s\n" % (match.group(1)) else: self.progress("%s does not exist" % versionfile) self.write_string_to_filepath(gitversion_content, gitversion_filepath) def addfwversion_firmwareversiontxt(self, destdir, src): # create firmware-version.txt versionfile = self.version_h_path(src) if not os.path.exists(versionfile): self.progress("%s does not exist" % (versionfile,)) return ss = r".*define +FIRMWARE_VERSION[ ]+(?P\d+)[ ]*,[ ]*" \ r"(?P\d+)[ ]*,[ ]*(?P\d+)[ ]*,[ ]*" \ r"(?P[A-Z_]+)[ ]*" content = self.read_string_from_filepath(versionfile) match = re.search(ss, content) if match is None: self.progress("Failed to retrieve FIRMWARE_VERSION from version.h") self.progress("Content: (%s)" % content) return ver = "%d.%d.%d-%s\n" % (int(match.group("major")), int(match.group("minor")), int(match.group("point")), match.group("type")) firmware_version_filepath = "firmware-version.txt" self.progress("Writing version (%s) to %s" % (ver, firmware_version_filepath,)) self.write_string_to_filepath( ver, os.path.join(destdir, firmware_version_filepath)) def addfwversion(self, destdir, src): '''write version information into destdir''' self.addfwversion_gitversion(destdir, src) self.addfwversion_firmwareversiontxt(destdir, src) def read_string_from_filepath(self, filepath): '''returns content of filepath as a string''' with open(filepath, 'rb') as fh: content = fh.read() if running_python3: return content.decode('ascii') return content def string_in_filepath(self, string, filepath): '''returns true if string exists in the contents of filepath''' return string in self.read_string_from_filepath(filepath) def mkpath(self, path): '''make directory path and all elements leading to it''' '''distutils.dir_util.mkpath was playing up''' try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 17: # EEXIST raise e def touch_filepath(self, filepath): '''creates a file at filepath, or updates the timestamp on filepath''' if os.path.exists(filepath): os.utime(filepath, None) else: with open(filepath, "a"): pass def build_vehicle(self, tag, vehicle, boards, vehicle_binaries_subdir, binaryname, frames=[None]): '''build vehicle binaries''' self.progress("Building %s %s binaries (cwd=%s)" % (vehicle, tag, os.getcwd())) board_count = len(boards) count = 0 for board in sorted(boards, key=str.lower): now = datetime.datetime.now() count += 1 self.progress("[%u/%u] Building board: %s at %s" % (count, board_count, board, str(now))) for frame in frames: if frame is not None: self.progress("Considering frame %s for board %s" % (frame, board)) if frame is None: framesuffix = "" else: framesuffix = "-%s" % frame if not self.checkout(vehicle, tag, board, frame, submodule_update=False): msg = ("Failed checkout of %s %s %s %s" % (vehicle, board, tag, frame,)) self.progress(msg) self.error_strings.append(msg) continue self.progress("Building %s %s %s binaries %s" % (vehicle, tag, board, frame)) ddir = os.path.join(self.binaries, vehicle_binaries_subdir, self.hdate_ym, self.hdate_ymdhm, "".join([board, framesuffix])) if self.skip_build(tag, ddir): continue if self.skip_frame(board, frame): continue # we do the submodule update after the skip_board_waf check to avoid doing it on # builds we will not be running self.run_git_update_submodules() if self.skip_board_waf(board): continue if os.path.exists(self.buildroot): shutil.rmtree(self.buildroot) self.remove_tmpdir() githash = self.run_git(["rev-parse", "HEAD"]).rstrip() t0 = time.time() self.progress("Configuring for %s in %s" % (board, self.buildroot)) try: waf_opts = ["configure", "--board", board, "--out", self.buildroot, "clean"] gccstring = get_required_compiler(vehicle, tag, board) if gccstring is not None and gccstring.find("g++-6.3") == -1: # versions using the old compiler don't have the --assert-cc-version option waf_opts += ["--assert-cc-version", gccstring] waf_opts.extend(self.board_options(board)) self.run_waf(waf_opts, compiler=gccstring) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self.progress("waf configure failed") continue time_taken_to_configure = time.time() - t0 try: target = os.path.join("bin", "".join([binaryname, framesuffix])) self.run_waf(["build", "--targets", target], compiler=gccstring) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: msg = ("Failed build of %s %s%s %s" % (vehicle, board, framesuffix, tag)) self.progress(msg) self.error_strings.append(msg) # record some history about this build t1 = time.time() time_taken_to_build = t1-t0 self.history.record_build(githash, tag, vehicle, board, frame, None, t0, time_taken_to_build) continue time_taken_to_build = (time.time()-t0) - time_taken_to_configure time_taken = time.time()-t0 self.progress("Making %s %s %s %s took %u seconds (configure=%u build=%u)" % (vehicle, tag, board, frame, time_taken, time_taken_to_configure, time_taken_to_build)) bare_path = os.path.join(self.buildroot, board, "bin", "".join([binaryname, framesuffix])) files_to_copy = [] extensions = [".apj", ".abin", "_with_bl.hex", ".hex"] if vehicle == 'AP_Periph': # need bin file for uavcan-gui-tool and MissionPlanner extensions.append('.bin') for extension in extensions: filepath = "".join([bare_path, extension]) if os.path.exists(filepath): files_to_copy.append((filepath, os.path.basename(filepath))) if not os.path.exists(bare_path): raise Exception("No elf file?!") # attempt to run an extract_features.py to create features.txt: features_text = None ef_path = os.path.join(topdir(), "Tools", "scripts", "extract_features.py") if os.path.exists(ef_path): try: features_text = self.run_program("EF", [ef_path, bare_path], show_output=False) except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) self.progress("Failed to extract features") pass else: self.progress("Not extracting features as (%s) does not exist" % (ef_path,)) # only rename the elf if we have have other files to # copy. So linux gets "arducopter" and stm32 gets # "arducopter.elf" target_elf_filename = os.path.basename(bare_path) if len(files_to_copy) > 0: target_elf_filename += ".elf" files_to_copy.append((bare_path, target_elf_filename)) for (path, target_filename) in files_to_copy: try: '''copy path into various places, adding metadata''' bname = os.path.basename(ddir) tdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(ddir))), tag, bname) if tag == "latest": # we keep a permanent archive of all # "latest" builds, their path including a # build timestamp: if not os.path.exists(ddir): self.mkpath(ddir) self.addfwversion(ddir, vehicle) features_filepath = os.path.join(ddir, "features.txt",) self.progress("Writing (%s)" % features_filepath) self.write_string_to_filepath(features_text, features_filepath) self.progress("Copying %s to %s" % (path, ddir,)) shutil.copy(path, os.path.join(ddir, target_filename)) # the most recent build of every tag is kept around: self.progress("Copying %s to %s" % (path, tdir)) if not os.path.exists(tdir): self.mkpath(tdir) # must addfwversion even if path already # exists as we re-use the "beta" directories self.addfwversion(tdir, vehicle) features_filepath = os.path.join(tdir, "features.txt") self.progress("Writing (%s)" % features_filepath) self.write_string_to_filepath(features_text, features_filepath) shutil.copy(path, os.path.join(tdir, target_filename)) except Exception as e: self.print_exception_caught(e) self.progress("Failed to copy %s to %s: %s" % (path, tdir, str(e))) # why is touching this important? -pb20170816 self.touch_filepath(os.path.join(self.binaries, vehicle_binaries_subdir, tag)) # record some history about this build self.history.record_build(githash, tag, vehicle, board, frame, bare_path, t0, time_taken_to_build) self.checkout(vehicle, "latest") def _get_exception_stacktrace(self, e): if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: ret = "%s\n" % e ret += ''.join(traceback.format_exception(type(e), e, tb=e.__traceback__)) return ret # Python2: return traceback.format_exc(e) def get_exception_stacktrace(self, e): try: return self._get_exception_stacktrace(e) except Exception: return "FAILED TO GET EXCEPTION STACKTRACE" def print_exception_caught(self, e, send_statustext=True): self.progress("Exception caught: %s" % self.get_exception_stacktrace(e)) def AP_Periph_boards(self): return AP_PERIPH_BOARDS def build_arducopter(self, tag): '''build Copter binaries''' boards = [] boards.extend(["aerofc-v1", "bebop"]) boards.extend(self.board_list.find_autobuild_boards('Copter')) self.build_vehicle(tag, "ArduCopter", boards, "Copter", "arducopter", frames=[None, "heli"]) def build_arduplane(self, tag): '''build Plane binaries''' boards = self.board_list.find_autobuild_boards('Plane')[:] boards.append("disco") self.build_vehicle(tag, "ArduPlane", boards, "Plane", "arduplane") def build_antennatracker(self, tag): '''build Tracker binaries''' self.build_vehicle(tag, "AntennaTracker", self.board_list.find_autobuild_boards('Tracker')[:], "AntennaTracker", "antennatracker") def build_rover(self, tag): '''build Rover binaries''' self.build_vehicle(tag, "Rover", self.board_list.find_autobuild_boards('Rover')[:], "Rover", "ardurover") def build_ardusub(self, tag): '''build Sub binaries''' self.build_vehicle(tag, "ArduSub", self.board_list.find_autobuild_boards('Sub')[:], "Sub", "ardusub") def build_AP_Periph(self, tag): '''build AP_Periph binaries''' boards = self.AP_Periph_boards() self.build_vehicle(tag, "AP_Periph", boards, "AP_Periph", "AP_Periph") def build_blimp(self, tag): '''build Blimp binaries''' self.build_vehicle(tag, "Blimp", self.board_list.find_autobuild_boards('Blimp')[:], "Blimp", "blimp") def generate_manifest(self): '''generate manigest files for GCS to download''' self.progress("Generating manifest") base_url = 'https://firmware.ardupilot.org' generator = generate_manifest.ManifestGenerator(self.binaries, base_url) generator.run() generator.write_manifest_json(os.path.join(self.binaries, "manifest.json")) self.progress("Manifest generation successful") self.progress("Generating stable releases") gen_stable.make_all_stable(self.binaries) self.progress("Generate stable releases done") def validate(self): '''run pre-run validation checks''' if "dirty" in self.tags: if len(self.tags) > 1: raise ValueError("dirty must be only tag if present (%s)" % (str(self.tags))) self.dirty = True def remove_tmpdir(self): if os.path.exists(self.tmpdir): self.progress("Removing (%s)" % (self.tmpdir,)) shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) def buildlogs_dirpath(self): return os.getenv("BUILDLOGS", os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "..", "buildlogs")) def run(self): self.validate() self.mkpath(self.buildlogs_dirpath()) binaries_history_filepath = os.path.join( self.buildlogs_dirpath(), "build_binaries_history.sqlite") self.history = build_binaries_history.BuildBinariesHistory(binaries_history_filepath) prefix_bin_dirpath = os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), "prefix", "bin") origin_env_path = os.environ.get("PATH") os.environ["PATH"] = ':'.join([prefix_bin_dirpath, origin_env_path, "/bin", "/usr/bin"]) if 'BUILD_BINARIES_PATH' in os.environ: self.tmpdir = os.environ['BUILD_BINARIES_PATH'] else: self.tmpdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build.tmp.binaries') os.environ["TMPDIR"] = self.tmpdir print(self.tmpdir) self.remove_tmpdir() self.progress("Building in %s" % self.tmpdir) now = datetime.datetime.now() self.progress(now) if not self.dirty: self.run_git(["checkout", "-f", "master"]) githash = self.run_git(["rev-parse", "HEAD"]) githash = githash.rstrip() self.progress("git hash: %s" % str(githash)) self.hdate_ym = now.strftime("%Y-%m") self.hdate_ymdhm = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%m") self.mkpath(os.path.join("binaries", self.hdate_ym, self.hdate_ymdhm)) self.binaries = os.path.join(self.buildlogs_dirpath(), "binaries") self.basedir = os.getcwd() self.error_strings = [] if not self.dirty: self.run_git_update_submodules() self.buildroot = os.path.join(os.environ.get("TMPDIR"), "binaries.build") for tag in self.tags: t0 = time.time() self.build_arducopter(tag) self.build_arduplane(tag) self.build_rover(tag) self.build_antennatracker(tag) self.build_ardusub(tag) self.build_AP_Periph(tag) self.build_blimp(tag) self.history.record_run(githash, tag, t0, time.time()-t0) if os.path.exists(self.tmpdir): shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) self.generate_manifest() for error_string in self.error_strings: self.progress("%s" % error_string) sys.exit(len(self.error_strings)) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = optparse.OptionParser("build_binaries.py") parser.add_option("", "--tags", action="append", type="string", default=[], help="tags to build") cmd_opts, cmd_args = parser.parse_args() tags = cmd_opts.tags if len(tags) == 0: # FIXME: wedge this defaulting into parser somehow tags = ["stable", "beta-4.3", "beta", "latest"] bb = build_binaries(tags) bb.run()