#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include "hal.h" #include "ch.h" #include "ioprotocol.h" #if AP_HAL_SHARED_DMA_ENABLED #include #endif #define PWM_IGNORE_THIS_CHANNEL UINT16_MAX #define SERVO_COUNT 8 #define PROFILED_LED_LEN 2 #define PROFILED_OUTPUT_BYTE_LEN 3 #define PROFILED_LEADING_ZEROS 50 class AP_IOMCU_FW { public: void process_io_packet(); struct IOPacket rx_io_packet, tx_io_packet; void init(); void update(); void calculate_fw_crc(void); void pwm_out_update(); void heater_update(); void rcin_update(); void erpm_update(); void telem_update(); bool handle_code_write(); bool handle_code_read(); void schedule_reboot(uint32_t time_ms); #if AP_IOMCU_PROFILED_SUPPORT_ENABLED void profiled_update(); #endif void safety_update(); void rcout_config_update(); void rcin_serial_init(); void rcin_serial_update(); void page_status_update(void); void fill_failsafe_pwm(void); void run_mixer(void); int16_t mix_input_angle(uint8_t channel, uint16_t radio_in) const; int16_t mix_input_range(uint8_t channel, uint16_t radio_in) const; uint16_t mix_output_angle(uint8_t channel, int16_t angle) const; uint16_t mix_output_range(uint8_t channel, int16_t value) const; int16_t mix_elevon_vtail(int16_t angle1, int16_t angle2, bool first_output) const; void dsm_bind_step(void); struct { /* default to RSSI ADC functionality */ uint16_t features; uint16_t arming; uint16_t pwm_rates; uint16_t pwm_defaultrate = 50; uint16_t pwm_altrate = 200; uint16_t relays_pad; uint16_t vbatt_scale = 10000; uint16_t reserved1; uint16_t reserved2; uint16_t set_debug; uint16_t reboot_bl; uint16_t crc[2]; uint16_t rc_thr_failsafe_us; uint16_t reserved3; uint16_t pwm_reverse; uint16_t trim_roll; uint16_t trim_pitch; uint16_t trim_yaw; uint16_t sbus_rate = 72; uint16_t ignore_safety; uint16_t heater_duty_cycle = 0xFFFFU; uint16_t pwm_altclock = 1; uint16_t dshot_period_us; uint16_t dshot_rate; uint16_t channel_mask; } reg_setup; uint16_t last_channel_mask; #if AP_IOMCU_PROFILED_SUPPORT_ENABLED uint8_t profiled_byte_index; uint8_t profiled_leading_zeros; uint8_t profiled_num_led_pushed; uint8_t profiled_brg[3]; bool profiled_control_enabled; #endif // CONFIG values struct page_config config; // PAGE_STATUS values struct page_reg_status reg_status; // PAGE_RAW_RCIN values struct page_rc_input rc_input; uint32_t rc_last_input_ms; // PAGE_SERVO values struct { uint16_t pwm[IOMCU_MAX_RC_CHANNELS]; // size has to account for virtual channels via SBUS_OUT } reg_servo; // PAGE_DIRECT_PWM values struct { uint16_t pwm[IOMCU_MAX_RC_CHANNELS]; } reg_direct_pwm; // PAGE_FAILSAFE_PWM struct { uint16_t pwm[IOMCU_MAX_RC_CHANNELS]; } reg_failsafe_pwm; // output rates struct { uint16_t freq; uint16_t chmask; uint16_t default_freq = 50; uint16_t sbus_rate_hz; } rate; // output mode values struct page_mode_out mode_out; #if AP_IOMCU_PROFILED_SUPPORT_ENABLED // profiled control values struct page_profiled profiled; #endif uint16_t last_output_mode_mask; uint16_t last_output_bdmask; uint16_t last_output_esc_type; uint16_t last_output_reversible_mask; // MIXER values struct page_mixing mixing; // GPIO masks struct page_GPIO GPIO; uint8_t last_GPIO_channel_mask; void GPIO_write(); // DSHOT runtime struct page_dshot dshot; #if AP_HAL_SHARED_DMA_ENABLED void tx_dma_allocate(ChibiOS::Shared_DMA *ctx); void tx_dma_deallocate(ChibiOS::Shared_DMA *ctx); ChibiOS::Shared_DMA* tx_dma_handle; #endif #ifdef HAL_WITH_BIDIR_DSHOT struct page_dshot_erpm dshot_erpm; uint32_t last_erpm_us; struct page_dshot_telem dshot_telem[IOMCU_MAX_TELEM_CHANNELS/4]; uint32_t last_telem_ms; #if HAL_WITH_ESC_TELEM AP_ESC_Telem esc_telem; #endif #endif // true when override channel active bool override_active; // sbus rate handling uint32_t sbus_last_ms; uint32_t sbus_interval_ms; uint32_t fmu_data_received_time; bool pwm_update_pending; uint32_t last_heater_ms; uint32_t reboot_time; bool do_reboot; bool update_default_rate; bool update_rcout_freq; bool has_heater; #ifdef IOMCU_IMU_HEATER_POLARITY const bool heater_pwm_polarity = IOMCU_IMU_HEATER_POLARITY; #endif uint32_t last_blue_led_ms; uint32_t safety_update_ms; uint32_t safety_button_counter; uint8_t led_counter; uint32_t last_slow_loop_ms; uint32_t last_fast_loop_us; thread_t *thread_ctx; bool last_safety_off; uint32_t last_status_ms; uint32_t last_ms; uint32_t loop_counter; uint8_t dsm_bind_state; uint32_t last_dsm_bind_ms; uint32_t last_failsafe_ms; }; // GPIO macros #ifdef HAL_GPIO_PIN_HEATER #define HEATER_SET(on) palWriteLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_HEATER, (on)); #define BLUE_TOGGLE() palToggleLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_HEATER); #else #define HEATER_SET(on) #define BLUE_TOGGLE() #endif #define AMBER_SET(on) palWriteLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_AMBER_LED, !(on)); #define SPEKTRUM_POWER(on) palWriteLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SPEKTRUM_PWR_EN, on); #define SPEKTRUM_SET(on) palWriteLine(HAL_GPIO_PIN_SPEKTRUM_OUT, on);