#include "Plane.h" // returns true if the vehicle is in landing sequence. Intended only // for use in failsafe code. bool Plane::failsafe_in_landing_sequence() const { if (flight_stage == AP_FixedWing::FlightStage::LAND) { return true; } #if HAL_QUADPLANE_ENABLED if (quadplane.in_vtol_land_sequence()) { return true; } #endif if (mission.get_in_landing_sequence_flag()) { return true; } return false; } void Plane::failsafe_short_on_event(enum failsafe_state fstype, ModeReason reason) { // This is how to handle a short loss of control signal failsafe. failsafe.state = fstype; failsafe.short_timer_ms = millis(); failsafe.saved_mode_number = control_mode->mode_number(); switch (control_mode->mode_number()) { case Mode::Number::MANUAL: case Mode::Number::STABILIZE: case Mode::Number::ACRO: case Mode::Number::FLY_BY_WIRE_A: case Mode::Number::AUTOTUNE: case Mode::Number::FLY_BY_WIRE_B: case Mode::Number::CRUISE: case Mode::Number::TRAINING: if(plane.emergency_landing) { set_mode(mode_fbwa, reason); // emergency landing switch overrides normal action to allow out of range landing break; } if(g.fs_action_short == FS_ACTION_SHORT_FBWA) { set_mode(mode_fbwa, reason); } else if (g.fs_action_short == FS_ACTION_SHORT_FBWB) { set_mode(mode_fbwb, reason); } else { set_mode(mode_circle, reason); // circle if action = 0 or 1 } break; #if HAL_QUADPLANE_ENABLED case Mode::Number::QSTABILIZE: case Mode::Number::QLOITER: case Mode::Number::QHOVER: #if QAUTOTUNE_ENABLED case Mode::Number::QAUTOTUNE: #endif case Mode::Number::QACRO: if (quadplane.option_is_set(QuadPlane::OPTION::FS_RTL)) { set_mode(mode_rtl, reason); } else if (quadplane.option_is_set(QuadPlane::OPTION::FS_QRTL)) { set_mode(mode_qrtl, reason); } else { set_mode(mode_qland, reason); } break; #endif // HAL_QUADPLANE_ENABLED case Mode::Number::AUTO: #if MODE_AUTOLAND_ENABLED case Mode::Number::AUTOLAND: #endif { if (failsafe_in_landing_sequence()) { // don't failsafe in a landing sequence break; } FALLTHROUGH; } case Mode::Number::AVOID_ADSB: case Mode::Number::GUIDED: case Mode::Number::LOITER: case Mode::Number::THERMAL: if (g.fs_action_short != FS_ACTION_SHORT_BESTGUESS) { // if acton = 0(BESTGUESS) this group of modes take no action failsafe.saved_mode_number = control_mode->mode_number(); if (g.fs_action_short == FS_ACTION_SHORT_FBWA) { set_mode(mode_fbwa, reason); } else if (g.fs_action_short == FS_ACTION_SHORT_FBWB) { set_mode(mode_fbwb, reason); } else { set_mode(mode_circle, reason); } } break; case Mode::Number::CIRCLE: // these modes never take any short failsafe action and continue case Mode::Number::TAKEOFF: case Mode::Number::RTL: #if HAL_QUADPLANE_ENABLED case Mode::Number::QLAND: case Mode::Number::QRTL: case Mode::Number::LOITER_ALT_QLAND: #endif case Mode::Number::INITIALISING: break; } if (failsafe.saved_mode_number != control_mode->mode_number()) { gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "RC Short Failsafe: switched to %s", control_mode->name()); } else { gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "RC Short Failsafe On"); } } void Plane::failsafe_long_on_event(enum failsafe_state fstype, ModeReason reason) { // This is how to handle a long loss of control signal failsafe. // If the GCS is locked up we allow control to revert to RC RC_Channels::clear_overrides(); failsafe.state = fstype; switch (control_mode->mode_number()) { case Mode::Number::MANUAL: case Mode::Number::STABILIZE: case Mode::Number::ACRO: case Mode::Number::FLY_BY_WIRE_A: case Mode::Number::AUTOTUNE: case Mode::Number::FLY_BY_WIRE_B: case Mode::Number::CRUISE: case Mode::Number::TRAINING: case Mode::Number::CIRCLE: case Mode::Number::LOITER: case Mode::Number::THERMAL: case Mode::Number::TAKEOFF: if (plane.flight_stage == AP_FixedWing::FlightStage::TAKEOFF && !(g.fs_action_long == FS_ACTION_LONG_GLIDE || g.fs_action_long == FS_ACTION_LONG_PARACHUTE)) { // don't failsafe if in inital climb of TAKEOFF mode and FS action is not parachute or glide // long failsafe will be re-called if still in fs after initial climb long_failsafe_pending = true; break; } if(plane.emergency_landing) { set_mode(mode_fbwa, reason); // emergency landing switch overrides normal action to allow out of range landing break; } if(g.fs_action_long == FS_ACTION_LONG_PARACHUTE) { #if HAL_PARACHUTE_ENABLED parachute_release(); #endif } else if (g.fs_action_long == FS_ACTION_LONG_GLIDE) { set_mode(mode_fbwa, reason); } else if (g.fs_action_long == FS_ACTION_LONG_AUTO) { set_mode(mode_auto, reason); #if MODE_AUTOLAND_ENABLED } else if (g.fs_action_long == FS_ACTION_LONG_AUTOLAND) { if (!set_mode(mode_autoland, reason)) { set_mode(mode_rtl, reason); } #endif } else { set_mode(mode_rtl, reason); } break; #if HAL_QUADPLANE_ENABLED case Mode::Number::QSTABILIZE: case Mode::Number::QHOVER: case Mode::Number::QLOITER: case Mode::Number::QACRO: #if QAUTOTUNE_ENABLED case Mode::Number::QAUTOTUNE: #endif if (quadplane.option_is_set(QuadPlane::OPTION::FS_RTL)) { set_mode(mode_rtl, reason); } else if (quadplane.option_is_set(QuadPlane::OPTION::FS_QRTL)) { set_mode(mode_qrtl, reason); } else { set_mode(mode_qland, reason); } break; #endif // HAL_QUADPLANE_ENABLED case Mode::Number::AUTO: if (failsafe_in_landing_sequence()) { // don't failsafe in a landing sequence break; } #if HAL_QUADPLANE_ENABLED if (quadplane.in_vtol_takeoff()) { set_mode(mode_qland, reason); // QLAND if in VTOL takeoff break; } #endif FALLTHROUGH; case Mode::Number::AVOID_ADSB: case Mode::Number::GUIDED: if(g.fs_action_long == FS_ACTION_LONG_PARACHUTE) { #if HAL_PARACHUTE_ENABLED parachute_release(); #endif } else if (g.fs_action_long == FS_ACTION_LONG_GLIDE) { set_mode(mode_fbwa, reason); } else if (g.fs_action_long == FS_ACTION_LONG_AUTO) { set_mode(mode_auto, reason); #if MODE_AUTOLAND_ENABLED } else if (g.fs_action_long == FS_ACTION_LONG_AUTOLAND) { if (!set_mode(mode_autoland, reason)) { set_mode(mode_rtl, reason); } #endif } else if (g.fs_action_long == FS_ACTION_LONG_RTL) { set_mode(mode_rtl, reason); } break; case Mode::Number::RTL: if (g.fs_action_long == FS_ACTION_LONG_AUTO) { set_mode(mode_auto, reason); #if MODE_AUTOLAND_ENABLED } else if (g.fs_action_long == FS_ACTION_LONG_AUTOLAND) { set_mode(mode_autoland, reason); #endif } break; #if HAL_QUADPLANE_ENABLED case Mode::Number::QLAND: case Mode::Number::QRTL: case Mode::Number::LOITER_ALT_QLAND: #endif case Mode::Number::INITIALISING: #if MODE_AUTOLAND_ENABLED case Mode::Number::AUTOLAND: #endif break; } gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "%s Failsafe On: %s", (reason == ModeReason:: GCS_FAILSAFE) ? "GCS" : "RC Long", control_mode->name()); } void Plane::failsafe_short_off_event(ModeReason reason) { // We're back in radio contact gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "Short Failsafe Cleared"); failsafe.state = FAILSAFE_NONE; // restore entry mode if desired but check that our current mode is still due to failsafe if (control_mode_reason == ModeReason::RADIO_FAILSAFE) { set_mode_by_number(failsafe.saved_mode_number, ModeReason::RADIO_FAILSAFE_RECOVERY); gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO,"Flight mode %s restored",control_mode->name()); } } void Plane::failsafe_long_off_event(ModeReason reason) { long_failsafe_pending = false; // We're back in radio contact with RC or GCS if (reason == ModeReason:: GCS_FAILSAFE) { gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "GCS Failsafe Off"); } else { gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "RC Long Failsafe Cleared"); } failsafe.state = FAILSAFE_NONE; } void Plane::handle_battery_failsafe(const char *type_str, const int8_t action) { switch ((Failsafe_Action)action) { #if HAL_QUADPLANE_ENABLED case Failsafe_Action_Loiter_alt_QLand: if (quadplane.available()) { plane.set_mode(mode_loiter_qland, ModeReason::BATTERY_FAILSAFE); break; } FALLTHROUGH; case Failsafe_Action_QLand: if (quadplane.available()) { plane.set_mode(mode_qland, ModeReason::BATTERY_FAILSAFE); break; } FALLTHROUGH; #endif // HAL_QUADPLANE_ENABLED case Failsafe_Action_Land: { bool already_landing = flight_stage == AP_FixedWing::FlightStage::LAND; #if HAL_QUADPLANE_ENABLED if (control_mode == &mode_qland || control_mode == &mode_loiter_qland) { already_landing = true; } #endif if (!already_landing && plane.have_position) { // never stop a landing if we were already committed if (plane.mission.is_best_land_sequence(plane.current_loc)) { // continue mission as it will reach a landing in less distance plane.mission.set_in_landing_sequence_flag(true); break; } if (plane.mission.jump_to_landing_sequence(plane.current_loc)) { plane.set_mode(mode_auto, ModeReason::BATTERY_FAILSAFE); break; } } FALLTHROUGH; } case Failsafe_Action_RTL: case Failsafe_Action_AUTOLAND_OR_RTL: { bool already_landing = flight_stage == AP_FixedWing::FlightStage::LAND; #if HAL_QUADPLANE_ENABLED if (control_mode == &mode_qland || control_mode == &mode_loiter_qland || quadplane.in_vtol_land_sequence()) { already_landing = true; } #endif #if MODE_AUTOLAND_ENABLED if (control_mode == &mode_autoland) { already_landing = true; } #endif if (!already_landing) { // never stop a landing if we were already committed if ((g.rtl_autoland == RtlAutoland::RTL_IMMEDIATE_DO_LAND_START) && plane.have_position && plane.mission.is_best_land_sequence(plane.current_loc)) { // continue mission as it will reach a landing in less distance plane.mission.set_in_landing_sequence_flag(true); break; } aparm.throttle_cruise.load(); #if MODE_AUTOLAND_ENABLED if (((Failsafe_Action)action == Failsafe_Action_AUTOLAND_OR_RTL) && set_mode(mode_autoland, ModeReason::BATTERY_FAILSAFE)) { break; } #endif set_mode(mode_rtl, ModeReason::BATTERY_FAILSAFE); } break; } case Failsafe_Action_Terminate: #if AP_ADVANCEDFAILSAFE_ENABLED char battery_type_str[17]; snprintf(battery_type_str, 17, "%s battery", type_str); afs.gcs_terminate(true, battery_type_str); #else arming.disarm(AP_Arming::Method::FAILSAFE_ACTION_TERMINATE); #endif break; case Failsafe_Action_Parachute: #if HAL_PARACHUTE_ENABLED parachute_release(); #endif break; case Failsafe_Action_None: // don't actually do anything, however we should still flag the system as having hit a failsafe // and ensure all appropriate flags are going off to the user break; } }