// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- #ifndef _DEFINES_H #define _DEFINES_H // Internal defines, don't edit and expect things to work // ------------------------------------------------------- #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define ToRad(x) (x*0.01745329252) // *pi/180 #define ToDeg(x) (x*57.2957795131) // *180/pi #define DEBUG 0 #define SERVO_MAX 4500 // This value represents 45 degrees and is just an arbitrary representation of servo max travel. // failsafe // ---------------------- #define FAILSAFE_NONE 0 #define FAILSAFE_SHORT 1 #define FAILSAFE_LONG 2 #define FAILSAFE_GCS 3 #define FAILSAFE_SHORT_TIME 1500 // Miliiseconds #define FAILSAFE_LONG_TIME 20000 // Miliiseconds // active altitude sensor // ---------------------- #define SONAR 0 #define BARO 1 #define SONAR_SOURCE_ADC 1 #define SONAR_SOURCE_ANALOG_PIN 2 // CH 7 control #define CH7_DO_NOTHING 0 #define CH7_SAVE_WP 1 #define CH7_RTL 6 #define T6 1000000 #define T7 10000000 // GPS type codes - use the names, not the numbers #define GPS_PROTOCOL_NONE -1 #define GPS_PROTOCOL_NMEA 0 #define GPS_PROTOCOL_SIRF 1 #define GPS_PROTOCOL_UBLOX 2 #define GPS_PROTOCOL_IMU 3 #define GPS_PROTOCOL_MTK 4 #define GPS_PROTOCOL_HIL 5 #define GPS_PROTOCOL_MTK16 6 #define GPS_PROTOCOL_AUTO 7 #define CH_ROLL CH_1 #define CH_PITCH CH_2 #define CH_THROTTLE CH_3 #define CH_RUDDER CH_4 #define CH_YAW CH_4 #define CH_AIL1 CH_5 #define CH_AIL2 CH_6 // HIL enumerations #define HIL_MODE_DISABLED 0 #define HIL_MODE_ATTITUDE 1 #define HIL_MODE_SENSORS 2 // Auto Pilot modes // ---------------- #define MANUAL 0 #define CIRCLE 1 // When flying sans GPS, and we loose the radio, just circle #define LEARNING 2 #define AUTO 10 #define RTL 11 #define GUIDED 15 #define INITIALISING 16 // in startup routines #define HEADALT 17 // Lock the current heading and altitude // Commands - Note that APM now uses a subset of the MAVLink protocol commands. See enum MAV_CMD in the GCS_Mavlink library #define CMD_BLANK 0 // there is no command stored in the mem location requested #define NO_COMMAND 0 #define WAIT_COMMAND 255 // Command/Waypoint/Location Options Bitmask //-------------------- #define MASK_OPTIONS_RELATIVE_ALT (1<<0) // 1 = Relative altitude //repeating events #define NO_REPEAT 0 #define CH_5_TOGGLE 1 #define CH_6_TOGGLE 2 #define CH_7_TOGGLE 3 #define CH_8_TOGGLE 4 #define RELAY_TOGGLE 5 #define STOP_REPEAT 10 #define MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW 23 // GCS Message ID's /// NOTE: to ensure we never block on sending MAVLink messages /// please keep each MSG_ to a single MAVLink message. If need be /// create new MSG_ IDs for additional messages on the same /// stream enum ap_message { MSG_HEARTBEAT, MSG_ATTITUDE, MSG_LOCATION, MSG_EXTENDED_STATUS1, MSG_EXTENDED_STATUS2, MSG_NAV_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT, MSG_CURRENT_WAYPOINT, MSG_VFR_HUD, MSG_RADIO_OUT, MSG_RADIO_IN, MSG_RAW_IMU1, MSG_RAW_IMU3, MSG_GPS_STATUS, MSG_GPS_RAW, MSG_SERVO_OUT, MSG_NEXT_WAYPOINT, MSG_NEXT_PARAM, MSG_STATUSTEXT, MSG_AHRS, MSG_SIMSTATE, MSG_HWSTATUS, MSG_RETRY_DEFERRED // this must be last }; enum gcs_severity { SEVERITY_LOW=1, SEVERITY_MEDIUM, SEVERITY_HIGH, SEVERITY_CRITICAL }; // Logging parameters #define LOG_INDEX_MSG 0xF0 #define LOG_ATTITUDE_MSG 0x01 #define LOG_GPS_MSG 0x02 #define LOG_MODE_MSG 0X03 #define LOG_CONTROL_TUNING_MSG 0X04 #define LOG_NAV_TUNING_MSG 0X05 #define LOG_PERFORMANCE_MSG 0X06 #define LOG_RAW_MSG 0x07 #define LOG_CMD_MSG 0x08 #define LOG_CURRENT_MSG 0x09 #define LOG_STARTUP_MSG 0x0A #define TYPE_AIRSTART_MSG 0x00 #define TYPE_GROUNDSTART_MSG 0x01 #define MAX_NUM_LOGS 100 #define MASK_LOG_ATTITUDE_FAST (1<<0) #define MASK_LOG_ATTITUDE_MED (1<<1) #define MASK_LOG_GPS (1<<2) #define MASK_LOG_PM (1<<3) #define MASK_LOG_CTUN (1<<4) #define MASK_LOG_NTUN (1<<5) #define MASK_LOG_MODE (1<<6) #define MASK_LOG_RAW (1<<7) #define MASK_LOG_CMD (1<<8) #define MASK_LOG_CUR (1<<9) // Waypoint Modes // ---------------- #define ABS_WP 0 #define REL_WP 1 // Command Queues // --------------- #define COMMAND_MUST 0 #define COMMAND_MAY 1 #define COMMAND_NOW 2 // Events // ------ #define EVENT_WILL_REACH_WAYPOINT 1 #define EVENT_SET_NEW_COMMAND_INDEX 2 #define EVENT_LOADED_WAYPOINT 3 #define EVENT_LOOP 4 // Climb rate calculations #define ALTITUDE_HISTORY_LENGTH 8 //Number of (time,altitude) points to regress a climb rate from #define BATTERY_VOLTAGE(x) (x*(g.input_voltage/1024.0))*g.volt_div_ratio #define CURRENT_AMPS(x) ((x*(g.input_voltage/1024.0))-CURR_AMPS_OFFSET)*g.curr_amp_per_volt #define RELAY_PIN 47 // sonar #define MAX_SONAR_XL 0 #define MAX_SONAR_LV 1 #define SonarToCm(x) (x*1.26) // Sonar raw value to centimeters #define AN4 4 #define AN5 5 #define SPEEDFILT 400 // centimeters/second; the speed below which a groundstart will be triggered // EEPROM addresses #define EEPROM_MAX_ADDR 4096 // parameters get the first 1KiB of EEPROM, remainder is for waypoints #define WP_START_BYTE 0x500 // where in memory home WP is stored + all other WP #define WP_SIZE 15 #define MAX_WAYPOINTS ((EEPROM_MAX_ADDR - WP_START_BYTE) / WP_SIZE) - 1 // - 1 to be safe // convert a boolean (0 or 1) to a sign for multiplying (0 maps to 1, 1 maps to -1) #define BOOL_TO_SIGN(bvalue) ((bvalue)?-1:1) // mark a function as not to be inlined #define NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline)) #define CONFIG_INS_OILPAN 1 #define CONFIG_INS_MPU6000 2 #define APM_HARDWARE_APM1 1 #define APM_HARDWARE_APM2 2 #define AP_BARO_BMP085 1 #define AP_BARO_MS5611 2 #endif // _DEFINES_H