clc clear close all % ArduCopter SITL example vehicle % This sets up the vehicle properties that are used in the simulation % simple 450 size x quad based on Hexsoon % setup the motors % locations (xyz) in m motor(1).location = [[sind(45),cosd(45)]*450*0.5,0] * 0.001; % front right motor(2).location = [[sind(135),cosd(135)]*450*0.5,0] * 0.001; % rear right motor(3).location = [[sind(225),cosd(225)]*450*0.5,0] * 0.001; % rear left motor(4).location = [[sind(315),cosd(315)]*450*0.5,0] * 0.001; % front left % PWM output to use motor(1).channel = 1; motor(2).channel = 4; motor(3).channel = 2; motor(4).channel = 3; % rotation direction: 1 = cw, -1 = ccw motor(1).direction = -1; motor(2).direction = 1; motor(3).direction = -1; motor(4).direction = 1; % motor properties electrical.kv = 880; % (rpm/volt) electrical.no_load_current = [0.7,10]; % (A) @ (V) electrical.resistance = 0.115; % (ohms) % ESC properties esc.resistance = 0.01; % (ohms) % Propeller properties prop.diameter = 245 * 0.001; % (m) prop.pitch = 114.3 * 0.001; % (m) prop.num_blades = 2; prop.PConst = 1.13; prop.TConst = 1; prop.mass = 12.5*0.001; % (kg) (only used for inertia) prop.inertia = (1/12)*prop.mass*prop.diameter^2; % rotational inertia (kgm^2) (rod about center) % assign properties to motors for i = 1:4 motor(i).electrical = electrical; motor(i).esc = esc; motor(i).prop = prop; end % Setup battery battery.voltage = 4*4.2; % (volts) battery.resistance = 0.0034; % (ohms) battery.capacity = 5.2; % (ah) % Add all to vehicle copter.motors = motor; copter.battery = battery; copter.mass = 2; % (kg) inertia = (2/5) * copter.mass * (0.45*0.2)^2; % (sphere) copter.inertia = diag(ones(3,1)*inertia); % rotational inertia matrix (kgm^2) = [0.5;0.5;0.5]; copter.cd_ref_area = [1;1;1] * pi * (0.45*0.5)^2; save('Hexsoon','copter') % Plot motor curves % % % Some calculators estimate heat and increase resistance with temp % But then we have to estimate the power dissipation % Max power for plot only max_power = 260; battery.voltage = battery.voltage * 0.50; Kt = 1/(electrical.kv * ((2*pi)/60) ); % Convert Kv to rads/second % plot the current from 0 to max power amps = 0:0.1:max_power/battery.voltage; power_in = amps * battery.voltage; % voltage drop due to copper and esc copper_drop = amps * electrical.resistance; esc_drop = amps * esc.resistance; ideal_voltage = battery.voltage - copper_drop - esc_drop; power_out = ideal_voltage .* (amps - electrical.no_load_current(1)); efficiency = power_out ./ power_in; torque = Kt * amps; rpm = ideal_voltage * electrical.kv; % Plot motor characteristics figure('name',sprintf('motor characteristics at %0.2f volts',battery.voltage)) subplot(2,2,1) hold all title('RPM') plot(amps,rpm) xlabel('Current (A)') ylabel('RPM') xlim([0,amps(end)]) subplot(2,2,2) hold all title('torque') plot(amps,torque) xlabel('Current (A)') ylabel('torque (NM)') xlim([0,amps(end)]) subplot(2,2,3) hold all title('power') plot(amps,power_in) plot(amps,power_out) xlabel('Current (A)') ylabel('power (W)') ylim([0,inf]) xlim([0,amps(end)]) legend('Power in','Power out','location','northwest') subplot(2,2,4) hold all title('efficiency') plot(amps,efficiency) xlabel('Current (A)') ylabel('efficiency (%)') ylim([0,inf]) xlim([0,amps(end)])