using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO.Ports; namespace ArducopterConfigurator.PresentationModels { /// <summary> /// View Model for the sensors monitor and calibration /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// This tab is for the monitoring and calibration of the Gyro/Accel sensors /// /// When it is activated, it retrieves the current sensor calibration values /// Then, it requests the constant stream of sensor readings in order to provide /// a live view. /// /// The user can change the calibration offsets, and upload the new values. /// When this happens, the model tells the APM to cease sending the realtime updates, /// then sends the new offset values, then resumes the updates /// /// There is a command to automatically fill the sensor offset values, from the /// current values of the sensors. The user would do this when the copter is /// sitting still and level /// /// When the VM is deactivated, the model tells the APM to cease sending the realtime updates /// </remarks> public class SensorsVm : NotifyProperyChangedBase, IPresentationModel { private const string CALIB_REFRESH = "J"; private const string CALIB_UPDATE = "I"; private const string SEND_SENSOR_DATA = "S"; private const string STOP_UPDATES = "X"; private bool waitingForCalibData; public SensorsVm() { RefreshCalibrationOffsetsCommand = new DelegateCommand(_ => RefreshCalibValues()); UpdateCalibrationOffsetsCommand = new DelegateCommand(_ => UpdateCalibValues()); CalculateCalibrationOffsetsCommand = new DelegateCommand(_ => CalcCalibValues()); PropertyChanged += ((sender, e) => { IsArmed = !(MotorFront == 1040 && MotorRear == 1040 && MotorLeft == 1040 && MotorRight == 1040); }); } public void RefreshCalibValues() { sendString(STOP_UPDATES); waitingForCalibData = true; sendString(CALIB_REFRESH); } public void UpdateCalibValues() { sendString(PropertyHelper.ComposePropValuesWithCommand(this, _calibrationPropsInUpdateOrder, CALIB_UPDATE)); sendString(SEND_SENSOR_DATA); } public void CalcCalibValues() { AccelRollOffset = AccelRollOffset - AccelRoll; AccelPitchOffset = AccelPitchOffset - AccelPitch; //AccelZOffset = AccelZOffset - AccelZ; FirePropertyChanged("AccelRollOffset"); FirePropertyChanged("AccelPitchOffset"); //FirePropertyChanged("AccelZOffset"); } public string Name { get { return "Sensor Data"; } } private readonly string[] _sensorPropsInUpdateOrder = new[] { "LoopTime", "GyroRoll", "GyroPitch", "GyroYaw", "Unused", // Throttle "ControlRoll", // control roll "ControlPitch", // control pitch "ControlYaw", // control yaw "MotorFront", "MotorRear", "MotorRight", "MotorLeft", "AccelRoll", "AccelPitch", "AccelZ", "CompassHeading", // AP_Compass.heading "UnusedFloat", // AP_Compass.heading_x "UnusedFloat", // AP_Compass.heading_y "Unused", // AP_Compass.mag_x "Unused", // AP_Compass.mag_y "Unused", // AP_Compass.mag_z }; private readonly string[] _calibrationPropsInUpdateOrder = new[] { "GyroRollOffset", "GyroPitchOffset", "GyroYawOffset", "AccelRollOffset", "AccelPitchOffset", "AccelZOffset" }; private void sendString(string str) { if (sendTextToApm != null) sendTextToApm(this, new sendTextToApmEventArgs(str)); } public void Activate() { // Get the calib. data first waitingForCalibData = true; sendString(CALIB_REFRESH); } public void DeActivate() { sendString(STOP_UPDATES); } public void handleLineOfText(string strRx) { if ( waitingForCalibData) { PropertyHelper.PopulatePropsFromUpdate(this, _calibrationPropsInUpdateOrder, strRx, true); waitingForCalibData = false; sendString(SEND_SENSOR_DATA); } else { PropertyHelper.PopulatePropsFromUpdate(this, _sensorPropsInUpdateOrder, strRx, false); } } public event EventHandler updatedByApm; public event EventHandler<sendTextToApmEventArgs> sendTextToApm; public ICommand RefreshCalibrationOffsetsCommand { get; private set; } public ICommand UpdateCalibrationOffsetsCommand { get; private set; } public ICommand CalculateCalibrationOffsetsCommand { get; private set; } #region Calibration Properties public float GyroRollOffset { get; set; } public float GyroPitchOffset { get; set; } public float GyroYawOffset { get; set; } public float AccelRollOffset { get; set; } public float AccelPitchOffset { get; set; } public float AccelZOffset { get; set; } #endregion private bool _isArmed; /// <summary> /// Whether the Arducopter is Armed or not /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// We don't get this information directly, but we can infer it if all motors are /// at 1040 then the thing is NOT armed. /// </remarks> public bool IsArmed { get { return _isArmed; } set { if (_isArmed == value) return; _isArmed = value; FirePropertyChanged("IsArmed"); } } #region Sensor Properties private int _loopTime; public int LoopTime { get { return _loopTime; } set { if (_loopTime == value) return; _loopTime = value; FirePropertyChanged("LoopTime"); } } private int motorFront; public int MotorFront { get { return motorFront; } set { if (motorFront == value) return; motorFront = value; FirePropertyChanged("MotorFront"); } } private int motorRear; public int MotorRear { get { return motorRear; } set { if (motorRear == value) return; motorRear = value; FirePropertyChanged("MotorRear"); } } private int motorLeft; public int MotorLeft { get { return motorLeft; } set { if (motorLeft == value) return; motorLeft = value; FirePropertyChanged("MotorLeft"); } } private int motorRight; public int MotorRight { get { return motorRight; } set { if (motorRight == value) return; motorRight = value; FirePropertyChanged("MotorRight"); } } private int gyroPitch; public int GyroPitch { get { return gyroPitch; } set { if (gyroPitch == value) return; gyroPitch = value; FirePropertyChanged("GyroPitch"); } } private int gyroRoll; public int GyroRoll { get { return gyroRoll; } set { if (gyroRoll == value) return; gyroRoll = value; FirePropertyChanged("GyroRoll"); } } private int gyroYaw; public int GyroYaw { get { return gyroYaw; } set { if (gyroYaw == value) return; gyroYaw = value; FirePropertyChanged("GyroYaw"); } } private int accelPitch; public int AccelPitch { get { return accelPitch; } set { if (accelPitch == value) return; accelPitch = value; FirePropertyChanged("AccelPitch"); } } private int accelRoll; public int AccelRoll { get { return accelRoll; } set { if (accelRoll == value) return; accelRoll = value; FirePropertyChanged("AccelRoll"); } } private int accelZ; public int AccelZ { get { return accelZ; } set { if (accelZ == value) return; accelZ = value; FirePropertyChanged("AccelZ"); } } private int _controlRoll; public int ControlRoll { get { return _controlRoll; } set { if (_controlRoll == value) return; _controlRoll = value; FirePropertyChanged("ControlRoll"); } } private int _controlPitch; public int ControlPitch { get { return _controlPitch; } set { if (_controlPitch == value) return; _controlPitch = value; FirePropertyChanged("ControlPitch"); } } private int _controlYaw; public int ControlYaw { get { return _controlYaw; } set { if (_controlYaw == value) return; _controlYaw = value; FirePropertyChanged("ControlYaw"); } } private float _compassHeading; /// <summary> /// The current compass Heading as read from the magnetometer in radians? /// </summary> public float CompassHeading { get { return _compassHeading; } set { if (_compassHeading == value) return; _compassHeading = value; FirePropertyChanged("CompassHeading"); FirePropertyChanged("CompassHeadingDegrees"); } } /// <summary> /// The current compass Heading as read from the magnetometer in degrees /// </summary> public float CompassHeadingDegrees { get { var degrees = (float) ((CompassHeading) * (180 / Math.PI)); return (360 + degrees) % 360; } } #endregion public int Unused { get; set; } public float UnusedFloat { get; set; } } }