// Example config file. Use APM_Config.h.reference and the wiki to find additional defines to setup your plane. // Once you upload the code, run the factory "reset" to save all config values to EEPROM. // After reset, use the setup mode to set your radio limits for CH1-4, and to set your flight modes. #define GPS_PROTOCOL GPS_PROTOCOL_MTK #define GCS_PROTOCOL GCS_PROTOCOL_NONE //#define MAGORIENTATION AP_COMPASS_COMPONENTS_UP_PINS_BACK #define MAGORIENTATION AP_COMPASS_COMPONENTS_DOWN_PINS_FORWARD #define ARM_AT_STARTUP 0 // For future development, don't enable unless you know them // These are all experimental and underwork, jp 23-12-10 //#define ENABLE_EXTRAS ENABLED //#define ENABLE_EXTRAINIT ENABLED //#define ENABLE_CAM ENABLED //#define ENABLE_AM ENABLED //#define ENABLE_xx ENABLED